Age of Arcane

Chapter 129 The Charge 1 Mouth

Chapter 129
Viscount Iscoran arrived, and he brought more than 200 family private soldiers, as well as the results of the battle of the Brotherhood of Blades.

"Our assassins ambushed two bounty hunter teams in Botu Square in Cape District, and successfully wiped them all out. In addition, my people also saw the elf Qingkong, but she ran away.

For the time being, we don't know the purpose of her appearance this time, and whether it will affect our plan.

Now Virgil is in the Cape District Police Department, and my people are around. "

Luke asked someone to spread a map of Rage City on the coffee table, and circled the positions of the known enemy and our ministries on it with a pen.

Several people sat around.

Luke first said: "After dawn, Senator Ible will hold a parliamentary meeting. Before that, we must control the situation. Let the parliament see our strength. Use fists and evidence to persuade them to give up Vergil."

Viscount Iscoran agreed with Luke's idea.

"In this situation, we can properly demonstrate our strength. Let the members of the parliament understand that the former Raging Waves City is a thing of the past. Even if they don't accept what the Raging Waves City will look like in the future, they can only adapt. "

Viscount Iskran wanted to take the opportunity to expand his influence, and he was a little more radical than Luke.

On the contrary, Senator Ible has no backbone in this regard.

His core interest is to keep his own life and status, without the pawns in Luke's hands, and without the political demands of Viscount Iskran.

Therefore, Representative Ible said with some concern: "If we make things too big, I am afraid it will not end well. If the battle in Cape District spreads to other urban areas, it will trigger the intervention of the raging navy."

Senator Ible's concerns are not unreasonable.

Luke looked at the map and thought.

He now knew Shelley's plan, but he was not sure whether a mob could form a counterattack at dawn, and what effect the counterattack would achieve.

In war, one cannot consider the outcome in the direction that is most beneficial to oneself.

The only support I can give to Haijiao District is the administrative order issued by the City Administration Department after dawn.

Luke said: "At this time, the navy's reaction should not be considered. If Virgil cannot be controlled as soon as possible, the situation will change against us at any time.

I think we should decisively control the building of the city government affairs hall when the city government affairs hall is in operation.An administrative order was issued to the public security bureaus in various urban areas, requiring the public security bureaus to hand over their command to the city government affairs department on the grounds that Congressman Vergil was suspected of smuggling.

I think that except for the Central City Sheriff's Department, which may disobey the order, the other Sheriff's Departments will order their people to keep a distance from Vergil, even if they don't withdraw their sheriffs from the Cape District. "

Viscount Iskran immediately expressed his support.

"Virgil took away most of the sheriffs in the central city, and my people and the imperial spies here are enough to storm the government office building."

Senator Ible didn't expect Luke to propose such a bold plan.

He hesitated again and again.

Now that three people are bound on a boat, he has no choice but to agree.

Once the plan is made, wait for dawn.

Luke, Senator Ible, and Viscount Iscoran sat in their respective positions.No one said a word, they were all waiting silently.

Only the occasional courier came in to deliver the fighting that took place in the Promontory.

The battle there is still intense.

The magistrates were still confined to the street fighting. The complex residential area made it impossible for them to organize an effective attack, and they did not dare to drive straight to attack the headquarters of the Cape Special Forces.

The captain of the Black Mamba has set a counterattack time, and the machine clan in the direction of the pier and Diagonal Street are all ready.

The general attack was launched at seven o'clock in the morning.


When the sun shone into Raging City from the east, most of the citizens of Raging City didn't know that a war was fought in Cape District for one night.

The Sheriff's blockade of the Promontory has been effective.

People start their day according to old habits, and buses run on the roads, taking people to their places of work.

A bustling city is full of vitality.Everyone is proud to live in Roughs City, even though there are all kinds of problems and unpleasant things.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the city government office starts to operate, and city officials make plans for their day's work.

Everything is in order.

The parliament was convened in the council hall of the City Council Building under the convening of the Councilor of Ible.

Senator Ible asked the council to order an immediate termination of Senator Virgil's operations in the Cape.

"Virgil is absolutely crazy, are you crazy with him too? Rage City has no self-government, let alone independence, it belongs to the imperial family, and the Imperial Secret Service is His Majesty's personal soldier!

Now Virgil actually took the city sheriff to attack the Imperial Secret Service, is there anything more absurd than this?

I demand that the parliament immediately order to take back all of Virgil's powers, and bring this lunatic under control before the big stick of the empire falls on us! "

Facing the loud reprimand of Mr. Ible, Mrs. Mihir, who is in charge of the parliamentary chair, said: "Mr. Ible, please control your emotions. We are all concerned about your assassination, and we can understand your current mood.

You suspect that the assassination was instigated by Virgil, and Virgil also accused you of betraying this group.

Virgil's actions were not authorized by the parliament, and he only wanted to use his own way to prove his judgment.Moreover, there are indeed many unidentified personnel in the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District, and the meteorite inspector of Haijiao District has indeed done many things that do not match his identity.

If you are innocent, why not wait for Virgil to finish what he wants to do?We are also all waiting for his results to find the one who betrayed us. "

The wronged MP Ible couldn't control his anger: "I knew that Virgil said a lot of things that slandered me yesterday. You are like blind and deaf people, let him perform here like a monkey.

Who are the people in the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District, it's not up to Virgil to control.He is provoking the majesty of the eldest princess, and he is causing trouble for us.Can't you all see it?Virgil was the one who stole the gold! "

Mrs. Mihir looked at the angry Senator Ible and felt emotional about his acting skills.

If it wasn't for the piece of gold given to him by Qingkong last night, he would have found it hard to believe that Senator Ible dared to board a crashing airship in order to cooperate with Meteor to steal this batch of gold.

I really use my life to act.

Looking at the other congressmen with blank faces, Mrs. Mihir felt that she saw the current situation as clearly as a clear water.

I don't know how Inspector Meteorite and Viscount Iskran will start their plan.

I am looking forward to it!
Mrs. Mihir, who thought she was sitting firmly on the fishing boat, was very calm and calm. She said to the violent Senator Ible: "Mr. Ible, this is the council of Raging Waves City. Please respect its sanctity and authority. Don't Behavior that compromises your identity.

We don't know the truth of the matter, but the inner ghost seems to be one of you and Virgil.

Virgil is already proving himself with his actions, should you do something to make us believe you?

Before Mrs. Mihir finished speaking, the door of the parliament was roughly pushed open, and a group of imperial spies rushed in.

Then there was Luke walking in with the staff of civilization, guarded by sandpaper and Thomas.Viscount Iscoran walked last, standing aside very low-key.

Mrs. Mihir didn't wait for the other members to speak, and said cooperatively: "Detective Meteorite, this is the City Council of Raging Waves City. You brought people in without permission. Is there any urgent matter?
And Viscount Iskran, you are not a member of the government, why are you here? "

Luke thought Mrs. Mihir was a really good talker, and the questions were all on point.

"As a good citizen and a responsible imperial aristocrat, Viscount Iscoran, at my invitation, has provided the Cape District Bureau of Secrets with the best of his help.

I came to the city council this time because there is a smuggling case that needs Councilman Vergil to cooperate with our investigation.

Where is Senator Virgil? "

The MPs looked at each other.

you ask us?

Isn't Virgil leading troops to attack your cape area?
Mrs. Mihir quickly snatched away the line that should have been from Councilor Ible: "Member Virgil is now in the Cape District, investigating the case of the Cape Secret Service colluding with gangsters and pirates.

Inspector Meteorite, do you have any evidence to accuse Congressman Virgil of smuggling? "

As soon as Luke waved his hand, the accompanying imperial agents put a stack of documents on the table.

"These are the criminal evidences of Councilor Virgil's participation in smuggling. What he is doing in the Cape District is to destroy more evidence. I hope the council will immediately order the city government office to issue a decree to revoke Councilor Virgil's license in Raging Waves City." All positions, cooperate with us in conducting a comprehensive investigation of the Virgil smuggling case."

Madame Mihir looked at Senator Ible.

These evidences were definitely given to Meteor by him, he really devoted himself to the eldest princess with all his heart.

The Eldest Princess is so deliberate for this plan, if she resists, she will be crushed to pieces.

Now he can only adapt to the development of the situation, show favor to the eldest princess, and find a good position in this change in Raging Waves City.

"Members of Congress, as an official of the empire, Virgil dared to participate in smuggling... This is a betrayal of his position!

And I have other evidence of Virgil in my hand. He has been trying to destroy the city, but luckily all of them were stopped.

I agree to temporarily suspend all of Fugil's duties and hand him over to the Cape District Secret Information Bureau, and Detective Meteor will investigate the case.

Vote now. "

Mrs. Mihir's counterattack caught everyone in the council hall except Luke by surprise.

what's going on!
Seeing that Mihir raised his hand in agreement, the other councilors have not yet come to their senses.

Senator Ible was even more depressed.

you said it all...

let me say what?

(End of this chapter)

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