Age of Arcane

Chapter 130 Capture Virgil

Chapter 130 Capture Virgil

Senator Ible raised his hand in agreement.

No matter what the reason is for Mrs. Mihir's attitude to change so much, it is right to raise her hand at this time.

Among the nine city councilors, apart from the speaker who hadn't shown up for a long time and councilor Virgil who was absent, there were five councilors who didn't show their attitudes.

In front of them... Detective Meteor Star led the imperial agents of the Cape Secret Affairs Bureau, with the assistance of Viscount Iskran, and should have taken control of the entire government affairs building.

Senator Virgil took away most of the sheriffs in the central city and got caught in the street fighting in the Cape District.Even if he knew the situation here, there was no way to counterattack quickly.

And Madame Michel's attitude.

Just now she had said bad things about the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District, but now that she saw Inspector Meteor coming, she turned to the past without hesitation.

It was clean and tidy, without sloppiness, and it was obvious that they had already prepared for the information they got.

Behind Inspector Meteor is the eldest princess.

Behind Viscount Iskran is the Brotherhood of Blades.

With the support of Councilor Ible and Mrs. Mihir... Is Raging City about to change?
Without knowing exactly what happened, the remaining five councilors raised their hands one by one to express their agreement to temporarily dismiss Councilor Virgil.

Protect yourself first!

The parliament passed unanimously, and everything went smoothly beyond Luke's expectations.

The Parliament issued an order to the Office of Government Affairs, and the Office of Government Affairs immediately issued a notice to all districts to revoke Councilor Vergil from all positions.

After Luke and Viscount Iscoran got the administrative order, they drove straight to the cape area with their subordinates.

At this time, Virgil still didn't know that he had been backstabbed by the council, and the terrible battle situation kept him up all night.

In the director's office of the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau building, the morning sun shines on Virgil's pale face through the window.

A group of senior sheriffs stood around the desk.

"I couldn't figure it out, I couldn't figure it out after thinking about it all night... You are all sheriffs who have undergone strict training, you enjoy respect with high salaries, and you promised me that you can take the Cape District.

But you fought all night without even seeing the spire of the tallest tower of the castle.

idiot!waste!During this month, you made me lose face, lose face, keep losing face.If you can't catch Fairy Clear Sky, I take all the responsibility on you can't beat a bunch of thieves, smugglers, rogues, and pirates.

What the hell are you doing!You and I will be the funniest clowns since Raging City was built, and be laughed at by the world, forever!
asshole!asshole! "

The more Fugil spoke, the more excited he became, he slapped the table and kept swearing, his expression frantic.

Director Holt said in a low voice: "Your Excellency...Our enemies are too cunning, they hide in the houses on both sides of the road to attack us, we can only rush in if we want to pass smoothly.

We don't know the terrain, so..."

"Excuse! It's all an excuse!" Fugil yelled at Holt: "What's going on at the pier? You told me that the pier has been occupied by your people, but now the untouchables on the pier are almost here up.

Holt, you and your people are full of shit, you don't even know Meteor has taken control of the docks.

I shouldn't trust you, I shouldn't trust all of you.

You bastards are killing me! "

Director Holt was sprayed with saliva and dared not speak anymore.

He also couldn't figure out what happened at the pier, why those gangs who fawned on him would fall to the Secret Affairs Bureau so simply.

How long has it been since Meteor took office? How can there be such a big change in Cape District.

Holt suddenly felt that his Public Security Bureau had become an isolated island in the Cape District, and he lost all perception of the changes in the Cape District.

Thinking of this, Holt felt his whole body numb and his neck chilly.

The sound of fighting outside is already very close.

Not only the gang members and coolies on the pier, but also the machinists from Diagonal Street rushed over here.

Now it is impossible to count the number of enemies, as if the entire cape area is full of enemies.

How to do?
Will die here?

Everyone in the office was at a loss. They didn't want a battle that was supposed to be devastating, so why did they fight like this.

"Your Excellency, let's... retreat!"

Senator Virgil's murderous eyes looked at the person who proposed the retreat.

"Retreat? Where to retreat? This is a riot, this is a rebellion! If these mobs rush into the central city, we will all be hanged.

You cowards.

Let me tell you, we have no retreat, we must eliminate them.I order, attack, attack, kill all who stand in the way of the sheriff.

kill! "

When Virgil was furious, a magistrate rushed in.

"Report... just now the Parliament issued an administrative order through the Office of Government Affairs to remove all the positions of Councilor Virgil. Accept...the investigation by the Secret Intelligence Bureau of Cape District..."

Virgil shut up instantly, and the office was extremely quiet.

After staying for a while, Virgil's expression became ferocious, and he roared: "This is impossible, this must be a fake administrative order issued by Meteor.

There is no way Parliament will turn its back on me at this time, MPs are being threatened.

We must end the fighting here as soon as possible and concentrate our forces to rescue the government affairs hall controlled by the rebels.

Come on, get those bounty hunters, I need them! "

No one moved in the room.

Fugil looked at the people around him and shouted: "Holt, Gaske, Nigel, didn't you hear my order?

Where is your loyalty to me? "

Fugil stared at these subordinates who were usually obedient to him, and could feel that their thoughts were changing rapidly.

He hoped that someone would stand up and at least protect himself from leaving.

Holt observed the other senior magistrates, summoned up his courage and said to Vergil: "Mr. Senator, our loyalty made us choose to follow you to attack the subordinates of the Cape District Secret Service Bureau without the authorization of the parliament. department.

But the current battle is obviously beyond our expectations. The Cape District Secret Affairs Bureau and Meteor Detective are stronger than we imagined, and we have lost...

We hope you will accept the Executive Order of Parliament so that we will not be charged as rebels.

We... all have family. "

Virgil stared at Holt, then looked at the others, then shook his head and laughed: "You guys, you guys! Do you really think I'm done?

I've only been dismissed from office, but I'm still a member of parliament, a nobleman of the empire.They dare not do anything to me..."

"I'm sorry, Senator Virgil. After this incident, I will resign and take my family out of here." Holt knew that there was no place for him in the Cape District, so he waved his hand: "Come on, take Virgil away." Congressman arrested."

A few sheriffs rushed in from outside the office, pressed Fugil on the table together, and tied him up with ropes.

Luke led the convoy into the cape area, and his own detective's special car led the way, and rushed directly to the blocking roadblock.

According to the latest news sent, the pier and Diagonal Street launched a counterattack according to the agreed time.But the mob is a mob after all, the attack is completely chaotic, and no decent results can be seen if there is no momentum.

If the fight continues like this, I'm afraid they won't be able to surround Vergil for another day.

The person who sent the administrative order had already passed, and Luke chose to rush directly without giving any time for any variables to appear.

When approaching the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau, an order for all the justices to leave the battle came out.Upon receiving this news, Luke ordered the convoy to speed up again.

The car convoy honked all the way and rushed into the Haijiao District Public Security Department.

The imperial agents and Viscount Iscoran's private soldiers quickly took control of the field, and Luke was relieved after receiving the bundled Virgil from the sheriff.

The dust settles!

Virgil was escorted to Luke by two imperial spies.

The senior sheriffs followed suit.They all wanted to know what the city of Raging Waves would look like after one night.

Luke first thanked Director Holt: "Thank you very much... Director, your righteous actions have saved the lives of countless people in Rage City and prevented the expansion of a disaster.

I will truthfully report your achievements, and you will definitely get the rewards you deserve. "

Commissioner Holt has no joy in meritorious service.

No matter what the reason was, ordering the arrest of Vergil must have brought him notoriety, and he no longer had his place in the official circles of Raging Waves City.

"I just did what I thought I should do. Now that the outcome has been decided, there is no need to continue to make unnecessary sacrifices.

I will submit a letter of resignation to the Department of Government Affairs, hoping that the Inspector can ensure that my family and I can leave safely. "

Luke said with some regret: "Your departure is a loss for Rage City, but I respect your choice. You, your family, and your property will leave safely under the protection of the imperial secret agents in Cape District.

All hoodwinked sheriffs will be forgiven. "

"Thank you, Inspector."

Appease Holt and express his attitude of not expanding the situation, and the sheriffs present will not make any more risky moves.

Luke took out the executive order and said to Vergil, "Member Vergil, I am Meteor, the inspector of the Secret Intelligence Bureau in Cape District, and I am investigating you on suspicion of smuggling.

The Council of Raging Waves City has approved my investigation application and temporarily revoked all your positions in Raging Waves City.

You have the right to ask a lawyer to defend you, to collect evidence of innocence by yourself, and to appeal to Parliament.

During the investigation, you will be detained by the Cape Secret Service and your assets will be frozen.

Did you understand everything? "

"Smuggling?" Fugil laughed and said, "Do you have the guts to investigate the smuggling case in Raging Waves, a small detective from the Bureau of Secret Affairs?
Don't think you have won!
It's not over yet. "

"No, this matter is over...take it away!"

The imperial agent unceremoniously forced Virgil into the car.

Luke said to the senior sheriffs present: "Thank you again, please order your subordinates to leave the battle as soon as possible, and end this misunderstanding.

Before noon, I don't want to see any more sheriffs in my district who are not part of the Cape District! "

(End of this chapter)

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