Age of Arcane

Chapter 131 The Stirring Vortex

Chapter 131 The Stirring Vortex

In one night and one morning, the collection of poems of Raging Waves City turned over the old chapter and started a new narrative poem.

The city is still there, and the protagonists appear in rotation.

The major newspapers urgently printed supplements and sent the breaking news that they tried their best to find out to the whole city.Newspapers are selling like crazy. They keep reprinting and even increase the price, but they are still sold out before the ink dries after printing.

Congressman Virgil gathered the elite sheriffs of the city to attack the Cape District Bureau of Secrets on the grounds that the Cape District Bureau of Secrets accommodated criminals and pirates...

After resisting the attack of the sheriff all night, the Haijiao District Bureau of Secrets organized a large-scale counterattack...

With the assistance of Viscount Iscoran, the Meteor Detective of the Cape District Secret Affairs Bureau took over the defense of the city government office in the morning...

Inspector Meteor of the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District applied to the city council to investigate Congressman Virgil on the grounds of suspected smuggling...

The city council approved the application of Inspector Meteorite and temporarily dismissed Councilor Vergil from all his duties in Raging Waves City...

Chief Holt of the Promontory District Public Security Department ordered the arrest of Congressman Vergil and handed him over to Inspector Meteor...

Sheriff retreats from Cape District, fighting over...

Councilor Mihir condemned Virgil for arbitrarily mobilizing the sheriff to launch an illegal attack on the Imperial Secret Service without the authorization of the parliament...

Councilor Ible condemned Virgil for arbitrarily mobilizing sheriffs to launch an illegal attack on the Imperial Secret Service without the authorization of the parliament...

Councilor Mihir revealed to reporters that Councilor Vergil was not only involved in smuggling, but also did something that seriously endangered the safety of Raging Waves City.At the same time, Senator Mihir also revealed that this matter is related to Fairy Clear Sky.What is the specific matter, the member said that he needs to seek the opinions of the spirit clear sky before he can tell the outside world more information...

Councilor Ible revealed to reporters that Councilor Virgil was not only involved in smuggling, but also did something that seriously endangered the safety of Raging Waves City...

Captain Priestley Caesar from the Third Patrol Team of the West Tower District Public Security Department said that he had an encounter with the elf Clear Sky.Captain Nishizawa said that he was rescued by Qingkong, and firmly believed that Qingkong was beautiful and kind, and there must be reasons unknown to outsiders for the things she did...

At the request of Councilor Mihir, the City Administration Office has temporarily withdrawn the wanted reward for Elf Qingkong...

The Meteor Detective of the Cape District Secret Affairs Bureau ordered the seizure of all properties and assets related to Congressman Virgil...

Viscount Iscoran believes that this incident proves that there are major omissions in the city's security, and it needs someone who is really capable to take charge...

Inspector Meteorite publicly praised Viscount Iscoran for his important role in this incident, and said that the Iscoran family really understands Raging City, and they want to see the city's prosperity and stability more than anyone else...

The tide of public opinion in Rage City was stirred up again and again by Luke, Ible, Mihir, Iskran, and Fairy Clear Sky.It formed a turbulent vortex, and those who didn't understand what was going on inside dared not even touch it, for fear of being sucked into it and ruining their reputation.

The gate of the Secret Intelligence Bureau in Haijiao District was blocked by reporters from all walks of life.

When they came, they all saw the scene left over from the battle.Collapsed houses, corpses, blood... Most journalists who have never seen war felt the excitement of war.

Moreover, the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau relied on its own strength to fight against all the elites of the Raging Waves City Public Security Department, which once again cast a veil of mystery on this battle.

And the Senator Virgil smuggling case.

If any newspaper can interview Inspector Meteorite and obtain a first-hand exclusive report, it will definitely be able to soar into the sky in the newspaper industry of Raging Waves City.

At this time, Luke was holding the first employee representative meeting of the Yanyang Smuggling Group in the conference room on the third floor of the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau.

The not-so-small conference room was full of people, and everyone had joy on their faces.


They overthrew the elite magistrate of Raging Waves City, and sprayed back all the anger they had received at the Public Security Department all year round.

Refreshing... Carefree...

Now Inspector Meteor Star even arrested the members of the city council, and everyone was proud.

Our Yanyang smuggling group, Niu B, has a head start with Inspector Meteor.

"The detective is here!"

There was a shout from outside the door, and everyone in the room immediately stood up, saluted the inspector who came in, and shouted in unison: "Hello, inspector!"

"Okay, okay, everyone, sit down, sit down..."

Luke walked in cheerfully, without the airs of a detective at all.

After everyone sat down, Luke patted his left hand and said to Shelley who came in with him, "Black Mamba sit here."

Shelley, who was already standing behind Luke, replied, "Yes, Inspector."

After waiting for Shelley to sit down, Luke said at the beginning: "The battle that just ended, what makes me most happy is the unity shown by the Yanyang smuggling group. Facing the attack of the sheriff, no one is cowardly! All Everyone dared to work hard, showing our prestige and momentum.

In the past, in the descriptions of those rich people... Cape District is a poor, dirty, and despicable place, and the people living here are the lowest level of the city's untouchables.

They look down on us and taunt us with their ugliest faces.

But since the war, everything has changed.

We let those who stood above us hear our roar, and we punched them in the face with our fists.

They will still look down on us in the future, and will still insult us with vicious words.But the voices of Cape District will no longer be ignored, they must listen to what we say!

Thank you, and everyone in Cape District would like to thank you. "

Everyone in the meeting room was stunned.

Their joy just now was just the joy of winning a fight, but they didn't expect that this victory could be lifted to such a high level in the mouth of Inspector Meteor.

That's right... In the past, when facing a Haijiao District Public Security Bureau, everyone bowed their knees and respected them, for fear of offending the public security officer and ruining their jobs.

Now that he dared to fight against the elite security officers of Raging Waves City, where did this courage come from?
It's everyone here, it's the Yanyang smuggling group, and it's Inspector Meteor who brings these people together.

As Inspector Meteor Star said, everyone formed a fist and slapped those high-class people in the face.

Recalling how those sheriffs retreated in embarrassment, the meeting room was quickly flooded with fierce applause.

Everyone's face is full of pride, they all feel the responsibility on their shoulders, and also feel the significance of Inspector Meteor to them.

The dignity he brought to Cape District, he will lead Cape District to gain more dignity.This urban area that used to be the core of Raging Waves City has its glory, and every resident of Haijiao District keeps that glory in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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