Age of Arcane

Chapter 132 Staff Meeting

Chapter 132 Staff Meeting
Luke is very satisfied with the current corporate atmosphere of Yanyang Group.

Previously, this gang of complicated members was able to form a group to resist the attack of the sheriff. It was driven by common interests, and there was also a moment of bravery.

As the head of the group, I am their material leader.And countless history proves that the status of material leaders is not stable.If someone gives them better substances, they will be bought.

Only a spiritual leader can be hard to shake.

In Rough City, there is a boundary between Cape District and other urban areas.The residents of Haijiao District recognize this kind of relationship, and they all think that one day they will become prosperous and can leave Haijiao District to become a superior person.

belongs to the surrender to this relationship.

Now Luke has quantified this boundary, turning this upper-lower relationship into an opposing class.When the residents of Haijiao District accept this setting and change Haijiao District as their belief, this urban area becomes a country within a city with a layer of spiritual barriers from other urban areas.

At that time, if the empire wanted to destroy its own rabbit nest, it would bury Raging Waves City with it.

Of course, Luke still has a lot to do to complete this impenetrable rabbit hole.

This is just the beginning.

Luke pressed his hand, and the meeting room was immediately quiet.

"In the next period of time, there will be very big changes in the government affairs hall and the council of Rage City, and the power of the Public Security Department will be greatly restricted and weakened.

This is a great opportunity for the rapid development of our Yanyang Group.

The group is going to build our own fleet.Albert is responsible for contacting the docks and pulling as many boats as possible to join them.Mrs. Tasia is responsible for establishing the route from Fishbone Island to Cape District, making the waters of Fishbone Island into a maritime safety zone and armed port for us.

In the future, the Yanyang Fleet will be handed over to Mrs. Tasia for management, and the Cape Port Wharf will be handed over to Albert for management. You make a plan and give it to me. "

Mrs. Tasia and Albert stood up and saluted Luke: "Please rest assured, Inspector."

"Sit down... Black Mamba's commanding ability is very good in the battle against the sheriff. The thing that limits you is probably that we don't have a professional army.

As our business continues to expand in the future, we will definitely encounter many commercial disputes that have to be resolved by force.The Rangers can no longer be so lazy and have to take on more responsibilities. "

Luke had seen the laziness of Cape Secret Service agents on his first day on the job.

The big reason for being able to beat the magistrates is that these magistrates are usually more lazy.

The essence of the fighting in Haijiao District, to put it bluntly, is that rogues fight rogues, and both sides have exposed their problems.

Shelley is very interested in training the army: "Inspector, I have wanted to train them for a long time. It's just that training consumes a lot of materials. I didn't have money to train before."

"I'll have money in the future!" It's a matter of course for Yanyang Group to take over the big project of repairing Haijiao Port, which makes Luke very confident in the funds: "You should practice according to the standards you used to serve in the army. Whatever you lack I said, if we go to sea to make money, we must have an elite force to support it."

The army Shelley once served in was the Steam Fortress, an elite among the aces of the Golden Shield Empire.

Hearing that the inspector supported her so much, Shelley patted her chest and promised: "Don't worry, inspector...I will train these boys well."

As long as it is not handling cases, you can rest assured that the military is handed over to Shelley.

Luke turned to Wei Meng and said, "The project to repair Cape Harbor will soon be in our hands. Last time I told you to take advantage of this opportunity to build a heavy machinery factory. You have to prepare as soon as possible.

I have a very good relationship with Senator Ible, please make a list of what equipment is missing, and I will be responsible for giving you everything you want.

You are in charge of building the factory I want. "

Wei Meng replied: "Yes, Inspector. The machine clan is looking forward to this heavy machinery factory."

Then there is the aftermath of the war.

"The war has caused great damage to our Haijiao District. I will try my best to ask for compensation from the Government Affairs Department. Before the compensation from the Government Affairs Department comes down, our Yanyang Group will contribute to compensate the affected residents.

If the house is damaged, we will build a new one.

Casualties, those who should be given money should be given money, and those who should be treated should be treated.

Road reconstruction and infrastructure construction are needed... Kailinna is in charge of statistics to see how much it will cost. Our Yanyang Group can consider a large urban infrastructure project for the first phase. "

Karina, who was in charge of the meeting minutes, replied: "Yes, Inspector."


The employee representative meeting of Yanyang Group was going on, and after Luke formulated the development plan for the next stage of the group, he also listened carefully to the opinions of the employee representatives.

The expansion of the group, the increase of personnel, the distribution of salaries and benefits, as well as re-education and job promotion...

All kinds of problems followed, and Luke tried his best to solve all the problems of the employees.

The meeting lasted for a day, and after the meeting adjourned at night, Luke led a large group of imperial spies to the central city without stopping.

It's time to search Virgil's house.

Virgil's home is far from being as rich and luxurious as the Ible Mansion, but it is also extremely gorgeous in the central area of ​​Raging City, where every inch of land is expensive.There are open courtyards, small palace-style buildings, swimming pools, and a training ground.

When Fugil was being arrested, the Haijiao District Bureau of Secrets seized the place.The servants and family members were all held in another place, awaiting interrogation.

Luke came this time to conduct a thorough search of this luxurious courtyard and "find" more criminal evidence of Congressman Virgil.

It's just that when Luke arrived here and just ordered Shelley to lead a search, two expected visitors arrived.

Viscount Iskran and Lady Mihir.

The two arrived almost at the same time.

Luke invited them to the living room, asked his subordinates to make three cups of tea, and said: "I am extremely amazed at the wealth of the councilors. It is reasonable for Councilor Ible's home to be so luxurious, after all, he has many factories. But Virgil As a city official, the congressman can live in such a big and beautiful house, which fully proves...his income is definitely not just the salary he receives.

I'm looking forward to what I find from here. "

Viscount Iscoran said with approval: "Unsupervised power can easily breed corruption. The council of Raging Waves City is controlled by new nobles, and a large amount of wealth has flowed into unknown places.

This is the loss of the empire, and also the loss of all the citizens of Raging Waves City.

Mrs. Mihir, as a member of the parliament, should have a very deep feeling.What do you think of the present parliament and the future parliament?Are there any worries about the future situation of Raging Waves City? "

Mrs. Mihir was making her own tea, thinking about how to deal with the hole that Viscount Iskran dug for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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