Age of Arcane

Chapter 133

Chapter 133
"Master Viscount, you must know that although I am a member of the Raging Waves City Council, I am only a member of the Council. I have no specific position in the city government affairs hall, and it is more like a vase that was elected to deal with various Banquet." Mrs. Mihir was not in a hurry to express her attitude: "I came this time...for Mrs. Virgil's wife and children, as well as those poor servants.

They were all imprisoned. It was a difficult life that none of them had experienced before.

Inspector Meteor, can I pick them up.Congressman Virgil committed a crime, and innocent people should not be implicated. "

If Luke didn't know Madame Mihir's plan, maybe he really thought she was here to intercede.

Luke decides to sell her a favor.

"Yes, ma'am, you can take them all away. But during the investigation of Councilor Virgil's case, you must ensure that they cannot leave Raging Waves City and accept investigation and interrogation at any time."

"I promise! Thank you, Inspector."

Taking Senator Virgil's family out of the hands of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets will definitely increase Mrs. Mihir's prestige in the celebrity circle.

No matter how other things are talked about, this result alone is worth this appearance.

Luke said to Mihir: "I don't want to involve too many innocent people in this case, but the things behind the 'smuggling' case that Virgil participated in are too complicated. If I investigate deeply, I'm afraid it will be out of control; Without in-depth investigation, it will be difficult to convict him.

Madam, you said that Virgil has done other things that seriously endanger the safety of Raging Waves City... Can you tell me? "

"Of course..." This is the main purpose of Mrs. Mihir's coming here: "This matter is buried in my heart, which made me feel very depressed during this time. But Virgil is too powerful, and I don't know No one dares to speak out who can be trusted.

I can see that you are an upright person, Inspector, and also a senior agent that His Royal Highness the Princess Princess relies on.

You will definitely protect me. "

Mihir was very good at playing, and Luke cooperated and said: "It is my responsibility to protect every citizen of the empire."

Viscount Iscoran, who was left aside by Mrs. Mihir, was also waiting for her to reveal the news.

Mrs. Mihir took a sip of her tea, as if she had made a major decision, she said, "Spirit Clear Sky is innocent..."

Mrs. Mihir told Luke and Viscount Iskran about the script she designed.

"...Miss Qingkong and I have disagreements in some concepts, but in terms of personal relationship, we are very good friends.

Seeing the injustice she endured made my heart ache.But she still chose to protect the city even though she was wanted, which made me very moved and admired.

Miss Weatherlight is a noble elf, and I have an obligation to clean up her grievances and let her get the respect she deserves. "

" surprising!" Luke pretended to be surprised and said, "Ma'am, you say that Fairy Qingkong is innocent, do you have any evidence?"

Mrs. Mihir said frankly: "No... I hope the inspector can find evidence when investigating the Virgil smuggling case."

This time Iscoran could hear that Mrs. Mihir most likely wanted to take advantage of Vergil's investigation and plant the crime committed by the elf Qingkong on Vergil and the Temple of the Abyss.

She knew that to bring down Virgil needed crimes, the more the better.

Viscount Iscoran asked: "Madam, is the elf Qingkong working for you?"

"No..." Fairy Clear Sky's position made Mihir's answer very cautious: "My relationship with Fairy Clear Sky is equal, and everything I do is from the standpoint of being a personal friend.

I want her to be able to stand in the sun.

And with her protection, our Raging Waves City will definitely be safer. "

Iscoran didn't fully believe Mrs. Mihir's words, but out of his own interests, he said to Luke: "Although I have no direct contact with Fairy Clear Sky, my subordinates have seen her many times, she is not like What Virgil said was so evil. For such a strong person, drawing her in is far more beneficial to the city than pushing her to the opposite side.

And now, apart from Nuleita, she doesn't seem to have done anything that endangers the safety of the city. "

Mrs. Mihir added: "The Wrath Tower is an accident that happened when the elf Qingkong stopped the abyss mage."

Iscoran said: "Yes, it was most likely an accident... Can we see the elf clear sky?"

Of course, Mrs. Mihir will not let the elf Qingkong meet outsiders.

"I need to seek the opinion of Miss Weathering Sky, but according to her character, I hope you don't have too much expectation."

Luke felt that the heat was almost ready, and the clear sky could be placed on Mrs. Mihir's side, and there was no need to deal with the Brotherhood of Blades too much.

"If the elf Qingkong is willing to protect Rage City, then her practical significance to this city is far beyond a Rage Tower. The empire will also very much hope to maintain a friendly relationship with a strong man who can rival Dean Willred.

I think Mrs. Mihir will be able to convince Qingkong, the elf, to stand in front of all the citizens of Raging Waves City with a friendly gesture. "

"I guarantee that Miss Weatherlight is a kind elf, and the citizens of Raging City will like her very much."

"I'm looking forward to it! Just leave it to me to clean up Miss Clear Sky's grievances. I will find the evidence of Virgil's crime against Raging Waves City, and I will find all his evidence..."

Luke made a decision, and although Iskran was a little bit unwilling, he could only accept it.

He also immediately stated his purpose of coming, and it happened that Mrs. Michel was there.

"I believe in the justice of Inspector Meteor. I am very worried about the safety of the city... The government affairs department has temporarily withdrawn the bounty offered for the elf Qingkong, which makes the bounty hunters who came here for the bounty very dissatisfied.

There is also the Temple of the Abyss, and the number of missing persons has been increasing recently.Although it cannot be proved that the Abyss Temple did it, they have a criminal record.

Virgil's investigation has disturbed the hearts of the city's security department, and even a magistrate has absconded.If the security department is allowed to continue in such chaos, a big turmoil is just around the corner.

I hope to do my part for this city. "

Because of Virgil's arrest, the city security department has no leader, and the security of the city government affairs hall is still under the control of the Haijiao District Secret Information Bureau.

Luke speaks with great weight during this period.

Viscount Iscoran had long set his sights on the position of city security chief, and sitting in this position was equivalent to stepping into the parliament.

As long as the Haijiao District Secret Intelligence Bureau arrests a few more people in the city security department, they will compromise and let themselves in.

If you can get the public support of Inspector Meteorite, Councilor Ible, and Councilor Mihir, then go through the operation of the Brotherhood of Blades.

It is not a problem to be promoted quickly to become the head of the city security department in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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