Age of Arcane

Chapter 134 The Wave of Public Opinion

Chapter 134 The Wave of Public Opinion
Luke, Ible, and Viscount Iscoran had already agreed on the division of interests after defeating Vergil.So this time the Viscount Iscoran wanted to join the city security department, Luke said: "I think that the governance of Raging City must not be without the participation of the Iscoran family. Since the Viscount is worried about the city's safety, I will make an appointment with the city's security department." Department officials, recommend Viscount Iscorran to them.

If we can get Mrs. Mihir's recommendation again, it will definitely be smoother..."

Mrs. Mihir readily agreed: "I am looking forward to working with Lord Viscount in the city government office...

For the Chief of the Central City Sheriff's Department, I would like to recommend Priestley Caesar, Captain of the Third Patrol Unit of the West Tower Sheriff's Department.This is a very conscientious magistrate, well-born, well-educated, and a young man worthy of training. "

Luke smiled and asked: "Pristley Caesar? Is it the sheriff who said in the newspaper that he was rescued by the elf Qingkong? He also said that Qingkong was wronged."

Mrs. Mihir replied: "Yes! I went to see Captain Nishizawa today. I recommend him, which has nothing to do with Qingkong, because he is really outstanding."

"Well, my wife said that Captain Nishizawa is excellent, he must be very good. The director of the Public Security Department in the central city should really change...

Are both of you satisfied? "


"Very satisfied!"


While Luke, Mrs. Mihir, and Viscount Iskran were talking, the spies kept putting the things they found in the hall.

Among them are a large amount of cash, precious metals, jewelry, valuable handicrafts and many books, documents, letters...

Several civil servants looked through all the textual items they found, and gathered all suspicious and foreign-related items together.Especially letters, word by word, word by word analysis...

Seeing the imperial spies working so hard to "find" Vergil's criminal evidence, both Mrs. Mihir and Viscount Escolan couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness in their hearts.

Will one day these spies "find" their own criminal evidence in the same way?

Looking at Inspector Meteor who was drinking tea leisurely, he seemed to see the eldest princess standing behind him.

She was looking at herself with an unpredictable smile.

The eldest princess is really powerful, she just sent a detective to change the sky of Raging Waves City.I don't know what plans His Highness has in the future... Who will the empire fall into in the end?

The joy in his heart was diluted, and Mrs. Mihir and Viscount Iscoran left one after another.

Luke concentrated on looking up the "criminal evidence" he found.

Direct evidence will definitely not be found. It can only be taken out of context, stitched together and filtered to confuse the audience.If you don't ask for the truth, you can convict Fugil of a death penalty, just pour dirty water on him, and then use the investigation time to install people in the city security department, and you can make him unable to turn over.

Suspected of treason, plus a congressman accused him of framing Qingkong, the elf... Wait until Qingkong's fanbase grows, let you all experience what it means to be a brainless fan who "rushes to the tower" and "Internet explosion".

Mrs. Mihir even put Caesar in the position of director of the Public Security Department in the central city.

Interesting, interesting!
You want to create a traffic star, but your understanding of traffic stars is too shallow.

The next day, the public opinion offensive led by newspapers took off again.

first day.

During the investigation of the smuggling case of Congressman Virgil, Inspector Meteor of the Secret Intelligence Bureau of Cape District discovered that Congressman Virgil had hidden a large number of letters with foreign forces.There are hidden codes in the letter, and the agents of the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs are hurrying to decipher it... According to an insider who did not want to be named, these letters may involve many imperial secrets, and the true identity of Councilor Virgil is doubtful...

the next day.

The Secret Intelligence Bureau of Haijiao District arrested a large number of officials from the city's security department. According to people familiar with the matter, some officials have fled in fear of crime.Inspector Meteor said that the urban security department of Raging City could no longer be trusted, and invited Viscount Iskran to assist in dealing with the city's security issues...

Day three.

The Secret Intelligence Bureau of Haijiao District continued to arrest people.

Central City Sheriff's Director Waters Archibald was arrested and West Tower Sheriff's Third Patrol Captain Priestley Caesar was named acting Central City Sheriff's Director...

Mrs. Mihir publicly declared herself to be a good friend of Fairy Clear Sky.Fairy Clear Sky stole the heart of red dragon Neil Colon and the Book of Calamity, all in order to prevent Senator Virgil from obtaining them... The Tower of Wrath was destroyed because Fairy Clear Sky prevented the abyss mage from releasing evil secrets...

Fourth day.

The Secret Intelligence Bureau of Cape District continued to arrest people, and released some of the criminal evidence of Congressman Vergil and the arrested officials...

The city government office revoked all the charges against Fairy Qingkong and officially abolished the reward offered to Fairy Qingkong...

Madame Mihir proposes a medal for Fairy Clear Sky...

Day [-].

Viscount Iskran has been appointed inspector of city security...

Priestley Caesar Arrives at Midtown Sheriff's Office...

Cape District Sheriff's Chief Holt resigns.Before the new director took office, the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau was supervised by the Haijiao District Secret Information Bureau...

A long article written by Mrs. Mihir was published, which described in detail the process of Elf Clear Sky three times preventing the disaster from happening in Raging Waves City...

Day [-].

The order from the imperial capital has arrived...

Elder Princess Order: In addition to Haijiao District in Raging Waves City, the inspectors of the Secret Affairs Bureau in the other five districts will return to the Imperial Capital to report on their duties!

What happened in Raging Waves City in recent days is a major event enough to cause a sensation in the entire empire.From the first day when the incident broke out, all kinds of information were transmitted to the imperial capital through various channels.Including the Secret Affairs Bureau of the Cape District, Luke personally instructed more than a dozen official documents to launch the Imperial Secret Affairs Bureau.

These days, Luke has been waiting for the response from the imperial capital.It is estimated that everyone, including the eldest princess, is a little confused by the sudden change in Raging Waves City.

There must have been a fierce power struggle in the court of the imperial capital because of the incident in the city of Raging Waves.

The eldest princess was pushed to the wind for no reason.

The order she gave to Raging City also showed her attitude.

Except for Haijiao District, the other five detectives of Secret Affairs Bureau were recalled to the imperial capital, which was tantamount to letting go of the hands and feet of Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau.Inspector Meteor is now the highest-ranking agent of the Bureau of Secret Affairs in Raging Waves City, and other branches will not be called by him, nor will they make trouble for him.

In addition, the eldest princess did not give any instructions to the Secret Intelligence Bureau of Haijiao District.On behalf of the eldest princess, she left a way out for herself. If the stall run by the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District cannot be cleaned up in the end, the eldest princess can also clear up the main responsibility.

Her subtext to the Cape Secret Service is:
"The only help I can give you is this... It is up to you how far you can go; if you make a mistake, this princess will not pull you, but will even step on you.

Don't worry, be bold and do it yourself! "

(End of this chapter)

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