Age of Arcane

Chapter 138 Background

Chapter 138 Background

When he came to the director's office, Luke first went to the window to see the situation outside.

Nishizawa expressed his gratitude to her: "I know that with my qualifications and abilities, I am far from qualified to be the director of the Central City Police Department. This is all because of Mrs. Mihir's influence. She must have done this because of you... …

Thank you, Miss Skylight.I will definitely live up to your expectations of me, and I will work with you to protect this city. "

After Luke didn't notice anything unusual outside, he turned to Caesar and said, "No, your promotion has nothing to do with me, just like I don't think I have anything to do with you. It's Mrs. Mihir who wants to place you here. As a person of your own, it is not necessarily a good thing for you if she chooses you."

"I understand, I know Rage City is going through a huge change these days. You don't want me to get involved in this danger, thank you for your concern.

But as a sheriff, I'm ready to die for this city. "

Luke admired Caesar's ability to interpret.

"Well, you are free to choose what you want. Let's talk about the missing persons cases. Can you confirm that these cases are related to the Abyss Temple?"

"Yes, yes, please sit down..." Nishizawa did not look like a Director of Public Security in front of Qingkong.He quickly scrambled from the table
The files of the recent missing persons cases were found in the file: "Miss Qingkong, these are the missing persons cases that occurred in the central city within the past 20 days, a total of seven people...

Two more sheriffs died while investigating these cases, here are scene notes and autopsy reports. "

Luke flipped through the file.

Based on experience, it can basically be confirmed that these are all related to the Abyss Temple.

Mysteries originated from ancient sacrifices. There were many sacrifices and blood sacrifices in ancient sacrifices. Through these methods, the ancestors were able to create many powerful mysterious props and secret techniques.

Now some primitive ethnic tribes still continue human sacrifice and blood sacrifice.In the mainstream world, formal research on secret arts does not allow such inhumane secret arts experiments to exist.

But just as there are dark sides in other disciplines, mystics also have the existence of breaking through the bottom line of conscience.

The Abyss Temple encourages its abyss mages to actively study the sacrificial materials of the ancestors, and gain power from secret words through methods similar to blood sacrifices.

A few days ago, during the competition in Raging Waves City, the existence of the Abyssal Temple was somewhat ignored.

The abyss mages have resumed their evil mysteries.

There are seven missing persons found in the central urban area alone, if you count the missing persons who have not been found and other urban areas.

It is hard to imagine how many people have been murdered by the Abyss Temple.

After reading all the files, Luke said to Caesar: "Dean Willred said that you have encountered some difficulties here. I can't help you with the matter of the Public Security Bureau. I will investigate the matter of the Abyss Temple. can.

I will let you know when there is news.

goodbye! "

"Goodbye... goodbye..." Caesar was a little bit reluctant.

But the elf had already jumped out of the window in his sight, and then the sound of the steam locomotive quickly faded away.


During the day, Luke was in his inspector's office, sorting out the plot of the Abyss Temple in Raging City through the data in his mobile phone.

Follow the normal timeline.

Bruce Ban got the Book of Calamity, and released the abyssal power in the Book of Calamity through self-study, which caused the Oulu Academy disaster.

The official plot begins, five years after the era game.

At that time, the characters of the early players have been cultivated and formed, and they have the strength to go deep into the big plot of the entire game world.

The version update brought the game world into a period of turmoil.

Various forces gradually came to the fore, and various characters appeared on the stage.

The Abyss Temple is one of the many powerful forces. Their tentacles are all over the world, but their headquarters are hidden in the Tedgar Hills.

The Tedgar Hills are the fief of the Celtic dukes.

It is precisely because of the secret protection of the Duke of Celtic that this notorious occult group was able to develop and grow.

The Celtic Duke is the leader of the barbarians living in the Tedgar Hills and one of the five Dukes of the Golden Shield Empire.The Celtic Duke's Barbarian Legion has always been a military force that the Empire relies heavily on.

With the advent of the new era and the explosion of various technologies, the barbarians, whose physical strength is invincible, are also facing many challenges.Coupled with the royal family's suppression of the old aristocratic forces, the Celtic Duke no longer has the former glory.

This deepened the resentment of the Celtic dukes towards the Empire and their hatred of emerging technology and new aristocracy.Therefore, the Duke of Celtic is an extreme conservative in the Brotherhood of Blades, and the entire Tedgar Hills has become more closed from the previous closed state.

However, the natural strength of barbarians lost their superiority in the face of new technologies, which cannot be ignored.In order to improve the military strength of the barbarians, the Celtic duke, who rejected new technologies, chose ancient secret arts.

The barbarians do not reject human sacrifice and blood sacrifice, and the Tedgar Hills and the Abyss Temple just like each other and become a symbiosis.

Therefore, behind the gang of abyss mages in Raging Waves City is the Abyss Temple, behind the Abyss Temple is the Celtic Duke, and behind the Celtic Duke is the conservative faction of the Brotherhood of Blades.

In the Blade Brotherhood, the conservative faction is quite powerful.

During the game, what the Abyss Temple did in Raging City angered the new noble forces.The Golden Shield Empire required the Duke of Celtic to hand over part of the rights to the Dominion, and the Duke of Celtic, who had long been dissatisfied with the empire, chose to rebel.

The grievances between the Golden Shield royal family and the old nobles broke out, and more and more old nobles raised the banner of overthrowing the royal family and restoring the old system.

Civil wars broke out everywhere, and enemy countries outside the region were also waiting for opportunities to invade.

The Golden Shield Empire has entered the most dangerous moment in history.

In the process of sorting out the plot of the Abyss Temple, Luke is equivalent to going through all the historical plots of the last five years of the entire era game.

It seems that everything started because of the Book of Calamity, and then broke out because of the Abyss Temple snatching the Book of Calamity.

It also confirmed the name of the book of disasters.

But in fact, all the contradictions have arisen long ago. Even if there is no book of calamity, it will naturally erupt when it reaches the critical point of eruption.

At this time, Luke has a more sense of mission.

Get rid of these abyss mages who entered Raging City as soon as possible to prevent the civil war in the empire from breaking out early.

After all, I can live like a fish in water in Raging Waves City, that is to eat the soft food of the eldest princess and borrow the prestige of the empire.

If the empire's prestige is gone, those new nobles in Raging Wave City will jump up and eat themselves alive.

In the end, Raging Waves City was under the influence of the new aristocrats. Taking advantage of the empire's lack of time, he forced the emperor to admit autonomy.

As an imperial agent, this period of history must never be repeated.

Where is the abyss mage at the moment?
(End of this chapter)

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