Age of Arcane

Chapter 139 Clues

Chapter 139 Clues
Last night, Luke controlled Clear Sky to follow the plot to find the hiding place of the Abyss Mage, but found nothing.

The obviously changed plot made these abyss mages not choose the hiding place five years later.

How to find them out of the huge Raging Waves City has become the most important thing.

And the abyss mage changed the hiding point because of the influence of the plot change?Or was the hidden point chosen randomly?

Luke analyzed and tried to find clues from the documents.

"Detective..." Kailina walked in with a stack of documents in her arms: "This is the recent disappearance incident in Cape District that you asked me to sort out. I'm sorry... I can't tell which of these disappearance incidents is related to the abyss mage. Please explore Long forgiveness..."

Kailinna blamed herself for failing to complete the task entrusted to her by the inspector.

Luke took the file and looked through it, only to find that he couldn't see anything at all.

The original purpose of the establishment of the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau and Secret Intelligence Bureau was not to serve the urban residents. The Haijiao District has its own way of operation.Coupled with the fact that a large number of people are engaged in illegal industries and go to sea to make a living, the so-called missing persons are the norm here.

It is only an example that the Bureau of Secret Affairs has made great efforts to help Hilm find his missing son. It is not a one-time effort to manage this city.

Is it necessary to use the book of disaster to attract these abyss mages?
This is the last resort, and it is easy to scare the snake.

It is best to find their lair without disturbing them, and then concentrate on killing them all.

Luke said to Karina: "Don't blame yourself. Ever since the Abyss Mage appeared, many people in Rage City have been looking for them, but none of them have been found.

They must have been sheltered by someone.Someone can provide them with shelter, food, and can prevent outside searches.This kind of person does not exist in Cape District..."

Hearing that the abyss mage was not hiding in the cape area, Kailinna immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

"Yes, there is no such big person in Haijiao District. It's like the Elf Clear Sky has Mrs. Mihir's shelter, so she escaped the search of her in the whole city. These abyss mages must be hiding in the home of a big person in the central city, but Why does this lord want to shelter the evil abyss mage?"

"do not know……"

Luke answered casually, but he seemed to catch some small details in his heart.

In the normal plot, the activities of the abyss mages in Raging Waves City are not as secretive as they are now. They even dare to expose the relationship between the abyss temple and the Celtic Duke.

It was the abyss mage's wanton destruction that made the new nobles so annoyed and prompted the empire to attack the Celtic Duke.

When I was going through the plot, I felt that the abyss mage was too rampant.

But looking at the actions of these abyss mages now, they seem to be very cautious, and the outside world does not know the relationship between the abyss temple and the Celtic Duke.

From this point of view... the Imperial Civil War in the game plot was actually directed by the Celtic Duke.He forced the empire to break its promise first, and let most of the old nobles side with him.

Since it is intentional to make trouble, the abyss mage can be very casual when choosing a hiding place.

But now that the plot has changed, the abyss mage hides deep, which means that the Duke of Celtic is not yet ready to rebel.

If the abyss mages want not to expose themselves, they must choose their hiding places carefully.

Being willing to shelter the abyss mage must be related to interests, and this circle can be narrowed down a lot.

Seeing that Luke was lost in thought again, Karina said a little shyly, "Detective, do you still remember the meditation method you taught me last time?"

Luke browsed the mobile phone data in his consciousness, and replied casually: "Remember, did it work?"

"It works..." Karina's tone was a little excited: "That feeling is really amazing. Although I still can't violate the 'loyalty' command, I can already discern my true thoughts.

Loyalty to you is my true thought.

Inspector... I, I would like to treat you to lunch.As a thank you to... "

"It's just a small technique. You don't need to eat..."

Karina said sincerely: "Inspector, this is a small technique for you. But for me, it means a lot. Because I have undergone brain modification, I cannot confirm the authenticity of my thoughts. .

Sometimes I even wonder if my memory is fake.

I miss my father and mother, although they did something wrong, they were both punished.I just want to be able to recall them, to have a memory that is not suspected by me.

You fulfilled my wish and I want to express my thanks to you. "

Luke looked up at Karina, and when he saw Karina blushing, he asked, "Your father is from the Brotherhood of Blades, right?"

Kailinna panicked and said sensitively: "Master Inspector, my father is a member of the Brotherhood of Blades. But I have nothing to do with them, even though they have looked for me..."

"People from the Brotherhood of Blades have come to you?"

Kailinna replied truthfully: "When I was just dispatched to Haijiao District, someone from the Blade Brotherhood here approached me. But he left after knowing that I was a reformer, and never saw him again. .”

"Is it Viscount Iscoran?"


Karina's father was a conservative member of the Brotherhood of Blades. He was executed for participating in the persecution of reformed people, and he was a victim of political struggle.

If Viscount Iscoran is enlightened, it would be a misunderstanding to think that the Raging Waves branch of the Brotherhood of Blades is enlightened.

"Carina, would you like to buy me lunch?"

"Yes... Inspector. I want to express my thanks, just a thank you... no, nothing else." Karina stammered.

Luke stood up and said, "Let's go then, go to Sissi Palace in the central city."

"Huh?" Kailinna didn't expect the inspector to go to such a place.

"Ah what? Let's go!"

"Yes, yes, Inspector."

The Sissai Palace in Raging Wave City was originally a palace-style castle of the Iscoran family, and was later transformed into an entertainment hotel.This place provides top-notch services for the upper classes in Raging Waves City. There are large-scale opera performances every day, and there are fine wines and beauties everywhere. It is a veritable golden cave.

Ordinary people will always think of luxury, big breasts and fat buttocks when they mention Sisi Sai Palace.Therefore, when Kailinna heard that the inspector was going to take her to the Sissai Palace, she immediately had a reverie, but she followed her bravely.

Who asked himself to invite him to dinner.

But as soon as she walked out of the office, Karina heard the inspector say again: "Go, call the sandpaper."


"Ah what? Go!"

"Yes, yes, Inspector."

Kailinna found sandpaper, and the three of them boarded the detective's special car, and under the escort of the convoy, they honked their horns and headed straight to the central city.

These days, the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District is very prosperous in Raging Waves City, and the imperial spies who travel with Inspector Meteor are very arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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