Age of Arcane

Chapter 164 The Society

Chapter 164 The Society
Since the beginning of this small group meeting, Senator Ible has been careful not to say the wrong thing.After all, as a businessman and political figure, he has a large share of the smuggling in Raging Waves City.If the eldest princess wants to crack down on smuggling this time, not only will her own interests be damaged, but if she is investigated in the future, even if she can save her life, she will have to cut her flesh and vomit blood.

This time, Inspector Meteorite said that he could open a smuggling hole for his own people, which was a reassurance for Mr. Ible.

Who is the protection money for smuggling?
It is said that it is for His Majesty, but it must be passed by the hands of His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess first.The eldest princess took the money, so that those who work below can do things with confidence.

Councilor Ible, who was used to trading power and money, found his adaptation zone, and immediately reassured Luke in good spirits: "Detective, don't worry... just leave it to me to persuade the other two councilmen."

Viscount Iscoran said: "Only relying on lobbying, those two members of parliament may not necessarily fall to us, and the necessary pressure still needs to be given to them.

The Inspector has recruited a group of Naga pirates and is planning to build a fleet, probably to set up a maritime anti-smuggling fleet. "


To be precise, it should be a smuggling fleet, but if you insist on saying that it is an anti-smuggling fleet, I cannot deny it.

"Yes, I know you can't hide it from Lord Viscount. The anti-smuggling work in Raging Wave City originally belonged to the city security department, but the original anti-smuggling fleet has been abandoned, and the few broken ships are too slow to go fishing.

Sea smuggling must start again, and the original team can no longer be used.

As soon as I arrived in Cape District, I contacted Mrs. Tasia, the Naga Queen of Fishbone Island.Pirates on Fishbone Island did not commit major crimes beyond control, and the Naga tribe on Fishbone Island also faced serious survival problems.I have reached a cooperative development agreement with Mrs. Tasia to build a fleet in the name of Yanyang Trading Group. Currently, there are 36 ships of various types.

I plan to purchase another [-] to [-] small speedboats, and when the time is right, I will turn this fleet into an anti-smuggling fleet directly under the Secret Intelligence Bureau of the Cape District, specializing in combating smuggling at sea. "

Mrs. Mihir and Senator Ible were shocked again.

Colluding with the Naga pirates was the charge Fugil gave Detective Meteorite.When the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District attacked the mining area in the north of the city, many people saw a large number of Naga appearing in the team of the Secret Affairs Bureau.

Now, after Viscount Iscoran's explanation, they realized... It turned out that Inspector Meteor recruited pirates to set up a maritime anti-smuggling fleet.

There are strong ships and sharp guns on the sea, and sea tribe naga underwater. All those who want to smuggle must weigh whether their ships can get out of this big net before entering or leaving the port.

Mrs. Mihir said: "My husband's mechanical laboratory can design a speedboat for the inspector's anti-smuggling fleet. The speedboat uses full steam power. Although it consumes a lot of energy, it does not need to consider the problem of replenishment when used in offshore waters."

Councilor Ible then said: "Leave the task of building the ship to me. For ships under [-] tons, my shipyard can deliver [-] ships in only three months. The money for shipbuilding can be recorded in the account first, and the inspector will wait." Give it back when you have money...or deduct it from future taxes."

Luke didn't expect to get himself a hundred fully steam-powered speedboats in a few words.It's just that this kind of speedboat cannot be used for ocean voyages, and the sideline of its own anti-smuggling fleet is anti-smuggling.

Smuggling is the main business.

"Can your shipyard build large all-metal, all-steam-powered ships?"

Senator Ible was stunned for a moment, obviously he did not expect that Inspector Meteor would want this kind of ship.

"Inspector, all-metal and all-steam-powered ships are definitely the future trend of ship development, but there are still many technical problems that cannot be resolved. Although my shipyard is also researching this type of ship, in recent years it has been Can't make it.

I heard that the Imperial Royal Shipyard has built a test ship with a weight of 5000 tons, but due to power problems, the speed cannot even reach 7 knots.

If it is a large wooden ship with full steam power and metal dome armor, my shipyard can build it. "

Luke, who knew that all-metal warships would appear soon, was not interested in wooden ships.

It just so happened that there was a battleship DIY strategy in his mobile phone, and he could use it now.

The so-called Battleship DIY strategy is a group of players who love naval battles in Epoch, and they compiled a self-made ship strategy.In order to perfect this guide, they traveled all over the shipyards and research and development institutions related to ships in the entire Era World, and recorded and integrated their technologies and manufacturing capabilities in different time periods.

Gathering the best technologies of all ocean nations to build their own strongest warships is the fun of this group of naval battle players.

For fun, they even designed an era world's first all-metal, all-steam-powered warship.

Although this DIY battleship named "Machine No. [-]" has excellent performance in all aspects, it appeared two full years earlier than the real iron-clad ship in the Epoch World.During these two years, "Plane No. [-]" was definitely the overlord in the ocean to catch and abuse.

The first machine: all-steam-powered all-metal warship
Full load displacement: 2894 tons

Length: 59.99 meters, width: 12.19 meters



Luke doesn't know if the real world of the era can DIY the "first machine", but the things to assemble the battleship are available for purchase now, it depends on the integration and redesign capabilities of the shipyard in the hands of Senator Ible.

"Our Bureau of Secret Intelligence is actually secretly developing iron-clad ships." Luke's words aroused everyone's interest: "But unlike the Imperial Royal Shipyard's own research and development of warships, we are launching spies distributed all over the world to spy on various maritime countries. Ironclad research progress.

Then there is an assembly checklist.Now countries have loose restrictions on such technologies and equipment, most of which are produced in private factories or laboratories, and can be bought with money.

I will give you the equipment purchase list, which contains detailed equipment specifications and performance data.You order according to the list, then build the ship according to the hull plan I give you, and then install these equipment.

As long as we prove that the performance of this warship meets the requirements, we will purchase a batch of equipment on a large scale before countries find out and restrict exports.At that time...we will have the strongest maritime anti-smuggling fleet in the world. "

The three of them didn't know what kind of smuggling ship needed to be dealt with by such a powerful maritime anti-smuggling fleet.But they know that with such an ironclad ship in their hands, what they can do is not necessarily anti-smuggling.

With such a powerful fleet unique to the world, the eldest princess has to consider the contribution her daughter can make to the empire.

But is it reliable to buy equipment from everywhere and assemble it into a battleship?

These are not toy blocks!

"That's a lot of money," Ible asked.

Mrs. Mihir said: "My husband's laboratory can provide assistance. As long as there is no problem with the performance of the equipment, slight assembly deviations can be corrected using alchemy. No matter how high the cost is for this kind of warship with cross-epoch significance worth trying.

I believe that when this warship is sailing on the sea outside the city of Raging Waves, there will be no more voices against us in this city. "

Viscount Iscoran also said: "I agree with this attempt...Of course it also depends on the capabilities of the shipyard of Senator Ible."

"There is absolutely no problem with the capabilities of my shipyard." Ible did not allow any doubts about the quality of his factory: "Leave the assembly of this warship to me, and I will personally organize the best engineers and boatmen. As long as there are no problems with the drawings and equipment, I can build it.

Inspector, what is the name of this battleship? "

"The first machine..." Luke continued the player's naming of this DIY battleship, and appeased Ible: "I will pay the full cost of building this battleship. You just build it. want.

Now you know what I've done to fight smuggling in Rough Waves.What can everyone do for Her Royal Highness? "

Luke turned back to the original topic, and looked at Viscount Iskran.

You kid have interpreted everything that the inspector did, and it's time to expose your own facts.

Viscount Iscoran replied: "I think I can take on the job of security. The Iscoran family has some influence in Rage City, and I can also win over some members of the Brotherhood to provide protection for everyone based on the Assassin Tavern. Espionage collection of intelligence can be carried out.

In the future, as we approach step by step, our opponents may use any means.With the ability to counteract, when they consider using assassination and other means to deal with us, they will also be afraid that we have the same means of revenge. "

The Iskran function is integral to this group.

The capabilities of the Haijiao District Bureau of Secrets disgrace the name of the Bureau of Secrets. The entire Bureau of Secrets can only do one thing on the intelligence and security front, which is obviously not enough.

And the Iscoran family is the local snake in Raging Waves City. His security protection is real security protection, and his security deterrence is also a real security deterrence.If the new nobles don't want to risk their lives, they must abide by the rules of the game in this battle, and don't play the trick of assassination.

The Viscount Iskran is the cornerstone of this small group's security.

"Viscount Iscoran is an indispensable member of us." Luke nodded and looked at Senator Ible.

Councilor Ible hurriedly said: "I am a council member of Raging Waves City, the head of the city's taxation department. A famous entrepreneur and philanthropist... I own four fleets, five factories, and a whole commercial street..."

Luke stopped him from continuing: "Senator Ible is an integral part of our team."

Mrs. Mihir said: "I am a member of the Council of Raging Waves City. Although I do not have the family background of Viscount Iscorland and the wealth of Councilor Ible, I believe that my mind can help our group.

Moreover, Miss Qingkong and I are very good best friends. Miss Qingkong's force and charm can bring us a lot of convenience.I think Inspector Meteor is very clear about this. "

Mrs. Mihir knew that compared with Viscount Iscoran and Councilor Ible, she had too little to show, so she could only bring out Clear Sky.

"Yes, it's our luck that Miss Skylight is on our side. The ability Mrs. Mihir has shown during this period has also made you an indispensable member of our group." Luke finally said: "Now I announce...the establishment of the Raging Waves City Reform Society. Karina, send the declaration of our Reform Society to everyone."

"Yes, Inspector." Karina, who was standing behind Luke, took out the documents from her shoulder bag and distributed them to the three people.

Mrs. Mihir and Councilor Ible have already received a notice from Luke to set up a reformist faction that is different from the old system of Raging Waves City.

Seeing him formally name the Innovation Society this time and come up with a program, he is ready to make this society bigger and stronger.This must have been the instruction of His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, to secretly train his own team, and the intention to compete for the Crown Prince has become obvious.The two looked at the founding declaration of the Reform Society with joy, thinking that they were one of the elders of the entire political group.

One step closer to becoming a cabinet minister.

Viscount Iscoran had just returned, and this was the first time he heard the name of the Reform Society.He looked at the document sent to him curiously, and was immediately attracted by the content inside.

At the same time, he not only asked Luke: "Inspector, what are the criteria for joining our Reform Society?"

Luke said: "Our Reform Society is open to everyone, not just officials, even the poor. As long as he understands our program and is willing to fight for our common goal, we accept them. But if we want to truly become a reform society One of the members must have a higher awareness...

First of all, there must be two official members of the Innovation Society as introducers, and secondly, there must be a spirit of dedication to the society.

Loyal to the empire, loyal to the association, actively study, and follow the trend of the development of the times.Use new ideas and new technologies to lead Rough City along a new development path.

Our Innovation Society is not a political association, but an ideological and philosophical association, a literary and cultural association, and a technological innovation association..."

But in the ears of Viscount Escolan, Councilor Ible and Mrs. Mihir, this is a political association.Moreover, it is an association that is prepared to include all classes of society. You must know that various existing groups in the empire have their own small circles.The members of the Brotherhood of Blades are mainly hereditary nobles; the main body of the Cross Foundation is the new nobles; the sisterhood established by Mrs. Mihir, without any status, can't even enter the hall.

And the Innovation Society turned out to be this kind of income standard... The eldest princess is playing a big game this time!

(End of this chapter)

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