Age of Arcane

Chapter 165 Trolls

Chapter 165 Trolls
No matter what the four people thought about the so-called Reform Society, this group, which would soon affect the direction of the empire, was formally established in a private room in Xisai Palace in Raging Waves City.

Detective Meteor was also unanimously elected as the first administrative officer of the Reform Society, the prime minister for all affairs of the society.Viscount Iscoran is in charge of intelligence and security; Councilor Ible is in charge of the association's funding and finances; Mrs. Mihir is in charge of publicity and organization.

Then Kailinna was developed into a member of the innovative society on the spot, and then promoted to a senior backbone to serve as the head of the society's secret arts.

Luke gave the Reform Society the first task: to vigorously develop members... to carry out a carpet-like propaganda bombing without dead ends against all classes in Raging Waves City.Let all the citizens of Raging Wave City understand the idea of ​​the Reform Society, know that the Reform Society represents the latest trend of thought, and is the vane of the trend of the times.

Establish writers associations, dancers associations, painters associations, tea arts associations, flower arrangement associations, sports associations... and organize all people related to culture, sports and art together.Give them money and let them promote the overall cultural accomplishment of Raging Waves City.

In order to allow the citizens of Raging Seas to devote time to these hobbies, Luke asked Senator Ible to take the initiative to reduce the working hours of the workers he hired.

Working hours are limited to ten hours a day, and workers must be given one day off each week.At the same time increase workers' wages and increase workers' benefits.

When hearing this request, Councilor Ible was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that the first knife after the establishment of the Reform Society would be his own head.

"Inspector, the workers in my factory can't complete the order even if they work [-] hours a day. Let them work only [-] hours and have one day off a week. How can I manage my factory? And let them work less, Why pay them more money.

Inspector, I am one of my own! "

Luke said to the pleading Ible: "You tell your workers, as long as they can complete the fourteen hours of work within ten hours with quality and quantity, let them get off work early, and they will definitely find a way End the day's work within ten hours. It is better to let them take the initiative to think of ways to improve the production process by using time to squeeze the labor of workers. The same is screwing, with the right methods and tools, the speed can be more than ten times faster.

Our Innovation Society needs a large number of people who have spare time to participate in the leisure activities we organize.They also need more money to invest in these amateur activities.

Don't worry about your workers having money, as long as we can get all the factories in Rough City to reduce their working hours and pay their workers more.Then you will find that the money will return to your pocket when it is turned around elsewhere. "

"Really?" Senator Ible was skeptical.

Luke said: "If you give your workers more money, and then guide them to spend, they will not put the money away. If you give them time after work, and then attract them to have hobbies, they will willingly spend the money. on the hobby.

Member, only when wealth is circulated can it accumulate more and more.The cars you build, if your workers can't afford them, the existing market will be saturated in a few years. "

Representative Ible said thoughtfully: "What you said is very reasonable, but I still don't understand it."

"Then try to find out. If you are worried, you can use a factory as a pilot. As long as you learn to squeeze the brain power of your workers, you will find that it is far more profitable than squeezing their physical power."

"Okay..." Senator Ible felt that the inspector cut him the first time, and he could only endure the pain no matter how painful it was.First use a factory to test whether the inspector is right, and then speak with facts.

Luke continued to arrange several major actions of the Innovation Society in the future, regardless of whether the three executors could understand or not, they all forcibly pushed forward.

He has already stepped into this vortex, whether he wants to or not, he can only lead this newborn small team down.This time their struggle with the old system of Raging Waves City seems to be at the level of money, but no matter how much money they gain, it is only a temporary advantage.

Behind the old system of Raging Waves City is the entire new aristocratic force. They can lose once, twice, or even more times without damaging their foundation.They only need to win once to get back all the previous losses.

The Reform Society seems to be very strong now, but Viscount Iskran did not get any real support from the royal family when he went to the imperial capital this time.As long as people like himself can't withstand the attack of the new nobles, the emperor of the empire promises to turn his face faster than turning a book.

At this time, I and the eldest princess have formed a tacit understanding, which is based on the resources in my hands.

As long as she has money and power in one hand, the eldest princess will recognize the meteor inspector.

Luke founded the Reform Society and implemented the policies he formulated in a big way, which is to escalate the simple monetary interest dispute to the ideological dispute.

For these new aristocrats who started their careers in industry and commerce, I have a whole copy of "Das Kapital".

The first meeting of the Reform Society ended, and Luke planted seeds one by one according to his own ideas. It will take some time for them to germinate, bloom, and bear fruit.

The struggle against the new nobility, and even the royal family, has only just begun.

Luke left Sissai Palace and returned to the Cape District. As soon as he entered the door of the Secret Service, he was told that Mrs. Tasia had found and brought the person he wanted.

They're at Ranger Headquarters.

"Go to the Rangers..." Luke turned and got back into the car, and the convoy headed for the Rangers headquarters.

Under the leadership of Shelley, the ranger of the Secret Intelligence Bureau in the Cape District is conducting closed militarized training.The staff has been reduced to 1000 people, and the equipment is exceptionally sophisticated due to sufficient funds and the assistance of Diagonal Street.Basically, all staff can be motorized, and equipped with more than 50 war machines and other war equipment.

By the time Luke arrived at Ranger headquarters, the ex-gang members were no longer playing around.Although the combat effectiveness has not improved much, the military appearance is very serious.

The black mamba with his gun in his leg is more than just pretty.

Luke met Mrs. Tarcia in the castle, and also saw the people she brought...

It's a troll, Laconia.

Luke sent everyone out and met the old troll alone in a closed room.

Laconia sat on an iron chair fixed to the floor tiles, with steel shackles tied to his hands and feet.His tall body sat in a human-standard chair, like a strong human man sitting in a child's chair.

His knees are high, and his butt is under his knees, as if he is squatting there, which is very funny.

Luke sat across from Laconia, watching the legendary troll.His expression was not as grumpy as ordinary trolls, and he was quiet with the gentleness unique to scholars.

Laconia is an outlier among trolls. He was originally the successor of a tribe of trolls. His noble birth allowed him to live a pampered life.He likes things in a civilized society very much, and even often expresses his desire to bring civilization into his tribe.

But trolls resist change. They are used to the unchanging rules of the tribe and live a life of fishing and hunting on their territory.Work during the day, and sing the songs handed down by the ancestors around the fire at night, drawing strength from the spirit of the ancestors.

Later, Laconia failed in the battle for the leader of the tribe. He was degraded as a slave and sold to other troll tribes, and then met a mentor who changed his life.

Archibald Darnell, a noted scholar of troll history, discovered Laconia in particular while traveling through troll settlements.He bought Laconia to be his guide, and later accepted him as his disciple.

Later, Archibald Darnell contracted the swamp plague and died unexpectedly.Laconia took up the mantle of mentor and continued to unearth and organize the history of trolls.

Laconia is the only troll who has obtained a Ph.D. He has deciphered many ancient texts through studying the history of trolls, and can even use part of the power of ancient languages, becoming a strong man whose strength has reached six stars.

Of course, Luke dared to let Mrs. Tasia go to capture Laconia, which means that he has not yet obtained the power he will obtain in the future.

"Who are you, please? What is this place?" Laconia could tell that Luke was the head of this place, and seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, he took the initiative to ask.

Luke said: "Hello, Dr. Laconia, I'm sorry to invite you here in this way. This is the Secret Information Bureau of the Cape District of Raging City, Golden Shield Empire. I am Inspector Meteor. I can unlock your Shackles, I hope you will not act impulsively."

Laconia didn't know how he got into trouble with the Golden Shield Empire Secret Affairs Bureau. He said, "I guarantee in the name of my mentor, Archibald Darnell, that I will not do dangerous things."

Luke released the Taotie on the back of his hand, it flew to Laconia, and flexibly loosened the four shackles with its dragon claws.Then it flew back to Luke's hand, imprinted on the back of his hand.

Laconia flexed his wrist.

Although he was curious about what the dragon-like creature was just now, he still held back and didn't ask further questions.

"Detective Meteorite, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us. I am just an ordinary scholar, and I am studying the history of trolls, which is also very unpopular. I have not done anything to endanger the safety of the Golden Shield Empire. I have only been to the Empire three times. "

Seeing that Laconia was sitting obediently, Luke said, "I invited you to Rage City this time because I am very interested in the history of trolls... and for some reason, I have acquired a part of trolls. lineage."

"You have troll blood?" Laconia expressed disbelief when he saw Luke's appearance. He sniffed the scent and said in surprise: "Swinburne Barry Snake... the 'dragon' just now is a Swinburne Barry Snake Changed! Did you obtain your bloodline through secret techniques?
how can that be? "

Luke said with a smile: "Nothing is impossible in front of the secret technique. The Mandel jungle troll can obtain the ability of the Swinburne Barry Snake through sacrifices, and I can also obtain the power of the secret technique that can be used by me by changing the sacrifice. language. After all... the secret technique originated from the sacrifice..."

Laconia could only accept this somewhat absurd secret technique: "Okay...but what does it have to do with me? Although I know many troll priests, I never thought of improving them into something that can be used by humans." Mystery."

"I just said that I am very interested in the history of trolls, and you are the troll who knows the history of trolls best in this world. I have some questions that I hope you can answer truthfully."

Laconia looked at Luke for a while and said, "Okay, you ask... I hope this question and answer is over and I can be free."

"I hope I can get what I want from you. The history of trolls can be traced back to ancient civilizations, and your ancestors have many intersections with the five ancient civilizations. Is there any ancient language obtained in the history of trolls and passed down? until now."

In his professional field, Laconia replied happily: "This is public information. The trolls had a very magnificent period in the ancient civilization era. It was because of the inheritance of a part of the ancient language that they created a group of people with similar characteristics. God rivals the troll.

However, the ancient civilization pursued the extreme of individual strength excessively, and the learning of the ancient language was extremely difficult, so a big battle caused the collective decline of the ancient civilization, and the ancient language was lost as a result.

The ballads of the troll tribes are the remnants of an ancient language that brings power to the trolls, but far less than the true ancient language.At present, the five ancient civilizations have restored the ancient language by collecting troll songs, and achieved slight success.

If you are interested in ancient languages, inspector, it is more effective for you to search for five ancient civilizations than to arrest me. "

Luke said with a smile: "I 'please' you not to listen to these public materials, but to tell me some information that is not public. As a troll scholar, you must know the inheritance of ancient languages ​​in the troll race, Do you have some unique insights of your own?"

Luke's words made Laconia nervous, and he even showed a little aggressive posture.But after seeing the dragon transformed from the Swinburne Barry snake jump out from the back of Inspector Meteor's hand and demonstrate to himself, he immediately dispelled all violent thoughts.

"Inspector, I don't understand what you mean. I'm just a very ordinary scholar, and I haven't studied ancient languages."

"Ancient languages ​​are part of the history of trolls. Do you think I believe you when you say you haven't studied ancient languages?
Dr. Laconia, don't play tricks on me.I know a lot about you. You have no secrets in front of me except the knowledge in your head.Tell me what I want to know so that this conversation can end happily. "

"What will you do to me?"

Facing the notorious Secret Affairs Bureau of the Golden Shield Empire, Dr. Laconia felt very guilty.

Luke said: "As long as you cooperate, I will not hurt you. And if the information you give me satisfies me, I can share with you some of the things in my hands related to ancient languages."

As he spoke, Luke poked the glutton with his fingers.Taotie is like a coquettish kitten, actively rubbing against his fingers with his horns and neck, and purring comfortably.

Laconia looked thoughtfully at the strange Swinburne barry snake.

(End of this chapter)

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