Age of Arcane

Chapter 166 Ancient Languages

Chapter 166 Ancient Languages
As a troll scholar, Laconia knew how the sacrifices related to the Swinburne Barry snake would change the snake.No matter what the Swinburne Barry Snake becomes, it cannot be sapient, nor can it appear in a physical state.

And the "dragon" transformed into the Swinburne Barry Snake in front of him is obviously quite spiritual and intelligent, and it also plays with its owner like a pet.

This is beyond Laconia's cognition.

At the same time, he could see that the ancient language spoken by Inspector Meteorite was related to this dragon.

"I admit that in my research on the history of trolls, I have found many traces of ancient civilizations and unearthed some materials." Laconia moved his body slightly to make himself sit more comfortably, and then continued: "There are many clues that the five ancient civilizations were built on the basis of five artifacts. They are: the golden compass of the shining gold civilization, the bright sculpture of the angel civilization, the fluorescent star cluster of the shadow civilization, the red flame torch of the purgatory civilization, and the dragon clan. The rainbow arch of civilization.

Ancient languages ​​are composed of glyphs, pronunciation, and consciousness resonance. Mastering one of the five ancient languages ​​can establish contact with these five artifacts.Consciousness Resonance Unicom Artifact, font and pronunciation..."

Laconia paused when he said this, and said after some hesitation: "Inspector, you can obtain the blood of a troll, which means that you have very high achievements in secret arts. Secret arts are obtained through the words of secret arts." Release the mysterious energy contained in the mysterious props, and the ancient language is a special secret technique that uses the artifact as the subject, ancient characters as the auxiliary, and the pronunciation as a secret language."

Luke was extremely surprised by Laconia's sudden revelation.

He really didn't expect that the ancient language, which is miraculous, turned out to be a special kind of secret technique.If you think about it when you know the result, the ancient language is indeed somewhat similar to the secret art.

"Doctor, you are very surprised when you say this...but the descendants of the five existing ancient civilizations all master certain ancient languages, but they don't seem to have artifacts in their hands."

Laconia didn't know what kind of achievements he would have in the ancient language in the future, so after he said it smoothly, he stopped hiding anything.Compared with my own life, these materials are of course more important.

"The artifact is indestructible, but it was lost in the chaotic space during the war. As long as a connection with the artifact can be established, even if the artifact is no longer in your hands, you can still release secrets through ancient languages. But because the connection with the artifact is weakened, now five Not only are the ancient languages ​​mastered by this ancient race less, but the effect is far worse than when they had divine weapons."

What an amazing secret!

"Doctor, to what extent have you researched ancient languages? Can you interpret ancient texts?"

"Inspector, my major is the history of trolls. The study of ancient languages ​​is just a supplement to this research project. The ancient troll race is very prosperous and has traveled all over the world. With their excellent physical fitness, they are favorites of the five ancient civilizations." labor force used.

Some trolls learned ancient languages, but lost them too..."

"Please answer my question directly, can you interpret it?"

Laconia shrugged: "A little bit, and it's just cognition and pronunciation, far from the level of spiritual resonance."

Luke thought to himself, if you can achieve spiritual resonance, I wouldn't dare to see you in such a big way now.Luke took out a pen and paper, wrote a spell on it, and asked Taotie to hand it to Laconia.

"You try to decipher this ancient text first."

Laconia held the paper, and his spirit was immediately attracted by the words on it.

"This... should be the text of the ancient Shuojin civilization. Um... Beast can also refer to barbarism, rudeness or similar meanings; there is another word... gold, which can also refer to wealth and wealth, is the ancient language of the Shuojin civilization Words used for self-expression often appear in .

I can only understand these two words. The sentence pattern is a kind of sealing format. It should be that the ancient Shuojin people sealed a kind of beast, or a barbaric thing. "

Sure enough, it is a specialization in the art field. Dean Willred can only see that this is a seal of the ancient Shuojin civilization, and Laconia can understand two words in it.

Luke continued: "How are these two words written and what is the pronunciation?"

Laconia showed a look of anticipation: "I need a table, as well as paper and pen. Also, can I know where you got this spell? I can see that this is just a whole spell part of...

If you can give me the whole text, I should be able to guess more meanings, and perhaps deduce more pronunciations. "

"Meet my request first, and then I'll consider meeting your request." Luke stood up and moved a square table from the corner of the room over to Laconia, and then put his chair next to the table.Set up the pen and paper, and said, "Now teach me these two ancient golden characters..."

"Okay..." Laconia knew that he didn't have the money to bargain with the Secret Service, so he could only hope that his cooperation could get more things related to the ancient language from Luke: "Let's start with the word beast. Start... Your starting point is wrong. If you want to understand ancient characters, you must know how it should be written, and not just write.

Imagine those mysterious props related to beasts, brutality, and rudeness.Their shapes are very rough and the lines are exaggerated. When you think you understand its meaning, write according to my stroke order.Write with your heart, ancient texts, like occult props, it has a certain variety, but it feels more important. "

As a scholar, Laconia did not slack off in teaching because of the positions of both parties.He took a very serious attitude to teach Luke to write the ancient characters of Shimmering Gold, correcting mistakes over and over again, and using language to guide imagination.

Luke found that ancient characters were far more difficult to learn than he had imagined. After a few hours of study, he couldn't even write a single word correctly.No wonder the inheritance of ancient languages ​​is so difficult. At this pace, this word may take me a few days.

Laconia was full of patience, and he said with good guidance: "Every ancient character is a high-level mysterious prop. Imagine the difficulty of making a high-level mysterious prop. Learning an ancient character is more difficult than making one. It is much more difficult to write a high-level mysterious item. But as long as you learn it, you can write it correctly as you like."

Luke smiled bitterly: "It's just writing, isn't it more difficult to pronounce it correctly?"

Laconia showed a childish expression: "If you can learn the troll language, the troll songs can help you pronounce it correctly. You have troll blood, so learning the troll language should not be difficult."

"Okay... I have to be prepared to learn ancient languages ​​for a long time, and you also have to be prepared to stay in Raging Waves City for a long time." Luke thought about the placement of Laconia: "I can help you in Raging Waves." Set up a troll history research institute in the city, and send my people to collect all the information you need for you. You can also set up a professional expedition team in the future, and you can take them wherever you want."

"Aren't you going to lock me up?"

"As long as you stay in Rage City while I'm learning the ancient language, you are free. I don't have any malice towards you, I just want to learn the ancient language... I hope you can understand."

Laconia did not expect that being kidnapped could turn a bad thing into a good thing.

Troll history is a very unpopular science.In this booming era, people are more willing to invest money in research that can bring them huge benefits.

Because of his major and his own ethnicity, Laconia made it difficult for him to get decent funding.Luke is willing to invest in him to set up a troll history research institute, which is really doing what he likes and sending charcoal in real time.

Not to mention, he was very interested in the sealing spell written in the ancient golden script in Luke's hand.

"Don't worry, I won't leave Rage City until I teach you the ancient texts I know." Laconia said after thinking for a while: "Actually... If you take this spell to the World Bank, Shuo Jin Elder Ren can definitely tell you more things. There is a branch of the World Bank in Rage City..."

"No, you can't tell anyone about this spell. Especially the Jin people, do you understand?"

The ancient Shuojin civilization is a very inclusive civilization, as long as it meets the conditions, any race can join.The falling gold civilization is also actively integrated into the follow-up world system. With their wealth, they founded the World Bank. With their absolutely neutral attitude and credit, the gold and silver certificates issued by the World Bank have become the new world's international system. currency in circulation.

As an international trading city, Raging Waves City naturally has a sub-branch set up by Shuojin people to provide currency settlement services for international trade.

The spell written in the ancient Shuojin script in Luke's hand must not be known to the current Shujin people, at least not until they figure out what the egg is.

Regarding Luke's warning, Laconia expressed understanding: "I must have stolen something from the Shimmer."

Luke said with a smile: "Can the Golden Shield Empire's secret affairs bureau call it stealing? Let's continue... and try to learn an ancient script as soon as possible."

"Okay, let's continue."

Laconia did not delve into this aspect. It is better to know as little as possible about the secret affairs bureau.

The study continued, and this time Luke seemed to have found a little inspiration. Although he still couldn't complete all the writing, he knew in his mind that he was close to success.

Moreover, Taotie actively slipped back into the back of his hand without calling him.Then the last auditory hallucination appeared in Luke's ears, and it was the thing inside the egg whispering again; the illusion of the troll priest appeared around him, and the troll slapped his waist drum and danced, faintly corresponding to the rhythm of the whisper.

Luke looked up at Laconia.

Laconia asked, "Any questions?"


Luke lowered his head to write again, obviously Laconia couldn't hear the voice he heard, and couldn't see the crazy writhing trolls around him.

As Luke listened intently to the whisper, he could make out a single syllable repeating itself.And when this syllable appears, the trolls make the same movement...

It has horns on its head and a tail behind it!
Beast, savage, rude...

In the eyes of the ancient Shuojin people, does this refer to the "Dragon Clan"?After all they refer to themselves by gold, wealth, wealth!

This may not be the dragon's official name in the ancient Shimmergold language, but it is most likely a pejorative.

And what's inside that star, is it teaching me ancient languages?
Luke observed the troll's dance, and with a direct standard reference, he could use his imagination more accurately.He added the dragon to his understanding of the word, and then used the lines of the word "dragon" in Chinese calligraphy to incorporate it into the writing of the word.

Changed a piece of paper and started to write again, turned the wrist, and the writing flowed smoothly.The feeling and the brushwork match instantly, and the strokes are wild between ideas.While writing, bursts of dragon roars emanated from the tip of the pen, the sound was like a bell, and the momentum was surging.

On Luke's right arm as he brushed, the taotie's belly glowed brightly.In Luke's ears, the whisper was loud and clear.

When the last pen of a word was completed, the pen burst suddenly in Luke's hand.Then he felt as if all the strength in his body had been taken away, and he slumped in the chair.

At the same time a syllable came out of his throat.

On the paper, the rune-like character he wrote glowed and floated away from the paper.Strong lights flickered from above it at high frequency, making the entire small room shake in the flash.

Laconia had long been frightened and froze.He opened his eyes wide and looked at the vision in front of him, watching the word float up.The lines of the characters flowed like a beast flying in the air.

He had never encountered this kind of strangeness when he was studying ancient characters.He looked at Luke, wondering...what the hell had happened to him.

Luke looked at the flying characters, and also didn't understand what happened, and now he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand.

Just when the word was about one meter away from the table, Taotie suddenly jumped out from the back of Luke's hand.It flapped its wings and rushed towards the word, opened its mouth and swallowed the whole word.

The light on its abdomen intensified again, and the shape of the egg could be vaguely seen.

In Luke's mind, he could see what the egg looked like.The spell covering the eggshell started to spin, although it was slow but it did spin again.At the same time, the character corresponding to the "character" swallowed by Taotie is highlighted, and when the character is turned to the back of the egg, a shadow in the middle of the egg can be illuminated.

Just as an egg can be seen through the light by pointing it at the sun, so the shadow shows the appearance of an embryo.

what is that?
Just when Luke wanted to observe again, all the lights went out instantly.The egg returned to the state it had just obtained, and the light in Taotie's abdomen also dimmed.It flew around Luke, whining happily.Although I don't know what it means, but I must have gotten a lot of benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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