Age of Arcane

Chapter 177 House Arrest Yomington

Chapter 177 House Arrest Yomington

On the plate, the surface of the freshly grilled fish was burnt yellow, with oil bubbling.The spices sprinkled on top are stimulated by the high temperature, and smelled in the nose, people can't help but move their index fingers.

Edgar, who has been on the sea for a long time, can see that the grilled fish is cooked just right, which shows that the chef who made this grilled fish is a very good cook.On a ship, a cook who can cook such delicious food is generally very prestigious.

The Meteor inspector on the opposite side is also very good at determining the heat of this negotiation.If you can't argue, get rid of the debater, and if you don't have an opponent, you will naturally win.

A full glass of beer is on the side of the plate, along with a knife and fork.

Edgar knew that it was meaningless for him to stay in Raging Waves City, so he simply opened his mouth to eat and drink.

He also chatted and asked Luke: "Inspector, you are very powerful. You invited Yomington to your ship... Oulu Academy invited him, and he couldn't think about it. But this only means that you have won a battle." Even if you successfully get the repair project of Cape Harbor, you may not be able to start the project smoothly.

Even if you can start working, your boat cannot get out to sea.Next time I come, I will not bring these four Adonis-class steam battleships, I will send all your ships to the bottom of the sea. "

Luke, who was threatened by Edgar, couldn't help shaking his head: "I originally wanted you to go back alive, but if you provoke me so much, if I don't respond, it will greatly damage the dignity of the Imperial Secret Service.

I am going to kill you. "

Luke took a white glove from his pocket and threw it at Edgar's face.

Edgar grabbed the glove thrown by Luke and showed a ferocious smile: "Detective Meteorite, I accept your invitation to a duel. This will be a fair duel."

Luke looked at Edgar: "This is a fair duel, the time is up to you."

"Four o'clock in the afternoon, the location is up to you, but I hope that the city officials of Raging City can see this duel."

Luke said with a smile: "The duel location can be chosen in the square of the city's government affairs hall. I'll add some difficulty and gimmicks. How about fighting on an airship?"

Edgar didn't expect Luke to choose such a special duel location, and realized that this location must be beneficial to him.But since I chose the time for the duel, the other party did not object, and I couldn't question the location of the duel.

Moreover, the turbulence of the airship in the air will not be lower than that of the ship in the sea. Perhaps this duel location is beneficial to him.

"No problem, just fight on the airship. You will regret your impulse... No, you have no chance to regret it."

Edgar didn't touch the grilled fish in front of him, he stood up and saluted Luke, and then left the Lucky Princess.

Mrs. Tasia came down from the bridge. She just heard the conversation between Luke and Edgar, and said worriedly: "Inspector, I know Edgar. He has been a navy and a pirate, and he is very powerful. And he seems to be able to use some kind of secret technique to make his strength skyrocket in a short time.

I should not be his opponent.

If you must kill Edgar, we Naga clan can sneak attack Coral Reef right now. "

Luke asked the cook to serve him another plate of grilled fish before eating, and said to Mrs. Tasia: "I know Edgar better than you. He likes to duel with people, and even killed some people who are stronger than him. He Since he inspired me, I followed his wish.

Don't worry, I know Edgar's skills, but Edgar doesn't know me.In this duel, he is doomed, and the ship he are ready to receive it. "

The confidence shown by the inspector made it hard for Madam Tasia to say anything, but he let himself take over the four steam battleships, which was still surprising: "Inspector, you want to detain the battleships of the Saxon Project... this will give They attack us with an excuse."

"Do you think that if these four warships are not seized, the Saxon Project will not attack us? I will deal with the Saxon Engineering. After you accept these four warships, hurry up and train, and wait for our warships to be built. , you must be able to form combat power directly."

Mrs. Tasia knew that Inspector Meteor had a shipbuilding plan, but she didn't know what kind of ship was being built.But as long as it is a steam battleship like the Adonis class, she is already satisfied.

"Yes, Inspector. Thank you, Inspector!"

"Go get ready."

"As ordered!"

The blockade of Cape District was lifted, and the fact that Inspector Meteor was going to duel with Edgar, the Saxon engineering representative, quickly spread throughout the city.

Most city officials know Edgar's strength. He has experienced various wars and battles, and has very rich experience in duels.And Inspector Meteor Star didn't seem to have shown his strength much, and it was a bit of a mistake for him to initiate this duel.

If Inspector Meteor is killed by Edgar in this duel... the fog over Raging Waves City will clear up.

Mrs. Mihir, Senator Ible, and Viscount Iscorran, who were still on the run, panicked when they heard the news of the duel between Inspector Meteor and Edgar.They immediately sent people to the Secret Information Bureau of Haijiao District to inquire, and the answers they got were...the repair project of Haijiao Harbor should be done well, and other things don't need to be taken care of.

The city government affairs hall square was preparing the venue for the duel, a large airship was dispatched, and someone boarded the top floor of the airship to set up the duel arena.This special duel field added a bit of fun to this duel.

When people from all walks of life in Rage City have their own expectations for this duel, Yomington seems to have become a neglected existence.

Yomington took two followers and followed Bruce Ban into the subspace, and the bright sky instantly turned into night.Under the night, the Oulu Academy fell into a deep sleep, only because of the infiltration of the abyss mage, the academy sent more guards at night.

When Yomington entered the academy, Abyss leopards jumped out frequently to stop him, and he was released only after Bruce Ban showed his identity.

"I have been to Oulu Academy many times before, but this is the first time I saw the Abyss Leopards. They are really a group of beautiful and smart guys. The academy's defenses are so tight, what happened?"

Yomington was chatting, he wanted to extract some information from Bruce Ban.

Bruce Ban was not so vigilant, he replied: "Yesterday we encountered the invasion of the abyss mages here, and one student died. Fortunately, Professor Qingkong found and eliminated these abyss mages, including an abyss apostle.

We are temporarily not sure if there are other lurking abyss mages, so we can only strengthen the defense of the academy. "

"Miss Weathering Sky killed another Abyss Apostle?"

"Yes, it is Portlem, the apostle of the fifth abyss."

Yomington was very curious about Qingkong's strength.It was rumored that she once fought against Dean Willed, and although there was no winner, she snatched the Dean's Ruihuo wand.Just because Qingkong's identity was exposed, as a professor of Oulu College, it is impossible to judge the authenticity of the battle with Willred.

Destroying the Nulei Tower... Mrs. Mihir later explained that it was done by the abyss mage.

Therefore, the previous assessment of the strength of the clear sky should have a lot of moisture.But when the Organ Street was besieging the Abyss Mage, she killed an Abyss Apostle, and this time she killed another Abyss Apostle.

Abyss Apostle, but a group of guys who almost destroyed Oulu Academy a hundred years ago, it is enough to prove that Qingkong's strength is not as strong as the legend, but it is strong enough.

"Miss Sunny Sky is really a powerful and mysterious elf. Has she been a professor at Oulu College before? I don't mean anything else, I just think that according to her ability, she should have been famous all over the world."

"Professor Qingkong doesn't want others to ask her things, I only follow orders to do things." Bruce suddenly stopped: "We are here."

"Here?" Yomington was taken aback for a moment, and then found that he was no longer on the road of the college, but in a closed and dark room, with two attendants missing.He asked Bruce Ban: "What is this place? Where did my people go?"

"Professor Qingkong's order is to bring you here, and your followers are not invited."

Yomington realized that this might be a trap, and he said sternly to Bruce: "I am an official of the empire, and I ask you to take me out of here immediately, and I want to see Dean Willred."

"Professor Ban, you can go out now, let Lord Yomington's followers go home and wait for news." Clear sky appeared in the room, and the lights in the room were turned on to illuminate the space.

"Yes, Professor Qingkong."

Bruce Ban left, leaving Clear Sky and Yomington in the room.

"Sit down..." Qing Kong waved his hand, and two ice chairs appeared in the room: "I hope this invitation doesn't disturb you."

Yomington didn't sit down, and the scene at this time made him a little uneasy: "Miss Skylight, this is not the style of doing things at Oulu Academy. No matter what questions you want to ask me, you need to do so in an open place.

I demand to see Dean Willred, otherwise I will not answer any questions. "

Qingkong sat down in a chair, and said to Yomington indifferently: "The entrustment I received is to let you stay in Oulu College before the city council hand over the repair project of Cape Harbor to Yanyang Group. .So I don't really care if you answer the question or not."

After hearing Qingkong express his purpose, Yomington said angrily: "Are you passing on Dean Willed's order falsely! Oulu Academy has always not interfered in the government affairs of Raging Waves City, you detain an imperial official like this, you know I don’t know what trouble it will bring to Oulu Academy. Let me go quickly, or Dean Willed will definitely punish you severely.”

"I didn't pass on the dean's order. The dean is indeed very angry with you for treating the kestrel like this. Now the college has organized professional professors to treat the kestrel. Once the kestrel recovers some memories, the Oulu Academy will definitely submit a request to the highest authority of the empire. The courts prosecute all those involved.

Yomington, you still have a chance to mitigate your crime... Help us restore Kestrel's memory, and assist us in rescuing the other girls who were subjected to experiments. "

"I don't know what you're talking about? Kestrel is my adopted daughter, and she was like this before I adopted her. Give Kestrel to me, and I will find the best doctor to treat her."

Yomington didn't expect that he would cause such a big trouble by bringing the Kestrel to Rage City.Once Oulu Academy is determined to investigate this matter, the entire plan must be hidden, and Kestrel... must get her out of Oulu Academy before she recovers her memory.

But... I don't know how I left here.

Qing Kong said: "If you want to take the Kestrel away, you can go to Dean Will Reed."

"I'm going to see Dean Willred now."

"It's the night of the Oulu Academy, and the dean is resting. And you can't go anywhere until the incident in Raging Waves City is over."

Yomington took out a magic wand from his cuff, and he threatened Qingkong: "You are illegally imprisoning an imperial official. This is a felony! Let me go now... Otherwise, you will bear all the consequences."

Qingkong's eyes instantly turned into ice crystal color, and his powerful momentum pressed towards Yomington: "You are changing the house arrest of an imperial official into the murder of an imperial official. Yomington, stay here honestly until you can leave The moment... Otherwise, you will bear all the consequences."

Yomington's aura was instantly overwhelmed. He didn't dare to confront the clear sky stubbornly, so he could only obediently put away the magic wand, and then sat down in the chair.

Instead, he changed his attitude and said to Qingkong: "Miss Qingkong, I don't know who you are working for, but since you have accepted someone else's commission, you should also be able to accept mine.

Please tell me your price, I guarantee that what we can give you is definitely much more than what Inspector Meteor can give you. "

Qingkong did not expect that Yomington was a chameleon, and his face changed quickly enough.

She said: "Detective Meteorite promised to help me become the next dean of Oulu College."

Clear Sky decided to tease Yomington to see what "much more" he could offer.

And this price obviously exceeded Yomington's expectation.

Yomington said with a dark face: "Miss Clear Sky, I think you were deceived by Meteor. He is an agent of the Imperial Secret Service, and the position of the head of the Oulu Academy cannot be interfered with by even the Eldest Princess.

I can go find Meteor with you right now, and I will expose his lies to my face. "

Qing Kong also said with a dark face: "You said I was cheated... Are you questioning my IQ?"

Yomington is indeed questioning Qingkong's IQ now, but he must not say it out loud.

"No, no, Miss Clear Sky, you are the smartest and most beautiful elf I have ever seen. But I really can't figure out how Inspector Meteor can decide the next president of Oulu Academy.

I think we should ask Dean Willred, he may know the reason. "

"How can you ask the dean face to face about such a thing? It seems that I covet his position and want him to die early. Can you figure out that it has nothing to do with me... I just want to hear, what price can you offer?
In this world, there are not many things that attract me more than the position of dean of Oulu Academy. "

There are not many things in this world that are more precious than the head of the Oulu Academy!

Yomington couldn't figure out how Meteor convinced Qingkong that he could influence the candidate for the next dean of Oulu College.

But considering the series of astonishing operations that Meteor had performed after arriving in Raging Waves City, it seemed reasonable to put such absurd things on him.

And what price can he come up with to beat Meteor's bid for Qingkong?

(End of this chapter)

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