Age of Arcane

Chapter 178 Changxiang Class

Chapter 178 Changxiang Class

"This..." Yomington considered the price he could offer, and the price was not only higher than the dean of the Oulu Academy, but also within the range he could afford.Soon, he came up with a brilliant idea: "Miss Sunny Sky, I wonder if you are married or have someone you like?"

Qingkong wanted to see Yomington's embarrassment, but he didn't expect him to ask this question.

There is a bad feeling.

"Not at all..." Clear Sky replied truthfully.

Yomington is possessed by Cupid at this moment: "Neither the first prince nor the second prince of the empire is married, and the future emperor of the empire must choose one of them.

Miss Weathering Sky is so beautiful, if she goes to the imperial capital, she will definitely make the two princes fall in love with her.I can assure you that whoever becomes the Emperor of the Empire, you can become the Empress of the Empire.

At that time, with your identity, it was not easy to build a college named after you. "


In order to get out of the predicament, Yomington really has an extremely flexible mind.

Qingkong felt like shooting herself in the foot with a stone. She said to Yomington: "The price is very attractive, but are you sure that the empire will accept an elf queen? According to the lifespan of an elf, if I become the queen of the empire, I will definitely be able to send it away." Many imperial emperors. With my strength, I can also decide who the future imperial emperor is?
Even... the empire might usher in a queen. "

Yormington found himself ill-considered in asking such a price.The emperor of the empire can have a lover of a different race, but the queen must be a human race.

But in order to get out of trouble, Yomington flickered to Qingkong: "This era is no longer the previous era. Race should not be the boundary of love. We emerging nobles are most able to accept new things. How wonderful is an elf queen thing!
As for the future, that's for the future..."

Qing Kong said with a smile: "Don't question my IQ, and don't insult my IQ, I know you are lying to me.

I have just received word that there will be a fair duel between Inspector Meteorite and Edgar of Saxon Engineering at four o'clock in the afternoon.If Edgar is killed by Inspector Meteor and you're not around, the city council will likely change its mind under pressure.

You don't have much time, think it over and make an offer I can't refuse. "

Hearing the information revealed by Qingkong, Yomington was greatly surprised: "What! Meteor is going to duel with Edgar? Why?"

"How do I know... Probably Detective Meteor Star doesn't like Edgar. Well, I'm going to read a book for a while. If you haven't considered the price, don't bother me."

Qingkong was afraid that Yomington would offer some weird price again, so she stopped talking.She made an ice coffee table at hand, poured herself a glass of red wine, and then took out a secret art book to read.

Facing Qingkong personally guarding him, Yomington could only use his brains, thinking about how to persuade Qingkong to let him go.

Must be back by four o'clock in the afternoon.

He knew Inspector Meteor very well. Once this duel started, Edgar would definitely die.

At this time Edgar was in a closed room on the fleet flagship Coral Reef, preparing for the duel.

He sat cross-legged on the floor, a two-handed sword across his knees.Surrounded by some mysterious props used to release the secret technique, the shell of a sea turtle was flipped and placed two meters in front of him, and it was rotating without external force.

The entire esoteric ceremony lasted from morning to afternoon, during which Edgar remained motionless, accepting the power brought to him by the occult arts.

When the turtle's shell stops turning, it collapses into a pile of sand and disappears instead.On the two-handed sword on Edgar's knee, water rippled on the sword body, and then the vibration made the sound of surging sea tide.

Secret Technique: Raging seas contend for waves.

This is a secret technique that Edgar occasionally obtained during his adventures at sea.After completing the secret, he will be blessed with ocean power for a certain period of time, and the closer he is to the ocean, the stronger the blessing will be.

With this secret technique, Edgar has survived countless battles, big and small, and survived until now.Many people who were stronger than him in the past died under his sword.

In this duel with Inspector Meteor, Edgar took out his own treasured mysterious props to maximize the effectiveness of the state of "Raging Seas".

After this battle, he will have a place in the city of Raging Waves, and he will no longer have to fight for his life.

After the secret technique was completed, Edgar felt that his condition had never been so good.Although the duel location is on land, the city government office is not far from the ocean, and the effect on the "Raging Seas" is not greatly reduced.

Edgar, who had completed the secret technique, looked at the time... It's time to go to the duel field.

At this time, Luke was also preparing for the duel.

He knew what Edgar's unique skill was. The secret technique of "Raging Seas" could improve Edgar's strength from four stars to five stars, and he would be even stronger at sea.

Although Luke placed the duel location in the air, there is still a big gap between his strength and Edgar's.

Luke is now only counting his own overall strength, which belongs to more than half of the three stars and less than four stars. He will never be able to beat Edgar normally.But Luke didn't plan to fight Edgar normally. Players would play tricks when fighting bosses.

The time for the duel is approaching.

When Luke came out of his room, many people had already gathered outside.

Shelley, Pisco, Kaleena, Mrs. Tasia, Mighty, Sandpaper...

All that should have come.

Shelley was the first to say: "Inspector, an Edgar is not worth fighting for yourself. Let me fight for you... No one will say anything?"

Karina also said: "Inspector, you have a noble status, you shouldn't take such a big risk. Please let Captain Black Mamba fight on your behalf, she will win Edgar."

In this situation, it is very gratifying for Luke to have such a subordinate who cares about him.

He said to everyone: "Don't act like I'm going to die. When have you ever seen the inspector risk my life? Don't worry, I know how to defeat Edgar. As long as he boards that airship, he is dead...

Mrs. Tasia, how are you doing there? "

Mrs. Tasia replied: "Inspector, the crew is ready. When the news of your killing Edgar reaches the dock, the Naga warriors will forcefully board the ship, and the other ships will take over the ship as quickly as possible. ship, don’t give those four steam warships a chance to sink themselves.”

"Very well, Edgar lost his life and the ship this time. Since the Saxon Project has just confronted me, let's just confront it.

Come on, accompany the Inspector and I will see Edgar on his way! "

Luke took his men and drove to the central city.

And the square in front of the city government office was already crowded with people, and in the middle was an airship ready to take off.

A hydrogen airship.

The politicians and businessmen in Raging Wave City are always thinking about promoting the hydrogen airship. Of course, they will not miss such a good advertising opportunity.

Inspector Meteor Star, no matter what his position is, he is now the most popular fried chicken in Raging Waves City.Popularity is hot, and every move can make the headlines of major newspapers.Inspector Meteor's duel has already alarmed the whole city. Looking at the number of people gathered to watch the battle, it can only be compared with the demonstrations in the city a few days ago.

It is conceivable that this duel will not only alarm the entire Raging Waves City, but it will definitely alarm the imperial capital as well.As a duel arena, if the hydrogen airship in Raging Waves City can prove its safety, it will be very helpful for its overall promotion.

Changxiang-class hydrogen airship

R & D unit: Raging City Alchemist Association
Length: 224 meters

Diameter: 40.7 meters

Volume: 200 cubic meters

Hydrogen plus stabilizer is used to provide lift for the airship.

Sufficient lift allows the Changxiang-class hydrogen airship to be equipped with a hard shell to provide better protection for the airship.

For this duel, the top layer of the Changxiang-class hydrogen airship is equipped with a layer of protective panels, which, together with the 28 independent airbags inside the hull, are enough to deal with a high-intensity battle.

The Alchemist Association of Raging Waves City is very confident in the Changxiang-class hydrogen airship, and hopes that it can take this opportunity to open up the market monopolized by steam airships in one fell swoop.

The convoy of the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau slowly squeezed from the crowd to the Government Affairs Hall Square, just in time for the agreed duel time.

Edgar has arrived.

Councilor Ible, Mrs. Mihir, and Viscount Iscoran were all waiting here with worried expressions on their faces.

The airship is ready to take off, and the duel is about to begin.

Viscount Iskran stopped Luke in front of the airship boarding ladder, and asked in a low voice: "Are you crazy? What is your identity! You want to duel with a small character! Do you know that if you have any accidents, What will be the consequences.

Think about the eldest princess, she is waiting for you! "

Viscount Iscoran knew about the relationship between Meteor and the Eldest Princess, and he hoped that Meteor could cancel the duel for the Eldest Princess at this last moment.

"Thank you... I know what I'm doing? Edgar must die today, and no one can stop him."

Viscount Iskran didn't know where Luke got such confidence: "But as long as it's a duel, accidents may happen."

"Yeah, sometimes accidents happen and people are caught off guard." Luke smiled: "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Edgar's death will slow down the arrival of the Saxon engineering fleet."

After Luke finally finished speaking with Viscount Iskran, he boarded the airship along the steps.

Edgar, who was carrying a big sword, also stepped onto the airship.

In the boat cabin similar to a train carriage, Edgar looked at the crowd outside through the window, and said to Luke: "Master Inspector, I see that your friends and subordinates are very worried about you, which adds to the I have defeated your confidence. I will persuade you in the end, voluntarily renounce the duel, and you still have a chance to live.

Don't even risk your own life for the sake of anger and face. "

"I'm just the opposite of you. Everyone doesn't like me, but it makes me feel that my chances of winning are better..."

While Luke and Edgar were exchanging swords, an old man dressed as a captain came, and he saluted the two: "Detective Meteor, Mr. Edgar, I am the captain of the Imagination-class airship, Miatu. The airship It's about to take off, please sit down."

Luke said to the captain: "When the airship takes off, you take all the crew out of the airship."

The captain did not expect that Inspector Meteor would make such a request, and he replied: "Inspector, our mission is to ensure the safe operation of the airship."

Luke said: "When I duel with Mr. Edgar, I don't want any human influence. We don't trust you, and we disembark after takeoff. After that, I will check every corner of the airship. No matter how high the airship is, I will throw him down."

Edgar also said: "This is a fair duel, Inspector Meteor has the right to ask you to leave."

"But... we all left the airship, how do you make it land."

Luke said: "You don't need to think about it."

"Okay, here you go, Inspector."

Soon the Changxiang-class hydrogen airship began to take off, and the captain led the crew to jump off one by one, allowing the airship to fly uncontrollably to high altitude.

Luke carefully inspected every corner of the airship, and after confirming that there were no hidden people, he found Edgar who was waiting in the cabin.

"Let's go, let's go to the top floor, where the open space is suitable for a duel."

After Luke finished speaking, he walked out of the cabin and climbed along the rope ladder to the top of the airship.After Edgar looked down from the cabin door, his brows were not only frowned.

Too high!
The airship without crew was ascending without any control, and the huge city below was only an outline.Edgar felt the mighty power of the ocean on his body, which was much weaker than that in front of the government affairs hall building. You can imagine how far away from the sea at this time.

Did he do it on purpose?

Edgar looked up at the meteor that was climbing upwards.

Impossible, no one knows the characteristics of my secret technique, this must be a coincidence.

Now the airship is still rising, I don't know where its limit height is?

At this point, Edgar could only bite the bullet and climb up the rope ladder.Just after climbing more than ten meters, he felt that his breathing became difficult. He obviously took a big breath but still felt that he was not enough.

How is this going?

Edgar didn't know.

He has also been on an airship before, but the highest altitude of those airships is only 2000 meters.At this time, because the airship was filled with hydrogen and did not carry too much weight, it had already passed [-] meters without any restrictions, and it was still rising.

Edgar, who has been at sea all year round, does not know what altitude sickness is. After adapting to the sufficient oxygen and air pressure on the sea surface, he suddenly came to an airspace of more than 1 meters, and his body suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Meteor is definitely playing tricks, but... this airship was provided by the city government office and the city alchemist association, it is impossible for Meteor and his people to tamper with it.

Edgar couldn't understand why his body was in such a serious negative state.

After climbing to the top of the airship, Edgar panted and asked Luke, "What did you do to me?"

Luke stood on the airship floating in the extremely high airspace, surrounded by the vast and empty sky, and felt refreshed in his heart, with the pride of having the world in his hands.

Facing Edgar's questioning, Luke smiled and said: "I didn't do anything to you, but science did something to you. Edgar, you have been at sea for a long time, and you must know that the deep sea can kill people. Now I tell a piece of knowledge that high altitudes can also kill people.

Are you ready for a duel? "

(End of this chapter)

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