Age of Arcane

Chapter 179 Duel Field

Chapter 179 Duel Field

Luke just moved some hands and feet while inspecting the airship. He adjusted the buoyancy of the airship to the maximum. Theoretically, the upper limit of this type of airship is [-] meters.At this height, looking down, you can see the arc of the planet. Even if you can see a larger ocean, Edgar will not be able to get too much blessing from the ocean.

In this way, Edgar is just a slightly stronger four-star character, maybe slightly worse than Shelley.

And the high-altitude low-temperature, low-pressure, and low-oxygen environment will further weaken Edgar.Luke made sufficient preparations for this extreme high-altitude duel. In the secret room of the dormitory, he used secret techniques to bless his skin breathing for a period of time to ensure his body's oxygen intake.

At the same time, his troll blood has a higher adaptability to harsh environments than humans.When the mind and body are ready to face the high-altitude environment, the adaptation process is much faster than that of Ed, who is ignorant of the high-altitude environment.

Luke looked at Edgar, who was panting heavily, summoned the Red Dragon Spear and held it in his hand. After doing a handsome trick, he poked a shot at the top protective plate of the airship under his feet.Not only the tip of the gun was completely submerged, but the barrel of the gun was also pierced in a large part.

At this moment, Edgar still didn't understand what weakening magic the other party cast on him, the surrounding temperature was freezing cold, and his mind was dizzy for a while.

But he still took the two-handed sword from his back and held it in his hand, the sword was wrapped in water.It's just that the water flow is as thin as a mountain stream, far from the surging tide.

The connection with the sea is getting weaker and weaker.

"Detective Meteor Star, you are despicable! Do you think you can easily defeat me like this? I have never lost in a duel, and it is the same today."

Edgar took a deep breath and let it out slowly.The experience of many life-and-death duels let him know how to deal with the predicament. The first thing is to stabilize his mentality. Now his physical condition has declined due to some reasons, but it is not insurmountable.

There must be no slack in the fighting spirit to fight for victory.

Concentrated, the state really improved a lot.

Edgar put on a defensive stance, he felt that as long as he gave himself a little time, his body could recover.

Luke pulled out the spear from the protective plate under his feet, and the gas filled in the airbag was ejected from the small hole pierced by the tip of the gun, making a sharp whistling sound.

Then, a spark shot out of Luke's eye.After the spark touched the gas ejected from the airbag of the airship, it instantly ignited it.Luke retreated quickly, and a tongue of flame more than ten meters long erupted from the gas port.

Edgar was dumbfounded immediately.

Didn't the Raging Waves City Alchemist Association say... isn't the Changxiang-class hydrogen airship absolutely safe?After hydrogen is added to the stabilizer, will it never be ignited?
What's the situation now?
Can't this be lit!
Besides, what are you doing with the airship?
"Inspector, quickly block that hole, if the airship explodes, you will not survive!"

Luke used the Red Dragon Spear to pierce another hole under his feet, and then ignited it, and there was another tongue of flame erupting on the airship.Luke took a step back, continued to stab, and said to Edgar: "I want to make our duel a little more difficult, so I added something to the airbag of the airship. You may not know the The hydrogen stabilizer is actually not stable by itself, and a little interfering agent can make it completely ineffective.

Do you feel very nervous and excited now?

This is the atmosphere that a duel should have. "

Watching Inspector Meteor poking holes in the airship one after another, and then igniting the ejected hydrogen, Edgar finally knew why Yomington called him a lunatic.

What a madman he is.

Seeing more and more flames spouting from the hull, Edgar panicked.But he knew... Meteor did this to lure him to take the initiative to attack.His body has not recovered yet, and with these fire snakes blocking him, he has to expend more energy in the battle.

Don't be impulsive, he absolutely dare not detonate the airship.Seeing that he is unmoved, he will definitely stop this kind of destruction that harms others and does not benefit himself.

Edgar held his position, continued to assume a defensive posture, and adjusted his breathing to allow his body to recover.

"Detective...I won't fall into your trap, stop!"

Luke continued to back away, poking holes under his feet and lighting them up.

Edgar was unmoved, he decided that the meteor would stop.

he will stop...

will definitely stop...

It doesn't do him any good, the airship explodes, he will die as well, he will stop soon...

This must be the last one, he will stop...

Why doesn't he stop.

Edgar watched Luke retreat 100 meters, and every time he took a step back, he ignited a fire snake.At this time, nearly [-] fire snakes lined up and erupted, which looked very spectacular and thrilling.

The airship will turn into a burning fireball at any time.

Edgar didn't dare to wait any longer. If the fire wasn't extinguished as soon as possible, even if he won the duel, he would be buried in the sea of ​​flames.Edgar inhaled and exhaled quickly, and when he felt that he could fight, he rushed towards Luke with his sword.

Every time you take a step, layers of water ripples form under your feet out of thin air.As the ripples became denser, a wave rose behind Edgar.The waves boosted Edgar's charge speed.As the speed increased, the waves rose higher and higher, forming an overwhelming tide, and followed the momentum of the sword to shoot at Luke.

At this time, Luke had already walked to the bow of the airship, and the sky was behind him.

There is no going back.

Facing the lapping waves, and Edgar in the middle of the waves, Luke once again stabbed the Red Dragon Spear into the hull of the boat under his feet.Only this time he didn't pull out the gun, but kicked the gun head with all his might.

The tip of the gun was raised forward, and a huge blade of fire cut a hole in the hull.The fire blade cut along the hole that Luke pierced, and the raging fire erupted out where it passed, and the formed fire wave swept across, enveloping the water wave that Edgar set off.

Edgar was really stupid this time.

He never imagined that Inspector Meteorite really set the airship on fire. Is this going to kill them all?
Wrapped in the flames, Edgar struggled to support himself.He tried his best to condense water to offset the heat from the fire.And the water he summoned was simply a drop in the bucket under such fire conditions.

The water cover outside his body became thinner and thinner, and the entire sky outside seemed to be on fire.

Edgar knew that he must die here this time, even if he was not burned to death, he would still fall to his death without the airship.But having an inspector from the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs buried him with him didn't seem like a loss.

Desperate Edgar looked for Meteor in the fire, to see if he would die one step ahead of him.

Then he saw...Meteor summoned a creature that looked like a dragon but not as big as a dragon, and rode it.The creature leaped from the airship before the flames caught up, spread its wings...and flew away...

flew away!
Turns out the clown was just me.

Seeing the beautiful creature carrying Inspector Meteor disappear into this area of ​​fire, Edgar could only shake his head with a wry smile.

At this moment, the fire broke through the water cover and swallowed Edgar inside.

Raging Waves City Government Affairs Office Building Square.

When the airship rose and disappeared from the viewing range of the naked eye, the spectators who came to watch the battle didn't know what they could see. They could only stare blankly at the sky and wait for the result of the duel.

However, those who have status can use binoculars to follow and observe the Changxiang-class airship, but they can't see what happened in the duel field on the top floor of the airship.

But you can talk about the excellence of the hydrogen airship.

"This altitude has definitely exceeded [-] meters. This is the advantage of hydrogen airships. Stronger lift means more load, and the performance of steam airships at high altitudes is far inferior to hydrogen airships."

"Yeah, with this duel to promote our hydrogen airships, those stubborn gentlemen in the imperial capital will definitely replace all those old steam airships with hydrogen airships.

Our airships can be sold all over the world. "

"Then you can continue to sell stabilizers and continue to make money for us. My investment in the hydrogen airship will finally pay off."

"How much did you invest in the hydrogen airship?"

"'s inconvenient to tell you, but there are a lot..."

"I also invested a lot. Hydrogen is the mainstream of airships in the future. The wealth it brings to me can make me and my descendants no longer need to worry about money."


While a group of people were showing off how much money they would make on a hydrogen airship, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, the airship exploded! It, it's burning."

All the officials and businessmen raised their binoculars to look at the sky in horror.

In fact, there is no need to use a telescope. The flames are clearly visible on the ground with the naked eye.

The Changxiang-class hydrogen airship used as the duel field caught fire, and it burned in full view.Everyone pointed in the direction of the fire ball in the sky and yelled, and some people fell to the ground on the spot...

Isn't it said that hydrogen with stabilizer is very safe?

Why did it burn up!
And on this occasion, with such a serious accident happening under the watchful eyes of all the citizens of Raging Wave City, it is impossible to hide it.

It is conceivable that even if a hydrogen airship with such a major safety hazard is produced, no one would dare to ride it.The hydrogen airship was given high hopes by all walks of life in Rage City, and all investors' hopes were destroyed with a fire, and all investments would be lost.

Investors think about their incinerated money.

The audience happily watched the big fireworks in the sky.

As the protagonists of this incident, the two people on the burning airship have been forgotten by most people.

Everyone in the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District and the backbone of the Reform Society looked at the fireball in the sky, as if they had lost an important part of their hearts.

Inspector Meteor had not known them for too long, but sometimes it felt like they had known each other for a lifetime.He led the crowd to open up a world in a short period of time in Raging Waves City. No matter what his original intention of getting acquainted with Inspector Meteor Star was, he couldn't deny that he was overwhelmed by his charm and determination.

The accident caused Inspector Meteor to leave.

Who still has the ability to lead this team and continue on this road?

Mrs. Mihir looked at the fireball in the sky and said dejectedly: "He shouldn't be on that airship. Only by losing him can we realize what he means to us."

Councilor Ible said: "The failure of the hydrogen airship investment made my heart hurt, but the loss of Inspector Meteor hurts me even more. He has saved me many times, and he is a friend I can fully trust."

Viscount Iscoran said annoyedly: "I should insist a little longer, I should stop him from getting on the airship. I put everything in my family on him, but I didn't expect such an accident.

We are going to hold an emergency meeting to elect a person who can replace Inspector Meteor, and then report what happened here to Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.We must deal with the aftermath of Inspector Meteor leaving us as soon as possible to reduce our losses...

Without Inspector Meteor, we...we're all going to die..."

Iskran was very pessimistic.

But at this moment, a voice sounded beside them: "What happened? Are you going to choose someone to replace me before I die?
Iscoran, you must be coveting my position. "

It's Inspector Meteor!
Several people excitedly looked in the direction of the voice, and it really was Inspector Meteorite!He didn't know when he had already stood beside several people and listened to what they had just said.

Viscount Iscoran was not disappointed when he saw Luke. Regardless of his identity, he stepped forward and gave Luke a tight hug.

"You can always create miracles, I clearly saw you boarded that airship, but...

Either way, it's good that you're alive.Forget what I said... I would love to take your place, but I know I can't.I have never recognized your status as I do now. You are our leader and always will be. "

After Viscount Iscoran let go of Luke, Mrs. Mihir also hugged him.

Although her emotions were not as excited as Iscoran's, she also had a look of gratitude: "Please don't do this kind of thing that scares us in the future. If you want to make us feel that you are irreplaceable, I admit you It worked. Next time, please tell us about your plans, we are a team!"

Councilor Ible immediately hugged Luke: "I have always believed that you can create miracles, and this time we have witnessed your miracles again. Tell us, what happened?
You should be on that burning airship right now, why are you suddenly standing beside us. "

Luke could finally speak.

"Of course I flew down. I will explain the specific situation to you later. Edgar is dead now, and Yomington is in Oulu College. The explosion of the Changxiang-class hydrogen airship is a huge blow to the government and business system of Raging City. One blow.

We fight back right away.

In Cape Harbor, my people have already gone to receive the steam warships of the Saxon Project.

Here, we want to use the fastest speed to search all institutions related to the hydrogen airship research project.Prosecute the City Alchemy Association for murdering the detective of the Bureau of Secrets..."

(End of this chapter)

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