Age of Arcane

Chapter 187 The Great Victory

Chapter 187 The Great Victory
Luke and Viscount Iskran sat down at the circular conference table, and the current eight councilors in Raging Waves City had their own expressions.

The three members of the capital faction all signed the indictment against the City Alchemists Association; the remaining two members of the establishment faction had a heavy expression, a little confused about the future.

As for the members of the technical faction, Mrs. Mihir has long since joined the Innovation Society established by Inspector Meteor.She considers herself to be the eldest princess's person, and after this big victory, her future is bright.

Senator Van Lundin looked pale and wondered if he could survive the night.

After seeing the current situation in the council clearly, Chairman Glover said to Luke: "Detective Meteor, although you have created the current situation in Raging City, I think Her Royal Highness absolutely does not want to see chaos in Raging City. Timely Stop it...for the good of us all, and for the good of the Empire."

Luke didn't expect that he had forced General Gong, and Speaker Grover was still thinking about getting out unscathed.

"Your Excellency, Speaker, I have been in Raging Waves City for a while, and this is the first time I have met you. I admire your knowledge very much. Under your governance, Raging Waves City has become a shining pearl in the world.

Today's situation, I just pushed a little bit, but the fundamental problem still lies with the City Alchemist Association.If it weren't for some people being too greedy and endless, there wouldn't be the predicament that the Urban Alchemist Association is facing now.

I think professional people still need professional people to do it.The funds of the Urban Alchemists Association need a special financial organization to help you manage. All income and expenses are open and transparent, to prevent individual corruption, and to let every mark be used where it should be used. "

The negotiation officially started, and as soon as Luke came up, he stabbed the heart of the City Alchemists Association.After accepting the financial freedom of the Alchemists Association, all scientific research institutions under the Association will be completely separated.The association only has the function of coordinating and organizing scientific research, which greatly reduces its influence in the city.

Of course Grover wouldn't just let others bully him.

"No, scientific research is very private, and the association has independent finances to ensure that our research will not be known to outsiders through procurement and other forms.

Detective Meteorite, don't take the idea of ​​the City Alchemist Association, I won't back down even a single step. "

Luke knew that the knife was a bit harsh, so he turned to other directions.

"We will discuss this issue later. I was appointed by His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess to take up the post in Cape District of Raging Wave City this time. I really hope that I can make a political achievement that will add some color to my resume.

It is not too much to double the tax revenue of Raging Waves City. "

Grover said coldly: "Tax collection has nothing to do with your Secret Service, right?"

"Perhaps His Majesty is happy to transfer me to the imperial taxation department? The taxation department is a fat job, unlike I have to beware of being plotted every day."

To increase taxes, and to double them, will definitely touch the interests of many people.But now that he was ready to admit defeat, Grover was ready to cut his flesh.

"Okay... If the empire really needs money now, Raging Waves City will definitely share the worries for His Majesty. In the future, the amount of money and taxes that Raging Waves City will hand over to the empire will be doubled, that's okay!"

Luke said: "The tax will be doubled starting this year, and we will pay what we owe."

Hearing that it will be doubled this year, Grover said angrily, "Where can I get you so much tax?"

"That's your problem, I only care about my political achievements!"

Luke felt that he was bluffing around under the banner of the eldest princess Agatha, and he should win some benefits for her so that he could continue to make a living in Rage City in the future.

Since Grover was ready to cut the flesh, he didn't care about cutting a little more.

"Alright, Raging Waves City will pay back the taxes owed this year. Can we end the farce outside now?"

Luke said: "I just got the news that the Urban Alchemists Association promised to return the money invested in the hydrogen airship to investors. If the Alchemists Association doesn't send the money, I can't get rid of them.

Sir, do you have money? "

"I have promised to pay more taxes, so stop being greedy."

"Paying taxes is the obligation of Rage City. How did I get greedy and the money was not given to me. This incident was caused by the city's Alchemist Association's financial fraud. I just wanted to help." Luke took out his pocket watch and looked at it. Take a look: "Sir, it's three o'clock in the afternoon, and you don't have much time. The demonstrators outside have not eaten for a day, and they are very anxious. When it was night, they found out that they had been cheated by the City Alchemist Association.

No one can prevent the disaster from happening.

In the city court, the lawsuits against the City Alchemists Association have piled up, and anything that happens in Raging Waves City is your responsibility!
Hanging on the gallows?Or accept my help? "

Before Grover could answer, Senator Van Lundin said, "We hope the Inspector can help us."

Luke looked at Grover.

Grover had no choice but to say, "How are you going to help us?"

"Of course I will lend you money..." Luke said with a smile, "I have already negotiated with most of the wealthy businessmen in the city. Get over this difficulty."


"It's very simple... In the future, for the right to use the patents of the Urban Alchemists Association, there will be merchants who will negotiate directly with the patent owner. The Urban Alchemists Association can assist, but cannot make any decisions from it."

Grover didn't want to refuse on the spot: "The Urban Alchemists Association will not give up this power. We must protect the patent security of our members."

"Are you trying to protect the patent security of association members, or are you thinking of monopolizing patents and choking merchants' necks in terms of authorization?" Luke pointed out Grover's intentions: "Raging Waves City is an open and free market. The Overlord Clause on the patents of the Masters Association has always been a cancer of the free market.

The merchants I invited are afraid to leave the mansion of Councilor Ible, which shows how afraid they are of the City Alchemists Association.In this negotiation, the Urban Alchemists Association must agree to this condition, and there is no room for negotiation. "

Mrs. Mihir said at this time: "Your Excellency, Speaker, my husband has always opposed the monopoly of patent licensing by the City Alchemists Association, but the resources owned by the City Alchemists Association forced him to agree to entrust the patent to the association.

Many members of the association have the same thoughts as my husband.

I understand that the original idea of ​​the association was to protect our patents from infringement, but now the association has used this authorization to do a lot of things that make everyone unhappy.

I agree with Inspector Meteor's proposal that the association only plays an auxiliary role in patent licensing and no longer has decision-making power. "

The other three members of the capital faction also echoed Mrs. Mihir.

Councilor Van Lundin, who was afraid of being hanged to quell public anger, also persuaded: "Speaker, this time the merchants helped us, we should return goodwill..."

Grover glared at Valentine.

If the problem can be solved with the life of Van Lundin, he would rather give up a congressman than agree to this condition.

But things have been made clear, and the refusal not only pushes the businessman to Meteor, but also may cause major problems within the Alchemist Association.

"Okay, I agree!" Grover replied helplessly: "From today, the Urban Alchemists Association will no longer interfere with the patent licensing, and the user and the owner will negotiate and resolve it on their own."

After agreeing to this condition, Grover seemed to have been drained of all energy.

Although this condition does not directly take away all the power of the City Alchemists Association like taking away the finances, it also falls on the backbone of the Alchemists Association.Without the patent authorization, the Alchemists' Guild will become equal to the group of city merchants, and what they say will not be so effective in the future.

And it's missing a lot of money.

The three capitalist MPs were all extremely excited.Without the obstruction of the City Alchemists Association, their future patent royalties will definitely be reduced, and they will not be threatened by the Alchemists Association.

It feels like turning over and being the master.

Looking at Inspector Meteor, the eyes of the three of them were as if they were looking at the patron's father.

Grover agreed to this most important condition, and Luke was relieved.He was also afraid that Grover would be stubborn and would not let go, and wanted to finish everyone together.

Although it is not enough for the wealthy businessmen in the city to immediately fall to their side, the degree of intimacy is definitely increasing. If they want to expand the scope of trade in the future, there must be many more channels.

When everyone makes money together, it is time to become a family.

Then Luke stated his last condition: to appoint Viscount Iskran as the chief officer of city security, and to replace Councilman Vergil as the new Councilor of the Raging Waves City Council.

Grover still wanted to make a final struggle: "I think the conditions I agreed to have enough weight. Viscount Iskran's qualifications are too young to take on such an important task."

Luke laughed and said, "Rage City doesn't care about seniority, it only depends on ability. I think Viscount Iscoran's ability is enough to be the chief security officer of the city, and it is also enough to enter the city council to serve all the citizens of Rage City.

Of course... this is the government affairs of Raging Waves City, and it is inconvenient for me to interfere.

Now you vote.

Raise your hand if you agree with my appointment! "

Luke emphasized that this was his "appointment" and looked at the congressmen.

Viscount Iscoran must obtain the consent of more than half of the councilors if he wants to become the city security chief, and two-thirds of the councilors must vote to become a councilor.

Luke gave the choice to the MPs.

Under his gaze, Mrs. Ible and Mrs. Mihir raised their hands first... two votes.

The two members of the capital faction then raised their hands. This is their return to Inspector Meteor... two votes.

Luke looked at the two establishment lawmakers.

The two congressmen hesitated again and again, and both raised their hands.Today, Inspector Meteor's power field is too strong, and the Urban Alchemist Association has suffered a crushing defeat.After this negotiation, Inspector Meteor Star is bound to become an important figure in Raging Waves City.

The sky in Raging Waves City has changed.

Detective Meteorite personally said that he would appoint a councilor, which meant that he was going to confirm this position.What happens with disapproval... Senator Virgil seems to be a good example.

Two more votes.

Viscount Iscoran received six votes from the councilors.

Luke said with a satisfied smile: "Speaker Glover, look... Viscount Iskran's becoming a city councilor is well-received.

Senator Iskran, please take your seat.We must seize the time to discuss how to coordinate all parties to quickly let the protesting citizens go home. "

Viscount Iscoran stood up and saluted Luke, then strode to the seat of the former Councilor Virgil and sat down.The rare nine members of the Council of Rage City are all present, and the three small triangles form a large triangle, which symbolizes tolerance and stability.

Luke obtained a seat in each of the three small triangles, and formed an independent triangle, completing the division of the rights to Raging Waves City.

The next thing will be very easy to handle.

As long as the money is in place, the demonstrators can be sent home.

The Urban Alchemists Association first returns the investment funds of retail investors with its own cash.As long as the money is distributed, the emotions of the demonstrators will be appeased.

Have a safe night.

The next day, the merchants borrowed money one after another.Major newspapers are reporting the incident, so that the public can feel at ease knowing that they have sufficient funds.

The return of investment funds is proceeding in an orderly manner.

For ordinary citizens, Raging Waves City is still Raging Waves City, thriving and thriving, it seems that nothing has changed.But for those who have a certain status, Raging Waves City is no longer the previous Raging Waves City.

Its original old system seemed unbreakable, but Inspector Meteorite smashed it to pieces in less than half a year after he took office in the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District.A new order is being established. The Innovation Society, with Inspector Meteor as its executive officer, has attracted a large number of new members after the financial fraud incident of the Urban Alchemists Association.

The personnel of the old system licked their wounds and regrouped around Speaker Grover.They quietly watched the development and growth of the Innovation Society from the sidelines, thinking about how to regain everything they had lost.

The struggle for Raging City is not over.

Yomington who "completed" the task said goodbye to Grover, he no longer had the need to stay in Raging Waves City.

When he was about to board the return airship, Yomington said to Grover: "I will go back this time, and I will report everything that Meteor did in Raging City to Mr. Shoufu. We must re-evaluate this opponent... I have I have a hunch that the eldest princess will definitely transfer Meteor back to the imperial capital, and he will be a big trouble for Lord Shoufu."

Grover, who was floating in the air, asked: "What should we do? People in Rage City are in panic now, and many people have joined the Meteor's Reform Society. We have lost too many things. If we can't control Meteor, we will soon be completely Lose the city."

"Wait for Chief Assistant's reply, don't provoke Meteor now. In terms of strategy, we are not his opponents, if we do more and make more mistakes, it is easy for him to catch our weaknesses.

Saxon Project's fleet will blockade Cape Harbor.Give full play to our advantages at sea, prevent him from using Cape Harbor to do more things, and divert all his attention to maritime affairs.

Let's delay the time first, the eldest princess will not put such a person in Raging Wave City for a long time, his real stage is in the imperial capital! "

(End of this chapter)

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