Age of Arcane

Chapter 188 Yin's Visit

Chapter 188 Yin's Visit
Yomington left, and with what he had seen and heard in Raging Waves City, he returned to the Imperial Capital to report to Shoufu.After a turmoil, calm gradually returned, but the aftermath continued to make people look at the meteorite inspector of the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau and think about where the city will go in the future?
Luke didn't think so much, he just wanted to build a safe nest for himself, and everything that happened was just dirt from the digging hole.Now the rabbit nest that Luke had been dreaming of was finally formed, and the foundation was laid firmly.The eldest princess... After accepting this big gift from herself, she should continue to acquiesce in the current relationship.

The next thing is to live your own comfortable life.

As for continuing to expand in Raging Waves City?
Luke didn't think so, don't push the new nobles too hard, jumping over the wall in a hurry is not good for anyone.Of course, the new nobles must recognize the current division of influence in Raging Waves City, as long as they don't come to cause trouble.

But without getting into trouble... is it possible?

In the following days, Luke sorted out his property.

The production of black potion has begun to take shape. In addition to the powerful berserk potion and booster, Luke has produced several popular generic potion formulas and handed them over to the potion workshop for production.

With the protection of the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District and the sales channels of the Yanyang Smuggling Group, the production of pharmaceuticals has become a stable income for Luke.

Now that his status in Raging Waves City has improved and stabilized, Luke plans to unify the production of black potions in Cape District and merge those small private black potion production workshops.To make this industry bigger and stronger, and create its own international brand of black magic medicine.

Another one Luke paid attention to was Yanyang Night School.

He knew that he was an upstart in the upper class system of Raging Waves City.Those new nobles fear themselves and obey themselves, but they may not accept themselves.If you want to stabilize the current basic market, you still have to follow the ancestral mass line.

In half a year, Yanyang Night School has had three graduates.Although the trainees did not learn the killing technique they were expecting from the secret bureau, they all learned a craft.Councilor Ible is in charge of arranging jobs for the graduates of Yanyang Night School. Most gangsters like the stable life given to them by Detective Meteorite.

The employment rate has increased, and the law and order in Haijiao District has been significantly improved.

Having tasted the sweetness, Luke established a full-time technical school on the basis of the night school, and built multiple branch schools to increase the enrollment scale.At the same time, Luke also used his good relationship with businessmen to ensure that students would have jobs after graduation.

Inspector Meteor's prestige in Haijiao District has been maintained by violence and money since the beginning, and it is gradually gaining popularity.

What will really revive the Haijiao District is the Haijiao Harbor Repair Project.

Luke received a large loan from the Imperial Bank for this project.Once the money was in place, the Mechanics of Diagonal Street, which had been prepared long ago, went to the port area, and then the ordered equipment and materials were delivered by sea and land one after another.

The port area was transformed into a large construction site.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luke carried out a major overhaul of the Cape District's infrastructure, and started construction of a heavy machinery factory.

The comprehensive large-scale project has greatly digested the excess labor force in the Cape District, and everyone is full of hope for the future.

Luke has also become the busiest person in the Cape District.

With the opening of the big infrastructure, he has to review a large number of documents every day, and at the same time learn ancient languages ​​from Laconia and Banat.Sometimes he can't wait to break himself in half...

And now I am in two halves.

At Oulu Academy, Qingkong not only studies but also teaches, and is also busy conducting various secret arts experiments and doing in-depth research on ancient languages ​​and history.

It is not easy to break it into two people.

One day, Karina entered the inspector's office: "Inspector, the music director of the World Bank is visiting."


Luke, who was buried in a pile of documents, looked up, and then remembered the Glitter.

What is she here for?
Did they find out that the [-] gold coupons belonged to me?

See you first.

"Please come in."

After a while, Yin walked into the office led by Karina.

At this time, Yin was wearing a gray lady's windbreaker and dark red high-waisted leather boots.Her blond hair was curled into a bun, and a decorative gauze lady hat was pinned on her head.

White lace gloves, with a lady's bag hanging on her arm.

If you don't know her identity, you will really think that she is some city socialite.

Luke saw that Yin's outfit didn't look like he was looking for eggs, so he kindly invited her to sit down: "I didn't expect the Yin Council to come to me, it's a mess here, please forgive me..."

After Yin sat down, Karina served her a cup of coffee.

"Thank you!" Yin thanked Kailina very politely, and then said, "I have something I want to discuss with the Inspector alone."

Karina looked at Luke, saw him nodding, and reluctantly left and closed the door.

"It seems that Director Yin came to me for something important."

Yin sorted out his thoughts a little, and said: "First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the inspector. If it weren't for your reminder, Pan and I would have done something we regret when we invested in the hydrogen airship project.

I didn't expect such a big hidden danger in the hydrogen airship project.

Now that you have ruled out the hidden dangers, the negotiation between Pan and the Urban Alchemists Association is much easier.The head office is also evaluating this project, if it goes well, the World Bank's share of this project will greatly exceed our estimate..."

Yin took out a check from his bag, put it on the table and pushed it to Luke, saying, "This is the kindness from the World Bank. Thank you for your help and guidance to us."

Luke took the check and looked at the string of zeros with a relieved smile.He put the check in his inner pocket, and said to Yin: "I am very satisfied with the sincerity of the World Bank. If there is any good business in the future, I will definitely come to you again."

"I look forward to working with you again. It's just..." Yin asked suspiciously: "Please allow me to ask a personal question. Why do you transfer your interest in the hydrogen airship project to the World Bank? It is because you are not optimistic about the hydrogen airship project. Future use?"

Luke who got the money said straightforwardly: "I am a spy, and my habit prevents me from entrusting the future to uncertain factors. The steam airship has its advantages, and the hydrogen airship has experienced the smooth flying class. After the burning accident, it will take a long time for the public to accept it again.

During this period of time, the steam airship may not have technological breakthroughs.

The World Bank has the time and resources to fine-tune hydrogen airships, and I don't want to burden myself with this uncertainty. "

Luke's answer was very honest.

The medicinal formula for destroying the hydrogen stabilizer in his hand was developed after the hydrogen airship in the game was launched.Several hydrogen airship explosion accidents caused the word-of-mouth of this new type of aircraft to plummet, and it disappeared on the stage of history before it emerged.

Then there is a breakthrough in steam airship technology, and there is no living space for hydrogen airships.

So trade your share for cash and wish the World Bank good luck.

Yin didn't expect Luke to answer like that.For this meeting, she has investigated and learned about the inspector from multiple channels.

He is a conspirator who plays with everyone in Raging Waves City.He framed and framed the former congressman Vergil, driving him into a lunatic; he was behind the two large demonstrations in Raging Waves City, and the recent demonstration almost triggered a riot in the city.

He is full of lies, thinking about harming others all the time.

He's an Imperial agent who lives in the dark, dank trenches, doing the dirtiest things.

This is how the upper class in Raging Waves City evaluate Inspector Meteor, in their hearts, Meteor is a nightmare that will wake them up at night.

Yin thought that Inspector Meteor Star would give him a very high-sounding reason, but he didn't expect the answer to be so simple.

And just don't want to be dragged down by an uncertain factor, so what kind of mind is it to give up such a project with a promising future?We must know that once the hydrogen airship is commercialized, the benefits it can obtain are not many times higher than that check.

Don't those who invest in hydrogen airships think so?

When the World Bank re-discussed the investment in the hydrogen airship project with the Urban Alchemists Association, many people who took the investment money back regretted it.They're trying to figure out how to get the money back in... ridiculous!

Yin asked Luke, "Is this the only reason?"

Luke said with a smile: "What else is there to do? You should see what's happening here along the way when you come to Cape District. New ports, new roads, new factories, new urban areas...

I would get 100% return on this money invested anywhere in Cape District, why invest in an uncertain future.I'm a pragmatic person, not a gambler. "

When Yin entered the Haijiao District, he was first surprised at how there was such a huge slum in Raging Waves City.Then, if you experience it carefully, you can feel that this place is very different from the slums in other places.

The growth of a city necessarily creates a ghetto where the atmosphere is one of despair.No one will pay attention here, and resources will not flow into it.People with a little ability will find a way to leave, which hastened its decline.

But in Haijiao District, Yin can feel hope amid poverty.

Most people here have enthusiasm for life on their faces, as if a fire is being ignited here.

Yin knows why.

On the way, she heard people talking about Inspector Meteor the most.People here's evaluation of Inspector Meteor is completely different from the evaluation of Inspector Meteor by urban elites.

He is wise and courageous.He freed the coolies on the wharf from the exploitation of the Cape District Public Security Bureau; he opened schools to help the unemployed find stable jobs; he asked factory owners to improve the treatment of workers; he combated human trafficking and rescued slave labor.

He led the civilians of the Cape District to repel the invasion of the city security department; he made the Cape District cry out, and let the gentlemen in the rich district hear the voice here.

The people in Cape District believed that Inspector Meteor could lead them to live a good life and make Cape District prosperous again.

He said it, and he did it.

Cape Harbor is being repaired, and the city is being repaired.Anyone who wants to make money can find a job here and get a good salary.

Yin was a little confused as to which one was the real meteor.

"Detective Meteor, you are a very special person. I also see that Cape District is a very good investment point. Maybe I can persuade the World Bank to join in the reconstruction of Cape District."

Yin's words made Luke very interested.

The repair project of Haijiao Harbor is not enough to stimulate the economy of the huge Haijiao District.It takes a lot of money to make this boiler burn and explode with strong power.

Luke began to think that the infrastructure of Cape Harbor and the urban area should be completed first, and then the law and order in the urban area should be stabilized, so as to create a good investment environment.In the future, gradually persuade businessmen to invest and build factories, and then the Cape District can be brought on the road of a virtuous circle.

If the World Bank can be persuaded to invest now, it will be like a golden mountain falling down, and it will be difficult not to prosper.

"It would be great if the World Bank is willing to invest in Haijiao District. I can persuade the city government office and the council to obtain preferential policies for the World Bank. I will also give you the greatest assistance in Haijiao District. People and land are not a problem. "

And Yin showed a meaningful smile: "But as far as I know, Haijiao District is now facing very big political troubles, which involves the royal family struggle of the Golden Shield Empire.

According to the World Bank's investment principles, avoid investing in politically controversial projects..."

Luke didn't expect that the strategy he used against the World Bank would be counterattacked by the opponent so quickly.

The battle in Rage City was only a sign of calm, and Luke knew very well that it would definitely be impossible for the new nobles to accept that such a large chunk of their interests had been gnawed away.

Although both Luke and the eldest princess knew what was going on in Cape District, in the eyes of outsiders, this was the bridgehead for the empire to reclaim Raging City.

The Empire will not stop here!

It is obviously impossible for the World Bank to invest in this political vortex. The political risk is greater than investing in hydrogen airships.

"But you just said you could convince the World Bank to invest in the Cape..."

Luke asked Xiang Yin.

He thought in his heart: You know that the World Bank will not invest in Haijiao District, so you still seduce me like this?Now my interest has been aroused, you can't just tease me casually and forget it!
Yin smiled and said: "The Haijiao District is indeed a big political trouble, but because it is big, there is still a lot of room for maneuvering. There are too many political disputes in the world. If you really follow the principles , the World Bank does not need to invest anything.

These few days, my brother is very busy, and I don't know anyone in Raging Waves City, so it's very boring to be alone in the hotel.Why don't the inspector take me on a tour of the Cape District, we can talk about those projects that are not sensitive but also of interest to the World Bank. "

"Okay, I'll arrange people to prepare it right away." Luke felt that what Yin said made sense, so he went out to investigate and see if there were any investment projects that could get the best of both worlds.

Unexpectedly, he said: "Just the two of us."

Luke realized immediately that the girl was not interested in drinking.

At this time, for the sake of Haijiao District, the inspector had to sacrifice his hue.

(End of this chapter)

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