Age of Arcane

Chapter 190

Chapter 190 The Father-Daughter Dialogue
The turmoil caused by the fraud incident of the Urban Alchemists Association in Raging Wave City is gradually subsiding as investors get their own money and the World Bank takes over.All parties in the wrestling are unwilling to continue to expand the incident, so after reaching various agreements, they all tacitly suppressed public opinion, and the city reproduced the scene of singing and dancing.Raging Waves City has not been greatly affected, and is still a world-wide trading city.

And just like throwing a stone into a pond, although the water surface in the center is calm, the ripples spread outward for a long time.

The status of Raging Waves City in the Golden Shield Empire determines that any incidents within it will affect the situation of the entire country.As more and more information converged to the imperial capital Shenglun City from various paths, many people lost their composure.

In a warm pavilion in the imperial palace, the fire in the fireplace was very hot, and there were velvet blankets hanging on the walls that were both decorative and warm.Other decorations are also extremely luxurious, showing the wealth and might of the empire.

The Emperor Whitehead Augustine the Great sat in a chaise longue, covered with an animal skin blanket.

Augustine the Great ascended the throne at the age of 23 and has been in power for 46 years.He witnessed the vigorous development brought about by the new technological revolution, and also seized the opportunity of the times to make the empire keep pace with the development of the world.

The monarchies of the surrounding countries were ended one by one, and the friends and enemies of Augustine the Great were exiled or sent to the guillotine.

The Golden Shield Empire is still one of the most powerful countries in the world. Instead of the power of the Golden Shield royal family being weakened in the slightest, the imperial power has never been stronger because the old nobles can't keep up with the times.

Augustine the Great has been described as an iron-fisted dictator, but no one denies that he was a wise monarch.

But no matter how wise the king was, he couldn't stop the passage of time. Augustine the Great, who was nearly seventy years old, was plagued by various diseases and was dying of old age!

He was so weak that he could no longer wear the heavy crown, and sat there like an ordinary old man.

Emperor Augustine was in a very good mood today. He asked his internal officer to pour him a glass of red wine, listened to the music played on the phonograph, and looked at the documents in his hand.

Seeing happy places, I can't help humming the tune.

After a while, the internal officer came to his side and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Your Highness the Eldest Princess has arrived and is waiting outside for your summons."

"Agatha is here..." Emperor Augustine said immediately when he heard his daughter's name, "Let her in."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Soon Agatha followed the internal officials into the Snapper.

Agatha in palace attire saluted Augustine: "Father, I wish you good health!"

Emperor Augustine waved the emissary away, and then asked Agatha to sit in the chair opposite him.

"It's so inconvenient to be a member of the royal family..." Augustine said with emotion: "As my daughter, it's so troublesome to see me."

Augustine's tone was very accommodating, but Agatha still kept her posture and sat upright, and did not act presumptuously at all because her father was opposite her.

"Father, you are the emperor of the empire. Respect for you is respect for the empire. As your children, you should always maintain your majesty."

"You're just too serious." Augustine knew his daughter's character: "It's very much like me, keeping a vigilant mind at all times to deal with sudden changes that happen at any time.

Unfortunately... you are a woman.One day you will marry, your heart will change, you will soften, and you will not adapt to the need for ruthless political struggle. "

"Then I won't marry!"

Agatha's answer made Augustine laugh out loud, followed by a violent cough.Agatha immediately handed the red wine on the table to his father. After Augustine took a sip of the red wine to suppress his cough, he said to his daughter: "Agatha, the current empire does not need political marriage. I will not interfere with your life. I believe in you." Eventually you'll meet someone you can't help but want to marry.

Let's not talk about it...

I have received a message from Raging City that the Meteor you sent to the Cape Secret Service is doing very well.The tax that Raging Waves City will pay to the empire in the future will be doubled, and this year's tax will also be made up according to the amount after the tax increase.

Although it is a little less than the five times the tax that Viscount Iscoran said, this is only half a year after Meteor came to Raging City. I am looking forward to what kind of surprises he will give me in the future.

You have discovered a talent.Meteor belongs to the secret bureau, but also belongs to the empire.I know it's too much to poach people from you like this, but I think the stage of Raging Waves City is... a bit small for Meteor.

The empire needs young blood, and the future emperor needs close servants like Meteor. "

When Agatha knew that her father was going to summon her, she already guessed that it might be related to the incident in Raging Waves City.

The series of things and results that Meteor did in Raging City far exceeded Agatha's expectations.It only took him half a year to cut such a large piece of cake from the Raging Waves City that the new nobles held tightly in their hands.

After this incident, the reputation of the City Alchemist Association in Raging Waves City has been greatly reduced, and the City Administration Department's control over merchants has reached its lowest point.The Meteor Organization's Innovation Agency won three important seats in the city council, and controlled the city security department and the city finance and taxation department.

The new aristocratic forces entrenched in Raging Waves City were defeated by the meteorite, and the staff officers sent by the chief minister of the cabinet returned to the imperial capital in embarrassment.

Raging Waves City promised to double the tax payment!
This is a big win!A very nice big win!
If it is a real war, this feat is comparable to expanding the territory for the empire.

No wonder Father is so happy today.

Agatha would be very happy if there was no problem with Inspector Meteor's identity.After all, the merits of the subordinates are also the merits of the superiors, and awards and rewards are indispensable, and they will leave an excellent impression on the father.

But... who is this meteor?

Moreover, the emperor wanted to poach him from the Secret Affairs Bureau, which made Agatha very embarrassed.

"Father..." Agatha considered the words for a while, and then replied: "Although Meteor has made some achievements in Raging City, now is not the time to recall him to the imperial capital. The recovery plan for Raging City that Meteor and I made is just now. To start, and he also needs to stay in Rage City to resist the counterattack of the new nobles."

Emperor Augustine considered Agatha's answer for a while, and then asked: "Is there no one in the Bureau of Secrets who can replace Meteor in Raging Waves City? I am very satisfied with the current situation in Raging Waves City, so don't touch the new one too much." interests of the nobility.

Less than perfect is more conducive to the stability of the empire.In the past few years, some people in the Brotherhood of Blades have been very restless. We need the support of the new nobles, and we cannot take the risk of fighting on two fronts.

Letting Meteor come to the imperial capital at this time is a kind of protection for him. I can come forward and let the new nobles put down their hatred towards him. "

Emperor Augustine thought that Agatha wanted to launch another attack on the new aristocratic forces in Rage City, so he stopped the next move of the Bureau of Secrets.He has been emperor for more than 40 years, and the biggest achievement is to stop his greed in time and not test the bottom line of any party.

Agatha also wanted to transfer Meteor to the imperial capital, tie him up, and ask him what his origin was.


She knew that Meteor would never come to the capital.

If Meteor disobeys, then everyone will know that it is a counterfeit.

Now Meteor has completely controlled the Cape District, and has won three important seats in the Council of Raging Waves City.He has already gained a firm foothold, even if he turns his face... Agatha doesn't even know who Viscount Escorland, Councilor Ible, and Mrs. Mihir will choose to follow.

If Meteor and the new aristocrats reach a settlement, they will be left alone to face the wrath of their father.

"Father, Meteor is a very capable person, and the Bureau of Secret Affairs can't find anyone who can replace him. If the abbot is replaced rashly, I am afraid that the new inspector will not be able to suppress the subordinates of Inspector Meteor.

Moreover, Viscount Iscoran is a member of the Brotherhood of Blades, and Councilor Ible and Mrs. Mihir used to be councilors from the new noble side.They came to work, all because of the personal charm of Inspector Meteor.With someone else, they risk alienating us. "

Agatha's answer made Augustine fall into deep thought.

With the situation in Raging Waves City still not considered stable, it would indeed be inappropriate to transfer Meteor to the imperial capital.But Augustine wanted to call Meteor, and besides the reasons he said, there were also reasons he didn't say.

After careful consideration, Emperor Augustine said to Agatha in a fatherly tone: "You sent Meteor to Rage City to do these things very suddenly. Even I didn't know that you were going to launch such a large-scale operation there. I knew you would do this." For the sake of the empire, there are too many places that need money for internal and external troubles.

But you should be aware that what you did in Rough City brought you many political enemies.There are new nobles, and there are your brothers...

Meteor made them feel the challenge from you. In the past few days, more people have come to me to talk about your marriage than in a year.The royal family does not need a political marriage, I can only give you this kind of protection, get out of the vortex of Raging Waves City, and tell others... you have no coveted heart for the throne. "

Agatha is miserable!
As the ultimate boss of the Empire Secret Affairs Bureau, she knows all the rumors about her in the empire.

The eldest princess joined the battle for the crown prince, stabbing the eldest prince, the second prince, and the imperial cabinet in the back in the city of Raging Waves.

It can be said that he has offended all those in the imperial political arena who cannot afford to be offended.If it weren't for her status as the eldest princess, she would have been sent to prison long ago, and then evaporated.

The best way to dispel this rumor is to call back Inspector Meteor and hand him over to Father Emperor.On the other side of Raging Waves City... the Bureau of Secret Affairs gradually pulled out and maintained the current state.

Agatha knew what her father said, and the words at the beginning of the conversation meant that he thought the same way.

"The royal family does not need a political marriage!"

In fact, it is a threat.

If necessary, Augustine the Great would decide on her marriage to eliminate the hidden dangers to the throne.

Agatha was in a dilemma.

In the end, she plucked up the courage to look directly into Emperor Augustine's eyes and said, "Father, you haven't established a crown prince yet, so you should be dissatisfied with both the First Prince and the Second Prince."

Augustine's complexion changed suddenly: "This is not what you should say, if it wasn't because you are my daughter..."

"Father!" Agatha said stiffly, "You are too good. In your eyes, none of your sons and daughters satisfy you. And the so-called revolutions that broke out in the surrounding countries make you feel scared. You are afraid that the new emperor will take over the empire. buried."

"Agatha, shut are too bold today!"

"Father, I swear that I don't have any covetous intentions for the throne. I just want to do what a royal princess should do. We all know how important Raging Waves City is to the empire. Action, someone jumped out to frame me.

You compromise with those people, they are afraid of your majesty and dare not do anything.But when... when the new emperor ascends the throne, they control the lifeline of the empire, will they still submit to the imperial power?

Father, you are leading this ancient empire to proceed cautiously in this new era. Your wisdom should be able to see that your daughter did these things... for selfish reasons?Or for this country? "

Agatha's words made Emperor Augustine let out a long sigh.

If it was the previous era, he would have already appointed the crown prince to stabilize the political arena of the empire.But what this era needs is not a conservative monarch, but someone who, like himself, can lead the empire to seize every opportunity of the era.

These opportunities are fleeting, and if they are not grasped, they will be eliminated by the times.

This empire is just as old as myself, and suffers from persistent illnesses. Without a wise king to lead it, it will surely collapse!
How much Emperor Augustine hoped that one of his sons could take on this burden after his death, but they were all played by the new nobles.

Augustine was very disappointed. He didn't set up a crown prince, so he just waited and watched them fight.Being able to win at least means that he has ambition and ability, and he understands the ruthless way of being a king.

At this moment, Augustine looked at his daughter.

Agatha has shown abilities different from ordinary people since she was a child, and she participated in political affairs early, and was canonized as the "Eldest Princess" by virtue of her ability.Now she is mainly in charge of the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs, which is also the department she is most comfortable with and uses.

Now that the Bureau of Secret Affairs has made such a big achievement in Raging Waves City, it can be seen that Agatha has the ability to know and employ people, and also has the courage to take action against the new nobles.

If she is not a woman, she is a good candidate for the crown prince.But she will marry and bear children to others.

Augustine snuffed out his own sudden thought.

"I believe in you, you will faithfully assist the future emperor of the empire, and let the empire continue to prosper.

Do what you think is right!If I can't find a crown prince I am satisfied with, I can cultivate an excellent eldest princess for the future emperor of the empire.

Go back, I'm tired. "

"Yes, Father."

Agatha got up to leave, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.This time, I managed to get past this difficulty, but in the future...

Agatha had a hunch that the meteor would bring trouble to herself.

"Damn it, don't let me catch you!"

(End of this chapter)

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