Age of Arcane

Chapter 191 Pan's Visit

Chapter 191 Pan's Visit
"Ah Choo!" Qing Kong, who was doing secret technique experiments in the laboratory, sneezed.She rubbed her nose and continued to grind the medicine to crush the dried bark.

Beside her, Jennifer carefully added the bark in her hand into the medicine grinder bit by bit, and asked with concern: "Professor Qingkong, are you sick?"

"No..." Qingkong didn't stop the movement in his hands, the material for making mysterious props must be controlled to the degree of crushing. "The smell of this tree is so pungent, it makes people want to sneeze... Can't you smell it?"

Jenny leaned closer and smelled the bark powder: "It has a pungent smell, but I don't feel any discomfort."

"I'll leave this job to you." Qingkong simply handed the tools to Jenny.

Jennifer asked in surprise: "I, can I?"

"Yes, why not. You are my teaching assistant now, and you were a top student in the Department of Mystic Arts before. I think you are completely competent for this simple handling of esoteric materials.

Do it boldly, and I will watch from the sidelines. "

Clear Sky encourages Jenny and also observes her.

Taking dragon's blood wine for a long time allowed her to regain her body temperature, and her skin was as rosy as a peach with a rosy white inside.

Clear Sky released the restrictions on Jenny and recruited her into his occult department as his teaching assistant.Clear Sky has been watching Jenferne these days to see if she's really rediscovering herself.

The difference between living and undead is that living beings have richer emotions, and the world is colorful in the eyes of living beings.In addition to the eyes, the heart can also feel the richness of everything in the world.

In the eyes of the undead, the world is cold.Necromancers don't have too many desires, only the obsession in life will haunt themselves forever.

Jenny was affected by the power of the abyss at the moment of death, she died but not completely dead.In the underground labyrinth, she was accompanied by undead, but she tended to be undead, and her obsession entangled her.

The dragon's blood wine restored her body temperature and pulled her to the side of the living being.

But it's still possible for her to slide towards the Necromancer.

The living creature, Jennifer, is very quiet, and a hundred years have not left any traces on her body. She is like a girl at the same table in school days, with a little youthfulness.

Jenny took over Qingkong's work, she ground the bark finely, added her magic power clockwise and stirred evenly.Soon there was a pungent smell from the medicine grinder, and the clear sky smelled bad, but Jennifer didn't show any discomfort.

The half-dead physique gave her a strong adaptability.

Qingkong made an evaluation of Jenny in her heart.

"Tonight, Mrs. Mihir is going to hold a charity reception. She invited me to go, and I'm not good at handling such occasions. I don't know anyone who will attend the reception. In order to avoid too embarrassing at that time, can you accompany Shall I go?"

As Mrs. Mihir's status in Raging Waves City has been greatly improved, her activities are no longer limited to the city's socialites.

Some rumors spread from the imperial capital to Raging Waves City, "The Eldest Princess has joined the fight for the crown prince..."

Many people think that Inspector Meteor Star is the most trusted person of His Highness the Princess, and only the most trusted person dares to make such a big disturbance in Raging Waves City.According to Meteor's ability and his age, once the eldest princess becomes the queen, Detective Meteor must be a very human minister.

One day Inspector Meteor Star will become the Chief Assistant of the Imperial Cabinet, then the team that the Inspector built in Raging Waves City will be the ruling team for the future Empress after she ascends the throne.

And Mrs. Mihir, as one of the three councilors under Inspector Meteor, many people who want to invest in the future of the empire have sharpened their heads to make friends with this possible future cabinet minister.

Mrs. Mihir is also very keen on this kind of social interaction, and at the same time, she does not forget the "city star" plan she made with Qingkong.If you want to stabilize your position in the Reform Society, you must have a capital that can be used.

Fairy Clear Sky is Mrs. Mihir's backstage.

The promotion of the "City Star" program went very smoothly.For ordinary citizens, they don't understand the splendor and cruelty of urban upper-class struggles, and gossip news can arouse their interest even more.

The powerful and beautiful elf Qingkong, her legendary experience has become a small story widely circulated in the city alleys.In particular, she saved Raging Waves City many times, as well as the battle to wipe out the Abyss Mage, which made the citizens of the whole city like her.

At this time, Qingkong is the "city star" of Raging Waves City, with countless loyal "fans".If anyone can compete with Qingkong in terms of popularity, it is probably only Inspector Meteor who has repeatedly created big events.

And if you want to keep the heat high, you need to increase the exposure.Therefore, even if Qingkong is not interested in receptions, she can only attend some of the more important ones.I want to go with Jennifernie just to have a companion and get rid of annoying harassment.

Upon hearing Qingkong's invitation, Jenny said awkwardly: "Can I not go? My identity... I'm afraid it will cause you unnecessary trouble."

Qing Kong reached out and pinched Jennifer's pink face: "No one can see your dead side now, and when I find a suitable heart to put on you, no one will see anything.

Put on your most beautiful clothes tonight, and I'll take you to the reception.This is an order, not a request? "

"Yes, Professor Qingkong."

Jennifer didn't dare to go against the clear sky, she still remembered the process of forcing herself to drink dragon's blood wine.Although that memory and the experience in the maze are like a sealed photo album, it is still difficult for him to raise the heart to go against the clear sky.

"Don't be so reluctant. There are many things in this world that you don't just do if you don't want to." Qing Kong stood up and said, "These tasks are left to you. I heard that a batch of new books I ordered came to the library. Going to see..."

"See you tonight, Professor Qingkong. After I finish processing these materials, I will send them to Professor Ban."

"See you tonight."

Clear Sky bid farewell to Jenny and left the Department of Occult Arts.

During this period of time, Clear Sky has been studying the history of ancient civilizations.She has read all the limited relevant materials in the college library, so Qingkong relied on her own identity to borrow and purchase ancient civilization materials from other famous colleges in the name of Oulu College.

A batch of materials was delivered today.

Come to the clear sky of the library, sign for the batch of documents and books, and then move them to a corner of the reading room to look at them alone.

It's just that before she looked at it for too long, a cup of coffee was placed on her table.

Seeing the coffee, Qingkong frowned and said, "The person who brought me coffee here last time died right in front of me. I said, don't disturb me while I'm reading."

"Miss Qingkong, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Pan, a director of the World Bank, a person from Shuojin..."

Found it so soon?
Qingkong looked up, and it really was Pan.

"Shuojin people don't have privileges in Oulu Academy. If you need something to ask me, you can make an appointment first."

Pan did not leave because he encountered a nail, he sat down across from Qingkong, looked at the materials on the table and asked: "All of them are related to ancient civilizations, and they are all borrowed from other colleges. Is Miss Weatherlight so interested in ancient civilizations...?"

"I'm a professor of magic at Oulu College, the head of the Department of Occult Arts. Is there any problem with reading some academic books?"

The time when Qingkong borrowed these books was before Pan Heyin came to Raging Waves City, and it was only delivered now after a long delay on the road.It is estimated that Pan noticed that these books were related to ancient civilizations, so he tracked them down, looking for clues about the egg.

Qingkong is not afraid of what Pan can find, so the answer is very natural.

"No problem..." Pan looked at the clear sky, and was amazed at the appearance of the elf in front of him, which was even more beautiful than the legends said: "Miss Qing Kong is not only proficient in secret arts, but also studies the history of ancient civilizations. I admire your erudition very much.

As a Shuojin person, I know a lot about the history of ancient civilizations.After all, as a survivor of the ancient Shuojin civilization, the modern Shuojin civilization still retains many things from its ancestors.

If Miss Clear Sky doesn't mind, we can communicate with each other in the history of ancient civilizations. "

Qingkong doesn't want to be entangled by Pan.

"Okay, let's talk again when we have time. This is the library, don't disturb my reading."

Pan Lai refused to leave, and asked instead: "Miss Qing Kong and Mrs. Mihir are very good friends?"

"Yes! Everyone in Rage City knows that Mrs. Mihir and I are good friends." Qingkong didn't expect Pan to transfer the topic to Mrs. Mihir, so she was not in a hurry to drive him away, and wanted to hear his purpose.

Pan said with emotion: "To some extent... Mrs. Mihir and I still have a kinship relationship."

Qingkong asked curiously: "Aren't you from Shuojin?"

"Before I became a Shuojin, I was a member of the royal family of the Kingdom of Leo, and King Leo XI was my uncle. Mrs. Mihir's mother was from the Elsis family of the Kingdom of Leo.

The Kingdom of Leo is a small country, and the nobles are married to each other, and the two families are always somewhat related.If I hadn't left the kingdom, I'd have to call Mrs Mihir 'sister' when I met her. "

Qingkong probably understood Pan's true purpose.

"The Kingdom of Leo disappeared a long time ago, and now it is the First Republic of Leo. Some members of the original royal family were executed, some were imprisoned, and some were exiled overseas.

You are lucky... to be a Glitter. "

"Yeah, my sister and I are lucky, otherwise we don't know what will happen to us. As far as I know, many nobles from the Kingdom of Leo fled to the Golden Shield Empire, and some of them had a very bad life.

Now I have some ability to help them, but I can't directly come forward.

Can Miss Weatherly introduce me to Mrs. Mihir, maybe she is willing to help the old people of her mother's family. "

Qingkong said with a smile: "Yes, it's rare that you become a Shuojin person and want to be forced to leave the country. After Mrs. Mihir knows your identity, she will definitely be very happy.

Madame Mihir will be hosting a reception this evening.You can come in private and I'll introduce you to her. "

Pan, who got his wish, stood up and saluted Qingkong: "Thank you, Miss Qingkong, see you tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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