Age of Arcane

Chapter 194 The Watcher

Chapter 194 The Watcher

Viscount Iscoran's clothes and hair were a little messy. Obviously, what happened here made him rush here without caring about his appearance.Sitting in Luke's car, he asked anxiously, "Detective, do you know who did it?"

Luke replied: "I don't know for the time being. How do you feel about such a big case when you just took office?"

Viscount Iskran was not as relaxed as Luke. He said with a wry smile: "If this case is not handled well, I will definitely lose my position. Did the new nobles do it? They don't seem to be that big courage."

Viscount Iscoran was suspicious of his political enemies at first, but on second thought, they should not create international incidents and launch attacks.If things come to light, the consequences of backlash are not something they can bear.

Outside the car, the security officers were pulling up the cordon. They knocked on the houses near the Leo Consulate one by one to evacuate all the people in the dangerous area.

Caesar selected personnel to organize a rescue team, and as long as Viscount Iscoran gave the order, he would lead the team into the fog.

The atmosphere of the scene is extremely tense, and the fog adds to the mysterious and weird atmosphere.

Looking at the scene outside the car, Luke said to Viscount Escoran: "The new nobles don't have the guts to create such an incident, but they definitely have the guts to use this incident to attack us. It is estimated that the secret letter sent to the imperial capital has left Raging City , if it is not handled well, you and I will bear the main responsibility for this diplomatic incident."

"But... why don't you let Caesar enter to save people now?"

Viscount Iskran was also very puzzled by Luke's order.

"Master Viscount, this secret technique is a demonstration against us. Those who caused this incident have appeals. If we quickly break through the fog, they may be frightened and kill the people inside; if we lose too much inside People who are not good will fuel their arrogance.

Now that things have happened, we can't rush into each other's rhythm.First ensure the safety of the hostages inside, and then formulate a proper rescue plan according to the situation.

The Russian rescue is not suitable for the current situation. "

"Russian-style rescue?" Viscount Iskran obviously had never heard of this rescue technique.

"This is a term spread in a small area within our Secret Intelligence Bureau. First seal this place, and the people inside will contact us."

When Viscount Iscoran wanted to ask more about the situation, Shelley opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

"Chief Inspector, our people are here."

Viscount Iscoran asked suspiciously, "Chief Inspector?"

Shelley explained proudly: "Our inspector received the promotion order from the eldest princess today, and the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau has been upgraded to the Raging City Secret Affairs Bureau, so the detective will naturally be our chief inspector."

Viscount Iscoran was also very happy: "Congratulations Chief Inspector, your achievements in Raging Waves City have been recognized by His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

"Thank you, let's finish this case together, otherwise Your Highness will definitely have a hard time in the imperial capital." Luke said to Shelley: "You send someone to Mrs. Mihir's mysterious shop, and let the people there prepare for what I want. mysterious props."

Shelley took a list from Luke: "Yes, Chief Inspector, I will send someone to prepare it immediately."

"Did the sandpaper come with you?"

"Here comes...she is with Boiling."

"You get the sandpaper ready. If you need to rush in to save someone, you and the sandpaper will follow me in."

"Yes, Chief Inspector." Then Shelley said worriedly, "Is there a little less people?"

"In the weight-carrying branch road, it is useless to have many people, and there must not be many people on the other side."

"I see, Chief Inspector."

Shelley opened the car door and left.

Caesar hurried over: "My lord Viscount, my lord inspector, a carriage came out of the mist."

"Go and have a look."

Luke and Viscount Iskran quickly got out of the car and followed Caesar to the edge of the fog.There is a clear boundary between the fog and the outside world, and the carriage is parked inside the boundary.

A group of brown horses pulling the cart are strong and well-groomed.The horse pulls a black car. The appearance and decoration of the car have a clear Rio style, and the logo of the Republic of Rio is also on the door.

It's just that the sign was marked with a big X with a sharp weapon.

A group of magistrates surrounded the carriage with their swords in their hands. The horse stomped its hooves uncomfortably and snorted from time to time.

Luke said to an imperial agent who was following him: "Get the carriage out, be careful!"

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

The spy went up to the carriage, grabbed the reins and pulled the horse out of the mist.Although the whole process was tense, luckily no accidents happened.

After the carriage completely left the fog, Caesar stepped forward and opened the door, and then exclaimed: "Gejir!"

Luke and Iscoran walked to the door and saw a sheriff sitting in the car bound hands and feet.His mouth was gagged and he didn't appear to be hurt.

Two sheriffs untied Gajeel from the rope and dragged him out.

Caesar asked, "What did you encounter inside?"

Ge Jier was one of the sheriffs who failed to come out after being exhausted in the fog. His condition was a little sluggish, but he still answered Caesar's question.

It also gave Luke a preliminary understanding of the situation inside.

Most of those inside the consulate survived, with only a few guards killed when the attack began.Now the hostages, including Consul Leo, are gathered in the lobby of the consulate. Apart from being weak, their lives are not in danger.

"The leader of the other side calls himself the Watcher and asks us to send a decision-maker in to negotiate with them."

Viscount Iscoran said: "The Watchers are a secret army of the original Kingdom of Leo. They belong directly to the king and do things like secret affairs. If the other party is really the Watchers, this incident is definitely not the same as that of the exiles. Austrian aristocrats.

These ungrateful guys, we take them in, they do this kind of thing. "

Luke walked around the carriage and touched a few devices in specific locations.

"This carriage has been made into a mysterious prop, and it can travel through the fog without being affected by the weight. Since the other party wants to talk...I will talk to them."

Seeing that Luke was about to get into the carriage, Viscount Iscoran immediately stopped him: "No, we don't know what the other party wants to do, it's too dangerous for you to go. Let me go, the Iscoran family has a good relationship with some Leo nobles .”

"Viscount, I probably know what the other party wants to do, and they will not do anything to me. This incident requires a person with decision-making ability to use decision-making power in a timely manner.

You are just a little bit short. "

Viscount Iskran let go of Luke's hand, but he still said, "I'll go with you."

Luke has already sat in the carriage: "No, you are needed here. No one is allowed in until I come out, so as to ensure my safety."

At this time, Sandpaper's special mechanical voice sounded: "I will accompany the detective in."

Then the petite figure flickered, and Sandpaper sat opposite Luke. She raised her legs and twirled a large wrench in her fingers: "I was sleeping soundly, and Sister Shelley pulled me out of bed. Will staying up late last long?" High, these people who affect my sleep should be repaired and repaired."

Iscoran knew that he could provide Inspector Meteor the best support when he was outside, he said: "Inspector Chief, tell the other party that if you don't come out at dawn, I will lead someone to attack.

All Leo people in the Golden Shield Empire will also be implicated. "


Viscount Iscoran closed the compartment door for Luke, Ma Zhitu pulled the car back into the fog, and the shadow of the compartment could not be seen at a distance of only three meters.

Outside the mist, under the night, the sheriff and imperial spies surrounded the entire area.

A murderous air.

Luke was sitting in the carriage and driving on a slightly bumpy road, the window was gray and he couldn't see anything.

The hairs of sandpaper float up, and perception is let out.

"Strange, this shouldn't be a simple illusion. The space distortion makes me unable to feel things that are too far away, and it consumes a lot of my mental power."

Sandpaper quickly withdrew his perception, then took out a bottle of potion from the kit and drank it.

Luke said: "The weight-bearing branch is a secret technique to stretch the space. The physical consumption of walking one meter in it may be the consumption of walking 100 meters in the same time. Your perception consumes mental power, and it is the same reason.

Sit obediently and maintain awe of the secret arts. "

Sandpaper said with emotion: "The secret technique is really amazing. I have seen Miss Qingkong experiment with the secret technique at the Oulu Academy. When several mysterious props are combined into a secret technique word, it becomes something else.

If Miss Weathering Sky is here, breaking this secret technique should be very simple. "

At this time, Sandpaper is obsessed with Qingkong, and it is estimated that if Qingkong asked her to beat Luke, she would do it without hesitation.

Luke smiled and asked, "I heard that Kestrel received treatment at the Oulu Academy. Has it improved?"

Talking about Kestrel, Sandpaper became indignant: "There is no good change, Oulu mages are very cautious about this brain modification device. If Kestrel didn't insist, I would not let her continue this risky treatment .

Thinking of this, I feel like I killed those people... for real!

I don't know what happened to the other sisters? "

Sandpaper was lost in her own thoughts, and Luke didn't bother her.

According to the normal route, the road from the edge of the fog to the Leo Consulate is not far away, and the carriage stopped soon.

Luke pushed the door and jumped out of the car, facing the main building of the consulate.There is no fog around the main building, and the fog layer is like a buckled bowl covering the small building below.

In front of the gate of the building, stood a man with a half mask.

He was wearing an off-white trench coat with bandages wrapped around his arms.The bandage uses a special weaving method, which is both beautiful and allows the arm to exert more perfect force.There are two swords hanging on the two waists, one long and one short, and the mask covers the lower half of the face.

It is a typical attire of the windwatchers of the original Leo Kingdom, and off-white is the exclusive color of the Leo royal family.

The gatekeeper asked Luke who got out of the car: "Please tell me your identity."


"Your position in Raging Waves City."

Luke sneered and said, "If you don't even know who the Meteor in Raging City is, I don't think there's any need to talk about it."

The gatekeeper was silent for a while before saying: "Hello, Detective Meteorite. The message we sent is... only one person can come."

Sandpaper jumped out of the car and looked around curiously.

Luke said, "She's still a kid."

The gatekeeper didn't know why Meteor came to negotiate with a child, probably because he had some special hobby.

It was beyond their expectations to welcome Inspector Meteorite, a heavyweight in Raging Waves City, during the first negotiation.If Inspector Meteor was sent away because of a child, he would not know who came in next time.

There is great uncertainty in their actions this time, and any opportunity must be seized.

The gatekeeper opened the door and invited Luke: "Master Inspector, please come in, our leader is waiting for you inside."

Luke strode into the consulate with sandpaper.

The lobby of the consulate is quite spacious, and about 200 people from the consulate are gathered here.They all sat on the ground, looking listless and powerless.It's just that there are no consular officers and other important diplomats in it, so they should be detained separately in other places.

There are eleven people dressed as watchmen guarding the hall, each of them looks very powerful.

The gatekeeper walked in, and he led the way: "Detective Meteorite, please follow me."

Luke followed the gatekeeper through the building, and after entering the consul's office, he saw the leader of the group of watchmen.

Although he was also wearing the same clothes, he didn't hide his appearance.

A middle-aged uncle in his 50s and [-]s, his face is full of vicissitudes left by the years and changes.

After the introduction, the middleman knew that it was Inspector Meteor, and he also showed a slightly excited look.

"Hello, Inspector Meteorite, before I came to Rage City, I heard about the many legends you created here. If our cause can get your support, Leo Kingdom will definitely be able to regain its former glory.

Please sit down! "

After Luke sat down, he asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"The subjugated people do not deserve the honor left by their ancestors. We are the watchers of the Leo royal family. You can call me the watchers.

As for our purpose of doing this, we want to announce to the world and the people of Leo... that the war to revive the Kingdom of Leo has started from this moment.We will wipe out the rebels and puppet regimes, and return Leo to its true master. "

Luke lit a cigarette for himself, and said in an incomprehensible questioning tone: "It's your business to restore the country, what does it have to do with our Golden Shield Empire? This is the Rage City of the Golden Shield Empire. If you make such a thing, It would embarrass us internationally.

This will not do you any good.

I suggest that you immediately remove the fog and release all personnel here.We can ship you all to Leo's land, where you can do whatever you want. "

The lookout said very calmly: "Master Inspector, you know that the matter will not be resolved so easily. Please Golden Shield Empire declares to sever all diplomatic relations with the puppet regime of Leo, and does not recognize the legal rule of the puppet regime over Leo."

Luke couldn't help laughing: "Your request is too much, even if you arrest me, the empire will not agree.

What on earth are you trying to do? "

(End of this chapter)

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