Age of Arcane

Chapter 195 Negotiation with the kidnapper

Chapter 195 Negotiation with the kidnapper
"Detective Meteorite, I just made it very clear." The watcher said resolutely: "This is the beginning of the Great Restoration War! If we can get the support of the Golden Shield Empire, we will be very happy; even without the support of the Empire, we He will continue to devote himself to the jihad as always.

I chose Raging Waves City because of the city's unparalleled international status.We want more people who care about Leo Kingdom to see and give them hope. "

"Are you dead soldiers?"

"We are loyal to the Kingdom of Leo!"

The answer he got was what Luke expected, but it was also the last thing he wanted to hear.For those who are determined to die, it is difficult to offer conditions that will make their heart beat.

"You want to use this attack to expand your influence; to damage the relationship between the Empire and the Leo Republic. Isn't it too fantastic to harm the interests of the Empire and even try to get our support?"

The lookout said to Luke: "Inspector, although we are the first to come to Raging City, we know that the empire is an empire, and Raging City is Raging City. Anyone can support us. Our war needs overseas allies.

In return, the revived Kingdom of Leo can promise you many conditions. "

At this moment Luke already understood Pan's purpose for initiating this incident.

This is an extreme terrorist attack, without any material demands, just to show their attitude and position.Raging Waves City is a world-class commercial city, so such a serious attack can spread to the world very quickly.

As the Watcher said, the restoration of the Kingdom of Leo requires the intervention of overseas forces.Whether it is the state or private individuals, if you want to invest in the future Leo Kingdom, now is the opportunity.

Luke sighed and said: "It seems that you also know that through normal military means, you have no way to overthrow the Leo Republic. After so many years, the new generation of Leo people have forgotten the former kingdom. Now the Leo government's rule, and gave them the life that the kingdom did not give them.

You can only use this extreme method to fulfill your wishes.This practice is sad and shameful.

Give you one last chance, let everyone go, I can guarantee that you can leave safely. "

Luke's words made the lookout look ashamed, but he still insisted on his philosophy: "Your humiliation will not make us change our beliefs. Our purpose has been made clear to you...We have no intention of being an enemy of the Golden Shield Empire , the attack was only aimed at officials of the Rio puppet regime.

In three days, we'll put everyone here to death.

You are also welcome to attack, we can show the outside world the strength we have.I heard that the Temple of the Abyss was taught a lesson in Raging Waves City, and we also hope to have a wonderful battle. "

Luke put out the cigarette butt on the table: "Your wish will come true, Raging City will not let you use our world influence to create an international crisis.

The attack you want will start soon.

But... Since your enemies are Leo officials, the imperial employees working in the consulate, can you let them out, they are innocent. "

"Yes!" The Watcher readily agreed: "Empire employees can leave. We don't regard the Empire as an enemy. I also look forward to in-depth cooperation with you."

Luke said with a smile: "You have no chance, I will use your lives to add merit to me. But I still have a chance to cooperate with your master..."

Watcher looked at Luke's smile and asked nervously, "Do you know who we play for?"

"I know, I just talked to him about helping the Leo nobles in exile. But he seems to just want to reveal his identity as the former Leo royal family, so as to reap the dividends generated by your attack on the Leo consulate."

Pan's identity determines that he can't go around saying: I am a member of Leo's royal family, I want to restore the country, who of you is willing to support me.

Today, he timely revealed that he was once the identity of Leo's royal family, and happened to come out of the international crisis that Leo's consulate in Raging City was attacked.Those who have some thoughts about Leo Kingdom will naturally find a way to contact him.

He passively accepts refuge and funding, which does not affect his status as a shining gold man.

Hearing Luke mentioning Pan, the Watcher showed a look of admiration: "Your Highness has unparalleled wisdom and bravery, and he will become the greatest king of the Kingdom of Leo. Since Lord Inspector has seen our Highness, is it right for us to restore the country? How much confidence do you have?"

"Confidence or something... Not much for now. I need to continue to observe him to see if he is really as good as you said. Let's talk about this meeting. I'm going to see Consul Leo, listen Listen to the opinions of the Rio Republic."

The lookout stood up and sent Luke out the door: "Master Inspector, I am overwhelmed by your charm, and I look forward to meeting you next time.

Maybe the next time we meet it will be a battle of life and death. "

"I'm looking forward to your performance, goodbye."

Luke said goodbye to the watchman like a normal visitor, and then went to meet Consul Leo under the guidance of the gatekeeper.

Consul Leo was imprisoned in a room on the third floor with four other diplomats. Like the people in the hall, they all looked weak.Even if you talk to Luke, you have to say something and take three breaths.

Don't expect them to be of much help when the rescue operation begins.

Luke identified himself to Consul Leo and informed the lookouts of their purpose in kidnapping them.

"I met with their leader. You will be executed in three days. We will try our best to rescue you, but the other party is a dead man, and the rescue operation cannot guarantee your safety.

This is the Leo Consulate in Raging City. In theory, it is the temporary territory of your Leo Republic. All the actions of the empire here require your consent. "

Consul Leo is a skinny old man wearing glasses. He seemed to have exhausted all his remaining strength and said: "The extravagant life of the Leo royal family and the lack of food for the Leo people are the root causes of the fall of the Leo Kingdom. Freedom to choose who is the ruler of the country. We...we..."

Luke stopped the consul from continuing: "My lord consul, this is the Golden Shield Empire. You can say these slogans in your country, but don't tell an imperial spy. My duty is not to let anyone have a choice. Who is the freedom of the rulers of the empire.

I just want an answer.

Let us save you, or you save yourself. "

Self-help, how can a consular officer who has difficulty sitting in a chair and standing up save himself.But let the spies of the Golden Shield Empire rush in to rescue him, and there is no guarantee for his own life.

"Can't we negotiate with these kidnappers?"

"Unless you declare your surrender, I can't think of any conditions that can make the Watcher let you go. Anyway, the empire is not prepared to agree to any request from the Watcher..."

"I, we..."

When the consul considered the consequences of surrender, Luke said: "Whether you surrender or not, the empire will never let these people leave this area alive.

The majesty of the empire does not allow any profanity, and Rage City does not allow anyone to damage the city's international image. "

Then you come to ask me what to do?
"Inspector, Inspector Meteor...I think we can think of a safer way."

The consular officer was very afraid of death. If he had the strength now, he would kneel on the ground and hug Luke's leg and beg.

Luke didn't expect the consul officer to be so cowardly. He took out his pistol and threatened, "Master Consul, I need your authorization. If you are insane and unable to make a decision, I will ask the vice-consul."

Seeing that Inspector Meteor took out his gun, the consular officer immediately took out his seal and said, "I authorize you to have Inspector Meteor's full authority to rescue Leo's consulate in Furious City."

"Of order, Mr. Consul." Luke got the consular seal: "The rescue operation will start soon."


As Luke entered the Leo Consul's mist, Pan appeared on the roof of a nearby building.From his position he could clearly see the Sheriff and Imperial agents on guard outside the mist.

A man dressed as a watchman appeared behind Pan, and he knelt on one knee and said, "Report to the master, Inspector Meteor has entered the consulate of the rebel puppet regime."

"He went in!" Meteor's risky entry into the consulate made Pan very surprised: "He is very courageous, isn't he afraid that the watchman inside will kill him?"

"Master, the security officers and spies of Raging Waves City have sealed off the entire area of ​​the mist. People outside can't get in, and people inside can't get out. If the master doesn't want Meteor to die, it's hard for us to notify the watchers inside."

Pan smiled and said: "In this holy war of restoring the country, no one can't die. I appreciate Meteor's ability, but he is a secret agent of the Golden Shield Empire after all. If his fate is in my hands, he will accept his fate." .

I don't know if the watchers inside can hold on for three days. "

"The secret technique bestowed on us by the master is blessed by the ancient golden language. The fog of the burden-bearing crossroad cannot be solved by relying on numbers. The watchmen will definitely be able to hold on for three days, so that the whole world can see the start of the crusade for the restoration of the Kingdom of Leo. .

Those who care about the kingdom will definitely rush to vote. "

Pan looked at the night in the distance, the ocean was to the east, and Leo was to the east.There is no impression of it in his memory at all, but the blood flowing in his body tells him from time to time.

You are the new king of Leo, where the land of your ancestors is now yours.

"I will lead Leo on the right path."

"The master is heroic!"

When Luke came out of the fog in the carriage, there was already a glimmer of light in the east.He came out with dozens of imperial employees working in the consulate.They clung closely to the surroundings of the carriage, for fear that they would get lost in the mist.

The wolf-like sheriffs arrested all these hired workers and interrogated their identities one by one.

Viscount Iscoran opened the door of the carriage, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Luke sitting inside intact.

"Inspector Chief Inspector, you have been in for too long, and I almost couldn't help but lead someone in."

Luke got out of the car, looked at the noisy scene outside, and said to Iscoran: "The lookout inside promised to release the imperial employees, and the selection and screening took some time.

I have spoken to their leaders, there is no possibility of a peaceful resolution of this incident, prepare to attack.

Have you found the blueprint of the Leo Consulate. "

Viscount Iscoran said: "I found it, I set up a temporary command post nearby, let's talk there.

There was news from the council. "

Luke said to Caesar who was standing by: "All these hired workers are locked up and released after my order. Any information related to the consulate's internal affairs is not allowed to be released."

"Yes, Chief Inspector!"

Luke followed Iskran to the temporary command post.This is a residential house, and it seems that the home decoration seems to be relatively well-to-do.

Madame Mihir and Senator Ible are already waiting here.

After sitting down around a table, Luke first asked Mrs. Mihir, "Has Yin returned to the hotel?"

"Going back, she went back with Director Pan, please rest assured Chief Inspector."

Luke asked Councilor Ible again: "What information is there from the Parliament?"

Senator Ible has been working on this matter since he learned of the attack on the Leo Consulate.Viscount Iskran is the city security officer who just took office, and Meteor is the most senior spy in Raging Waves City, with great power and responsibility.

"The parliament has just held an emergency meeting...Speaker Grover asked us to quickly resolve this incident. It must not trigger a diplomatic incident that is difficult to end, let alone a bad catastrophe.

The city security department and the Bureau of Secret Intelligence must demonstrate their due capabilities, so that the international community still recognizes the safety of Raging Waves City. "

Viscount Iscoran brought the architectural drawings of the Leo Consulate, spread them on the table and said: "The new nobles probably haven't reacted to this sudden incident, our people told me that they are holding an internal meeting.

After dawn, their measures against us will be worked out, and we don't have much time.Since the chief inspector said that the problem cannot be resolved peacefully, we will attack immediately, and there is no way for hostages to be sacrificed. "

Luke looked at the complicated architectural drawings, and said after deep thought: "If the kidnappers are cornered and the hostages are all dead, there is no way to end it."

Iscoran said anxiously: "What should we do?"

"Our opponent wants us to be anxious, and I can't be anxious. And I think we can use this crisis to demonstrate the security capabilities of Raging Waves City to the international community."

"Demonstration of law and order capabilities?" The three congressmen all had question marks on their faces.

Luke said with a smile: "The watchmen gave us three days, and they will not harm the hostages during these three days. We can use these three days to formulate a comprehensive rescue plan.

And the outside world does not know that there is a three-day safety period.We can show the outside world those who come out with me to the empire to hire workers in batches. Every batch of living people appears is the result of our negotiations with the kidnappers.

Rage City wants a sense of security, so we give them a sense of security. What could be more secure than the scene of people being rescued from kidnappers alive?Can show our ability more? "

(End of this chapter)

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