Age of Arcane

Chapter 196

Chapter 196
On the Leo Consulate side, the Public Security Bureau in the central city area and the Imperial Secret Service teamed up to prepare a rescue plan.When it was dawn, the crisis that Viscount Iscorran expected came.

In the past few times, Luke launched attacks on the new aristocratic forces, and the newspapers played a huge role in guiding public opinion.This time the new aristocrats followed suit and released the news to the newspaper first.

Accusing the attack on the Leo Consulate is entirely the negligence of the city security department.It was Nishizawa, the new director of the Public Security Department in the central city, who installed cronies and eliminated dissidents, which caused serious omissions in the security forces in the central city.

Then, with Caesar as the breakthrough point, he focused his firepower on a large page, "human flesh" Caesar's resume in Xita City, saying that his qualifications and abilities are completely incompetent for the post of Director of the Public Security Department in the central city.He can occupy an important position, it is entirely because someone in the parliament abused his power...

With the spread of various rumors, Caesar, who stayed up all night and stuck to the front line, was extremely distressed.When he came to the temporary command post, he didn't see the Viscount Iscoran, so he asked Luke who was guarding here: "Inspector, where is Councilor Iscoran?"

Luke was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. He asked Caesar to sit down first, and then said: "Speaker Glover called Iskran to ask about the situation here. See if you are not in a good condition. Do you want to take a rest?" , this incident cannot be resolved in a day or two."

Caesar believes that he has been dedicated to his duties since he took office, often busy until late at night, and has never delayed work even if he was seriously injured.He knew that his qualifications were not enough for such an important position, so he put in double effort to be recognized.

What was in the newspaper today hit him hard.

"Chief Inspector, the attack on the Leo Consulate was my fault. I went to the reception held by Mrs. Mihir last night, and ignored the arrangements for the night inspection team. I... I want to resign to the Viscount Iscoran , maybe West Tower City is suitable for me."

Luke is well aware of the attack power that this kind of public opinion violence will have when it targets individuals.

He put down the newspaper and said to Caesar: "Do you think that today's major newspapers focus on publishing editorials related to you, and they are really targeting you? Don't take yourself so seriously, and put yourself in your position.

You can't bear the pressure and resign is exactly what our opponents want to see most. It shows that you admit your inadequacy.They will take advantage of the trend to attack Mrs. Mihir, Viscount Iscoran, and then me...

Madame Mihir put you in this position with the approval of all of us.This position is very important, and it will be the center of our competition with our opponents in the future. You need to have a very strong ability to resist pressure.If just a few pieces of newspaper bullshit make you question yourself, you are living up to our expectations of you. "

"Chief Inspector, I understand what you're saying, but I feel that I'm too tired... I'm afraid of doing the wrong thing every day."

"Cesis, you are afraid of doing wrong because you are an upright person. This is one of the reasons we chose you. The other because of Miss Weathering Sky..."

Hearing Qingkong, Nishizawa immediately regained his energy: "I knew that I was able to become the Director of Public Security in the central city because of Miss Qingkong's recommendation, although Miss Qingkong never admitted it."

"Then do well in this position, and don't disappoint Miss Qingkong."

Sure enough, he and Nishizawa argued the truth, it would be better to just move Qingkong out.Although Luke didn't want to do this, but in order to keep Caesar from doing stupid things, he could only take advantage of the clear sky.

Encouraged by Caesar, he was full of energy, and his whole body was full of strength: "Please rest assured, chief inspector, for the sake of Miss Weatherlight, nothing can knock me down."

"Be very energetic, go out and do your thing, and read less newspapers. These days, our confrontation with our opponents is mainly concentrated in newspapers. If you read too much, you will have high blood pressure."

Caesar strode away from the command post, and Luke continued to pick up the newspaper to read.

The new nobles are very capable of learning, and they can find their own vital points with one blow.If Caesar couldn't bear the pressure, he would become very passive on his side.

Caesar is stable now, but the new nobles cannot be allowed to manipulate public opinion like this.

Come here for a while, Viscount Iskran arrived, and his complexion was not good. It seemed that he had heard some bad words from Speaker Grover.

"The ambassador of the Leo Republic will arrive in Rage City from the Empire tomorrow morning. Speaker Grover asked us to resolve the attack on the consulate before the ambassador arrives. Otherwise...we will bear all the diplomatic consequences arising therefrom."

When Luke heard that Ambassador Leo was coming to Rage City, he said to Iscoran, "Do you think the diplomatic consequences of the death of a consul are serious, or the diplomatic consequences of the death of an ambassador are serious."

Viscount Iscoran realized the seriousness of the matter: "Chief Inspector, what do you mean...the Watcher will assassinate Ambassador Leo."

Luke was thinking about the plan that Pan would make, no matter whether he expected Ambassador Leo to come to Rage City or not, after knowing the news, he would definitely do it.

"Immediately take someone to intercept Ambassador Leo's airship. If you can do it secretly, you should be able to pretend to be Ambassador Leo and set a trap for the lookout. As long as Ambassador Leo knows that we saved him, no matter how bad the state is here, we will The bottom line that can be tolerated."

Viscount Iscoran knew how important it was to be able to save Ambassador Leo, and he had to go there himself: "Yes, I will go back and summon the bayonet right now, and I must do this well."

The time is urgent, and it is not a simple matter to intercept an airship from the air halfway.

Viscount Iskran went out immediately.

Luke contacted Mr. Ible, and he was going to hold a newspaper press conference. At the meeting, he would give a detailed introduction to the progress of the attack on the Leo Consulate.

The time was set at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The Sheriff and Imperial agents continued to tightly surround the entire fog area, and no one was allowed to approach.All parties in the city wanted to know what was going on inside the Leo Consulate, but could not get any precise information.

We can only wait for the newspaper press conference to be held by Chief Inspector Meteor.

The wait was long for everyone, including those from the new aristocracy, who also didn't know what happened in the Leo consulate.Luke's information concealment tactics were very successful, and the new aristocratic forces did not dare to take drastic actions without knowing the specific circumstances.

Until three o'clock in the afternoon, all parties were waiting quietly.

When the time was up, Luke appeared on the steps in front of the city hall building.The imperial spies have already sealed off the place early and arranged the audio equipment.Newspaper reporters gathered under the steps, and people from all walks of life who wanted to get information stood around.

Luke carefully scanned the people in the audience, judging their respective identities and the forces they represented.

He believed that Pan's people must also be in it.

This newspaper press conference was also held for Pan.

Luke stood in front of the microphone, and Shelley stood behind him with his hand on the handle of the gun, watching the people around him vigilantly.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I am the chief inspector of the newly established Bureau of Secret Affairs of the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs... Meteor, the attack on the Consulate of the Republic of Leo in Rage City is handled by the General Bureau of Secret Affairs of Raging City.

In order to remove unnecessary tension, I will share the details of the attack with the public.

I've met the attackers and negotiated with them several times.

The other party claimed to be the watchman of the Leo Kingdom, and the attack on the consulate of the Leo Republic was a war launched to overthrow the current Leo regime.After my negotiations, the kidnappers promised not to expand the incident as much as possible, so citizens are requested not to panic, but also not to approach the blocked area.

The abductees are all safe now, I have seen them, I have also met with Consul Leo, and I have been authorized by the consulate..."

Luke showed the seal of the consulate to prove the credibility of his words.

A newspaper reporter rushed to ask: "Master Chief Inspector, when will you plan to rescue the trapped people in the Leo Consulate? If it cannot be resolved in time, or the Leo Consul is killed, it will cause diplomatic tensions between the Empire and the Leo Republic. Storm."

Luke replied: "Rescuing the hostages by force is not our first choice. We will try our best to resolve this incident through negotiations to minimize casualties. And our negotiations have achieved results. The kidnappers have released eight hostages. ..."

An imperial agent came up with eight people, and Luke introduced their names and their work in the Leo Consulate respectively.

Seeing that someone was successfully rescued, everyone was extremely excited.Although there are only eight people, this is a good start, proving that Chief Inspector Meteor's approach is effective.

A newspaper reporter asked: "Master Chief Inspector, when will the other hostages be rescued?"

Luke tells the spies to take the eight down.

"According to my contact with the kidnappers, they are a group of poor people who have been deceived. Someone made them believe that the Kingdom of Leo can be revived, and then sent them to Rage City to die. As long as the relationship between the empire and the Republic of Leo is not due to this incident, If there is any deterioration, then the attack they organized is meaningless.

I think that if they recognize the reality and the deception of the Messenger, they will drop their arms and surrender.

This is the best result.

Of course, we also have a plan to rescue the hostages by force, which will be implemented only after the negotiation fails. "

Luke's crisis public relations, while engaging in a public opinion confrontation with the new aristocratic forces, also revealed to Pan that "the lookouts in the Leo consulate may surrender."

The release of the eight hostages might not shake Pan's confidence in these dead men, but at night... Luke announced that after another negotiation, the kidnappers in the Leo Consulate released ten people.

Chief Inspector Meteor rescued [-] people in one day by negotiating. Tomorrow's newspaper must be a big book.According to this trend, it seems that the kidnappers will definitely surrender.

At the beginning of Pan, he still had great confidence in these dead men, but seeing that they released them twice in a row, he couldn't help but began to doubt the loyalty of his subordinates.

If they do surrender...

The so-called jihad for the restoration of the Kingdom of Leo will become an international joke.

This situation must not be allowed to happen!

What is the lookout in the Leo Consulate trying to do?
At this time, the watchman guarding the Leo consulate was also very puzzled.After Chief Inspector Meteor left, they were ready to face the Sheriff of Raging City and the Imperial Secret Service who rushed in.

It is necessary to kill the enemy to death to announce to the world the beginning of the jihad of restoration of the country.

After fighting for three days, there must be rivers of blood here.

But after waiting for a whole day, there was no movement outside.The sheriff and the imperial agents sealed the fog area tightly, but they only stayed outside the fog and did not take a step inside.

The watchers in the fog did not dare to rush out.

They are completely enclosed in this not-so-large area, and news from the outside world cannot come in, and their information cannot be sent out.

After another night of waiting, there was still no attack as imagined.But the lookouts dare not slack off. This may be the fatigue tactic of Chief Inspector Meteorite. When you slack off, the attack will start at any time.

Knowing that this tactic is extremely draining on people's fighting spirit, the wind watchers still endured both mental and physical exhaustion and waited in the fog.

After full daylight, Luke made another announcement.After talking all night with the kidnappers, the kidnappers released fifteen hostages this time!

Talk all night long, there is something that needs to talk all night long.

The [-] hostages released showed that Chief Inspector Meteor had a fruitful talk with the kidnappers.

Pan was a little restless.

The hostages were released continuously, and more people were released each time, what on earth were those lookouts trying to do?What did Meteor talk to them about?
Pan wanted to know the information inside the Leo Consulate, but the additional sheriff and imperial agents expanded the blockade area, and his people had no way to get close to the fog.But he couldn't take the risk of revealing his identity and go in and ask in person.

"Meteor!" After confronting Meteor, Pan realized how powerful he is.He didn't even know who the mastermind behind the Watcher was, so he had already let himself be suspicious here.

At this time, Yin asked with concern: "Pan, your heart is in a mess, and... did you just say 'Meteor'..."

Pan put down the newspaper in his hand and readjusted his mentality: "I just read in the newspaper that Inspector Meteor persuaded the watchmen in the Leo Consulate to release fifteen people.

Inspector Meteorite always does the unexpected. "

Yin smiled and said, "If Detective Meteor Star doesn't do something unexpected, it will be unexpected. In the past two days, the whole city has been talking about the incident at the Leo Consulate. Everyone believes that Detective Meteor Star can persuade the kidnappers to surrender and create another miracle. "

Yin's confidence in Meteor made Pan's complexion ugly, and he asked Yin, "Did you go to see Meteor these two days?"

"No, the detective must be very busy with such a big case, I'd better not bother him."

"I suggest you go meet Meteor... The Watcher is from Leo, and we used to be members of Leo's royal family. If Inspector Meteor wants to persuade the Watcher to surrender, maybe we can help?"

"Is it okay?" Yin was very happy, but then asked worriedly: "We are Shuojin people, and we have nothing to do with the royal family of Leo."

"You can give it a try. I hope Inspector Meteor can solve this trouble soon."

(End of this chapter)

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