Age of Arcane

Chapter 197 Please enter the urn

Chapter 197 Please enter the urn
When Yin came to the temporary command post outside the Leo Consulate, Luke and his subordinates were discussing the plan to rescue the hostages around the architectural drawings of the consulate.

Hearing the sound coming, Luke was overjoyed: "It's finally here!"

Pan's patience was much lower than Luke had imagined. He thought he would release two more batches of hostages before Pan couldn't help sending people to test them out. As a result, only three batches were released, and he couldn't help it.

Luke immediately asked people to put away the architectural drawings of the consulate, and the models on the table were also hidden.I lit a cigarette and smoked my eyes, and immediately my eyes turned red, as if I hadn't slept all night.

Let Kailina pour herself a cup of espresso...Everyone go out, invite Director Yin to come in.

Yin followed an imperial agent into the room, dressed modestly and carrying a lunch box on her arm.

Seeing Luke's haggard look, Yin hurriedly put the lunch box on the table, then lifted Luke's eyelids, observed and asked concerned: "Are you sick? Your condition looks very bad."

As he said that, Yin released a healing magic for Luke, and then released a mental recovery magic.

Luke pretended to be more comfortable, and then said to Yin: "Thank you... I haven't had much rest since the attack on the Leo Consulate. I talked with the kidnappers inside yesterday. Fortunately, they released another The batch of hostages can be regarded as some gains for my hard work."

After Yin checked Luke, he was relieved to confirm that there was no major problem with his physical condition.She opened the food box, took out an insulated bucket from inside, lifted the lid of the insulated bucket, and immediately emitted a tangy aroma.

"This is the medicine soup that we Shuojin people use to restore physical strength and energy. Although it is not as fast as the recovery of magic potion, it is very beneficial to the body. You drink this, and then have a good sleep, and it will soon You're back to being the energetic, sharp-minded Inspector Fantastic."

Yin scooped out a bowl of medicinal soup and handed it to Luke.

Luke took the medicinal soup, and the aroma was very appetizing.

He drank the whole bowl of medicinal soup without panting, and Luke wiped the soup from the corner of his mouth. "It tastes great, it must be made by Director Yin himself."

"You can just call me Yin..." Yin took back the empty bowl from Luke's hand, and poured out all the remaining medicine soup in the barrel: "Pan doesn't like Shuojin people's pharmacy, but I like it very much. This medicine The soup uses a lot of my precious herbs, you have to drink it all."

Luke had to drink another bowl.

"I feel a warm current gathering in my abdomen, which is very comfortable... It is indeed the medicine of the Shuojin people, and it must be a formula handed down from the ancient Shuojin civilization."

Yin looked into Luke's eyes again, saw the redness recede, and said happily: "A warm abdomen means that the medicine has taken effect, and your body has a strong recovery ability...but no matter how good your body is, you must rest."

Seeing that Yin was so worried about him, Luke felt a little guilty about cheating Yin, just a little guilty.

"I also want to rest, but the attack on the Leo Consulate has reached a critical moment. If I relax, there may be changes that no one wants to see."

Yin remembered Shi Pan's entrustment to himself: "Will the kidnappers be willing to surrender? Both Pan and I used to be members of Leo's royal family. If we can help, we are all willing to help you solve this crisis, Inspector."

Luke thought for a while and replied: "These kidnappers who called themselves watchmen were actually deceived by some people. They were sent to the Rio Consulate to die in order to promote the so-called jihad of restoration of the country.

But even if you want to restore the country, there is no reason to go to war in other countries.Moreover, the Kingdom of Leo has been destroyed for 20 years. The young people in Leo now don't know what the kings and ministers are, so how could they work for them.

I've met them a few times, and if nothing else, it shouldn't be a problem to convince them to surrender.

Of course, if there are members of the former Leo royal family who can accompany me to talk with them, and you can tell from your own experience, they will definitely be able to recognize the current situation. "

Luke showed confidence in being able to persuade the kidnappers to surrender, and Yin considered the feasibility of negotiating with the kidnappers with Pan and Inspector Meteor.

After all, he and Pan are Shuojin people now, can they use their identities as the Leo royal family to meet the kidnappers?
"I want to discuss this matter with Pan." Yin dared not decide for himself.

Luke said with a smile: "Actually, you don't have to be in trouble. It's a matter of time to persuade the kidnappers to surrender. I guess there will be a result tomorrow. Of course, with your help, it can be solved today, and I can sleep well earlier."

Yin stood up, she put away the food box, and said to Luke: "I will go to Wenpan now, and I will try my best to persuade him to accompany you to meet the kidnappers as a member of Leo's royal family. Let this matter end quickly Let the kidnapped hostages quickly return to freedom, and let the inspector... rest in peace.

I'm leaving. "

Luke sent Yin out the door himself, and immediately summoned his subordinates after returning.

"The situation has changed in our favor, and the plan to attack the Leo Consulate needs to be adjusted." Luke spread the architectural drawings of the consulate on the table again, and then used the model to place the layout of the enemy and us on the drawing. "The attack time is changed to tonight..."

Yin returned to the Shuojin Hotel from the temporary command post, Pan did not go out, he pretended to be practicing, but in fact waited for the news brought back by Yin.

"Inspector Meteor's success is not only due to his own ability, but also his dedication beyond ordinary people." Yin praised Luke: "Since the attack on the Leo Consulate, he has not rested. Not only to deal with various Fang put pressure on him, but also presided over the rescue of the kidnapped hostages.

He talked with the kidnapper all night yesterday. When I first saw him, he was so haggard that I couldn't recognize him. "

Pan closed his eyes and asked in a calm tone: "What is the result? The watchman in the Leo consulate, are you really going to surrender to Meteor?"

Yin recalled the conversation with Luke, and replied confidently: "They will definitely surrender... The Kingdom of Leo has been subjugated for so long, and the young people in Leo are used to a country without a king. And those poor kidnappers, really The worst is being tricked into dying. If they figure out that there's no point in dying like this, it's settled.

I believe Inspector Meteor can do it, he can always do things that others seem impossible. "

Yin's answer made Pan frowned.

If someone else handled this incident, he might not be so impatient, but this time it was Meteor.

As long as you know about Meteor's experience in Raging Waves City, you will marvel at how miraculous it is that he worked so hard in Raging Waves City alone.

Never underestimate him.

Never underestimate him!
If they can no longer contact the watchers in the consulate and let Meteor continue to talk with them, they may really surrender to Meteor.

If a declaration of the restoration of the Kingdom of Leo that could shock the world ends in this way, the restoration of the kingdom will never be possible.

"Can you tell Meteor that we are willing to help?"

"I said... the inspector said that if we are willing to meet the kidnappers with him as members of Leo's royal family, we should be able to speed up their surrender.

Me, I didn't say yes right away.

Pan, I know that as a Shuojin person, I shouldn't be involved with my previous life experience, but if we accompany the detective to meet the kidnappers, we can save many people.You, you also said that our status as the royal family of Leo can help the inspector. "

Yin didn't know the extent of Pan's so-called help, so he looked at his brother with pleading eyes.

Go directly to the watchmen in the consulate, and you can ask them about their situation and strengthen their determination.

This was very tempting to Pan.

But Pan also considered the risks involved.

Can Meteor see who I am in the middle?
After careful consideration, Pan felt that the possibility of his identity being exposed was extremely small.Because I am a Shuojin person, as long as I have this status, even if I want to become Leo's king, the Shuojin person will not agree.

Besides, I am still an elder candidate in the Shuojin Elder's House. In the eyes of most people, the status of an elder of the Shuojin people is much more noble than a king.

Pan felt that Meteor wanted to break his head, and he would not associate himself with those Leo Watchers.He should be really eager to solve the attack on the consulate as soon as possible, because the new nobles put too much pressure on him.

Looking at the newspapers of the past two days, it is really a wonderful war.

Pan, who was practicing, opened his eyes.

He looked at the expectant voice and said with a smile: "I don't care about the identity of the Leo royal family, so if I use this identity to do something, there is no psychological burden. On the contrary, it is you who are so entangled with the identity of the Leo royal family. Xinxing still needs to be cultivated.

I like Inspector Meteorite very much. He is in Raging City, and the World Bank doesn't need to face those bureaucrats who only care about money alone.Let's help Detective Meteorite, resolve this matter as soon as possible, and restore calm to Raging Waves City as soon as possible.

We still need to find the Dragon Soul..."


Pan didn't say anything, Yin had long forgotten about finding the Dragon Soul.She hurriedly covered it up and said, "Yes, we still need to find Dragon Soul through Inspector Meteor. If he has been held back by this matter, he won't be able to help us find clues."

"I'll send someone to find Meteor, and make an appointment with him to meet the Wind Watchers."

After receiving Pan's inquiry, Luke made an appointment until night, on the grounds that he was in a bad state and needed a little sleep.Then it is to urge the subordinates to hurry up and make arrangements, and all preparations must be made before nightfall.

At night, Pan and Yin came to the temporary command post outside the consulate according to the appointment.

Well-dressed and refreshed, Luke shook hands with Pan and said joyfully, "With your help, I'm really lucky! I think I can announce the good news that all the hostages have been rescued tomorrow.

Thank you, Director Pan, and thank you... Yin. "

Pan said very gracefully: "It has always been the principle of our Shuojin people to provide help to our partners within our ability. Besides, we can save so many lives, and Yin and I feel that we have done a good deed.

When are we going to enter the consulate..."


Before Luke could finish speaking, an imperial agent ran in.

"The Chief Inspector, Viscount Iscoran sent a message. He pretended to be Ambassador Leo, and carried out a counter-ambush against the sneak lookouts, and wiped out all the assassins.

Now Viscount Iscoran has protected Ambassador Leo in the Sissai Palace, please rest assured the Chief Inspector. "

"Great!" Luke said excitedly when the news was delivered at the right time: "The Windwatcher wants to do something in Raging Waves City, it's like hitting a stone with an egg. With this victory, we can greatly attack the Windwatcher in the consulate. Morale makes them despair, and makes them lose confidence in their so-called jihad. With the persuasion of the two and me, they will definitely be able to make them surrender!"

Hearing that the assassination of Ambassador Leo had failed, Pan's expression changed slightly.

There can no longer be any mistakes here.

Pan was a little thankful that he had come. If Meteor was allowed to take the result of the battle to negotiate with the watchman in the consulate, he really didn't know what the consequences would be.

"Detective Meteor even expected that the Watcher would take the opportunity to assassinate Ambassador Leo?"

Luke replied: "The lookouts in the consulate gave me three days to make things as big as possible. Ambassador Leo came to Rage City at this time. It's no wonder they don't want to assassinate me.

Come on, the carriage is ready, let us meet them together. "

Luke took Pan and Yin out of the temporary command post, and was surrounded by sheriffs and imperial spies outside the mist.At the edge of the fog, a spy had already parked the carriage.

The carriage is the one that Luke took last time, and he can freely enter and exit the fog.

Sandpaper was standing by the carriage, and seeing Luke and the others coming, he opened the door and jumped in.

"Sandpaper, you should be polite."

Luke accused Sandpaper of being rude, then took Yin's hand, and helped her into the carriage in a gentlemanly manner.

Sandpaper said unhappily: "You wake me up at night again. Is there anything you can't do during the day? Let me accompany you to meet the kidnapper every night. I will definitely lose a few centimeters in height."

Luke got into the carriage and said to the sandpaper: "A few nights less sleep will not affect your development. This is Pan, this is Yin...they are Jin people..."

When Luke introduced it, the carriage moved and slowly drove into the fog.

After advancing a few meters, no one could be seen outside the fog.

After advancing for more than ten meters, just as Luke finished introducing the sandpaper, the carriage stopped suddenly, and then the sound of someone approaching could be heard.Yin's nervous hands formed a mudra, and a ball of golden light shone in the middle of her hands.

Someone outside the car asked: "Who is inside? What is the purpose of entering the fog?"

Luke said: "I am Meteor, chief inspector of the Bureau of Secret Affairs in Raging City, you can open the car door. We are here to continue the negotiation from last time."

The door was pulled open, and two lookouts stood outside.

They saw the meteorite, the sandpaper they had seen last time, and then Pan and Yin.

The lookouts immediately recognized the prince they were loyal to. They didn't know why Prince Pan entered the mist with Meteor, and they didn't dare to pay their respects.

"Explain your purpose, Inspector." The watchman tried not to look at Pan.

Pan didn't look at them either.

Luke said: "I brought the old man of the Watcher to talk about your surrender. Let all of you go to the lobby and wait... We will settle this dispute peacefully."

(End of this chapter)

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