Age of Arcane

Chapter 198 Poor Information

Chapter 198 Poor Information

Luke deliberately used the word "old friend", and the other two parties sounded fine.

From Pan's point of view, Heyin is assisting in the negotiation as a member of the Leo royal family this time, and the Watchers are a special army dedicated to protecting the Leo royal family.It is correct to use "old friend" as the address!
From the perspective of the watcher, Pan is the monarch he is loyal to.Inspector Meteor Star had nothing wrong with using "Old Man" when the Golden Shield Empire had not yet recognized Pan's identity.

As for surrender?

The lookouts were a little puzzled.

These slain men are doing things according to the plan. When the imperial spies and sheriffs don't attack again tomorrow, they will execute all the people here, and then rush out to die.

Show the courage of the watchers to the world, and let the clarion call of the jihad of the restoration of the country resound through the sky.

The subjects have not yet surrendered, why do you want to surrender, Your Highness?

Without knowing exactly what happened, the watchers dare not communicate with Pan.Seeing that Pan's silence is regarded as acquiescing to Inspector Meteor's rhetoric, could it be that there have been major changes outside in the past two days.

Let's get people together first.

"Okay, Inspector Meteor, we will gather in the hall immediately. The leader will look forward to the news you bring us."

The watchman closed the door respectfully, and the carriage moved again.

Pan listened to the conversations between Meteorite and the Watchers.

They actually obeyed Meteor's order and asked everyone to gather in the hall.Meteor's progress in persuading them to surrender clearly far exceeded their own estimates.I'm afraid that even if he doesn't come, Meteor can make them surrender in another night.

It has been too long since the Kingdom of Leo fell. These lookouts who said they were loyal to the Leo royal family have long since lost their respect for the royal family.I actually believed the oath they read, thinking that they would really dedicate their lives to the revival of the country.

Pan said to Luke: "These lookouts seem to respect you."

The meeting with the watchman did not reveal any flaws, and Luke was more confident in his actions tonight.He is because of the poor information between Dapan and Watcher, making Watcher think that their master is here to arrange their surrender; while Pan will think that Watcher's cooperation is the result of his own negotiations.

The watchmen guarding the area of ​​the fog gathered in the lobby of the consulate, and the prepared attacking team outside could enter the fog to deploy and crack the secret technique.

Luke replied to Pan: "Watchers still want to restore the country, but they just can't let go of their obsessions and have no pursuit of the future. There is a very special course in the Imperial Intelligence Academy called 'Spiritual Enlightenment'. Conduct thought induction.

I did well in this class. "

"'Spiritual Revelation'? Is it a spiritual attack spell similar to Charm?"

Luke said nonsense seriously: "No, this is not magic, nor is it a mental attack technique. Once those are detected by the subject, they will only be self-defeating. You can understand it as a negotiation skill, let the other party think about things according to your thinking, and accept The thoughts you instilled in him."

Such a powerful and secret skill made Pan even more afraid of Meteor.

"I don't know if Inspector Meteor has used 'Spiritual Enlightenment' on me and Yin?"

Yin also looked at Luke very curiously, waiting for his answer.

Luke laughed and said, "I'm just kidding with you, how can there be a method in this world that can change a person's thinking simply by talking. The Imperial Academy of Intelligence does have psychology, but there is no 'spiritual revelation'.

The surrender intention of the Watchers is the result of my negotiations with them day and night...

We're here, get out of the car. "

Pan looked at Luke, more convinced in his heart that he must have used "spiritual revelation" on the watcher.

Pan got out of the car with Luke, and said: "Detective Meteor is really good. In such a dangerous place, he can still joke with us."

Yin walked down: "This should be where Detective Meteorite surpasses ordinary people. I also think that this time we can easily make the Watchers surrender."

Sandpaper yawned and jumped out of the car: "I just want to go back to sleep early."

Luke took out his pocket watch to check the time, then walked to the consulate ahead.

"Let's go, the Watchers should be waiting for us."

The fog held the main building of the consulate in the center, and there was nothing to see in the fog.After calculation, the thickness of the fog is only 100 meters, and 100 meters away is the blockade established by the sheriff and the imperial agents.

Shelley stood on the outer edge of the fog, and she had been staring at the watch in her hand since the carriage carrying the inspector entered.The second hand jumps one frame at a time, and the minutes move slowly.

In other directions on the outer edge of the fog, many sheriffs and imperial agents were also staring at the watches in their hands.

When the appointed time came, the first batch of secret art preparers walked into the mist with mysterious props.

In the middle of the mist, Luke walked into the hall of Consul Leo with Pan, Yin, and sandpaper.

The hostages that were crowded here were all gone, and the lookouts who attacked the consulate were all concentrated here, which was a little more than Luke saw when he came for the first time.A total of 34 people, even if there are other lookouts scattered in the building, the number will not be too many.

Luke strode forward, greeted the leader who claimed to be the watchman, and said, "I first need to confirm whether the hostages are safe."

The leader bowed to Luke and Pan who was walking behind: "I said that they will be executed in three days, and they are absolutely safe as long as you haven't attacked.

The hostages were gathered elsewhere.

Inspector, please explain your purpose.And these two...who are they again? "

The absence of hostages in the hall does not match the previous detection.But Luke also had a plan for the Windseeker to transfer the hostages to other places. He turned his head and looked at the sandpaper beside him.

The sandpaper hair slowly floats up.

After Luke let the sandpaper perceive the location of the hostages, he introduced to the leader of the Watchers: "This is Pan, this is Yin, they are the Shuojin people. And before they were taken away by the Shuojin people, they were the royal family of Leo. member.

When the two of them knew that you were still fighting for the Kingdom of Leo, they proposed to me and were willing to persuade you to surrender.I think it's a good thing that this crisis can be resolved without war.

If you don't believe it, you can confirm their identities. "

When the leader knew that His Highness Pan and Inspector Meteor Xing came to persuade him to surrender, he was always puzzled.This is not in line with the plan. Could it be that something happened outside that made His Highness Pan have to change the plan?

And Inspector Meteor hinted last time that he knew who was the owner of the Watcher.What is difficult is that His Royal Highness Pan and Meteor reached a consensus in these two days...

No wonder the sheriffs and imperial agents outside have not attacked.His Highness came with Meteor, and it is possible that some things were really settled.

Various factors made the leader let down his vigilance, and following Meteor's words, he summoned all the watchers here.

The leader who thought he had understood it saluted Pan Heyin again: "No need to confirm, it was a big event for the Kingdom of Leo at that time that His Royal Highness Pan Heyin was taken away by the Shuojin people. Although His Royal Highness Pan Heyin was already a Shuojin person, but We have been following the news of the two Highnesses.

The Watcher greeted the two Highnesses. "

The other watchers saluted Pan Heyin together.

Pan took a step forward and said to the watchers: "Yin and I have been Shuojin people since we left the Kingdom of Leo, and it has nothing to do with our previous identities. It's just that the Kingdom of Leo is the place where we were born after all. , The people of Leo still have deep feelings.

This time I and Yin came here as members of Leo's royal family, just to solve this crisis. "

With his back turned to Luke, Pan secretly made a gesture to the leader of the Watchers.

After understanding, the leader of the Watchers said: "I don't believe in foreigners, but I believe in His Royal Highness Pan. I want to talk to His Highness Pan alone to hear your views on the Kingdom of Leo."

Pan said to Luke: "This leader wants to talk to me alone. I don't know if Inspector Meteor will allow it."

"Of course..." Luke made a gesture of invitation: "You Leo people will talk about your Leo affairs. I just want to resolve the crisis as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Inspector Meteor." The leader of the Watchers thanked Luke, and then said to Pan: "His Royal Highness, please follow me."

Pan told Yin not to run around, and then followed the leader of the Watcher.

Sandpaper walked up to Luke, put his feet on Luke's ear and said, "We found them, they are all safe..."

Luke replied in a low voice: "Act in a while, try to hold back the people here, and prevent them from harming the hostages."

"There are too many people." Sandpaper looked at the watchmen in the hall.

"Opportunities are fleeting, so do your best."

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

Yin heard Luke and Sandpaper whispering, and asked curiously: "What happened?"

"You'll know right away."

Luke took a step forward, and sternly ordered to all the watchmen in the hall: "In the name of the chief inspector of the Golden Shield Empire's Rage City Secret Affairs Bureau, I order you to surrender immediately! Otherwise... kill on the spot!"


In another room of the consulate, the leader of the Watchers closed the door, turned around and knelt in front of Pan.

"The watcher pays his respects to His Highness."

Pan accepted the gift from the leader of the Watchers, and then asked him sternly, "Are you all so afraid of death?"

Pan's reprimand made the leader of the Watchers stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion: "Your Highness, I don't know what you mean by this sentence. The Watchers here are loyal to you and are ready to sacrifice their lives for you at any time."

"Loyal to me? Loyal to me... Why are you negotiating with Meteor continuously! Why are you preparing to surrender to Meteor!"

Pan's words made the leader of the Watchers even more confused.

"Your Highness! I, I just met Meteor according to the plan, and spread the news to the outside world that the jihad for the restoration of the Kingdom of Leo had started, and I never met Meteor again.

And we never thought of surrendering to the meteorite...

Didn't you come here to persuade us to surrender? "

Hearing the answer from the leader of the Watchers, Pan's face turned pale instantly, and his hands couldn't help shaking.

"What did you say? Are you lying to me! You released the hostages three times in a row, how dare you say that you only met Meteor once?"

The leader of the Watchers was confused at the moment: "Your Highness, I really met Meteor once. He said at the time that the hostages from the Golden Shield Empire had nothing to do with our restoration of the country. If I release them, I will release them all at once. Yes, I didn't release it three times."

"Then why..."

At this moment, Pan suddenly figured it out.

It was Meteor who released the hostages he rescued once in three installments, which created the illusion that he and the Watcher had continued to negotiate fruitful results.Why did he do this?Why let the outside world think that he can persuade the kidnappers in the consulate to surrender?
No, no, no... He didn't do this for the outside world to see, he did it for me to see.

He asked me to try it out with an imposing tone, and then he asked Yin to tell me that he was absolutely sure that the kidnapper would surrender.I believed it to be true, and offered to assist in persuading the surrender...

In the end, he used me again to make the watchers here think that things outside had changed, and that I was really here to persuade them to surrender.In this way, the scattered lookouts obeyed his orders to concentrate and relax their vigilance to the outside.

It's all in his calculations. did he know it was me, the master behind the Watcher was me.

When Pan couldn't figure out how his identity would be exposed, the leader of the Watchers looked behind Pan in horror, pointed out the window and said in disbelief: "Your Highness, the fog has cleared, and the secret technique you arranged by yourself has been lifted! "

Pan turned around and looked, the fog that shrouded the outside had dissipated completely, and he could clearly see the encirclement circle formed by the sheriff and imperial agents 100 meters away.The searchlights erected on the surrounding tall buildings shone in, and there was the rumbling sound of the war machinery running.

The people outside the encirclement had already launched an attack, and without the obstruction of the fog, such a short distance was reached in an instant.

Strong light came in from the windows.

Pan said to the leader of the Watchers: "We were all deceived by Meteor. No matter how he knows my identity, he has no way to prove it. The premise are all going to die!"

The sudden change made the leader of the Watcher very frustrated. He didn't expect it to end like this.

"Your Highness, are we meaningless to die?"

"No, your death is meaningful. Let the traitors see the courage of the watchers to die generously. Your blood will make the traitors who occupy the royal court terrified. Facing the watchers who are not afraid of death, they will be afraid, They will back off!"

Pan's words revived the leader of the Watchers, and he knelt at Pan's feet, sticking his head out.

Pan knotted the mudra, and there was a golden light between his hands. After reciting an ancient golden language, he pulled out a golden sword from the golden light.

A sword cut off the watcher's head.

Then Pan looked out the window, and a wave of sheriffs and imperial agents had rushed in.

The sword turned into golden light and dissipated in his hand.

"The war has begun, and all the blood will not be shed in vain. Watchers who are loyal to me, your enmity and the humiliation I have suffered here will one day be repaid by Meteor!"

Some imperial spies came in from the window. They pointed their weapons at Pan and asked sharply, "Tell me your identity!"

Pan raised his hands and said in a peaceful tone: "My name is Pan, Shuo Jinren, the director of the World Bank branch in Nutao City. I am here to assist Inspector Meteor Star in dealing with the attack on the Leo Consulate. The corpse under my feet is the leader of the kidnappers. .”

The imperial agent put away his weapon and corrected: "It's Chief Inspector Meteor."

"Yes, it's Chief Inspector Meteor."

(End of this chapter)

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