Age of Arcane

Chapter 214

Chapter 214
"Dear Your Highness the Eldest Princess:
There have been changes in Raging Waves City that no one expected.Dean Willred accidentally revealed that he would pass on the position of president of Oulu Academy to Miss Skylight, which caused the new nobles of Raging City to interfere with Oulu Academy.

After being exploited by a third-party unknown force, the situation in Raging Waves City has reached the point where both sides have to go all out.

I hope you have a mental preparation.


When writing a routine letter to Agatha, Luke thought over and over again and decided to give her a detailed report on the situation here.After all, it is impossible for Agatha not to know about such a big event. Instead of letting her have wild suspicions, it is better to let her know the specifics of the incident that happened at Oulu College.

Let Agatha understand that this situation has little to do with me.

The exclusive communication channel between Luke and Agatha was very fast, and she saw the letter the next day, and urgently summoned the dean of the Oulu Academy, Will Red, who was meeting in the imperial capital.

Agatha in formal attire saw Willred and saluted as a student: "Hello, Dean Willred, thank you for accepting my summons in your busy schedule. I believe that what happened in Oulu College recently , you already know all about it. The sanctions imposed by the Oulu Academy on the Urban Alchemists Association of Raging City are causing a huge earthquake in the city...

Of course, this is the due punishment for those who break the rules first.But no matter what the final outcome of this battle is, Professor Clear Sky will become a figure who can affect the political situation of Rough City.

There are rumors that Professor Qingkong is your disciple, and you also have the idea of ​​entrusting her with the position of head of the Oulu Academy.

I want to know why Fairy Clear Sky is so favored by you.Oulu Academy has a pivotal position to the empire, I hope the dean can answer me truthfully. "

The key person who caused Raging City to go out of control this time is the elf Qingkong.On the surface, she is inclined towards the Reform Society, but recently she has been tried to win over by the new nobles of Raging Waves City, and even held several large-scale seminars centered on "Republic".

Luke also stated in the letter that the relationship between Fairy Clear Sky and Mrs. Mihir is not as close as it seems.

The Bureau of Secret Intelligence has very little information about the clear sky of the elf, so Agatha wants to make an assessment of Qingkong through Willred.

These days, Dean Willred is also worried about Oulu Academy.

"Your Highness, all I know about what happened is through letters. According to common sense, I should stop everything in the imperial capital and return to Rage City, but I want to see...whether the academy committee can solve the problem in my absence. All sorts of things.

So far, they've done a great job and I can fit my retirement plan into my schedule. "

Agatha understood Dean Willred's subtext, and she asked: "Do you agree with the changes that are taking place within the Oulu College Committee? Deputy Dean Elway has publicly stated that he will not participate in the position of future dean Competition, Fairy Clear Sky's status in Oulu Academy has been greatly improved after this incident.

Sanctions against the Urban Alchemists Association, she is the host, you really want to hand over the Oulu Academy to an elf of unknown origin? "

Willed replied openly: "Oulu Academy will one day be without Willed, it has to learn how to survive in the future world of disputes.

Elway is only suitable to be the vice president, and giving him too many responsibilities will only harm him.He was able to recognize his abilities in this incident, which is something to be happy about.As for the others... I have sat in this position for too long, and let everyone be shrouded in my shadow. This is helpless and my dereliction of duty.

Fairy Clear Sky may not be the best choice, but in Oulu College at this time, she is the only Oulu mage who can not be influenced by me and can deal with the problem freely.

As for her elf status... I am not a pure human either. "

Willred's words made Agatha fall into deep thought.

The problems facing the Oulu Academy are not the same problems that the empire is facing.

All the heirs of the empire are shrouded in the shadow of Augustine the Great all the time. Whatever their sons and daughters do, someone will compare it with the great achievements of the Emperor.

As time goes by, these sons and daughters are extremely cautious in doing things, for fear of messing up and making their father unhappy.

The situation at Oulu Academy could only be worse than at Reich.

Dean Willed brought Oulu Academy back from ruins to its peak.There were no other voices in the academy, and Will Reed was absolutely in the right direction.When the head sheep who has led the Oulu Academy for a century is gone, can the rigid Oulu Academy move forward?

The appearance of Fairy Clear Sky undoubtedly brought a new choice to Oulu Academy.

She defeated the aged Will Reed and killed two abyss mages.She was not a member of the old system of the Oulu Academy, and independently rebuilt the Department of Occult Arts.She is studious and knowledgeable, and she is extremely friendly to students.

The incident at the Oulu Academy revealed the temperament of a leader again.

No wonder Will Reid can sit so firmly in the imperial capital, this is room for Elf Qingkong to continue to develop, paving the way for her to inherit the position of dean.

Agatha saw that Willred's attitude was very clear. If there were no accidents, it would only be a matter of time before Fairy Clear Sky became the dean of Oulu Academy.

"But there is a big problem with the thinking of Fairy Clear Sky. I am worried that she will bring Oulu Academy to the opposite side of the empire."

Dean Will Reid said with a smile: "Clear Sky still has a long way to go to become a qualified dean, as her mentor, I have the responsibility to lead her on the right path.

Please rest assured, Your Highness... Clear Sky is very smart, she knows what is thought and what is action.The mature Oulu Academy committee system will ensure the political attitude that Oulu Academy has always adhered to.If Oulu Academy really stands on the opposite side of the empire one day... the empire should consider whether it is on the opposite side of the historical process. "

Dean Willred's last words made the atmosphere of this meeting suddenly tense.Saying such things to a royal eldest princess, if it were someone else, they would have been arrested and sentenced to treason.

Agatha took a deep breath and said, "It seems that this trip to the imperial capital has brought a lot to Mr. Dean?"

Will Reid sighed deeply: "I come to the imperial capital several times a year, and every time I come, I can feel that there are more and more abscesses on the back of the prosperous empire. Repairing and covering up...

It is hard to imagine what these abscesses would become to the Empire when they were not mended or covered. "

Agatha smiled helplessly: "How can I not know that these abscesses will break out sooner or later, and the emperor also knows. But no one knows whether the empire can bear it if they are cut off.

Perhaps by procrastinating for time, a cure can be found. "

Will Reed stood up and patted Agatha on the shoulder: "This is just a complaint from an old man, managing a college is my limit, and managing a country is definitely more difficult than managing a college.

In this new era, we are all feeling our way, and none of us know who is on the right path.

The only thing that can be done is to go on firmly in accordance with the heart. "

Agatha hurriedly stood up and saluted Dean Willred: "Thank you, Mr. Dean, for your teaching."

After sending Willred away, Agatha returned to the bedroom to write a reply letter to Meteor.

"Hello Stranger:
Although I want to keep this tacit understanding, as you said, some things are beyond our control.

The rumor that Will Reed was going to hand over Oulu Academy to Fairy Clear Sky was true. Even if Fairy Clear Sky brought Oulu Academy to the opposite side of the empire, Will Reed had no intention of intervening.

This is the prophecy of a truly wise man, and the crisis facing the empire is more serious than I imagined.

I need you, no matter who you are.

As long as you help me continue the empire, I can forgive all your crimes and give you... all the rewards I can pay.

After the incident in Raging Waves City is over, no matter what the result is, please come to Saint Lun City.


After writing the letter, Agatha did not write her name on the signing office for a long time.

She is well aware of the weight of this letter, and how much her decision will affect her, and even the entire empire.

Looking at what Meteor did in Raging Waves City, one could imagine that after he came to the imperial capital, he would continue to clean up the mess he made.Shenglun City is not the city of raging waves. As the eldest princess, I have to be careful, and I can get myself into it if there is a slight mistake.

At this time, Agatha could feel the courage and courage needed by Dean Willred to hand over Oulu Academy to Fairy Clear Sky.Any person in the Oulu College Committee who serves as the dean can be competent for the duties of Shoucheng.But the world is changing so fast now that maintaining the status quo is going backwards.

Dean Will Reed did not allow Oulu Academy to become mediocre, so he chose Clear Sky.

The festering sores all over the empire, should they be dragged along and allowed to consume the last life of the empire... or should they be dug out by the roots with a sharp knife.

During this process, the empire may not be able to bear death.But as long as you can survive, you will definitely usher in Nirvana and rebirth.

"In this new era, we're all feeling our way, and we don't know who's on the right track.

The only thing that can be done is to go on firmly in accordance with the heart. "

Will Reid's words echoed in his ears again.

Agatha comprehended deeper wisdom from it.

She signed her name at the end of the letter, stamped her seal, and sealed it in a special envelope.

"Send it to the Secret Affairs Headquarters of Raging Wave City as quickly as possible, and hand it over to Chief Detective Meteorite."

When Luke received Agatha's reply, he was inspecting the Ible Shipyard.He put away the letter and prepared to go back to the office to read it again.

In the early days, Ible Shipyard only manufactured fishing boats and small merchant ships. As Ible's business grew bigger and bigger, and he became a member of the Raging Waves City Council, Ible Shipyard was also able to receive orders for the construction and maintenance of some military warships.

The accumulation of technology and military contacts made Senator Ible focus on the all-metal steam warship that the whole world is optimistic about.Once this type of warship is approved by the navy, it will definitely quickly eliminate all warships in active service.

Those countries that have tasted the sweetness in ocean trade, no matter active or passive, have to order a large number of all-metal steam warships.

This is an untapped blue ocean of wealth, whoever enters first will seize the market first.

However, Mr. Ible knew that his shipyard was still too young. He didn't put the research and development of all-metal warships on the capital ships at first, but only hoped to get a share of the small warships.

Therefore, the Ible Shipyard has a certain research and development capability and manufacturing technology for metal warships. At this time, a capital ship that truly ushers in a new era of naval warfare is being built in a closed dock.

Accompanied by Senator Ible, Luke walked on the deck of the first ship of the "First Machine" class. The main gun with a caliber of 240mm is installed at the bow of the ship. In the middle of the hull are two tall chimneys, surrounded by shipbuilders and alchemists.

Accompanying Luke to visit the "First Machine" were Viscount Iskran and Mrs. Mihir.When they saw this battleship for the first time, they all showed amazed expressions.

Iscoran was very emotional: "There are many wooden warships that are bigger than this, but none of them can give me such a strong sense of shock. There is no wooden structure inside and outside, all of them are steel...

This is a fortress floating on the sea, and I can't imagine anything that could sink it.Of course it has to be able to move and run at a decent speed. "

Although Senator Ible has seen this warship many times, he is always excited.

"I absolutely trust Chief Detective Meteor. He never lied to us, and he won't do it this time. My engineers and boatmen assembled in strict accordance with the drawings and data given by Chief Detective, with the help of Mihir Alchemy Machinery Research Institute." .

'Machine No. [-]' may not be perfect, but it must be invincible. "

Mrs. Mihir said: "We must also believe in the money we invested in the 'first machine'. The large-scale use of alchemy technology makes it impossible to replicate, and it also allows it to obtain performance beyond the paper data.

There is not a single battleship at sea that is the opponent of the "first machine", but it is not known when it will be completed. "

Luke walked on the deck, admiring the battleship.

This is a warship that the players have painstakingly built using the existing technology to DIY. In the game, there is no problem with its performance. Now that it has the blessing of alchemy technology, there should be no problem with its performance.

As long as it can catch up with the recent naval battle, it will definitely become famous and shock the world.With construction experience, the Ible Shipyard improved its technology and built a large number of "first machine" type battleships.

At that time, when dealing with the various forces in Raging Waves City, I didn't need to go to great lengths to intrigue, and just use cannons to tell them who they should listen to.

"The 'First Machine' must speed up its construction progress and enter the sea trial stage as soon as possible. The pirates who surround us will not wait for us. Mrs. Tasia is no match for the Saxon engineering fleet with her existing anti-smuggling fleet.

Councilor Ible gave more bounties to the workers, encouraging them to find ways to speed up the construction progress.

The most important thing is confidentiality.

Our opponents know the news of the existence of 'Machine No. [-]', the sooner the better! "

(End of this chapter)

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