Age of Arcane

Chapter 215 Unexpected Information

Chapter 215 Unexpected Information

After inspecting the Ible Shipyard, Luke returned to the Headquarters of Secret Affairs in Cape District.He can't help much in military operations, and the professional ones are still handled by professional military personnel. His work is mainly logistics and things other than war.

Just sitting in the office, before taking out the letter Agatha gave her, Kailinna came in and told... Pan is here, and she has been waiting in the rest room for a while.

"Is he the only one here?"

"Yes, chief inspector. Director Pan came alone."

Luke considered Pan's purpose for coming to find him, and then said, "Let him in."

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

After a while, Pan came to the chief inspector's office under the guidance of Karina.

After Kaleena brought two cups of coffee, Luke let her out and told no one to come in.

Inviting Pan to take a seat, Luke asked: "Director Yin has always been in charge of the World Bank's investment projects in Haijiao District. Director Pan, you came to me alone this time... I don't know why?"

Pan first looked at the layout of the chief inspector's office, then took a sip of coffee.

"I didn't expect the office of the chief inspector, as one of the core of Raging Waves City, to be so simple. The original Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau was upgraded to Raging Waves City's Secret Affairs Headquarters, and this building seemed too small and shabby.

The World Bank's investment in the Cape District can add an office building for the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging Waves City.The Chief Inspector should have a dignified office, as befits you. "

Luke laughed: "My identity doesn't need these fancy decorations. An overly grand office environment will only distance me from my subordinates. What we need in our work is efficiency, not personal specialness.

Let's get down to business, I'm short on time. "

"Okay, let's talk about business." Pan put the coffee cup back on the table and said, "If my information is correct, Cape District is facing a big crisis. A group of pirates, or a certain fleet disguised as pirates, is Blockade Cape Harbor.

Now not only merchant ships, but even fishing boats dare not enter Cape Harbor.While some supplies could be transported from other urban areas to the Cape, the increased costs determined that this was not the solution.

The World Bank's investment in the Cape District is in crisis.I came here this time to hear the Chief Inspector's solution.If you can't convince me, the World Bank can only withdraw funds and stop losses. "

Luke looked at Pan for a while, and then said with a smile: "My investment in Cape District determines that this district must have a prosperous future again. Even if I am destroyed this time, the person who takes over will only follow my plan. The plan continues to build.

After all, no one has trouble with money.

In the end, it is just a matter of the level of prosperity that Haijiao District can achieve. In the long run, it will definitely make money, and the investment of the World Bank has no risk.

Director Pan is here this time, probably seeing that I am in trouble, and wants to provide me with some help, let's talk about some conditions by the way. "

Pan looked at Luke and couldn't help laughing.

"The Chief Inspector deserves to be the Chief Inspector, he sees things so thoroughly that no one can summon up the courage to be your enemy.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to you. Viscount Iskran has given us a lot of help under your instruction. The Watcher is growing.And if we want to launch an attack on the puppet regime in Leo, we need more weapons and supplies.

A safe channel for capital flow is more needed. "

War needs money, and Panxiang needs countless money to revive the Leo Kingdom.

At this time, Luke's assistance to the Watcher is just a drop in the bucket, and it can only be regarded as an attitude, which is far from enough to set off a big wave.

Now that the Golden Shield Empire and the Leo Republic have established normal diplomatic relations, it is impossible to give the watchman a green light for trade.Pan's identity allows him to provide many opportunities to make money for the watchers, but if he wants to let the trade of the watchers enter the world market through Raging Waves City, he needs the help of insiders.

Not everyone dares to do this kind of thing that affects the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

This kind of money is really something that can kill.

Luke was not in a hurry to reveal his attitude, he asked Pan: "What can I get?"

"Information on the Saxon Engineering Fleet. Saxon Engineering is a major client of the World Bank. I know the activity areas, supply points, and temporary stops of the Saxon Engineering Fleet."

The difficulty of fighting at sea is how to hide yourself and how to find the opponent.

The cape anti-smuggling fleet is not only weak to the Saxon engineering fleet, but its whereabouts are firmly controlled by the other party.Therefore, Mrs. Tasia stationed the main force of the anti-smuggling fleet on Yubone Island, and she did not dare to go out to sea at will, for fear of being ambushed by the enemy fleet.

The Saxon Engineering Fleet is a target that only knows its existence but does not know where it is for the cape anti-smuggling fleet.

But it is impossible for a fleet to float on the sea for a long time. When the supplies on board are almost consumed, the fleet needs to enter the port for supplies.

If they can launch a surprise attack on the Saxon engineering fleet while it is being repaired, the cape anti-smuggling fleet will have a great chance of winning.

It's just that only their senior management knows the route and repair plan of the Saxon Engineering Fleet. The sea is vast, and the cape anti-smuggling fleet has no way of knowing.Even if the secret intelligence bureau can send news after they enter the port, when the anti-smuggling fleet arrives, they will face a fleet that has completed supplies and returned to full strength.

If what Pan said is true, then his intelligence is too important for the situation Luke is facing now.

With this information, I want to change a trade port for the Watcher.

Luke thought about it and felt that he was at a disadvantage.

"I want to buy shares."

Hearing Luke's request, Pan was taken aback for a moment: "Chief Inspector, do you want to invest?"

"Yes, I want to buy a share. The director of the World Bank is taking it with me to run international trade. Of course I can't miss such a good thing that loses money from the sky.

Give me 20.00% of the shares, Cape Port is open to the commercial companies of the Watchers, and the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging Waves City will protect you.

Very sincere! "

Opening up requires 20.00% of the shares, which is definitely a lion's big opening.Pan felt pain in his heart, but he was still in pain and happy.

What is the status of Chief Inspector Meteor now?
He agreed to open the Port of Rage City to the Watchers, which means that the trade of the Watchers can safely embrace the whole world, and the money will not flow into the pockets.

At the same time, the watchers can easily purchase weapons from the world through Rage City.Even if the Leo Republic discovers the clues, the man-eating and short-mouthed Chief Inspector of Meteor will know the truth.

Although the protection fee was high, it was worth it!
"Just 20.00%." ​​In order to prevent complications, Pan didn't bargain on this matter, and just worked harder to earn the money.He said to Luke: "When I complete the restoration of the country, I will definitely repay the Chief Inspector."


The way of repaying is probably already designed by you.

Yin and her lover who violated the precepts were sent to the fire, and the negligent brother was deprived of honor and expelled from the Shuojin civilization.

At this moment Luke felt that he was at a loss again.

"Private shares are private shares, and you still have to pay management fees, road fees, vehicle and boat usage fees, and labor fees. You can't let my people work for you for nothing..."

A sheep was plucked twice, and Chief Detective Meteor's greed made Pan a little unexpected.

Although it is another pain in the flesh, greed represents the weakness of human nature, and cooperating with this kind of person will make people feel more at ease.It's just a protection fee, just work harder and earn the money.

The key to this priceless.

"The Kingdom of Leo will definitely let anyone who helps us get a satisfactory reward."

Luke stretched out his hand to Pan: "Happy cooperation."

Pan shook hands with Luke and said with a smile, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

Next, Pan explained to Luke in detail the location and cruise route of the Saxon engineering fleet at this time, as well as the repair plan.

"The Saxon Engineering Fleet has prepared three supply points in order to confuse the investigation of the Bureau of Secret Intelligence. They are Port Wright, Port Bradrick, and Glorious Island. These three are free ports on the sea that are not under the jurisdiction of the country. Even The eldest princess wanted to help, but it was beyond her reach.

The Saxon Engineering Fleet will resupply every fifteen to 20 days, and the next resupply will be at Bradrick Harbor. "

Luke put the coffee cup aside, pulled out a chart and spread it on the desk.

Pan marked the location of three free supply ports for Luke.

Luke used a ruler to measure the distance from Fishbone Island to Bradrick Harbor, and then estimated his military strength and sea voyage time.

"The time is too short, and my fleet has no way to complete preparations within this time. If we want to fight this battle, we must destroy the Saxon engineering fleet and not give them a chance to come back.

Where is the next supply point? "

"It's better to choose one of these three ports, but they haven't made a decision on which port. When the Saxon engineering fleet completes the resupply at Bradrick Port, it will formulate a cruise route and the next resupply I will tell you as soon as I get the information."

Pan's tone is very confident. The World Bank has built a huge intelligence network by virtue of its financial dominance.

"Then please, Director Pan."

"Chief Inspector Meteor is doing well in Raging Waves City, so my plan to restore the country can be realized sooner."

The two looked at each other and burst out laughing.

After Pan got what he wanted, he said goodbye to Luke and left.This time, we have obtained a port leading to the world market for the watchers, and there are still many things to do to turn it into a capital flow.

Luke was also happy for this unexpected surprise. He didn't expect that he put Pan in the Leo consulate once, and it was rewarded at this critical moment.As long as you can accurately grasp the movement of the Saxon engineering fleet, when and how to attack, the initiative will be in your own hands.

After sending Pan away, Luke immediately planned and prepared for the attack on the Saxon engineering fleet.

It's been such a fulfilling and busy day.

At night, I dragged my tired body back to the dormitory, and after taking a hot bath, I lay on the bed, and then I remembered the letter Agatha wrote to myself.

After confirming that the alchemy seal is complete, Luke opened the envelope and took out the letter inside.

A paper.

Should be nothing.

Most of the letters Luke received from Agatha were also full of unnutritious things.Sometimes it's just writing about what she ate all day, as if to get revenge on Luke for his weather forecast.

After all, important things don't happen every day. Luke doesn't want to tell Agatha about some of his plans, and Agatha doesn't want to tell about the court struggle in the Meteorite Capital.

Letters have become a routine dialogue between two people, and you say yours, and I say mine.

Luke can see another side of the eldest princess from the letter.In fact, the other side of Agatha has long been exposed in the player's strategy. The shyness and warmth in CG are in stark contrast to the public impression of the eldest princess.

She dedicated herself to the empire, and her heart also needs a harbor where she can dock.Longing for a pillar to stand by her side, to weather the storm with her.

Under the strong appearance, there is also a soul who is at a loss in this new era and does not know the way forward.

Luke unfolded the letter.

Seeing the first line of words, he suddenly sat up from the bed.

Hello Stranger:

It's a bit sudden!
Luke sorted out his emotions, he didn't expect Agatha to have a showdown with him so early.Just like what happened in Raging Waves City, he forced himself to move forward.Luke didn't like the feeling of being out of his control, but he had to admit that this was life.

What made Agatha want to break this tacit understanding that had been formed, and she should know the consequences of doing so.

Curious, Luke continued to read.

The handwriting is heavy, and you can imagine how tightly Agatha's hand held the pen when writing the letter.She is making a decision to change the current course of the empire. This decision may push her and the empire into the abyss of eternal doom.

The letter was very short, not even a single sheet of paper was filled, and the words were not as many as the names of the dishes she usually reported.

But Luke looked very slowly.

Read word by word, think word by word.

The rabbit nest of Raging Waves City has already been formed.As long as the Saxon Engineering Fleet is defeated at sea to lift the blockade of Cape Harbor, and Qingkong pushes a little bit, he can advance and attack, retreat and defend here, and no one can touch his hair in Raging Waves City.

Even if the empire collapses, Raging Waves City is still autonomous in the course of history, independent of wars.

But my understanding of game history is only ten years, what will happen in ten years?
What's more, the original history has been changed so much by me. This is no longer a butterfly effect, but a proper hurricane effect.

There are no eggs under the covering nest.

In this chaos, no one can be alone.Raging Waves City can't do it with this corner of land, and it's even more impossible for me to do it.

The ancestors said: Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a region; those who do not plan for eternity are not enough to plan for a moment.

Ten years is a long time for a game; for Luke at this point, ten years is just part of the journey.I want to live safely in Raging Waves City. The big tree of the Golden Shield Empire can be messed up, but it must not fall down.

Shenglun City, the imperial capital, had to take a trip.

And if you want to make everyone have scruples in the imperial capital, you must fight beautifully against the Saxon engineering fleet!

This great gift from Pan was delivered in time!
Good delivery!
(End of this chapter)

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