Age of Arcane

Chapter 216 Tendency

Chapter 216 Tendency
After reading Agatha's letter, although Luke decided to go to the imperial capital after much consideration, he did not reply immediately.

Even the routine correspondence between the two was interrupted.

A letter fell into the sea, and Agatha in the imperial capital was very impatient. She repeatedly checked with the messenger: whether the letter was delivered to Inspector Meteor by herself.

All answers were affirmative.

Moreover, Meteor terminated the correspondence, which also proved that he saw the letter.

So what decision did he make?
Agatha felt a little regretful.

Her letter was a bit too abrupt, and she even put on the airs of the eldest princess, thinking that the forgiveness of crimes and the promise of benefits would make Meteor thank Dade for coming.

But looking at Meteor's actions in Raging Waves City, he knew that the empire had no binding force on him, let alone a princess.He used his own banner to run amok in Furious Waves City, and played with all parties in his hands...

Would such a person consider himself guilty?

Can the benefits I give exceed what he got in Raging Waves City?
Why would he take the risk to come to the imperial capital to wade through the deadly muddy waters.

The tacit understanding was broken just like that, and he lost the only line of direct communication with Meteor.

But looking at the entire empire now, the only person who has the strength and ability to assist him in reshaping the system is the Meteorite of Raging Waves City.His reputation has spread throughout the empire. Both the Cross Society and the Brotherhood of Blades are talking about Meteor, and they are extremely afraid of the rapid rise of the Reform Society.

For the sake of the empire, Princess Agatha lowered her stance and wrote another letter to Luke.

Not a single page this time.

Moreover, it described in detail the internal and external troubles that the empire was facing now.


Now the stability of the empire is based on His Majesty's supreme majesty, but His Majesty's physical condition is getting worse and worse.Now in the palace, those who are willing to contribute to the empire have become aliens and have been squeezed out, and they are full of moths lying on the body of the country and sucking blood.

Your Majesty hopes that I will become the eldest princess who can assist the new emperor and continue the prosperity of the empire, but how can I be the opponent of those people when I am alone.

From my correspondence with you, I can see that you are not a villainous person.What you do in the cape area shows that you like prosperity and stability.The thoughts that you reveal both disturb and fascinate me as the royal family.

I saw that the Yanyang Night School you opened is bringing the hope of changing the destiny to the poor at the bottom.

I saw Mr. Ible's factory shortened working hours and raised wages under your suggestion. Not only did it not increase costs, but it greatly improved production efficiency.The factory owners in Raging Waves City felt the pressure and followed suit one after another... Workers have time and money to do what they like, which also increases the tax revenue and employment of Raging Waves City.


And the Reform Society you founded, for it, the stage of Raging Waves City is too small.

The Empire needs you to bring about a revolution, and together you and I will build a vibrant new Empire.

—Agatha Augustine"

The second letter was sent to Raging Waves City, but there was still no reply.

Luke felt that Agatha should be hanged again, and he agreed to go to the imperial capital after two letters, which seemed to be too shameless.Zhuge Kongming also asked Liu Bei to visit the thatched cottage, and the chief inspector asked you Agatha to write more letters, which is not too much.

And wait until the sea battle is over before writing the reply, so as to fill up all the buffs that should be there.

no hurry, no hurry...

Luke put all his energy into this naval battle with the Saxon engineering fleet.

Mrs. Tasia of Fishbone Island has received the readiness to attack at any time.In the port, twelve all-steam ships centered on four seized Adonis-class steam battleships formed the Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet, and the entire fleet took Coral Reef as its flagship.

In addition, a total of 24 armed merchant ships and other civilian ships were recruited to form an auxiliary fleet, with the Lucky Princess as the flagship.

There are also four steam airships, used for fleet aerial reconnaissance.

The Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet can use 12450 combat personnel. Mrs. Tasia mobilized the entire Naga ethnic group and pulled out nearly [-] Naga fighters.

The entire Fishbone Island fleet is at full combat readiness, with all supplies and weapons fully stocked, just waiting for the order of Chief Inspector Meteor.

Meteor is waiting for the news that the "first machine" has completed its construction.

In the Ible Shipyard, the closed dock is still brightly lit even late at night.Hundreds of workers worked in three shifts and worked overtime 24 hours a day to build this steel warship.

The outside of the dock was pulled out of a warning zone by imperial spies, and all the construction personnel involved in the construction of the "first machine" were closed in the warning zone during this period.

Strict confidentiality measures can effectively prevent information from leaking out, but because of the strictness, many people naturally noticed this closed dock.Especially when rumors of ironclad ships spread through some unknown channels, the number of thieves visiting the dock increased.

Some people say that the Ible Shipyard is building an all-metal steam warship with a displacement of more than 5000 tons.

It is public news that the Ible Shipyard has developed an all-metal steam warship, but building a 5000-ton all-metal steam warship is simply a fantasy.

The world's major shipyards have not even built a 2000-ton all-metal warship.With the strength of the Ible Shipyard, it will only develop an all-metal warship of several hundred tons.

It may be confirmed that a warship is indeed being built inside the closed dock of the Ible Shipyard.According to the importance attached to it by the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging Waves City, even if this ship is not an all-metal steam battleship, it is also a very advanced wooden dome armored ship.

It is the trump card of the anti-smuggling fleet in Cape District.

The city government office hired many thieves to investigate the Yble Shipyard, but they couldn't enter the blockade.Agatha transferred a group of professional spies to the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging Waves City, and the professional ones are the professional ones.

Moreover, the Assassin's Cabin controlled by the Viscount Iscoran has been assassinating all the thieves who wanted to spy on the Ible Shipyard, making it even more difficult for the Government Affairs Office to investigate this mysterious warship.

The conundrum was placed on Chancellor Grover's desk.

Grover, who is the speaker of the technical faction and concurrently the president of the Urban Alchemists Association, also does not think that the Ible Shipyard has the ability to manufacture a large all-metal steam warship.

So no matter how advanced a wooden dome ship is, it can't change the strength of the Saxon engineering fleet and the cape anti-smuggling fleet.

It's better to know what kind of ship is in that dock, and it can't change the overall situation if you don't know.

But it is a good starting point to use it as an investigation to win over the clear sky.

Chancellor Grover immediately set off for Oulu College, and soon saw the clear sky.

After taking his seat, Chairman Glover said straight to the point: "I have a request to ask Miss Skylight, this is half of the reward... the other half will be paid after I get the news."

A check floated into the clear sky from Chancellor Grover's hand.

Clear Sky reached out to take the check, 100 million Reichsmarks.

"It's quite a big hand, I don't know what the speaker wants me to do?"

"It's very simple." Chairman Glover said with a friendly smile, "If Miss Weatherlight knows the answer now, it will be even simpler.

Now there is a rumor in the shipbuilding industry of Raging City that the shipyard of Senator Ible is building an all-metal steam warship.If it is true, this will have a great impact on the shipbuilding industry of Raging Waves City, and even the shipbuilding industry of the entire world.

If Miss Clear Sky can help us confirm this, the Urban Alchemist Association is willing to provide technical support to the Ible Shipyard and help them build this cross-era warship as soon as possible.

I wonder if Miss Clear Sky can provide me with accurate information? "

Qing Kong looked at the check in his hand and put it on the table.

"This is the business secret of Congressman Ible, and I am inconvenient to disclose it to anyone."

Speaker Glover immediately judged: Clear Sky knows.

"Miss Sunny Sky, through this period of contact, you should be able to clearly realize that we are like-minded people. Senator Ible was originally one of us, but his greed and cowardice made him abandon us and become a conservative .

Now the city government office, which represents the advancement of the times, is making its final effort for a free Raging City. We are eagerly looking forward to your joining, Miss Skylight. "

Chancellor Glover waited for Clear Sky's answer.

The answer is not important.

The important thing is that Clear Sky collected the money and gave an answer.

Once you take the first step, the rest of the road will be easy.

Qing Kong looked at the check on the table, and said after a while: "I just want to be a bystander, and interfering with the proper process will only disrupt my academic research. I know you are talking about the Cape District and Chief Inspector Meteor. What to do, your chances of winning are very high, it seems that I don't need to help you."

Another important piece of information!

This shows that Qing Kong also thinks that the mysterious battleship is not enough to affect the battle situation.

But Glover just wanted Qingkong to give him a positive and accurate answer.

"Miss Sunny Sky, if you think our chances of winning are high, you will naturally not be affected at Oulu Academy, but your friend Mrs. Mihir...

I didn't mean to threaten you, it's just that the government affairs hall and the council of Raging Waves City are not in the hands of me alone.We all greatly admire your scholarship and unique ideas on republican thought.If you can join us, we will certainly not hold Mrs. Mihir wrong. "

Speaking of Mrs. Mihir, Haruka showed a troubled expression.

"I have benefited a lot from the philosophical discussions with His Excellency the Speaker. It's just that our frequent academic meetings aroused great emotions from Mrs. Mihir.

When I first came to Raging City, Mrs. Mihir gave me a lot of help.If she hadn't tried her best to clarify for me, I would probably still be a wanted criminal on the city's bounty.

I don't want to affect this friendship. "

Speaker Glover said immediately: "If you want to take care of this friendship, you should be on the winning side, so that Mrs. Mihir can keep her position in Raging Waves City."

As he spoke, Chairman Grover took out another check and pushed it into the clear sky together with the other one.

"What your Excellency said is indeed reasonable." Qing Kong glanced at the amount on the check: "But I don't want to make a choice... Regarding your entrustment, let me give you some information.

The ship under construction is a full-metal warship with a displacement of 3000 tons. Its armament is the best in the world, and it also faces the same problems as all metal warships under development.

The space of the hull cannot accommodate a steam engine of sufficient power, and the power of the steam engine that can be accommodated is not enough.Mihir Alchemy Machinery Studio hopes to use alchemy technology to provide additional power for the battleship, so that the battleship can play a role in future naval battles. "

Qingkong didn't know how much information Grover knew about "Plane [-]", so he simply announced "Plane [-]".As for the steam engine, it is indeed slightly underpowered, but the structure and shape of the hull have improved the utilization rate of power, ensuring that the "first machine" can reach a qualified combat speed.

Speaker Glover did not expect that the Ible Shipyard was actually building an all-metal steam warship.

However, the improvement in power brought about by alchemy technology is not only an increase in cost, but also a great extension of the shipbuilding cycle.If the Ible Shipyard wants to use alchemy technology to completely solve the problem of insufficient power, it will not be able to build it in three to five years; if it wants to launch it into the water in the near future, what is the threat of a steel warship that cannot drive?
Speaker Glover couldn't figure out why Meteor asked Ible Shipyard to build such a warship.

"Miss Weatherlight, this battleship does not seem to be able to solve the blockade facing Cape Harbor."

Qing Kong said: "I don't know the purpose of this battleship. My relationship with Meteor has not reached the level of confidentiality. I will tell you what I know. How to use this information is up to you."

"Thank you Miss Clear Sky." Grover bowed slightly to thank Clear Sky.Meteor's purpose of building this ship can go back and convene people to analyze it together. The important thing is that the information is said by Qingkong.

She said she didn't make a choice, but she had already made a choice.

The next step is to pull her into his camp step by step.At that time, not only can meteorites be sealed off at sea, but also the sanctions imposed by Oulu Academy on the City Alchemists Association can be reduced or even lifted.

And Qingkong is Dean Willred's promising successor.

After taking Oulu Academy under his control, he is the emperor of Raging Waves City.Even Gabriel, the chief assistant of the cabinet, should be polite to himself.

Grover immediately felt refreshed, as if all the futility he had received from the meteor had been swept away.

Victory is already in hand.

Clear Sky glanced at Grover, and from his expression one could guess what he was happy about.

Putting away the two checks on the table, Clear Sky said to Grover: "The investigation of the meteorite has allowed me to find a lot of clues related to the incident of the remains of the Magical Plant Museum. Although there is not enough evidence to prove anything, I I feel that the academy committee should be persuaded to loosen the sanctions of some urban alchemist associations to a certain extent."

Chairman Glover finally knew why Clear Sky was leaning towards him.

"Miss Qingkong, I have long said that the incident at the ruins of the Magical Plant Museum must be caused by meteors. I look forward to the moment when you find the key evidence and wash away my grievances."

"You are not wronged."

"Yes, yes, I have no grievances."

Speaker Glover took out another check and presented it to Clear Sky with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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