Age of Arcane

Chapter 221 Spiritual Cage

Chapter 221 Spiritual Cage
Luke didn't stay on Brilliant Island for long. He asked Mrs. Tasia to stay and continue to accept the captured warships, and he took the "Loyalty" and returned to Cape Harbor under the escort of ten ships.

When the "Loyalty" docked at the Cape Harbor pier, it was like a huge wave rolling over the sky above Raging Waves City.

Then the news that the Saxon engineering fleet was wiped out on Glory Island came out, and the ruling class of the entire Raging Waves City experienced another huge shock.

The blockade plan of the Cape District failed completely, and the new nobles could not come up with a strategy to suppress the development of the Reform Society in a short time.And to everyone's surprise, the technical problems that were not solved by the shipyards directly under Imperial Heavy Industries were actually solved by the Ible Shipyard, which started as a merchant ship builder.

The "First Machine" class steel battleship has proved its reliability and practicability with an actual combat raid.

Raging Waves City is a commercial city that relies heavily on the ocean, and the "Number One" class is in the hands of Meteor, which means that he has the power to sanction anyone in Raging Waves City at will.

This is a fatal blow to the new aristocratic forces in Raging Waves City.

If you don't do anything... the entire elite of Raging Waves City will completely fall for Meteor.

Chancellor Glover once again found the clear sky.

"Miss Sunny Sky, I wonder if you have found the key evidence that Meteor designed the magic plant hall ruins trap?"

There were no pleasantries, and the questions were straightforward.

Qingkong held the tea made by a small spoon and asked casually: "Chairman Grover, today you are very different from the past. Is it because Meteor returned to Raging City and brought a ship that shocked everyone?" Battleship?"

Speaker Glover was not as relaxed as Qingkong. He knew that the people who lined up to meet Meteor in the Cape District had already lined up outside the General Administration of Secret Affairs building.Before he came, he held a council meeting, but...not a single member came.

They were all terrified.

What Meteor showed this time was not a conspiracy, but a real strength.And behind this strength, everyone has to plan for the future.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

The incident of the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum became the last straw for Chairman Glover.

The clear sky led the Oulu Academy to lift some sanctions against the City Alchemists Association, which gave Chairman Glover, who was in a hurry to seek medical treatment, the hope of a comeback.

"Miss Clear Sky... With Meteor and the Ible Shipyard, it is impossible to develop and build the 'First Machine' class steel capital ship in such a short period of time. This must be the trump card that the princess gave Meteor long ago.

Raging Waves City is in great chaos now, the council and government affairs hall have all collapsed.The empire is about to take over the city through the hand of the meteorite, darkness is about to fall, and our ideals are about to be extinguished.

And the only one who can save the city is you. "

Qingkong picked up the teacup, took a sip to blow off the froth, and said: "The matter is not that serious. I have seen Meteor and talked to him...he is not a rigid person. The purpose of the Innovation Society is to let the raging waves The city is more free and open.”

Clear Sky has the idea of ​​easing the relationship between the Reform Society and Councilor Glover, and reserving some power and interests for the new nobles, which will help the stability of Rough City.Anyway, the city is big enough, Luke is not a person who puts everything in his pocket.

The ancestors said: Be a human being and stay on the front line, so that we can meet each other in the future.

But Speaker Grover clearly has no such ancestors.

"Miss Clear Sky, what Meteor is good at is disguising and lying. This is his profession. Behind the Imperial Secret Service and the Innovation Agency is the eldest princess. Do you think the royal family will allow the existence of the Parliament after they get Raging Waves City?
The empire will take back Rage City and make it the personal property of the princess.

Your ideals and your academic studies will come to an end.

I implore you to take action...for this city, for the people in the city, to pull out the raging waves city that is about to fall into darkness. "

Qingkong couldn't help feeling that Grover is a dead-headed and persecutor.

You have this time to pour dirty water on Luke here, why can't you go to the Cape District, lower your profile and have a good talk with yourself.

My own body is now sitting in the office of the General Bureau of Secret Affairs, thinking about how to give you a step down.Let you continue to be your speaker, and then everyone will discuss an acceptable governance system for Rage City.

Is it that hard to admit defeat?

But Qingkong can only say that, let's first hear what Grover wants to do when he comes this time...

"What does your Excellency the Speaker want me to do?"

Speaker Glover fell into hesitation before making a decision. He picked up the teacup and drank it slowly with a heavy expression.

Finally, say what you want.

"If you want to save Raging Wave City, there is only one way now, and that is to assassinate Meteor!"

"Oh?" Qingkong didn't expect Grover to beg herself to do this kind of thing when she came this time. She asked, "What made you have such a crazy idea."

Now that it's all said, Grover has no scruples.

"The core of the eldest princess's attack on Raging Waves City is the meteorite, and the Innovation Society is only able to show such strength thanks to the meteorite. When the meteorite dies, the palace built by the empire in Raging Waves City will collapse immediately, and everything will be restored in a very short time. as is.

Now the defense around Meteor is very tight, and he himself has a strong strength.The entire city of Raging Waves has the ability to assassinate him, and only you, Miss Skylight, can do it. "

Qingkong chuckled: "Assassinate the Chief Inspector of the Bureau of Secret Affairs in Rage City? The reward offered by the Golden Shield Empire is enough for bounty hunters all over the world to hunt and kill me uninterruptedly."

"Please rest assured that Rage City will be your strongest fortress. And as long as you plan carefully, no one will know that you killed the meteor.

Miss Sunny Sky... I believe you already know in your heart that the trap in the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum is made of meteorites.In order to achieve his goal, he can kill the students of Oulu Academy.If Raging Waves City was under his control, how many people would be killed by him?
And how did he get the Black Corrosion Spirit?

The black eclipse spirit in the hands of the City Alchemist Association is not lost, and the source of the black eclipse spirit of Meteor is only the Abyss Temple.The dark heart is most likely to be polluted by the abyss. He has secretly cast himself into the temple of the abyss, and the entire city of Raging Waves will become a blood sacrifice ground. "

In order to persuade Qingkong to assassinate Meteor, Grover has ignored his identity.He uttered all his conjectures, with an excited expression as if he saw Meteor take over the black eclipse spirit from the hands of the abyss mage with his own eyes.

Grover's powerful mental power was released uncontrollably, and the objects in the room were shaken violently by the impact.

Clear Sky could see that Glover was stimulated to appear in a mental cage.This halfling has carried out extraordinary cultivation of his brain, and while gaining extremely strong spiritual power, he has also planted some hidden dangers.Paranoid, conceited, competitive... Let him produce negative energy that he can't bear under this situation.

These negative energies caused the Book of Calamity in the space backpack to appear abnormal, as if it wanted to break through the control of the clear sky and appear in the room.

"Okay, I promise you!"

In order to weaken Grover's ever-increasing negative energy, Clear Sky agreed to assassinate Luke's request.

"Really?" Grover's divergent mental power instantly concentrated, and the shaking room calmed down: "Miss Clear Sky is willing to assassinate Meteor and save Raging City?"

Clear Sky released a spirit-stabilizing magic for Grover, and then said: "The incident of the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum, who can benefit from it, who is the most suspected. Both the Oulu Academy and the City Alchemist Association have suffered heavy losses. And there were too many coincidences that Meteor came to the academy that day.

If there is no black eclipse spirit, I may still have the patience to find evidence.However, there is no error in the number of black eclipse spirits in the Urban Alchemist Association. The source of the black eclipse spirits in the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum can only be the Abyss Temple.


Anyway, you convinced me that for the sake of Raging Waves City, for the academy, and for my ideals, I have enough reasons to kill Meteor.

What are you going to do? "

 Sort out the plot ideas behind, and write these today.

(End of this chapter)

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