Age of Arcane

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

"Respected Inspector Meteor... Your wisdom reminds me of the sage of the empire, Artos. It is with his assistance that the empire has built such a vast territory. When Artos shows his outstanding talents, he is just like you You are young, and like you, you have created feats that the world admires.

I believe that Rage City will be more prosperous under your governance.Your deeds will spread throughout the world with the wind, and your story will become a legend and be passed down forever.

The golden light of the morning sun shines on the shoulders of a young man,
He came on a small boat and landed on this land where wealth and evil coexist.

At that moment, no one knew who he was.

But soon, his name will be celebrated by all!


A man with a gentleman's mustache and a neat tuxedo stood opposite the Chief Inspector's desk.He recited the poem he wrote for Luke emotionally, with an intoxicated look on his face that he couldn't extricate himself from.

Behind Luke stood Karina and Shelley, and Pisco stood in the doorway of the office with arms folded.

Except for Kailinna who looked admiring, everyone else had an impatient expression, but they couldn't be impatient to listen.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, I finished listening to this poem that made my skin crawl.

"Good poetry, good poetry..." Luke slapped his hands twice, praised insincerely, and then said to the visitor: "I already know why you came. I'm not a stingy person, and I won't remember you at all This little character used to do something behind my back.

The past is over, I just want to see your performance now and in the future. "

The man with the mustache immediately presented the wooden box he was holding in his hand: "Thank you Chief Inspector, Bulwell Clifford asked for your asylum, and is willing to safeguard all your interests in Raging Waves City."

Karina walked over to take the wooden box, opened it to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, and handed it to Luke.

Luke flipped through it casually, and found some gold coupons and bonds.

Then he smiled at Bazihu: "The sincerity is not bad... You work in the Foreign Trade Office of the City Administration Department, and also run a textile factory. The benefits are very good."

"Thanks to the Chief Inspector's governance of Raging Waves City, which made the city prosperous and stable, and I was able to earn some meager income."

Luke handed the lid of the donation box to Karina, and then said to Clifford: "With the support of you government officials and businessmen, Raging Waves City will usher in a big wave of wealth under my management.

I believe that you can definitely expand your wealth by another order of magnitude.As for how much you can expand, it depends on how much you can contribute. "

Clifford knew that his donations were only an appetizer for Inspector Meteor.The characteristic of the old aristocrats was that they used all kinds of taxes to collect cash. If they wanted to survive in Raging Waves City, which was directly controlled by the empire, they had to prepare for frequent offerings.

It's just that Chief Inspector Meteor's bloodletting is so impatient, it's really ugly.

But in order to avoid being liquidated, he can only swallow his anger first, and survive to wait for the future changes in the situation.

"Whatever the Chief Inspector needs, I will do my best to cooperate."

Luke took a document from the desk and told Shelley to hand it to Clifford.

"The eldest princess appointed me as the Chief Detective of the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging Waves City, but now the Secret Affairs Bureau has only one name. To make this Secret Affairs Bureau worthy of its name requires a lot of investment. I don't want to increase the empire's finances for this matter. Therefore, we can only find some passionate businessmen who are loyal to the empire, and voluntarily pay donations to support the construction of the General Bureau of Secret Affairs in Rage City."

Clifford's aching cheeks trembled, but he could only tremblingly take the document from Shelley's hand.

The document requires Clifford to make one-way transparency of his property and income to Rough City Secret Affairs Directorate.Raging Waves City Secret Affairs Bureau checks the income of its property once a month, and collects [-]% of the profits as a donation.

"Chief Inspector, isn't ten percent too much?"

Shelley put his hand on the handle of the gun, and said with a half smile: "Compared with [-]%, [-]% is not much."

"Yes, yes, yes... not much, not much." Clifford had done enough homework before he came to visit Chief Inspector Meteor, knowing the name of the Black Mamba in Cape District.If this word is not signed, it will really be carried out.

Clifford signed the signature with a mournful face, and even fought for himself aggrievedly: "Can other taxes be reduced or exempted?"

Luke read the document with a smile, and put it away for Karina.

"Taxes to the country and this money should not be confused. Don't think that Raging City's Secret Affairs Bureau is robbing you of your money..."

"Don't dare, dare not!" Clifford hastily denied, and looked at Shelley in fear.

"It's best not to have this idea. The initial construction of Raging City's Secret Affairs Bureau will cost a lot of money. Ten percent of the cash will indeed make you feel uncomfortable. I can understand.

When time is long..."

Clifford looked expectantly.

Who would have thought that Luke smiled and said, "You'll get used to it."

Clifford just wanted to pounce on Meteor and strangle Meteor to death, but he didn't have the courage.

"Boss...Chief Inspector, if I have nothing else to do, I will leave...I won't delay your interview with other people."

"Goodbye, send your account as soon as possible."

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

Clifford left, and Pisco called the next visitor.

Shelley immediately changed his appearance, and the golden light in his uncovered right eye: "Chief Inspector, all businessmen in the city will give us [-]% of the profits. We really got rich this time!"

Karina said worriedly: "Chief Inspector, will this affect their loyalty to you?"

Luke said: "They are not loyal to Grover, how can they be loyal to me? They come here because the 'loyalty' can shoot shells into their courtyard. If one day I lose my deterrent Strength, even if I treat them as my brothers now, they will stab me in the back without hesitation.

We need more 'Primary Machines', more weapons more powerful than 'Primary Machines', and an army that can control these weapons.It all takes money, lots and lots of money.

When we have these forces, they will feel that it is a matter of course to turn in this donation. "

Shelley also said: "Karina, you are a civil servant, and you don't know how dangerous it is outside. This kind of person will always have a sum of money in their hands to open up relationships. If we get more, others will naturally get less.

If we are stronger, my opponent will be weaker. "

Luke immediately looked at Shelley differently: "Shelley, you are very smart!"

"Chief Inspector, of course I am smart. There is no case that cannot be solved in my hands."

Luke nodded approvingly, and wanted to talk to Shelley about the Rangers again, but Pisco came in with a timid person.

Another visitor.

Although receiving guests is a bit tiring, but for the sake of money, I can only work harder and get more.

And there was a message from Qingkong that Grover wanted to assassinate me, and asked Qingkong to do it.

It’s true that there is a way to heaven if you don’t go, but there is no way to hell and you insist on breaking in.

Who do you find to take over this job is not good!
Luke left the matter of assassinating himself to Qing Kong, and continued to receive visitors by himself.

Chief Inspector Meteor is an ugly eater, and he is extremely ruthless with a pig-butcher's knife.But under this general trend, the officials and businessmen of Raging Waves City can only bear the burden of humiliation, and they can only consider other things after handing over the money for their lives.

One day, just the contribution money collected is enough to build a "first machine" class steel battleship.Considering the construction period and the amount of money that can be obtained in the future, the Ible Shipyard can first prepare for the construction of ten "first machine".

If it is possible to acquire some shipyards, steel mills and ship-related industries, it is also possible to expand the number of simultaneous construction of the "first machine".

As the world's first all-metal steam battleship capable of actual combat, the "first machine" is not worried about selling.

After a busy day, Luke listened to Karina's income report in the office at night, thinking about his own calculations.When you have money, you have to think about how to spend it as soon as possible...

And a trip to the imperial capital.

After news of the naval battle on Brilliant Island reached Shenglun City, the eldest princess would write another letter to invite her to the imperial capital.I am not familiar with the place of life, and money is more useful than anything else.

"Karina, go to the World Bank tomorrow to open a private account for me, and deposit one hundred thousand gold coupons in it."

Karina, who was reporting her income with the account book, said in surprise, "Is that much?"

"We don't have so much money in our accounts that can be transferred?"

After a quick glance at the account books, Karina replied: "Yes, I will go to the World Bank to apply for it tomorrow. It feels like a dream to think about it. Before the chief inspector came, I was worrying about the expenses of the bureau every day. Now How to manage so much money.

There will definitely be more in the future, I don’t know if I can do it. "

"If you are not competent, you must find a way to make yourself competent. I can't do without you now. Without you, this place is definitely a mess."

Luke's words mean it.

My own development in Rage City is too fast, and there are too few people who can be trusted and used, so many things can only be pressured on Kailinna.Fortunately, Kailinna has received a good education since she was a child, and her brain has been specially remodeled for secretarial work, so she has always done her work in an orderly manner.

When Karina heard that the Chief Inspector was so dependent on her, she was both happy and shy.

She faltered and said: "Chief Inspector, this is what I should do as a secretary. By your side, I can feel the fullness of life... and I have also witnessed such miraculous things you have created.

I... I want to stay by your side forever. "

Luke looked at Karina, her face was blushing under the incandescent light, her eyes were so cute that she wanted to see him but didn't dare to dodge it.

"As long as you are not tired of this kind of life and are not afraid of danger at any time, follow me forever."

"Really?" Kailinna said excitedly, "Even if you go back to the imperial capital and the eldest princess equips you with a more senior secretary, you won't replace me?"

Luke asked: "How do you know I'm going back to the imperial capital?"

Kailinna still looked happy: "Everyone knows that you will not stay in Raging Waves City forever. You have built such great achievements for the empire here, His Highness will definitely transfer you to the imperial capital and entrust you with more important tasks." responsibility.

Chief Inspector, you just said you were going back to...

Have you received the transfer order from His Highness? "

"I haven't received a formal transfer order yet, but I think it's time to go back to the imperial capital, but I'm still in charge of Raging Waves City. You have to work hard these days, and set up the shelf of Raging Waves City's Secret Affairs Bureau, so that I can leave with peace of mind. .”

Kailinna knew how heavy her workload was, but she still said confidently, "Don't worry, Chief Inspector. I will take care of all the work in Raging Waves City before accompanying you to the Imperial Capital."

At this time, the spy on duty in the secret intelligence bureau knocked on the door.

"Chief Inspector, the music director of the World Bank is visiting."

Why is Yin here so late?
"Director Yin, please come in."

After a while, Yin walked into the office with a food box in his arms.

Seeing that Luke was still busy with work so late, she couldn't help complaining: "I have just been busy here for a day after returning from the sea, and I still work overtime at night. I have never seen such a diligent imperial official.

The emperor of the empire should give you a medal, and then call on the officials of the whole country to learn from you. Such an empire will soon be able to unify the world. "

Yin put the food box on the table and took out a portion of food from it.

Karina stood up: "Chief Inspector, you have dinner with Miss Yin, and I will report back to you later."

Yin pulled Kailinna to sit down: "Let's eat together, I also want to hear about your adventures at sea. Pan and I saw that warship in Haijiao Port. It's just... so perfect, you should really watch it Look at Pan's expression at that time."

Luke was really hungry. He picked up the bread, smeared it with butter and sandwiched it with various ingredients, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

"The taste is still so good! You can consider opening a restaurant in Raging Waves City... Are you kidding me, didn't Pan come with you?

He definitely wants to invest in my 'first machine'. "

Yin made a sandwich and put it in Kailina's hands, and then replied to Luke: "Pan and I have come here, but there are too many people waiting to visit you. Pan went back first because the World Bank had something to do, and I will wait for you." I fell asleep waiting." Yin laughed at himself and went on to say, "The World Bank is very interested in the 'First Unit' class steel battleships. Ships with all-metal structures, whether used for military or commercial purposes, have great potential. Very broad prospects.

And different from the hydrogen airship, the success of the 'first machine' class means that you have mastered the mature technology of building all-metal ships.If you want to quickly build an all-metal ship construction system, as well as a research and development system for such ships... Accepting the investment from the World Bank will save a lot of time and energy. "

Luke chewed the food in his mouth, thinking about Yin's words.

After a while he said, "I can start a shipping company with the World Bank, but I want absolute control over the company.

And the person in charge of the World Bank in this shipping company can only be Pan and you. "

Yin asked suspiciously: "Why Pan and I? We..."

"Just tell Pan about my request, and he will take care of it. can stay up all night if you are full!"

(End of this chapter)

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