Age of Arcane

Chapter 223

Chapter 223
After dinner, Yin packed up the food box and left the Secret Service, while Luke and Karina continued to work.I didn't sleep for two hours until dawn, and then started a new day of ripping off.

The more money the better.

The Imperial Palace of Shenglun City also ushered in the morning of the day.

Agatha woke up early, sat in front of the dressing table, and let the maid dress herself up.Then she was going to pay her respects to Augustine the Great, and then attend the imperial cabinet meeting.At the end of the meeting, you have to practice magic and swordsmanship, and take a break at noon to read the briefings sent by various secret affairs bureaus.

Equestrian practice in the afternoon, and a practical lesson.

In the evening, follow the court bachelor to study history, geography, music, art, and poetry.

If nothing else, this is Agatha's schedule for a day.For the continuation and prosperity of the empire, she strengthens herself every moment.

Even when she was dressing up in the morning, she asked the female officer to read the morning newspaper of the imperial capital for her, and listened to what happened yesterday that she didn't know.

"Master Goldsmith of the Auston family was in the Oak Leaf Club. In order to fight for a hostess, he injured many people, and three of them were seriously injured. Now Master Goldsmith has been arrested by the Imperial Public Security Bureau on charges of... Magic was used in an area where magic is forbidden."

Agatha couldn't help laughing: "Using magic in an area where the use of magic is prohibited? I remembered that the imperial law stipulates that magic is not allowed within five kilometers of the palace without the emperor's permission!"

But this law has been useless since it was written into the code.

The young master of the Auston family injured many people and seriously injured three people in order to compete for a prostitute. Is the Imperial Police Department going to charge him with such a crime? "

The female officer read the news from the beginning and replied: "At present, it seems that this is the crime. But the reporter of the newspaper may not be able to get the complete information. Do I need to go to the Imperial Public Security Bureau to ask?"

"No need..." Agatha sat upright in front of the mirror, without any emotional changes on her face: "I can't solve it after asking clearly, and it bothers me even more. Continue..."

"Yes, Your Highness. Last night, the Imperial Mages Guild broke up a forbidden magic gathering at Billy Tavern. Thirteen death mages and a batch of materials for summoning the undead were captured. A vampire was captured. At twelve o'clock today, The Imperial Magician Guild will execute the judgment on these death mages in the court, and they should all be executed by burning at the stake."

"What will the vampire do?"

"It wasn't mentioned in the newspaper. But vampires are extraordinary creatures, and should be left behind by the Imperial Magic Guild for research on extraordinary species. I heard that Your Majesty..."

Agatha turned her head and said angrily to the female officer: "Don't tell me all the unsubstantiated rumors. If you hear it, you'd better forget it immediately."

The female officer hurriedly saluted in fright and said, "Yes, yes... Your Royal Highness, I don't dare to talk nonsense anymore."

Just when Agatha was about to tell the personal lady about her words and deeds, an attendant hurried in and presented Agatha with a piece of information.

"Your Highness, news from Raging City. Chief Detective Meteorite led the Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet to completely annihilate the Saxon Engineering Fleet entering Hong Kong for supplies on Glorious Island, without any casualties.

And the Ible Shipyard built an all-metal steam warship.This all-metal steam battleship participated in the entire battle against the Saxon engineering fleet..."

Before the attendant finished speaking, Agatha stood up from her chair.She grabbed the information and looked at it carefully, the more she looked, the more frightened she became.

These days, Agatha was thinking about how to use her own power to help Meteor lift the blockade of Haijiao Port, so that he could accept her kindness and come to the capital to serve her willingly.

But she never expected that Meteor would wipe out the entire Saxon engineering fleet with the help of those warships in the cape anti-smuggling fleet!

And without any loss.

How did he do that?
It is not written in the information.

At the same time, an all-metal steam warship that can be used in actual combat once again overturned Agatha's understanding of meteors.Agatha knew about the construction of this warship by the Ible Shipyard, because the artillery needed on the ship was high-end military supplies, and the main gun could only be used on all-metal warships.

It's just unexpected that with the design capabilities and technology of the Ible Shipyard, this world-leading warship was actually built.

Thinking that Meteor had talked to himself many times, his thoughts on the maritime strike of the Leo Republic.Agatha looked at the information and could only shake her head. This guy must be fully prepared to do what he wants to do.

At this time, similar information should have already reached the hands of the people in power in the imperial capital. The protagonist of today's imperial cabinet meeting must be the Inspector Meteor.

Agatha let the entourage out, and sat back on the chair by herself.

"Immediately send someone to inform Meteor... The opponent who is cornered will not talk about the rules, be careful when assassinating."

"Obey, Your Highness!" The female officer immediately turned and left after receiving the order.

Agatha continued to let her handmaiden dress herself up.The sharp edge of the woman in the mirror is like a sharp knife out of its sheath, as if it is about to spill blood for thousands of miles.

After dressing up, Agatha first went to pay her respects to Emperor Augustine, and then accompanied the emperor to the imperial meeting.

Emperor Augustine walked ahead with the arm supported by the servant, and did not say anything to Agatha along the way.Agatha could feel her father's alienation from her today, the king's kindness is unpredictable, and today's imperial cabinet meeting is not easy to hold.

Coming to the imperial meeting room, Emperor Augustine sat down with his twelve cabinet ministers.The court mage closed the windows of the conference room, and deployed a defensive barrier and a sound barrier around the conference table.The door of the meeting room was closed, and the heavily armed royal knights stood outside the barrier to protect the safety of the emperor and cabinet ministers.

Emperor Augustine moved his body, and the servant immediately arranged the pillow for him, and brought a neck pillow to cushion the back of his neck.

Then he poured a glass of sweet wine and put the wine glass in the hand of the emperor.

Emperor Augustine took a sip of wine to moisten his throat, and then said in a calm tone: "You all have better news than I do, and you should all know what happened in Raging Waves City.

I have never expressed my views on what happened in Raging Waves City during this period, because I think that you can sit here and you should all know my thoughts.Know enough is enough, don't be greedy, and don't make troubles that upset me again.

Now it seems... you all think that I am old and confused, this empire belongs to you! "

After the angry Augustine the Great finished speaking, he couldn't help coughing violently, and the servant immediately rubbed his back.

There was no sound in the barrier of the meeting room, and no one dared to speak at this time.

Augustine the Great was very satisfied with his deterrence. He took another sip of liqueur and his cough was relieved.

"Agatha, Meteor is a member of the Imperial Secret Service, please give me an explanation first."

Agatha sat on the right hand of Augustine the Great, complaining in her heart that the meteor had caused her big trouble again.

But I can only bear it hard.

"I don't think the meteorite is responsible for what happened in Raging City this time. Fighting pirates is the responsibility of every imperial official. This pirate has repeatedly attacked ships traveling to and from Raging City, seriously affecting the safety of the empire's maritime trade. Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet this time……"

"His Royal Highness!" Gabriel, the Prime Minister of the Cabinet sitting on the left of Augustine the Great, interrupted Agatha forcefully and said, "Is Your Majesty angry about the pirates?
Meteor has mastered the construction technology of the all-metal steam battleship, and instead of dedicating it to the empire first, he equips it with a fleet he established privately.Now he has parked the battleship at Cape Harbor, threatening the safety of the entire Raging Waves City by force.

What does he want to do?
Does he want to rebel? "

Facing the charges against Gabriel Kou, Agatha said: "Master Prime Minister, don't think that His Majesty doesn't know the origin of the pirates who blocked the cape port. Chief Inspector Meteor is exercising the power entrusted to him by the empire in Rage City. Fulfill his duty to keep the empire safe!
The Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet belongs to the Imperial Secret Service.

If you slander Inspector Meteor for rebellion, it is tantamount to slandering me for rebellion! "

Gabriel knew that his side did not have an advantage in this incident, and he could not sue the princess of the empire for treason for no reason.

He turned to Emperor Augustine and said: "Your Majesty, we only have incomplete information about what is happening in Rage City. But what is certain is that the situation there is very tense.

In order to restore the stability of Raging Waves City, and for your Majesty to know the truth of the incident, I suggest... first relieve Meteor from all his duties, and let him come to the Imperial Capital immediately to receive court training. "

Now Raging Waves City is in chaos, and Gabriel can't accurately grasp what's going on there.The best solution at this time is to remove Meteor from his position and recall him to the imperial capital, and first use the court order to detain him for a period of time, so that the new nobles of Raging Wave City can breathe and reverse the passive situation.

Agatha also wanted Meteorite to come to the imperial capital, but she absolutely could not be dismissed from her position and then implement the so-called court training.

Because meteorites can't come.

Once his identity is exposed, it will do no one any good.

Agatha said: "Precisely because our information is incomplete, we shouldn't rashly dismiss Chief Inspector Meteor without knowing it.

Your Majesty... I had a conversation with Dean Willred. The chairman of the Raging City Council, Glover, placed the black eclipse spirit in Oulu Academy, intending to split the internal relationship of Oulu Academy. Now Oulu Academy is targeting the city alchemist Association imposes sanctions.

Prior to this, the City Alchemists Association had another financial fraud scandal.

I don't know what outrageous things Chairman Glover will do again. Raging Waves City needs Chief Inspector Meteor to restrain him. "

Gabriel said angrily: "His Royal Highness, please do not slander a scholar, official and noble who is loyal to the empire."

Agatha replied: "Do you think Dean Willred is slandering him? The Oulu College incident is enough to prove that Grover's conduct is extremely problematic. It is the most wrong and safest thing to hand over Raging Waves City to him." The most dangerous!"

"That's enough, stop this useless argument!" Augustine patted the table to stop the quarrel, and then said to Agatha: "What Meteor did in Raging City was too much, no matter right or wrong. Let him Coming to the imperial capital can calm the situation in Rage City."

Agatha corrected her posture and replied: "Yes, Your Majesty. I will immediately order Chief Inspector Meteor to return to the Imperial Capital to report on his duties. But... all parties in Raging Waves City still need Meteor to maintain their relationship, especially in terms of finance and taxation...

I think it is possible to retain Meteor's current position and replace him after I find a better candidate. "

Emperor Augustine thought for a moment.

Although Meteor is very capable of tossing around in Raging Waves City, his tossing has merit.This year's tax increase for Raging Waves City has already been sent, which has greatly eased the empire's finances.

Gabriel's intention to dismiss Meteor's post is very obvious, that is, he wants to take back the piece of cake that Meteor cut off.

Of course not.

"Meteor's position in the Raging Waves City Secret Affairs Bureau can be retained, but he must complete the handover of his duties as soon as possible, and stop causing trouble for me in Raging Waves City.

Don't let him feel that he is being held accountable when he comes to the imperial capital to report on his duties.What this kid did in Raging Waves City was a little too much, but his courage and ability are outstanding, I like it very much.As long as he is loyal to the Empire, I guarantee him a higher position. "

Agatha immediately thanked: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust in the Secret Intelligence Bureau. I will order Meteor to come to the Imperial Capital when I get back to accept new tasks."

Augustine nodded.

What Meteor did in Raging City will inevitably make him suspicious as an emperor, especially when he suddenly pulled out an all-metal steam battleship without anyone noticing.

If he wants to rebel, it's really a headache.

Now that Agatha has so confidently promised to let Meteor come to the imperial capital to report on her duties, it seems that there is no problem with her loyalty.

With the knot in his heart untied, Augustine's anger was transferred to Prime Minister Gabriel.

"I've only met Grover once, and his abnormal big head is still fresh in my memory. Regardless of whether there are any sequelae of his extraordinary cultivation of the brain, those who dare to cultivate their own brains are spiritually There must be something wrong.

Don't make any excuses for him, I know what he did at Oulu Academy?
The current Grover is no longer suitable to be the speaker in Raging Waves City, and the so-called co-governance council should not exist.This incident also proves that the parliament is useless at all, it is better to dissolve it..."

Hearing that Augustine wanted to take this opportunity to dissolve the Council of Raging Waves, Gabriel immediately said: "Your Majesty, the situation in Raging Waves City is very special. It is the Council of Raging Waves City that allows Raging Waves City to enjoy a lot of convenience internationally. The dissolution of the Council will definitely trigger Raging Waves." The crisis in the city had a major impact on the empire's economy.

I think the most important thing is to stabilize Raging City as soon as possible.Grover's performance in Raging City completely lacked the demeanor and ability that an imperial official should have.I suggest that Grover resign from all his positions in Raging City, and come to the Imperial Capital to focus on his research work.

Glover has made great achievements in the research of extraordinary cultivation.He is good at using extraordinary genes to extend his life, and it happens that the Cross Society is experimenting with the secret technique of eternal life. If Grover joins in, he can definitely develop the secret technique of eternal life earlier..."

(End of this chapter)

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