Age of Arcane

Chapter 224 Infinite Vitality in Absolute Death

Chapter 224 Infinite Vitality in Absolute Death
"Secret of Eternal Life?" Emperor Augustine's eyes instantly became sharper: "If I really get eternal life, I'm afraid many people will be unhappy."

Prime Minister Gabriel didn't know whether he was patted on the ass or the horse's hoof this time.He quietly looked at the servant standing behind the emperor, but the servant closed his eyes and did not look at him.

Are the rumors false?
"Your Majesty, under your rule, the empire has ushered in an unprecedented prosperity. We all sincerely hope that you will be in good health, and lead the empire to continue to maintain the momentum of national strength growth, so that all nations will bow their heads and congratulate you."

After a cliché, Prime Minister Gabriel felt that the pressure on his body was reduced a lot.Although Emperor Augustine was old, the power of the emperor had not weakened in the slightest.

"If you can use all these crooked thoughts on political affairs, I will work less and live longer. Grover will be relieved of all duties, and staying in Rough Waves City is also making trouble. Let him come to the imperial capital...give him a job in the empire The Institute of Extraordinary Species arranges a job."

After listening to Augustine's words, Gabriel instantly realized that he was being smart just now.

Life is eternal... Can such a thing be said on this occasion?

The image of Augustine the Great is iron-fisted and tough. If he openly pursues eternal life, it is tantamount to exposing his weakness.

At this moment, Prime Minister Gabriel wanted to slap himself in the face, he was really confused about the matter of Raging Waves City.

Fortunately, Glover's life was saved.

Meteor was also transferred away from Raging Waves City, and the loss of one's own interests was stopped in time, so there may not be no possibility of a comeback in the future.

Gabriel took the lead.

The imperial cabinet meeting continues.

Raging City.

Meteor took advantage of the power brought about by the sea battle on Brilliant Island, day and night to accept the surrender of all parties in the city, making money and getting jealous, resulting in lack of rest and lack of energy.

The Innovation Society is also expanding at full capacity.Three members of parliament have surrendered, while the other two are on the sidelines without contact with anyone.The Sissai Palace was full all day, to the point where all the standing tickets were sold out.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Almost everyone believed that even if Raging Waves City was not directly governed by the imperial revenue this time, the parliamentary system would exist in name only.From now on, this city will belong to the eldest princess, and only by climbing this big tree can she continue to enjoy the shade.

Such a crushing victory surprised Luke somewhat.If Grover is killed again, Raging Waves City will be completely in his pocket.

The big tree attracts the wind, if I have no power to restrain me in Raging Waves City, it will only increase the risk factor of going to the imperial capital.

Self-protection measures need to be prepared in advance.

Luke stopped receiving visitors. Anyway, the people who came at this time were not important people, so it was fine to let Kailina receive them.

He returned to his dormitory, and then walked along the secret passage to the secret room.

The clear sky is already waiting here.

All the mysterious props to be used are fully prepared, the most conspicuous one is a coffin standing in the middle of the secret room.

Qing Kong opened the coffin, and inside was a corpse in prison clothes.

The deceased was a young man in the same grade as Luke, with an imaginative height and build.He had not been dead for a long time, his skin was still bloody, and no wounds could be seen on his body.

Luke stood in front of the coffin, staring blankly at the young corpse in front of him. Qing Kong took a recurve knife from the workbench and put it in his hand.Runes are engraved on the surface of the small knife, and the blood-colored streamer is shaking. It is a mysterious prop made in advance by Qingkong.

At this moment, the lights in the room were turned off, and a circle of candles around the coffin automatically burned with green flames.The atmosphere in the secret room became oppressive, with faint gray clouds and mist swirling around.

Luke held the knife behind his right hand and made a cut in the palm of his left hand.Blood dripped from the wound, and he clenched his hand into a fist, and the blood flowed upwards from the tiger's mouth.

The blood that flowed upwards separated into countless blood lines in the air, and pierced towards the corpse inside the coffin.The blood thread easily pierced through the corpse's skin and entered the blood vessels that hadn't stiffened yet.The blood vessels bulged against the skin like a tendon, and the corpse's face showed a painful expression.

Luke's blood continued to be kept, continuously injected into the blood vessels of the corpse.

Qingkong stood aside and watched, paying attention to Luke's physical condition.When Luke fell to the ground due to excessive blood loss, he stepped forward to hug him, and then put him on the prepared recliner.

Then he took out the blood plasma to transfuse Luke, checked his body function, and did a full body massage to dredge the meridians.During this period, the recovery magic is released every 10 minutes, and a tube of recovery potion is fed.

After two hours of rescue, Luke was finally out of danger by relying on the powerful recovery ability of the troll blood and Qingkong's treatment.

Luke, who regained consciousness, sat up from the couch with the support of Qingkong, then stood up and walked to the front of the coffin.

When he was just dying, he successfully established contact with the corpse under the effect of the secret technique, completing the most important step of the word of the secret technique.

The corpse in the coffin exudes vitality from top to bottom, like a sleeping person.If you examine it, you can still feel that its heart is beating in a very small range, and the blood is flowing under the impetus of mysterious power.

Mysterious props: replace the dead ghost.

manufacture complete.

When Luke is facing a fatal attack, the dead ghost can block the disaster for him.Even if the head is cut off, the lost head is for the dead ghost.

This is the life-saving card Luke prepared for himself for this trip to the imperial capital.The difficulty in making a dead ghost is that you must find a corpse that is similar to yourself in all appearances, and you need to transfuse your own blood to a near-death state in order to complete the production of the dead ghost.

The corpse is not difficult for the Chief Inspector of Raging City's Secret Affairs Bureau.

Although it is dangerous to transfuse blood to the dying state, it can be rescued as long as the preparation is sufficient.It's just that the main body will be weak for a period of time, and it can only be recovered after taking good care of it.

Now there is a subject for the word of the occult.

Luke stood facing the coffin again, and Qingkong slowly retreated outside the circle of the arcane ceremony, placing the auxiliary words needed for the arcane language in the correct position one by one.

The green flame of the candle exploded, and a two-meter-high pillar of fire spewed upward.Under the light of the fire, a figure twisting in an extremely weird posture appeared on the wall of the secret room.

Standing in the clear sky outside the ceremony circle, she recited an impactful spell, and she pulled out a golden long sword from the void.Then several golden words appeared out of thin air, hitting her body one by one, splashing pieces of golden light.

A chilling aura erupted from Qingkong's body, and the sword aura flew in Jin Ming, and the killing momentum rushed towards the demons and monsters on the wall and disappeared in smoke.

The secret language that Luke is about to release has very large sequelae, and the resentment of death will take the opportunity to invade the body.

Players are not afraid of death, but of trouble.

After creating this esoteric language, it has been continuously improved.

If you want not to be disturbed by the sequelae, you must quickly eliminate these negative death energies that are about to invade when the word of the secret technique is activated.

The use of holy energy can quickly eliminate the negative energy of death, but Qingkong discovered in the study of the ancient Shuojin language that although the energy produced by the ancient Shuojin language is not as kingly as the sacred energy, stronger domineering is more effective in dealing with this type of negative energy it is good.

Sure enough, with the release of the ancient Shuojin language this time, those dirty things were washed away only by the sword force radiating.

Under the irradiance of golden light at this time, there is no sense of oppression in the secret room anymore.An overwhelming aura emanated from Qingkong's body wave after wave, like a Valkyrie guarding Luke's back.

Luke was also infected by this momentum, and his whole body seemed to be full of strength. He stared at the corpse in the coffin, and said a secret word:

Infinite vitality in absolute death.

At this moment, the corpse inside the coffin opened its eyes.He has a pair of beautiful blue pupils, and he also looks at Luke with infinite vitality.Then the corpse came out of the coffin and turned into starlight and dissipated.

The starlight danced around Luke. Luke took out an iron ring and put it on the little finger of his left hand. The starlight penetrated into the iron ring in an instant.

The two-meter circle of candlelight surrounding the coffin was instantly extinguished, and all the adjuncts of the secret technique scattered into fly ash and disappeared.

Luke looked at the ring on the little finger of his left hand, which had a circle of spell runes on it.Looking up again, the corpse was standing in the coffin again at some point, his eyes were closed tightly, as if falling asleep again.

The occult ritual is over.

The weak Luke's feet were weak, but the clear sky supported him again.

"Get rid of Grover as soon as possible. He doesn't want the place I gave him, so don't let him trouble me again."

"I know, when he gets people together, I'm going to take them all at once."

Qingkong gave Luke a drip, and after confirming that he was fine, he left along the river.There are still many things to do at Oulu College, and Grover will come to him at any time.

This hidden danger must be resolved before heading to the imperial capital.

After Luke regained some strength, he left the Chamber of Secrets and returned to the Bureau of Secrets.As soon as she sat down, Kailinna pushed the door open and walked in.

"Chief Inspector, a letter from His Royal Highness the Princess. You, why do you look so bad... Are you sick... I'll call the doctor."

Just as Karina turned to go to the doctor, Luke stopped her.

"I'm fine, but I'm too busy and tired these days. You said there was a letter from the eldest princess, where is the letter?"

Karina took out a letter from the folder in her hand and put it in Luke's hand, then lowered herself to observe Luke's expression: "Chief Inspector, I think your condition is very serious, let the doctor take a look." .”

"It's all right, don't tell what you see." Luke told Kailina, he took out a bottle of potion from the drawer and drank it, then picked up the princess's letter to check the seal on the envelope.

After confirming that it is correct, open the envelope.

This time Agatha's letter was more concise.She told Luke that the incident in Raging City had aroused the suspicion of Emperor Augustine, and if he didn't come to the imperial capital, both of them would get into big trouble.

This is what Luke expected.

It's only because the new nobles in Raging Waves City still have a big addiction to food, and they are looking for trouble in a situation that everyone can accept.The important thing is... if you lose, you have to struggle a little bit, come to a negotiation, so that I can create a situation that looks stable to outsiders.

As a result, some people squeezed their heads to seek refuge, while others wanted to give it another go, turning bicycles into motorcycles.

It's not that Luke doesn't want to stop now, it's that he can't.

He could only watch helplessly as he wanted to take full control of Raging Waves City.

The emperor and ministers sitting in the imperial capital certainly did not want to see this situation.Agatha definitely didn't want to see Rage City in this situation, but she couldn't help it.

At this time, Luke is really a big tree, and his tree is not big enough to fight against the entire empire.

One more reason to go to the imperial capital.

Then Agatha told Luke about the content of the imperial meeting, and that Grover would be dismissed and transferred to the imperial capital.She told Luke to pay attention to his own safety at all times, especially on the way to the imperial capital, the people of the Cross Society will do everything possible to stop it.

Finally, Agatha told Luke some precautions for arriving in the imperial capital.

"Your Majesty agrees that you will continue to serve as the Chief Detective of Raging City's Secret Affairs Bureau. This is what I have tried my best to win for you. I don't know whether it is right or wrong for the empire to do so, but I am willing to use my sincerity to express my respect for your kindness.

After arriving in the imperial capital, you will soon be questioned by His Majesty.I will tell you in advance what His Majesty will ask and how to answer.As long as you can get His Majesty's approval, you will definitely be able to take up an important position and start another legend of yours.

In short... everything will be discussed after you arrive safely in the imperial capital.

I am looking forward to meeting you.

This must be a meeting that can be recorded in the annals of the empire. "

In this letter, Agatha's tone has changed again, without the strength of the first letter, nor the pretended humility of the second letter.

The words in my heart are more like chatting with old friends.Although the conversation is about national affairs, it gives people a strong sense of intimacy.

It seems that Agatha also understood why the first two letters did not receive a reply.

This time she had won a big victory in Raging Waves City, so she had no choice but to go to the Imperial Capital, so she did not invite herself to the Imperial Capital in the letter, but more about what to do in the Imperial Capital.

Luke ignited the letter after reading it, and was looking forward to seeing Agatha in his heart.

I don't know if she is the same as the eldest princess in the game.

After Kailinna waited for the letter paper to burn, she asked Luke: "Chief Inspector, you are so happy, is it His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess who sent you back to the Imperial Capital?"

"Am I happy?" Luke immediately withdrew his unconscious smile, "It's something to be happy about...His Royal Highness the Princess really wants to transfer me back to the Imperial Capital, and the official transfer order should arrive soon.

After arriving in the imperial capital, I will accept His Majesty's inquiry and be entrusted with important tasks.

It's going to be busy again.

You get your work done as quickly as possible and buy what you need.The imperial capital is different from the city of raging waves, some things are not easy to buy. "

Hearing that the Chief Inspector was going to meet the Emperor of the Empire and that he would be promoted, Kailina was even happier than her own promotion.

"Yes, chief inspector, I will definitely take care of everything! Do you need other people to accompany you when you return to the imperial capital this time?
If His Majesty entrusts you with an important task, the people here can use it immediately. "

Luke thought about it: "You inform Shelley, Pisco, and sandpaper to make preparations, and then let Shelley pick a group of reliable spies. You are right, this trip to the imperial capital must be convenient for your own people."

(End of this chapter)

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