Age of Arcane

Chapter 237 Jasmine Fragrance

Chapter 237 Jasmine Fragrance

Del, who jumped off the junk boat, swam to the shore.

Not far away is a garbage boat docked on the river bank, where the lights are as bright as day, and a large group of scavengers are gathering there.

Daier dodged the scavengers and got into a clump of reeds and landed.Although the clothes on her body were soaked and water plants stuck to her hair, she was in an unusually good mood.Looking in the direction of the upper city, the magic signals that explode in the sky from time to time are very beautiful.

It is estimated that no one would have guessed that this princess has already gone to the lower city.Just look for it there, I will hide here for a few days and try to leave.


My stomach growled.

It was only then that Dai'er remembered that she hadn't eaten or eaten since her visit to Qingkong. After running such a long distance, it's no wonder she wasn't hungry.

When Dai'er observed her location and thought about where to get some food, a glowing butterfly flew down from above.It circled Daier, dancing lightly, with firefly spots on its wings.

Seeing such a beautiful butterfly, Dai'er couldn't help stretching out her hand, letting the butterfly land on her finger.

Then the butterfly scatter and disappear as a stardust.


At this moment, Daier realized that this was a magic butterfly for tracking, and its appearance meant that her whereabouts had been exposed.Those who come after him will come back at any time and must leave as soon as possible.

Dai'er pulled out her magic wand to release the magic to erase the traces she left, but a dagger protruded from behind and rested on her neck.

"Miss, don't move! My knife is very fast."

Dai'er's body became stiff instantly, she had never encountered such a situation before.His performance in the actual combat class was very good, but he didn't notice the closeness of the person behind him at all. He was a very scary guy.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. I'm curious about who you are, so that my husband came here so late to wait for you."

The person behind reached out and took the magic wand from Dai'er's hand, and threw it to the dark place ahead.The magic wand was grabbed by a hand before it landed, and then a very well-dressed young man stepped out of the shadows.

"Stike Ou sedimentary wood as the pole, unicorn forehead mane magic core. The 24th version of shining light is used as the main technique, and it is an encrypted and complete version. There are 120 four jasmine flowers carved on it, each of which has a different shape. These are sub-spells embedded in the main one." The young man twirled Daier's magic wand with his fingers, and said with a smile, "Very beautiful and very valuable. smell a little bad, and you should be hungry too. , also need a clean room to rest.

How about using this magic wand for your downtown travel expenses? "

Daier sniffed the smell of her sleeves.

It smells bad.

My stomach was hungry just now, and now it is screaming again.

I do need to shower, change, eat something, and go to sleep.

But who is this person in front of him?

"This magic wand is called jasmine incense. Not only can it greatly increase the effectiveness of the magic released, but the sticky wood is an extremely precious spice. Since it is in your hands now, there is nothing wrong with it as my travel expenses in the lower city .

It's just... who are you?If you follow me, you should know who I am. "

The young man turned and walked into the distance, and said: "My name is Luke, I am a purchaser of alchemy materials, and I bought a house in the lower part of St. Lun City not long ago. There is no romance as you imagined here, and a sharp blade can come at any time. Stab your heart from behind.

If you don't want to die, follow me.

By the way, I have another name.Meteor, is it familiar?

Miss Jasmine! "

Dai'er was thinking about how to escape from this predicament at first, but when she heard the last name spoken by the other party, she covered her mouth and exclaimed: "You, you are the meteorite!"

The dagger on the neck was retracted.

"Miss Jasmine, my name is Kuaileg, and I am Mr. Luke's entourage. Don't use that name in the downtown area, or you will cause a lot of trouble."

Dai'er turned around and glanced at the people behind her, and then quickly chased forward, leaving a series of wet footprints.Kuaileg had to stay and deal with the traces left here.

Far away from the river, the downtown area in the middle of the night is very quiet, there are no street lights, only the faint light brought by the moonlight.The mess here is far beyond Dai'er's imagination of the lower city. Those who don't even have a home are huddled in the temporary shacks.

The wild dogs are gnawing on something in the garbage dump.

Ahead, a group of ragged men warmed themselves around a burning fire barrel, holding wine bottles and laughing loudly.When these people saw Dai'er, they all cast malicious glances.

Terrified, Del raised her collar, lowered her head and ran to Luke's side in small steps: "Hey, where are you taking me?"

As Luke walked, he looked at those people with unruly intentions. His clothes and aura prevented those punks from daring to be presumptuous.

"Don't ask too many questions, just follow me. Of course, you can also choose to escape. If Miss Qingkong didn't entrust me to find you, I wouldn't care about your life or death.

Thinking of me marrying such a stupid woman, I would rather she really disappear. "

"Hey!" Being called stupid made Dai'er very angry. She wanted to refute loudly, but when she noticed that the group of people looked at her again, she lowered her voice and said, "I admit that I'm a bit dumb, but I'm not stupid. If it wasn't for sister Qingkong to help you , you will never find me... Is it really Sister Qingkong who asked you to come?"

"Believe it or not."

"You and Sister Qingkong both work for Sister Agatha, so I believe you. Just now you said that your name is Luke, and you are a purchaser of alchemy materials...

Is it a secret mission assigned to you by Sister Agatha? "

Del, who finds Luke trustworthy, moves closer.Moreover, she often heard Agatha talk about the secret missions carried out by the agents of the empire, but this time she was able to get close to them, and it was the mission carried out by the top agent of the empire, Meteorite himself!The excitement made Daier very excited, completely forgetting the danger she was facing.

After receiving Dai'er through the clear sky, you know that this princess is a familiar one.

Luke didn't answer Dai'er, and walked forward on his own, thinking about how to deal with this sudden trouble.

What a total mess of plans.

Seeing that Luke was ignoring her, Dai Er wisely didn't ask any more questions, but followed along cautiously.

Although the Haijiao District of Raging Waves City is also a slum-inhabited area, as an old city, there are still necessary public facilities.There is also the continuous management of the administrative department, so it can be reformed.

And the lower city of Shenglun City is completely formed naturally.The first settled residents relied on river channels and drainage to build houses, and later, as the population increased, they radiated to both sides of the water source.Basically, there is no overall urban planning, at most some powerful people carry out limited management within their sphere of influence.

What is implemented here is the real law of the jungle, the strong are respected and the fittest survive.

On the second day after arriving in the imperial capital, Luke quietly entered the lower city with fast legs.He made up a businessman's identity for himself, and visited several prominent figures here, so he became acquainted.

The rest is to buy some unorthodox alchemy materials and mysterious props for Qingkong and himself, and monitor a few interesting research trends by the way.

It was all going well, but...

Luke couldn't help looking at Dai'er who was following him, shaking his head helplessly and walking into an old small building.

Walking up the creaking building, Luke said to Dai'er behind him: "This was originally a businessman's property. Later, he made a fortune and wanted to leave here. I entrusted a friend to buy this place as a residence to disguise his identity." .

You live in his daughter's room, and there are some old clothes that you haven't thrown away, and you can change them after taking a shower. "


Luke pushed open the door of a room, pressed the switch on the wall, and the dim light illuminated a not-so-large room.The decoration inside is very girly, and it can be seen that the businessman loves his daughter very much.

"There is a small washroom inside. The house has an automatic water filtration system, but there is no hot water. I think this small inconvenience should not be a trouble to you..."

Along the way, some half-dry clothes made Dai'er feel even more uncomfortable. She couldn't wait to take a bath and change into clean clothes.

"I know how to use magic to heat water. Inspector Meteor, can you go out?

The princess wants to take a bath! "

"Here, my name is Luke, and your name is Jasmine. If I make a mistake, I will throw you into the pigsty next to me."

Facing Luke's oppression, Dai'er backed away in fright and slammed into the wall: "Listen to you, Yu... no, it's Mr. Luke."

"That's right..." Luke exited the room: "I'm going to prepare dinner and eat after taking a shower. I still have a lot of things to ask you..."

"Yes, Mr. Luke."

Seeing Luke going downstairs, Dai immediately closed the door and plugged all the plugs that could be inserted.Then he leaned against the door, patted his chest, and said in fear: "It's terrible! It's terrible!"

Luke prepared food for Del in the kitchen on the first floor, and the quick legs who were responsible for cleaning up the traces and keeping an eye on the rear whistle walked in.

"Sir, it's all cleaned up, and no one is following you." Quick Leg picked up the knife to help peel the apple, and asked, "Who is this girl? Look at her clothes, and that magic wand, she must be from a very noble family, right?"

Luke knew that Del's identity could not be hidden from the fast legs, so he said truthfully: "Her name is Del Augustine."

"Daier, a very nice name. Augustine... oh..." Quickly slashed down and almost cut off his fingers: "Chief Inspector, not... sir. Princess Dier, she is really Princess Dier! Why is she here? here?
You are right! "

Hearing that Princess Dai'er was upstairs, Kuaileg was frightened silly.

What they are doing now is kidnapping the princess, and if they are caught, they will be hanged.

"Keep your voice down!" Luke listened to the voice upstairs, and said to Kuaileg: "I don't know the specific situation. Anyway, the magic flares are not parked in the direction of the Imperial City tonight, and it must be related to Princess Dai. I will ask later What happened to her, you go outside to monitor, don't be touched by the corner and you don't know yet."

Kuaileg knew the seriousness of the matter, he cut the peeled apple into small pieces with a few knives, and then went out to be vigilant.

While Luke put a plate of fruit salad, a plate of fried egg sausage, and a few slices of bread on the dining table, Dill came downstairs from the shower, wiping her hair with a towel.

Then with a flick, a halo of hair swayed from the root of the hair and extended to the tip of the hair.The remaining water was separated by magic power, forming a light curtain in the air.

Seeing the food on the table, Dai'er's eyes lit up immediately.After taking a bath, she was even more hungry. She rushed to the table and sat down, picked up the knife and fork, and was about to eat.

But Luke blocked her at this moment.

Facing Daier's puzzled eyes, Luke took out a potion bottle and put it on the table.

"Since you dried your hair with magic, use this bottle of hair dye on your hair while the magic remains."

"Why?" Dai'er looked at the unknown potion very vigilantly.

"Your blond hair is too eye-catching. Since you ran to the downtown area, you probably don't want to be found by others."

"Is this bottle of medicine all right?"

"If you don't wipe it, you will have nothing to eat."

Dai'er looked at the food in front of her, and her stomach's protest made her finally compromise: "Well...Anyway, what do you want to do to me, there is no need to tamper with the medicine."

Luke's face darkened.

To eat, Dale picked up the bottle and put the dye in her hands, then rubbed it into her hair.The magic that remained in the strands allowed the dye to spread and absorb more easily, and the color went from blonde to dirty blonde in no time.

With the ordinary girl's clothes on her body, she is not as beautiful as before.

Luke was very satisfied with Dai'er's cooperation: "Let's eat... go out tomorrow and put some freckles on your cheeks, and you will be the real jasmine fragrance."

Dai'er was allowed to gobble up the food regardless of her reserve, and asked, "Why do you call me Jasmine, that's the name of my magic wand."

Luke leaned back on the back of the chair, looked at Dai Er who was eating, and said with a smile: "In the downtown area, I can't call you Her Royal Highness Princess Dai Er, can I? Jasmine is just a name, I just thought of it, it's quite suitable you."

"Okay. You are a professional spy, I listen to you."

As Del continued eating, Luke asked, "What happened to you? Why did you crawl out of the drain?"

"I was assassinated and thrown into the drain, and then somehow got here." Dai'er said without raising her head, thinking about how to escape from this imperial spy.If he was sent back to the palace to claim credit, it would be difficult to escape.

Luke snorted and said, "You'd better tell me the truth. Saving you has added a lot of risk to me. If you still lie...I can tell Miss Skylight that when I found you, you were a corpse." gone."

Dai'er's body stiffened again, she had heard many bad names about Meteor.He killed countless people in Raging Waves City. Legend has it that he had a mat made of human pinky bones, and slept on this mat in summer.

"I, I escaped..." Dai'er, who was raised in the palace, was not Luke's opponent after all, and when she was intimidated casually, she made all the moves: "...

Hey, I'm so dumb and stupid, you sure don't want to marry me.Just tell Sister Qingkong that you didn't find me, and then let me go.I think you are a good match for Sister Qingkong... No, if I disappear, Father will definitely marry Sister Agatha to you.

Sister Agatha is smarter and prettier than me... You earned it! "

(End of this chapter)

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