Age of Arcane

Chapter 238 Trouble and Big Trouble

Chapter 238 Trouble and Big Trouble
"Agatha..." Luke was very helpless to this innocent Princess Dai: "Do you know that if you run away like this, it is very likely that you will kill your sister Agatha."

Dai'er stopped eating and looked up at Luke: "How is it possible? Sister Agatha is the eldest princess, in charge of the Imperial Secret Service. With so many people protecting her, who can harm her?"

"Our Emperor."

Dai'er didn't believe it even more: "Your Majesty the Emperor is our father, and my father likes sister Agatha the most. Before my sister moved out of the palace, she has already been canonized as the eldest princess."

"Then explain to me... why His Majesty has been releasing news that he wants to marry you to me, but I have been in the imperial capital for so many days, and he neither summons me nor orders a marriage?"

"How do I know what the emperor thinks? Maybe, maybe I need to test you again."

Luke knew that Dai'er really didn't understand the turmoil in the imperial court, and said, "Test me? My performance in Rage City is enough to satisfy any test of His Majesty. He is waiting for me to offer my allegiance to him and dedicate Rage City to him.

As long as these two things are obtained, His Majesty will immediately decree a marriage. "

Dai'er was puzzled and asked: "Aren't you working for your father if you work for sister Agatha? Isn't Raging City already returned to the direct administration of the empire?"

"But Your Majesty doesn't think so, and it is true that Raging Waves City has not returned to the direct administration of the empire, it is under my control. It is because of Raging Waves City that Your Majesty is willing to use a princess to win me over.

The current situation in the imperial court is... as long as I dedicate Raging Waves City to His Majesty, the power and honor that the Eldest Princess currently possesses can be taken away with a single sentence. "

"I don't believe it, you must be lying to me!"

"Believe it or not, think about it for yourself, think about what kind of person your father is. If you die or disappear, Your Majesty will lose the best bargaining chip for me to betray the eldest princess and serve the past.

You said His Majesty would suspect who did this?

In the entire city of Shenglun, how many people are capable of arranging an assassination against the royal princess in the imperial city?

In the past, His Majesty may have only doubted the loyalty of the eldest princess. After he successfully seized the power of the eldest princess, he should not do anything to endanger the life of the eldest princess.But starting tomorrow, everything will be different. "

Luke's words really scared Del.

She didn't understand the political struggles in the court before, but this time she understood, and she also knew what kind of person Augustine the Great was.

If he died, whoever would benefit the most would naturally be the biggest suspect in planning the assassination.

Dai'er felt her hands and feet were cold, and her heart was filled with desolation.

She asked Luke, "Who did it?"

"I also want to know."

The room became quiet, both of them lost in thought.

Luke really doesn't know who did it, after all, the plot has changed long ago, and Del has never appeared in the downtown area.

After a while, Dai'er exhaled a long breath, with a smile on her face again: "At least you saved me, which means someone still loves me... No, no, I didn't mean that! You work for Sister Agatha , She loves me so much, she will definitely protect me.

If you escort me back to the palace tomorrow, you can remove the suspicion for Sister Agatha.If I escape, I can find another chance later, and this time I must not implicate her. "

Luke stared at Dai'er for a while, and couldn't help laughing: "How did the Augustine family produce a princess like you.

I was the one who saved you, and Qingkong was the one who followed you... From the time I saw you until now, I never said Agatha ordered me to do it.The only people who know you are here are me, Qingkong and my follower, Kuaileg. "

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning is obvious... Her Royal Highness is the biggest suspect in your assassination."

Dai'er felt like she was going crazy: "What are you trying to tell me? You just said that killing me would put Sister Agatha in danger; now you say that she is... the biggest suspect in my assassination.

Don't you realize that what you said is very illogical? "

"Is there?" Luke recalled what he said: "There is no problem with logic! Before the truth of the matter has not appeared, any doubt may become the truth.

This incident will bring danger to the eldest princess, but there is also luck.Otherwise, there is only danger. Isn't she the least suspicious person? "

"But you are an imperial agent, working for Sister Agatha."

"It's really hard to communicate with you!" Luke shook his head in pain: "In short, you just need to know... I have my principles and positions. You have caused me a lot of trouble by fleeing this time. It adds a lot of uncertainty to the imperial court struggle."

Dai'er stared at Luke: "What are you going to do with me?"

"You are given two options:

The first one is, tomorrow I will send you into the upper city, and you will go back to the palace by yourself.You said that you were frightened by the assassination, accidentally fell into the river, and didn't dare to come back until dawn.Don't say you came to the downtown area, let alone met me.

The second is for you to stay downtown...but in the identity I've assigned you.Don't run away, just do what I tell you to do.Your disappearance will definitely cause turmoil in the palace, and I will have the opportunity to find out who assassinated you.But if things get out of hand at court, you have to go back and make things right. "

Dai'er looked confused: "How do you think I should choose?"

"I hope you choose the first one. You are safe in the palace as long as you don't leave the palace. It is good for everyone to keep the palace struggle at a low level..."

"I choose the second one, but you can't arrange for me to do something I don't like to do..."

Luke looked at Dai'er unsteadily: "Are you kidding me?"

Dai'er smiled slyly and said, "Don't think that I'm easy to deceive. Someone wanted to assassinate me, but I would go back foolishly and hide the fact that you saved me. You are safe, and I have resisted all the dangers.

You are now more afraid than anyone else that the situation will get out of control. If I stay in the lower city, you must protect me.Only in this way can I help you stabilize the situation when necessary.

Although I don't know how long I can hide here, but I can play for a few days, which is much more free than being locked in the palace. don't want me to go back!If you dare to send me back by force, I will say that you saved me! "

Luke was dumbfounded.

Since time travelling, I haven't encountered this kind of situation... I was actually threatened by someone, and I was manipulated to death.

You wolf with a big tail, you have been pretending to be a sheep in front of me!
Luke thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't think of a way, how to throw this hot potato out harmlessly.

Dai'er continued to eat nervously.

Luke can only accept the reality helplessly, and try to control this Princess Dai in his own hands.

I hope she won't cause any more trouble for herself.

"Okay, okay, fine. You can stay here, as long as you don't run away, I will try not to interfere with your freedom.

You already have the name, Jasmine... the identity is my wife. "

Dai'er looked up at Luke again vigilantly: "Why is it his wife?"

Luke felt that he had won the game and said with a smile: "As a maid, you have to wash, cook and clean the whole building. I don't think you can be a maid who will not be doubted.

To be a are clearly too old.

Being younger sisters... there is a big difference in our looks.

Only being a wife can explain the intimacy with which we live together.

If you can't accept it, go back to the palace.The life outside is not as beautiful as you imagined, no one respects you and spoils you..."

Who would have thought that Dai'er would say: "Life in the palace is not what you imagined. Isn't it just pretending to be your wife? I pretend to be..."

Luke spread his hands: "Okay, anyway, I don't suffer."

Dai'er, who was a little out of breath, realized what she promised, she immediately lowered her head and pretended to eat, to hide her flushed cheeks.

But she suddenly raised her head again and said, "It's broken! Apart from you, Kuaileg and Sister Qingkong, there is another person who knows my identity."

Luke, who was still admiring Dier's embarrassment, suddenly became nervous: "Who is it?"

"A shadow parasitic iterative body..."

Del told Luke how she encountered the shadow parasitic meta-iterator, and finally said: "I swear on my mother's honor to set it free, and I have to save it. And I think I will leave the lower city soon, Leaving the empire again, I didn't expect... I didn't expect to be caught by you and stay here.

If I knew it earlier, I let it follow me, what should I do now? "

Luke seriously suspected that God saw him living the plot too easily, so he deliberately sent Daier to make it more difficult for him.

Such a rare species as the shadow parasite iterative body can be encountered on the way she escapes, and she even let this iterative body go!
Malcolm's shadow parasite research project is an extraordinary biological cultivation achievement that Luke will focus on when he sneaks into the lower city this time.

Malcolm used to be a senior extraordinary breeder at the Imperial Extraordinary Species Cultivation Center, and was one of the core members responsible for the research and development project of the shadow parasite.It's just that his research and development theory and path have not been adopted by the team, so he has the idea of ​​stealing an iteration.

As a result, the theft failed, and he was expelled from the empire's extraordinary species cultivation center.But Malcolm did not give up. He came to the lower city, and quickly became a pivotal figure in the lower city by virtue of his superb extraordinary transformation technology and the relationship with the extraordinary species cultivation center.

According to the normal plot, Malkan successfully received the iterative body of the shadow parasite, and carried out his unique research and development direction.Soon he researched a result... psychotoxin.

It is a mental power-enhancing toxin that is more violent than the rage potion.

Then he used mental toxins to develop an extremely powerful weapon of war... the Heart Eater, and then used the modified shadow parasitic element iteration to control it.

Luke is not interested in the Heart Eaters, but in how to effectively control the iterative body of the shadow parasite.This is a complex set of proprietary technologies. There is no detailed information in the game plot, but it is said that Malkan developed this and developed that.

There is a shadow parasitic meta-iterator in Clear Sky's hand, which comes from Grover.Although Grover is currently the best supernatural transformation body of the shadow parasitic element, his performance... shows that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the shadow parasitic element iteration body he left behind.

Now... the shadow parasitic element iteration that was supposed to be in the hands of Malken was actually let go by Daier.

It's fine to let it go, it's better to find a cat or dog as its host than a mouse.Rats are infested in the downtown area, and it is not much easier to find shadow parasitic element iterations than to find a needle in a haystack.

"On the garbage ship, where do you want me to find kittens and puppies? And kittens and puppies are so cute, even if I find them, I won't let them be hosts for shadow parasitic element iterations."

What a hassle!
Luke said: "Now it's not just a matter of finding the iterative body of the shadow parasitic element! That thing is what Malken wanted, and now it's lost, he will definitely use all means to find it.

You and I walked all the way from the direction of the drain tonight, and I don't know how many people saw you.I thought the light was low, they couldn't see you clearly, and they could fool you by making some camouflage, but someone must know me. "

Dai'er asked worriedly, "Will you be in danger?"

"Dangerous... not at all." Luke thought quickly: "I am the buyer who sent them money. Malcolm will not do anything to me without direct evidence, but there must be a lot of trouble. Now you want to go back, I can't send you away either. Cooperate with me in acting, and don't let them see that we are a pretend couple. "


"Ah what? The disaster was caused by you, and I was implicated by you. If my prediction is correct, Malcolm will invite us over tomorrow. If he sees anything, we will not be able to walk out of the lower city alive.

I can't sleep tonight. "

"Why can't I sleep?"

"We want to make confessions... No, we need to get to know each other. For example, I like to eat philly fish and foie gras, but you say that I like to eat bread with caviar. Is this a normal relationship between husband and wife?"

"No, do you really like phillips and foie gras?"

"No, I made this up."

"I like to eat... multi-flavored fish soup, chicken salad, avocado raw salmon, steamed egg meat roll, stewed potatoes, rice white shrimp jelly, egg tomato salad, conger eel soup, fried shellfish with foie gras, crab roe live shrimp, red Stew medley, curry smoky prawns, pan-fried lobster, balsamic grilled chicken, cod with tomato and thyme, baked asparagus, salmon custard.

These are all true. "

Luke watched Dai'er continue to cook, and couldn't help feeling in his heart: She really is a foodie.

Luke continued to ask: "Women feel sick a few days a month, what are your days?"

Dai'er almost choked on this question, she quickly took a sip of water: "Do you want to talk about this question?"

Luke looked at Del.

Dai'er dodged her eyes: "And who would ask such a question?"

Luke continued to look at Del.

"I regret it, I want to go back to the palace."

"If you can't get through tomorrow, you can only go back to the drain."


"Speak up! Speak slowly! Don't tie your tongue!"


Drain, a gray mouse swims from the water to the shore.On the garbage ship not far away, a thug beat the captain with a leather whip, and the scavengers pushed and tried to break through the blockade of the thugs.

The mouse that came ashore shook off the water from its body, sniffing the ground with its nose as if looking for something.A snake sprang out of the grass, and it shot at the mouse like an arrow.At this time, the mouse turned around suddenly, red light flashed in the two small eyes, and the snake fell in front of the mouse with a snap.

The mouse jumped on it and gnawed at the snake.

(End of this chapter)

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