Age of Arcane

Chapter 253 Initial Trust

Chapter 253 Initial Trust
"Yes, I have to accept having a capable and loyal subordinate like you." Agatha took the tea brought by Luke, and there was an indescribably bitter taste in her mouth, just like her current mood. "You asked me to prepare... for what?"

Luke ate the tea on the table, and couldn't help but recall the scene of Agatha in the game.Follow the task to break open her hard shell bit by bit, and catch that warm and soft heart.

But the real Agatha in front of him is definitely not an NPC in the game that can gain favorability.

If the world had to choose someone who wanted to kill him the most, it would definitely be the Eldest Princess.She took over the Imperial Secret Service at the age of 16. As long as she has the opportunity to get rid of this threat of her own, she will never be soft.

Luke said while eating: "Prepare to meet this turbulent era and fulfill your historical responsibilities. The fate of the empire is already on the gambling table, but His Majesty still rejects you. If Your Majesty lets you preside over the Tedgar Hills War, you shouldn't summon me so low-key.

Is the eldest prince going to the south?Or the second prince? "

Agatha stared at Luke, her eyes were sharp as if she wanted to see through the man in front of her.

"How do you know? The emperor hasn't issued an order yet, so Gabriel shouldn't dare to tell you such a confidential matter."

Luke picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea to finish off the dessert in his mouth.

Very impolitely, he brushed off the residue sticking to the corner of his mouth with his hand, and then replied: "The hereditary noble lords are mainly concentrated in the south and west of the empire, among which the Celtic Grand Duke of Tedgar Hills is the strongest.

I think His Majesty should have left you in the imperial capital to watch over you personally, so as not to let your power expand due to the war.The two princes have made great achievements in countering the rebellion in the south and the west respectively, and their prestige after they come back cannot be shaken by you.

At that time, it was easy for His Majesty to clean up Raging Waves City.

Your Highness, don't think that I'm betting on the fate of the empire, and I'm betting my Raging City on the gambling table. "

Agatha sneered and said, "Rage City belongs to the empire, when did it become yours?"

Luke replied: "Okay, you said Raging City is an empire, I will give it to you now."

"Are you willing?"

"What are you reluctant to do? I think that with my reputation, I can be reused in any country in the world. Isn't Leo at war? Your Highness, if I join the Watcher, how much land will the Leo royal family give me after returning to the country?" ?”

Agatha finally realized that Meteor was not kidding herself.

The Golden Shield Empire regards Raging Waves City as a treasure, and in the eyes of Meteor Xing, it may not be something that can be given up.His performance in Raging Waves City has long been known throughout the world.If he joins the Watcher now and helps the Leo royal family restore the country, he will definitely be the great enemy of the empire in the future.

After all, he was someone his father was willing to win over with a royal princess, so he showed too much hostility the first time they met, isn't it a little too much?

Agatha knew that her attitude made Meteor unhappy.

"Yes... I'm sorry..." Although she was reluctant, Agatha still apologized to Luke: "Some things you did in Rage City made me very passive in the court, and I couldn't vent my accumulated anger to others. And the pressure of the past few days is a predicament that I have never experienced in my life.

I should have thanked you, without your support, I would have been in jail long ago.

Thanks! "

Luke accepted Agatha's apology without any humility: "You're welcome, I accept your apology. Now let's get down to business. How did His Majesty arrange this war?"

Agatha, whose heart was untied, replied: "As you expected, the emperor intends to let the eldest prince and the second prince preside over the war on the southern and western fronts respectively. As for who will go to the southern front and who will go to the western front, it has not yet been decided. After all, the southern line has great achievements and great risks. The Celtic Grand Duke's barbarian army is very strong, and there is also the assistance of the Abyss Temple.

But according to my understanding of the two elder brothers, they will only make a name and never leave the imperial capital.Father's body..."

Agatha did not continue.

The physical condition of Emperor Augustine was the biggest hidden danger of the Golden Shield Empire.

Luke couldn't help feeling: "It seems that the court of the imperial capital will continue to fight."

Agatha said: "I'm not interested in court struggles. I wanted to go to the south, but my father refused. He didn't believe that I didn't covet the throne, especially when you did so many things in my name.

I was hurt by you! "

Hearing Agatha's complaint, Luke reminded: "Why did the topic come back to this? If you have to say who is responsible, it is you... Shelley is serving her sentence in prison, you got her out and put her in the prison." Cape area of ​​Raging Waves City.

I'm the one who got hurt by you. "

Agatha looked at Luke and sorted out the cause and effect of the matter, and it turned out that the source was really herself.

"Well, let's just let the past go and we'll just look at the future.

Although I can't leave the imperial capital, I will definitely have a lot of work in the future.The biggest potential opponent of the empire in the east is the Leo Republic. You have been preparing for a military attack on Leo some time ago.It's just that the main opponent of the empire is the rebellious aristocratic land, and there cannot be a large-scale conflict with the Leo Republic.

Let’s talk about the current situation in Leo, and whether the Eastern Front can stay stable during the counter-insurgency period of the Empire. "

After thinking about it for a while, Luke told Agatha about his strategy against Leo.

The Empire's civil war did exceed Luke's expectations, but the preparations he had made before had stabilized the eastern sea area for the Empire by mistake.

Now that the Watchers have launched the Restoration War in the territory of the Leo Republic, facing the old Leo royal family who will cramp themselves, the Leo Parliament must devote all its energy to its own counter-insurgency.

Baron Jeff of Brilliant Island is harassing Leo's route.

Lady Tasia of Fishbone Island is training sailors.

The Cape Shipyard is blasting all-metal warships.

One goes up and down the other, naval battles are not battles of large armies, once the anti-smuggling fleet in Cape District has a generational advantage over the fleet of the Rio Republic, it can directly beat the Rio Navy to the point of not leaving the port.

Therefore, there is no need for heavy troops to deal with Leo's direction, and Raging Waves City can use money to crush the opponents on the eastern ocean of the empire.

Luke finally said: "I sent people to investigate the shipyard of the Leo Republic. Even if the 'First Machine'-class all-metal warship solves the design problems of this new type of warship, Leo will not be able to build it within a year. No. machine' on the same level as warships.

If the imperial spies make trouble for them, the empire will restrict their purchase of related technical equipment internationally, and this time can be extended to two years.

And two years later... Even if Leo builds an all-metal warship, it will be obsolete in front of our new type of warship. "

Agatha asked with great interest: "Your shipyard can complete the replacement of all-metal warships within two years."

Luke said: "Your Highness, the technology of this era is developing very fast. Moreover, the technology for building all-metal warships has long been prepared. The 'first machine' just pierced the window paper and provided all shipyards with A correct design and construction idea.

For a long time to come, the replacement of all-metal warships will be very fast.And I have an all-metal warship research institute jointly established with the World Bank in Cape District to ensure that the ships produced by my shipyard have always been ahead of the world.

The displacement of the next generation of all-metal warships will exceed [-] tons. "

"3000 tons!" Agatha couldn't believe this figure. There has never been a warship of the [-]-ton class in history: "The displacement of the 'first machine' is only [-] tons, and the next generation of all-metal warships can reach [-] tons." Ton?"

"The 'First Machine' has completely broken through the thinking of wooden ships in ship design and manufacturing. It is inevitable that larger ships will appear in the future. Moreover, the research and development of all-metal warships will also drive the rapid acceleration of the entire steam machinery technology. .

The City of Raging Waves is in my hands, so you should have some fun... Don't always think about how to get rid of me. "

Luke's description aroused Agatha's infinite reverie about future ships and steam technology, but after hearing the last sentence, she seemed to be pierced and quibbled: "I never thought of getting rid of you."

"Ha ha……"

Agatha was even more flustered by Luke, and she suppressed her expression to change the subject: "You did a very good job on the Eastern Front, so that the empire has one less threat from one direction.

The northern border has long been fortified in the conflicts over the years, and it is strictly prevented that there will be no major problems in a short period of time.

The empire had already made military preparations for the south and the west, and unexpected things would not happen on the frontal battlefield, but the non-frontal battlefield was extremely dangerous. "

Luke agreed with Agatha's point of view: "Yes, the old nobles and brotherhoods have penetrated into all aspects of the empire. They hide very strong forces in the imperial capital, as well as the Abyss Temple and many unexpected enemies.

Together with the war... the incidents of sabotage, assassination, and espionage will definitely increase. "

Agatha said: "They will also play tricks in the court. The conflicts that have been settled today will definitely be reused. These struggles are not like wars, and the credit is obvious. What we are going to do may not necessarily contribute to the empire. You'll get a compliment, maybe a knife in the back."

Agatha's words were full of helplessness.

The emperor's suspicion is so heavy, his own worries may really appear.

Luke comforted the sad Agatha: "In the imperial capital, you, me, and Miss Skylight, whoever wants to touch one of them must first consider the revenge of the other two.

Unless someone can move all three of us at the same time.Without complete preparation, I dare not leave Raging Waves City and come here.

Just say what you want me to do.There is nothing to do these days, and the bones of my people and I are aching. "

"I want you to find Princess Dai."

Luke was puzzled: "I'm not familiar with the situation in the imperial capital, why did you let me handle this case?"

Agatha recalled the process of looking for Dai'er, and said with a sad face: "If Dai'er is killed, the person who killed her will not keep the news of her death. If Dai'er is really dead, there is no way to find her." From the murderer, I have always been the biggest suspect.

So I think Dill is still alive, or was caught, or couldn't come back because of other things.I've already searched the entire imperial capital, but there is no news of her.It may be that my method is wrong, or it may be that the other party can grasp the whereabouts of the imperial agents.

I want to check with a group of trustworthy people.

You and your people are from Raging Waves City, you are not familiar with the imperial capital, and the imperial capital is also unfamiliar with you.Maybe you can see where we tend to overlook, maybe you can bring your miracle here. "

Luke considers whether to tell Agatha about Del's experience at the Clear Sky Museum, but decides not to.

Even if Agatha didn't assign this case to herself, she would still find out who attacked Dai'er.At present, it seems that Agatha is not the mastermind of the attack on Daier, but there is no guarantee that the people around her and the people from the Imperial Secret Service are not involved.

Before the truth of the matter came out, the fewer people who knew where Dill was, the better.

"Okay! Princess Dai'er was attacked more or less because of me. As long as she is still alive, I will definitely be able to find her. But in what capacity should I handle this case?

I am the Chief Detective of the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging Waves City, and I have no right to investigate cases in the imperial capital. "

Agatha said: "I have already prepared for you. You are now the Chief Inspector of the Raging Waves Bureau of Secrets, and concurrently the director of the Sixth Division of the Imperial Secrets Bureau. The Sixth Division is a department I specially set up for you. The office location is Right at 236 Copper Mulberry Drive.

You will be able to get the letter of appointment and certificates when you leave, and all departments in the imperial capital will soon receive a notification from the Imperial Bureau of Secrets.From now on, the Sixth Division of the Secret Intelligence Bureau will only be responsible for me. As long as you can find Dai'er, I will cover everything you do. "

The Imperial Bureau of Secrets established branches in various cities, the main function is to collect intelligence, and has a certain amount of force.For general national security incidents, the branches of the Secret Intelligence Bureau in various places are capable of handling them on their own, but when encountering vicious and high-risk incidents, they need to use the Secret Service of the Imperial Secret Intelligence Bureau.

The secret service concentrated the most elite imperial agents of the Imperial Secret Service. It used to be the backbone of the Assassin's Lodge against the Brotherhood of Blades. Agents like Shelley and Pisco were absolutely inaccessible.

Agatha opened a new office in the Secret Service and handed Luke full responsibility, and promised to cover everything, which shows how urgent she is to find Daier.

This identity is also needed for Luke's free activities in the imperial capital.

"Thank you, Your Highness. This meeting, I think we have established initial trust with each other, and I hope there will be more tacit cooperation in the future."

Agatha said with a rare smile: "The impression you gave me has greatly exceeded my expectations. Maybe our future is not as bad as I first thought."

Luke said: "I hope everything is as His Highness thinks now. If there is nothing else, I will go back first, and my people and I will immediately investigate the attack on Princess Dai."

"I hope you can find Dai'er as soon as possible, and don't let her suffer anymore... She has never left the palace, I can't imagine how she lives these days.


Your imperial father's appointment and reward should be arriving at your residence soon. "

Luke couldn't help laughing loudly: "From the time when no one greeted me in the capital, to now His Majesty and His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess are vying to reward me, the situation has changed so quickly!

I'll go back and see what surprise His Majesty will give me. "

Luke saluted Agatha, and went out to join Shelley and the three to leave Tulip Manor.

The motorcade honked all the way and rushed back to No. 236, Tongmulberry Avenue.

(End of this chapter)

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