Age of Arcane

Chapter 254 The Emperor's Reward

Chapter 254 The Emperor's Reward

When Luke and Agatha met in Tulip Manor, a series of important orders were announced from the Imperial Palace...

All industries related to the Tedgar Hills are under investigation by the Imperial Secret Service.

Call the Celtic Duke to the imperial capital to discuss how to avoid border conflicts.

Send envoys to visit various countries.

All military and public officials in the empire have canceled their vacations.

Grand Prince Fania Augustine made a tour of the south on behalf of the emperor, inspecting the water conservancy cultivation in the southern provinces.

The second prince, Alec Augustine, toured the west on behalf of the emperor, supervising the military affairs of suppressing bandits in the west.


Factories around the imperial capital received large military orders.

The third-level legions from all over the empire supplemented the northern border, and the elite northern legions mobilized their troops to the south.

Reichsbank issues state bonds.


Appoint Meteor as the acting governor of Raging City, temporarily in charge of the Imperial Navy of Raging City.

Give Meteor a royal knight with a golden shield and ribbon.

The title of Lord Meteorite will be conferred upon Princess Dai'er when she returns to the palace.

Reward: Reichsmark 500 million.

10 royal horses.

1 horse carriage.

A pair of Glory Royal Knight armor.

Royal Manor One


After the rain, the empire was trembling with constant orders from the palace. Streets, squares, taverns, shops, office buildings, factories...all the places swept by these waves of news seemed to stand still. Quiet.

too suddenly!

Many people have expected the coming of this war, but they did not expect it to be today.There was no warning, as if the Emperor of the Empire woke up today and made this unexpected decision.

Even the well-informed newspaper office was overwhelmed by the news.The newspapers that are sold today are turned into waste paper for wiping their asses in a blink of an eye. The newspaper office can only send all the reporters out to collect detailed news through all the connections.

There are a group of reporters outside No. 236, Copper Mulberry Avenue.

They all noticed a new plaque on the residence's iron gate.

"Sixth Branch of the Imperial Secret Service"

Four uniformed Imperial agents stood guard outside with knives at their shoulders.

This posture scared many reporters away from approaching.

The Bureau of Secrets has already changed its color, and the Secret Service of the Bureau of Secrets is a place where it is easy to get in and difficult to get out.

However, at this time, the Emperor of the Empire suddenly bestowed a reward on Meteor, and there must be a deep intention behind it.After all, everyone saw what happened to Meteor when he first came to the imperial capital, and now His Majesty has simply given part of Princess Dai'er's dowry in advance.

The eldest princess set up the Secret Service of the Imperial Secret Service here.

The meteor is going to soar into the sky!

Several reporters bravely stepped forward to request a report, hoping to interview the acting governor of Meteor.The seemingly vicious imperial agent came in to report, but what came out was a strong man with mechanical arms.

"It's all gone! Don't look where this is. Our governor is busy and has no time to see you. Don't hang around here. A car will come out and kill you in a while, and we have to wash the floor!"

Pisco already had a ferocious face, but when his hands collided with each other, sparks sparked, and immediately scared the people outside back away.

But a young man in a felt hat and an ill-fitting jacket approached tremblingly.

"Sir, I am... I am a friend of Miss Carina."

Pisco wanted to punch the young man, but the fist stopped in front of him.The wind of the fist knocked off the young man's hat, and he was so frightened that he folded his head and closed his eyes, thinking that he was going to die here.

"You know Karina?"

Pisco's tone suddenly changed.

When he and Shelley were at the Haijiao District Bureau of Raging Waves before, he and Shelley went out to solve the case, and when they came back, it was Kailinna who helped them write the report.Although Pisco is naive, he still respects Karina.

Now Kailinna is the personal secretary of Governor Meteor, and her friend must not be treated the same as others.

The young man opened his eyes, saw the change in Pisco's attitude and immediately said: "My father used to be the gardener of Miss Kailina's family. I grew up with the lady. It's just that the lady's family suddenly changed... We have been together for many years. no see.

My name is Johnny Norton, the son of Mirjan Norton, and you tell Miss Carina that she must know me. "

Pisco looked Johnny up and down: "Just wait here!"

Pisco turned and left, and told the guards to keep the outsiders away.

The guards began to chase away people, and the surrounding reporters could only retreat, making Johnny who stayed in place more conspicuous.

But the reporters didn't go far, they stood far away on the opposite side of the road, to see if the novice could go in.

Johnny picked up his hat from the floor, dusted it off and put it on again.Checking the pens and notebooks in the pocket, I was looking forward to seeing the meteorite but also afraid.

If you can interview Meteor, even if you only ask one question, you will be valued by the editor-in-chief.You can have better treatment, a better salary, and a desk of your own.

You don't need to serve tea and water for people all day long, and do some chores.

I don't know if Miss Carina knows me, I haven't seen her since that incident.All I know is that her parents are dead, and she went to Rage City...

Johnny waited anxiously.

If the newspaper hadn't sent everyone out, I wouldn't have had this opportunity at all.

After a while, Pisco came out.

"Boy, very lucky. My governor accepted your interview, remember to thank Miss Kailinna."

"Really?" Johnny exclaimed in disbelief.

He originally wanted to meet Kailinna first, and then indirectly asked if he could interview the Acting Governor of Meteor, but he didn't expect to be able to meet Meteor directly.

"Of course it is true! Meet Kailina with me first, and she will teach you the etiquette of meeting my governor. Call the governor, remove the word 'on behalf', and don't make my governor unhappy, or I will blow your head off."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Johnny answered in fear, then glanced at the reporters on the opposite side, and followed Pisco into the gate.

Luke faced the mirror in the room, trying on the Glory Royal Knight armor he had just received.This set of armor is more decorative than defensive. After disassembling all kinds of fancy components... Luke didn't know how to put it on.

Shelley was called to help, and Shelley, who had been a soldier, didn't know how to install some parts.

Helpless Luke had to call the sandpaper.

As a mechanical reformer, although it was the first time for Sandpaper to see the Glory Royal Knight armor, her professional vision allowed her to quickly understand the structure of this armor.

When the armor is put on the upper body, the built-in alchemy formula automatically activates to adapt to the tightening and then locks.When Luke moved his body, it felt like he was wearing a thicker piece of clothing. Except that it was heavier, it had little effect on the flexibility of his movements.

Moreover, as the ceremonial armor of the senior royal knights, the glory royal knight armor is indeed gorgeous, showing the royal style and the knight's majesty to the fullest.

I have to admit that although the Golden Shield Empire is a bit old, the tension and rendering power of the art that has been precipitated is much higher than those of those new countries.

That damn sense of honor made Luke even have an urge to be loyal to the empire.

Impulse is the devil, impulse is the devil.

Overcoming the appeal of the armor's shape, Luke posed in front of the mirror a few times before letting Shelley and sandpaper remove it for him.

Then put on the governor's uniform sent with the appointment letter of the acting governor, and wear the golden shield ribbon given by the emperor.

To be honest, it was indeed beyond Luke's expectation that Emperor Augustine appointed himself as the acting governor of Raging Waves City.This is almost equivalent to an official endorsement of his current power and status in Raging Waves City, and has been officially recognized by the empire.

He even gave the military power together.

Now Luke is a political, economic, and military master, and has become a feudal official who controls important cities in the empire.

It can be said that Emperor Augustine gave a lot, and Luke had to admire this courage.

At the same time, I also understand the intention behind Augustine and the follow-up actions in the future.

"Acting Governor"

Works well.

When the empire is concentrating on dealing with the south and the west, it can stabilize the heart of the empire, and let Rage City play a good logistics role to provide money and supplies for the war.

And left behind for the end of the war.

Although the Acting Governor nominally possesses the military power of the imperial navy stationed in Raging Waves City, in fact, outsiders cannot interfere with this army.At best, Luke uses the Raging City navy to fight external wars, but it is not easy to use internally.

The remaining politics and economics were originally obtained by Luke, and Emperor Augustine just made a favor.The establishment of the post of governor in Raging Waves City has become a fact. If the acting governor is disobedient in the future, the acting governor can be removed and another governor will be established.

When the empire finishes solving the hereditary aristocracy, and then goes back and solves Raging Waves City, it will have the legal support to take this city back under its direct jurisdiction.

Augustine the Great wanted to do a great feat that the emperors of all dynasties had never accomplished, push the imperial power to its peak, and make sure that there would be no disobedient places in the empire.

Of course, Emperor Augustine knew that Luke could understand his intentions.He hoped that Luke would be able to understand the current affairs, and he would become the real governor of Rage City if he surrendered to him, and he could marry the princess after finding Dai'er.

Become part of the royal family of the empire.

Facing an emperor like Augustine, Luke was still somewhat in awe.It's just... lifespan is the emperor's worst enemy.Now that the imperial civil war is about to start, there will only be more intense court struggles, and the pressure on the northern border will increase with time.

I don't know if he can live to the grade he should have lived to.

When he dies, who can hold up the fallen empire?

"Your Excellency!" Karina walked in: "Johnny Norton, a reporter from the St. Lun's Daily, is waiting outside. He wants you to do an exclusive interview with you."

Luke went to sit behind the desk and said to Karina, "Let him in."

"Yes, Governor."

Karina brought Johnny in, and finally whispered the precautions.

Johnny had never seen such a high-ranking official before, and he just showed his courage outside, but now his legs were trembling with fright.

Standing at the door, Johnny saluted Luke: "Respected Governor of Raging City, Royal Knight of Glory, Senator of the Upper Council of Raging City, Chief Inspector of the Secret Service of Raging City, Sir Meteor, Director of the Secret Service of the Secret Service.

I'm Johnny Norton, a reporter from the Daily Saint Lun, thank you for your call.


The nervousness made Johnny stutter and stutter, and finally forgot the words.

Luke said: "Okay! I don't know what Kailina has taught you, just forget about it.

I accepted your interview because Kailina fought for you. I also want to express my respect to His Majesty to the Imperial Capital through your newspaper, as well as my greetings to the residents of the Imperial Capital.

You can ask any question you want, and I will answer whatever you want.


Karina, pour Johnny a cup of coffee, he's so nervous. "

Luke was interviewed by Johnny, and explained in detail what happened in Rage City to people from all sides in the imperial capital through the mouth of his leader.

In the past, those who sent information to the imperial capital were all the new aristocratic forces in Rage City, and what they told must have obvious biases.Through Dai'er's previous impression of Luke, he knew what kind of person those new nobles described Luke as.

Coupled with his background in the Secret Service, many people regard Luke as a "demon" in disguise.

When he was in Raging City, Luke didn't care what the imperial capital thought of him.But now he has to do some image public relations for himself. Even if it can't change the inherent impression of most people, it is good to eliminate some people's rejection of him.

Luke was not a serious person in the first place.During the conversation, Johnny quickly forgot his nervousness and devoted himself to this rare interview.

When Luke began to officially face the city of St. Lun, Qingkong came to a laboratory alone after finishing a occult class.

She first used spells to seal the door, and then opened the barrier to seal the entire space.

With a flick of the finger, a crack opened in the air, and a mouse flew out of it.

The mouse is the dark night. After she landed, she was about to run to the corner of the wall, but a glass accurately covered her.The outer layer of the glass was flickered with magic embossed patterns, and the dark night hit the glass wall continuously to no avail, so he had to be honest.

Qingkong put the glass containing the dark night on the table and began to prepare the experimental tools.

An Ye pleaded in the glass: "Miss Sunny Sky, I am Princess Dai's knight, and it is my duty to protect her."

Qing Kong put a bunch of tools on the table, and said to An Ye: "Playing with pets in class is a violation of class discipline, don't think I can't see you passing notes between students, that's not protecting the princess.

She is not a princess here, but an ordinary student named Jasmine.

Confiscating you is a punishment for Jasmine, and it is a punishment for you to accompany me in the experiment. "

An Ye curled up, facing the clear sky staring at her, she had a helpless little expression.Apparently she was caught by Clear Sky more than once to do experiments under various names, and the experiment process was very unpleasant.

"Miss Sunny Sky, please let me go."

"Let you go? That's not okay... I have prepared an experiment partner for you this time, let's get to know each other."

Clear sky puts a cage on the table, inside which is a black cat.

The black cat actually smiled when he saw An Ye: "My name is Sheriff, what's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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