Age of Arcane

Chapter 256 Spirit Orb

Chapter 256 Spirit Orb
Realizing that the sphere of light is a harmless thing, the Sheriff and Dark Night become bolder.They used their mental power to control the ball of light to fall from the sky onto the table, and then... began to wrestle for control of the ball of light.

The ball of light is the size of a teacup, and because it has no entity, it looks like an eye from any angle.The middle is pitch black, the outer circle is a gray mist, and the middle is rays that radiate from the inside to the outside.It rolls between cat and mouse like a harmless toy.

Sunny Sky watched from the side.

She believes that the judgment made by a top-level spiritual supernatural creature like the shadow parasite, but everything related to the abyss should be treated with caution.

The two little things competed fiercely, and no one could grab the light ball.

"Hey boy." Seeing that he could not gain control of the light sphere, the sheriff said to An Ye: "This thing comes from Grover's soul. As Grover's former parasite, I have inherited all his legacy power."

An Ye is not to be outdone: "Everything in the empire belongs to the royal family. I am the guardian knight of Princess Dai, and I have the right to take this thing back to the state."

"You fart! Give it to me!"

"this is mine."

pull continues...

Qing Kong picked up a large glass and put the ball of light on the table. She looked around at the stunned cat and mouse.

"The performance of the two of you makes people suspect that this thing is not what you said... it's just a low-level spiritual supernatural creature.

Sheriff, I warn you!Grover committed treason in Raging City. If you think you have the right to inherit what Grover left behind, I will send you to Meteor to have a good trial of your joint crimes.

And you, Dark Night!Even the emperor of the empire dare not say that 'everything in the empire belongs to the royal family', you are just a knight, and you don't even touch the royal family.

Remember, you are just assistants I have brought in to assist in this experiment. I will give you the negotiated rewards, but all the things produced by the experiment belong to me.

Do you have any objections? "

The sheriff shook his head with Anye.

Of course, Qingkong didn't need to reason with the two guys. Using a strong one would make them give up fighting for the ball of light.But if you want to understand what this is, you need the assistance of two shadow parasitic iterations.If they deliberately conceal something and rashly study this spiritual supernatural creature related to the abyss, there will be endless troubles.

The two iterations of the dark night parasite showed their attitudes, and Qingkong let go of the glass.Without the pull of mental strength, the ball of light floated irregularly in the cup.

The cat and mouse came to the glass and looked at each other through the glass wall.

Qingkong moved a chair with magic and sat down, and said, "Now tell me, what is this thing?"

"Let me tell." The sheriff sat down facing the clear sky, with his tail wrapped around his feet: "We didn't lie to you just now, this is indeed a low-level spiritual supernatural creature, which can only respond passively to external stimuli. What we're hiding is... it's not just inheriting Grover's knowledge, it's inheriting Grover's psychic energy.

And because of the mutation just now, all these spiritual energies were mutagenized into negative spiritual energy. "

Qingkong's study at Oulu College is still fruitful.

Spiritual energy is divided into positive and negative.

Positive spiritual energy can give people a positive state; negative spiritual energy can accumulate various negative emotions, which is latent and contagious.

These two spiritual energies exist simultaneously in the human spirit.

Mental state spells are the amplification and utilization of these two kinds of mental energy.

It can be seen from Grover's life retrospect that his negative spiritual energy is a long process of accumulation and growth.After Rage City was driven into desperation step by step by Luke and broke out, after his powerful mental power was increased, it triggered the response of the Book of Calamity.

In the early research of the Book of Calamity, the Abyss Apostle was also continuously induced by negative spiritual energy, and walked towards the abyss step by step.

And it can be seen from the phenomenon just now that the Book of Calamity, as the door to the abyss, is not a one-way opening.As long as there is enough negative energy, the abyss will open its arms.

Qing Kong asked An Ye again: "Do you have anything to add?"

An Ye replied: "The reason we compete for it is because it is easy to control, and it has extremely powerful spiritual energy. It may become a very powerful weapon."

"Very good." Clear Sky praised the two cooperating dark night parasitic element iterations, and then said: "I know a secret technique that can enhance the spiritual power of your current hosts and greatly improve your strength.

The extent of improvement depends on what new things you think of and tell me. "

In front of Sheriff and Dark Night, two ice cubes appeared.

This dark night did not let the sheriff take the lead, she quickly said: "Miss Sunny Sky, as long as this thing has a way to control it, it can launch a mental attack on the target as you want. Confusion, anger, hallucinations, sadness... For a target with insufficient mental strength, you can directly seal its spirit and put it in a dark room."

The ice block in front of An Ye continued to grow bigger as she told.

"It's too small to underestimate its ability just for mental attacks." The sheriff curled his lips and said disdainfully, "You don't know how profound Grover's knowledge is, it's just a spiritual library.

Miss Skylight, you are a scholar, and as long as your mind is connected to this thing, you have access to Grover's treasure trove of knowledge. "

The ice in front of the dark night stopped growing, and the ice in front of the sheriff grew bigger.And it grew very fast, obviously his answer satisfied Qingkong even more.

An Ye said anxiously: "Of course I know that this thing contains a lot of knowledge, but Miss Qing Kong cannot directly own them, she must give instructions to this thing to find it.

I would even suggest giving it a target instruction, and let it collect the knowledge it needs to conduct spiritual simulation experiments.

Miss Weathering Sky, for example, if you let it develop a fireball, it can build a spell model for releasing fireball by itself.And it has powerful spiritual power, and it can also launch fireballs according to your instructions.

This thing is not just a mental attack. "

An Ye yelled at the sheriff with the last sentence, and the ice block in front of her had grown twice as long as the sheriff.

The sheriff bared his teeth in disdain again: "As Grover's parasite, I can help Miss Weatherlight obtain the ownership of this thing.

Can you? "

The ice in front of the sheriff skyrocketed.

Dark Night jumped onto his own ice block, waving his little paw at Clear Sky: "I can monitor whether he really let you take ownership of this thing."

Qingkong turned the ice cube in the dark night into the size of the sheriff, and said with a smile: "I like you so much. You two are really reckless if you don't go to Deyun Club!"



Spirit Orb is Qingkong's name for the ball of light inside the cup.

Then, with the assistance of two shadow parasitic iterations, Qingkong used his own spirit to connect with the spirit ball.

The spiritual line protruded from Qingkong's eyebrows.

The eyes of the Sheriff and Dark Night shot out light, and they used their mind control ability to adjust the frequency band of the mental power emitted by the clear sky.The spirit line oscillated and approached the spirit ball in the cup, ignoring the barrier of the glass wall to penetrate in.

Clear sky's spiritual thread pierces into the black hole in the eye of the spiritual sphere, and the vibration frequency of the thread is accelerated, and the amplitude is also greater.At this time, the originally quiet spirit ball became irritable, and the perfectly round sphere kept deforming, and the rays inside the sphere grew inward, as if being stimulated to close the black hole.

At this time, the Sheriff and An Ye continued to calmly control their mental connections like the most skilled surgeons.The spirit ball is very powerful for them, but it is still a low-level spirit creature, and it only needs skill to deal with it alone.

The irritable spirit ball gradually calmed down, and Qingkong, who was making a spiritual connection, received its response.

In a void, all kinds of negative emotions that make people feel suffocated rush to the face.They didn't launch an attack on the clear sky, but just formed a storm to rampage disorderly in this space.

"Miss Weather." The sheriff's voice sounded in the void: "Don't be affected by negative energies, they won't attack you."

Qing Kong didn't move, and said, "What to do next?"

"This is the consciousness space left after Grover's soul disappeared. An unknown force erased all traces of Grover and turned everything here into pure spiritual energy.

It also turned it into a spiritual creature, a very strange and powerful force. "

"Answer my question first."

The sheriff said in a very relaxed tone: "Miss Qingkong, you don't need to do anything. As long as you complete the spiritual connection, it will become very obedient."

The voice of the dark night came out: "Miss Qingkong, please rest assured, I will always monitor him."

The sheriff said angrily: "You don't need to look for a sense of presence here, it won't do me any good to kill Miss Qingkong!"

Qing Kong said: "Dark Night, if you do your job well, there will be no less rewards for you. Sergeant, concentrate on it."

"Yes, Miss Skylight."

"Yes, Miss Skylight."

The spiritual connection continued, and an inexplicable perception was generated in Qingkong's spirit.

The mental turmoil in the rampage turned into a whirlwind, spinning around the spiritual power seeping in from the clear sky.The speed of the whirlwind gradually weakened, slowly concentrated, and finally condensed into a spiritual artifact that stopped in front of Qingkong's spiritual power.

At this moment, the entire space is filled with stars.

Rows of bookshelves are presented in the vast spiritual space, and then combined into a satellite ring like a stadium stand.

Without being reminded by the sheriff, Qingkong knew that she had completed the spiritual connection with the spiritual ball, and she withdrew her spiritual power from the knowledge space of the spiritual ball.After the order was issued, the spiritual ball in the glass penetrated and flew to a shoulder-high position with Qingkong.

Without any follow-up orders, the spiritual ball will automatically rotate around the clear sky, like a planet revolving around a star.

The feeling of oneness is like the spiritual ball is a part of his body.

"It's amazing!" Clear Sky said with emotion.

The sheriff shook his stiff head and said, "Miss Weatherlight, this low-level spiritual creature is yours. Nothing can take it away from you without your will. My kind can prove what I said."

An Ye said truthfully: "Yes. Your spiritual connection with it is very strong, it can be said that it is now your spiritual extension.

As for how to use it, all we give is our inference, and the specific functions need to be discovered by yourself.

But I promise, it's a very useful spell output turret. "

Qingkong stretched out her hand, and the spiritual ball came to her palm, and then moved dexterously between her fingers with the palm of her hand.

"I like it very much! Even though it doesn't have any function, it's still a pleasing pet." Qing Kong played with the spirit ball: "I think the rewards for you should be increased, and you should have no objections."

"no disagreement."

Only a fool would object to increasing the reward.

With a wave of Qing Kong's hand, a piece of paper flew up from the prop shelf next to it, and then fell in front of the sheriff and An Ye.

"The added reward requires a mysterious item called the teardrop in the depths of the silent ocean. It is a very beautiful and large pearl. Now this pearl is in the imperial capital and is worn on a lady's necklace.

The address and the information of the other party are all on this piece of paper. If you bring it, I will be able to activate the secret technique rewarded to you. "

One cat and one mouse leaned over the paper to read.

Stealth, stealing... are what the Shadow Clan are good at, so when they heard about this task, they immediately inspired the nature of the Dark Night Parasite.

Not to mention stealing things for yourself.

However, the sheriff and An Ye exchanged glances.

"I'm not going to work with her."

"He'll hold me back."

But Qingkong insisted that they complete this mission together: "You two current hosts are very complementary, which can improve your success rate in completing the mission. The place you are going this time is not the home of ordinary people, but a magic trap. , guards, hounds, and finding the location of things in unfamiliar places and bringing them out are not something you can deal with alone.

Just now when you helped me with the spiritual connection, you cooperated very well. I absolutely believe that you will be a very suitable partner. "

Professionalism let the Sheriff and An Ye know that what Qing Kong said was right, and neither of them has the ability to deal with emergencies alone with their current strength.In an unfamiliar environment, what is most needed is another pair of eyes, another pair of ears, and another pair of hands...

"Okay, just this once."

"I'm going to ask Princess Del for leave and tell her... I'm going out with a cat to do something."

"I just like obedient children." Qingkong smiled successfully: "Now I will perform the secret technique for you, and give you the rewards you deserve, and the increased rewards will be paid immediately after you get the pearls.

There are also some equipment I have prepared for you, I hope you like it..."

Qingkong brought a box and took out a cat coat and many small tools from it.Looking at the level of precision, it is definitely not something that can be made in a day or two, nor is it a one-time appliance.

The Shadow Clan is the strongest assassin race in the world, but they hide in the underground world, and they are rarely seen.Now the sheriff and An Ye can be said to be seriously shrunken shadow assassins. Although they can't do the assassination work, they are definitely useful for stealing some small things.

At this moment, the gang of thieves who will alarm the entire imperial capital in the future accepted their first mission.

(End of this chapter)

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