Age of Arcane

Chapter 257 A Distinguished Guest

Chapter 257 A Distinguished Guest
Clear Sky uses a secret technique to buff Sheriff and Dark Night once, and sends them out to steal things.

As the capital of the Golden Shield Empire, Shenglun City has a very long history.Time is the best medium for creating mysterious items. The older something is, the easier it is to become an item with powerful mysterious energy.

Moreover, most of the owners of the mysterious props do not know the value of the items in their hands.The "Guide to the Most Valuable Mysterious Items in the City of Saint Lun" was compiled after rounds of raids by the players.Therefore, for Qingkong, coming to the imperial capital this time is really like entering a treasure house.

The strength of the main body should also be systematically improved.

Qingkong recalled the moment when the book of calamity ran away, the moment he released the golden spell, and felt that the strength of the main body should be carefully planned.

One of the purposes of Luke's trip to the lower city is to use the mysterious energy in the sewage reservoir to make a mysterious substance mixture.It was a dose of the only fifth-generation mysterious substance mixture recognized by players, named "Aria of Huoshaoyunchao Song".

After injecting this mixture of mysterious substances, one can obtain a perfect affinity for the fire element, and releasing fire magic is as gorgeous as using fire to burn clouds in the sky to compose music.

Now Luke's body is very compatible with fire and thunder because of the influence of Taotie and Jianglei Huotong, and thunder and fire can stimulate a complementary boost effect.Therefore, it is best for Luke's body to go along with these two attributes and perfect the thunder and fire specialization.

"Aria of Huoshaoyunchao Song" is a must.

It's just that the production process of this potion is very complicated, and the acquisition of some rare mysterious energies requires luck, which is not as common as the first-generation mysterious substance mixture.

The purpose of controlling the sewage reservoir is to ensure that when the needed rare mysterious energy appears, it can be collected and taken in hand at the first time.

Moreover, the "Aria of Huoshaoyunchao Song" cannot be injected directly, and four doses of different mysterious substance mixtures are required to gradually enhance the body's affinity for the fire element.Only when it reaches the best state can the full effect of "Aria of Huoshaoyunchao Song" be brought into full play.

The acquisition of "The Aria of Huoshaoyunchao Song" is a good start.As long as the sewage reservoir is taken down, the rest is a matter of time.

Qingkong is now considering the further strengthening of the main body's physique.

The troll bloodline has been with Luke for so long and has fulfilled its responsibilities. Luke's current physical strength is ready for another upgrade.

The first consideration is which stronger bloodline to use.

The new bloodline must have the continuity of the characteristics of the troll bloodline. If you make an elf bloodline for the main body, you will only get a four-faced image in the end.Give full play to the strengths of the bloodline, and fill in the shortcomings of the bloodline through strengthening in other aspects.

Just like planting a tree, let the trunk grow straight up, so that the tree can grow taller and bigger, with more room for branches and leaves.If the trunk grows crookedly, the more branches and leaves, the easier it is to crush itself.

Therefore, the power system of the era game is very complicated, and it is almost difficult to find the same player character in the later stage.When Luke practiced the clear sky, he didn't know how many times he reset the character to zero and re-trained, and finally he practiced a satisfactory clear sky.

Now Luke does not have the opportunity to return to zero and retrain, so when Qingkong was studying at the Oulu Academy, he had been preparing for the future improvement of the main body.

Going in the direction of the bloodlines of the trolls to the bloodlines of the dragons is a general direction of advancement.However, if the direct inheritance of the dragon lineage is too large, the body will definitely become a permanent dragon.With horns on its head, a tail behind it, and a body covered with scales, it looks more like a lizard than a dragon.

There are too many funny videos of this random inheritance of blood in Luke's phone.

Lava golems are otherworldly creatures that live in the heart of active volcanoes.With extremely strong physical strength and recovery ability, as well as good fire attribute magic attack ability, it is an extraordinary creature with strong combat effectiveness.

Killing a Lava Golem will give you a Lava Golem Heart.This thing can provide long-term, stable and sufficient heat energy for the steam engine, which is the best energy source for some precision steam engines.

And some people make lava cores as heat sources for room heating.Using this thing to keep warm in winter is safer than burning charcoal, and it can better demonstrate one's status and wealth.

To perform the lava troll lineage succession ceremony for Luke, Clear Sky needs a special lava magic heart as the subject of the secret technique.Fortunately, this lava demon heart is in the imperial capital of the Golden Shield Empire, but unfortunately its owner is the second prince of the empire.

No matter how awesome the Sheriff and An Ye are, it is impossible for them to steal that lava demon heart silently...they can't move it either.

This requires thinking of other ways.

Clear sky is sorting materials and tools in the laboratory.At this time, someone knocked on the door, and Bruce Ban's voice sounded outside: "Professor Qingkong, there is a special guest visiting, and he hopes to meet you."

"What's your name? What's its origin?" Qing Kong didn't stop what she was doing, nor did she open the door.

Bruce Ban replied: "The other party didn't say it, but Jared Knight drove all the visitors out of the museum, and the students and faculty were confined upstairs."

Qing Kong stopped with his hand in the air and asked, "What does he look like?"

"It's a very dignified old man, maybe a great noble..."

Before Bruce Ban could finish speaking, the door opened suddenly.Qing Kong came out thoughtfully, and murmured, "What is he doing here?"

Bruce Ban asked: "Professor Clear Sky, do you know this guest?"

Qingkong heard a sound from the other end of the corridor, and Dai'er was hiding on the other side of the corner and looking here quietly.

"It's not considered acquaintance yet!" Clear Sky said to Bruce Ban: "Go and tell the guests, just say that I just finished an experiment and need to go back to my room to change into decent clothes.

Let Jenny take good care of the students and stay in the college activity area honestly.Don't go downstairs!Do not do dangerous things! "

"Yes, Professor Qingkong."

Bruce Ban left, and Qingkong returned to his room.Before the door was closed, Daier got in.

"Scared me to death. I almost ran into Uncle Millscomb. Fortunately, I ran fast."

Dai'er lay on the door and carefully looked out, and when she saw no one outside, she slammed the door, looking like a frightened deer.

Qingkong took out a set of clothes from the Oulu College magic professor from the closet, and asked Daier: "Millscombe? The royal chief knight, the leader of His Majesty's close guard?"

"It's him. When I saw him enter the door, I knew my father was coming. Did he know that I was here and wanted to arrest me?"

"To catch you back, His Majesty doesn't need to come in person." Qing Kong wanted to take off her dirty clothes, but seeing Dai'er looking at her, she said, "What are you doing here?"

Dai'er stared at Qingkong intently: "My classmates said that you have a good figure, I want to see how it looks."

Qingkong's complexion turned black.

"Get out, or I'll hand you over to Milcombe right now."

"No, I'm leaving now."

Seeing that she couldn't see it, Dai'er just opened the door and ran out quickly after checking that there was no one outside.

Qingkong swept the door shut.

Don't worry, another layer of seal was added.

Leaving Dill here was like dropping a mouse dropping into a pot of good soup.The originally well-behaved students are now getting more and more skinny by her.

Dare to discuss the professor's figure behind his back, is the professor's figure for you to see?
It's just that Augustine came here at this time, what did he want to do?
The first floor of the museum was empty, and visitors who came to visit were kicked out.Jared led the royal knights and stood around in a very solemn manner, keeping his eyes on the old man strolling in the middle.

Augustine walked between the booths in casual clothes, stopping from time to time to look carefully at the cultural relics inside the glass cover, followed closely behind him by a tall and tall middle-aged man.

"Millscomb, the collections here are more and more precious than I imagined. I haven't been here for a few years, and it has become such a rich museum."

The chief knight of Millscombe replied in a respectful voice: "Your Majesty, the last time you came to this museum, Princess Agatha was just born."

"Oh? Has it been so many years?" Augustine couldn't help exclaiming: "How time flies! It seems that more than 20 years have passed before my eyes."

"Good memories are easier to remember."

"Yes! Those days are all good memories. I seem to have inexhaustible energy. When dealing with state affairs, I can still study ancient cultural relics collections, write poems, paintings, sculptures...

Agatha liked sculpture so much because of my influence.

It's just that as the child grows up, it doesn't let me worry more and more.Don't let me worry, even the most well-behaved Dai'er..."

Milcombe said: "Your Majesty, Princess Dale will return safely. I am her fencing teacher. She is very clever and very clever."

"I hope... I need her very much right now."

Millscomb said: "Your Majesty, I have also heard some rumors about Meteor and the Princess. These are obviously spread intentionally. Please be cautious, Your Majesty."

"Intentionally disseminated news may not necessarily be false..."

Augustine didn't continue talking because Qingkong had just walked down the stairs.

The short green hair half covered the sharp elf ears, and the green eyes revealed a disregard for the equality of all things in the world.Every step pushes out an invisible pressure, and there is the sound of ice cracking under the feet.

Milscomb stood in front of Augustine with the sword on his waistband, and said to Qingkong, "Please restrain your magic power, this is from the Empire..."

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Empire." Qing Kong saluted Emperor Augustine, and asked straightly: "Thank you for giving me the museum, I like it very much. Your visit was beyond my expectation, but the way you visited surprised me. Somewhat unhappy."

Augusta held out his hand for Millscomb to stand aside. He smiled and said, "My people are not considerate. Since it is a museum given to you, you are the owner of this place. Our people took the museum without permission." It is disrespectful to the host to drive out all the guests and block the place.

I apologize to you. "

At this time, Augustine had lost his edge in the court, and he even slightly bowed his head to apologize for the honorifics Qingkong used.

Just like a wise master who is thirsty for talents and respects the virtuous.

Qingkong took advantage of the situation and withdrew the magic power she released.Augustine is not in good health. If he gets frozen here, he can just run away overnight.

"I accept your apology. Your Majesty, you didn't come here to see these collections. There is a drinking room next to it. Let's talk there."

After walking for so long, Augustine was also tired.He followed Clear Sky to the drinking room, and glanced stealthily at Millscombe.

Millscomb shook his head slightly, expressing that he did not see Qingkong's strength.

It is also one of the purposes of Augustine's visit to observe whether Qingkong's strength is as strong as the legend says.A lot of information related to Qingkong came from Raging Waves City, boasting of Qingkong's strength beyond belief.

But her strength... Do I need to be afraid of it?

When we met for the first time, Augustine didn't get an answer.

When they came to the drinking room in the corner, Qing Kong poured a cup of tea for Augustine, and then sat opposite each other.

Augustine did not touch his teacup.

Qingkong knew that as an emperor, he would not eat and drink casually outside, so he didn't take it seriously, pouring tea was just a courtesy.

"Your Majesty, what do you want to talk about?"

Emperor Augustine said with a smile: "You must have guessed that I came here to talk about Agatha...but no!

Elves are a very long-lived race, while humans are short-lived among the known intelligent races in the world. A person will die with regrets if he has not experienced many things.

At my current age, I often can't help thinking about life and the meaning of life, but no one is qualified to give me this answer.

You are a scholar and I hear you are on a world tour.As an elf, you should be able to tell me something about life that I can't understand. "

Augustine's question is a very difficult question for Clear Sky to answer.After all, the combined ages of her and Luke are not as big as that of Augustine, so what qualifications do they have to answer such philosophical questions?

However, as a philosophical question, it seems to be quite easy to answer.

"Your Majesty, you only saw that elves are a long-lived race compared to humans. But in this world, there are many races that live longer than elves.

For example, dragons, they can calculate the time of one sleep in years; some species don't know what it is like to die.

But take a look, where do the dragons live?Where do elves live?And where do you humans live?
I have traveled around the world, and one thing recognized by all races is that the human race is opening a new era after the ancient civilization passed away.I have also been looking for the answer to a question, why can the human race live such a short life so brilliantly?
Please forgive me for not being able to answer your question, Your Majesty.Because the answer to the question lies in you, in the human race who created the new world. "

Qingkong's answer silenced Augustine.

Even Millscomb, who stood aside, was lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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