Age of Arcane

Chapter 258 Destroy it, hurry up, tired!

Chapter 258 Destroy it, hurry up, tired!

After a while, Augustine couldn't help applauding: "It's a wonderful point of view! The short lifespan makes the race cherish every stage of life. We start education almost from birth. When the children of other long-lived races enjoy their childhood, our children You must give up pleasure in advance.

The time of the human race cannot be wasted for a moment. In less than a hundred years, it is necessary to complete the journey of other races for hundreds or even thousands of years.We must be diligent, must continue to break through and create, and try our best to bloom all the energy of life before we die.

It's just that, Miss Qingkong, your point of view is based on a grand world view, while I care more about an individual's view of life.Just as there will be elves who are respected scholars at a young age like you, there are also people in the human race who hope to gain a longer life to continue to display their talents. "

Qingkong clearly understood the main purpose of Augustine's visit.

Now Augustine, like those emperors who were about to end their lives in ancient times, is trying every means to make himself immortal.

Unlike another world that has no way to extend life, this extraordinary world has many spells and techniques that can increase life, but there are certain risks and luck involved.

With Augustine's age and body, he took more risks.

For Clear Sky, this question is more difficult to answer than the previous one.

But Qing Kong still said: "Be born when you should be born, and die when you should die. If you don't give future generations a chance, how can you conclude that the future generations are not as good as the predecessors.

Besides, are people who think they are talented really talented?Can talented people become mediocre?
Your Majesty, in your current situation.If you want to prolong your life, you must not only risk death, but also give up your body as a human being.If you are successful, why do you rule a human empire? "

Qingkong's words were very sharp, especially the last sentence, which made Augustine unable to hide his anger.

Millscomb drew out his sword, and the sword was full of energy and light. He shouted at Qingkong: "Qingkong, Your Majesty treats you with courtesy. You dare to speculate and slander Your Majesty. You are guilty!"

Qingkong sat there, and said disdainfully: "Millscombe, I know you are very strong, but you are not my opponent. For the safety of your majesty, you should put away your sword.

If Your Majesty wants to punish me, I can fight you after Your Majesty has left. "

Millscombe is the chief knight of the royal family, and his strength is rated as five and a half stars in the era game. He is a very powerful character.

When Qingkong dealt with the Book of Calamity just now, he used up some battery power of his mobile phone. Although he can't help Millscombe now, he has no problem killing Augustine who is close at hand.

Of course, Millscombe didn't dare to risk Augustine's life. In addition to maintaining the majesty of the emperor, he also had the purpose of testing Qingkong's strength.It's just Qingkong's unmoved appearance, which made Millscomb fail to achieve his goal, and he didn't know how to end it.

When Millscomb didn't know whether to withdraw his sword, Augustine said: "Millscomb, stand down! Miss Weathering and I are discussing purely academically, so we should have something to say. Miss Weathering can speak so freely ,I am very happy."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Millscomb withdrew his sword and stepped back.

Augustine said to Qingkong: "Since we have reached this point, I will simply say what I think.

I don't want to live another hundred or thousand years, but if I can extend my life for ten or 20 years, I will be very satisfied.Now the empire is at a very critical juncture, and the continuity of power must be maintained to survive the crisis, and none of my sons... can bear the current heavy responsibility.

My current body can no longer work like it did when I was young, and what will happen to the empire in the future will only make my body more overwhelmed.

I heard that the apostles of the abyss and Dean Willed were mages at the same time, and after a hundred years, the apostles of the abyss are already very old, and the apostles of the abyss seem not to be affected by the years..."

"Your Majesty, your thoughts are very dangerous!" Qingkong issued a stern warning to Augustine: "It is true that embracing the abyss can gain unimaginable power, but you are also captured by the abyss. All the apostles of the abyss were respected Oulu before touching the abyss Mage, but after becoming an apostle of the abyss, he no longer has kindness and compassion.

Your Majesty, I just said... giving up your identity as a human will not do you any good to rule the empire.And I and the Oulu Academy will definitely regard you as a sworn enemy. "

Augustine did not give up: "I know that the Book of Calamity has been kept by you, but you don't seem to be affected by the Book of Calamity. And there are rumors that you know how to use the power of the Book of Calamity correctly."

"Rumors?" Qingkong couldn't help laughing: "Rumours are not what they meant after being spread by several people. I can use the Book of Calamity, but it has nothing to do with the abyss. I have never tried to open the abyss. Of course it will not be affected by the abyss.

Your Majesty, don't have any thoughts of trying to face the abyss, its power is not something that the known power of this world can compete with.Think of other ways, two abyssal apostles have already died in my hands, and more abyssal apostles will be killed by me in the future. "

Qingkong issued a blunt threat, which made Augustine uncontrollably angry again.

But I can only try my best not to show it.

"Thank you Miss Qingkong for your suggestion, I will consider it carefully."

Augustine did not indicate that he no longer thought about the Book of Calamity.After all, it can be determined from historical data that all the abyssal apostles who received the power of the abyss have all safely obtained enhancements in body and lifespan.The allure was high for Augustine, especially since he knew his time was short.

As for the side effects...

Everyone has a fluke mentality, and Augustine the Great is more confident in his psychological quality of having seen big winds and waves, and believes that the majesty of the emperor is enough to resist the influence of the abyss on the mind.

It's just a mental mutagenesis.

As long as the lifespan is obtained, these can be resolved in subsequent treatments.

Qing Kong said: "I hope it is a positive and careful consideration."

"It must be positive." Augustine replied with a smile, and then threw an olive branch to Qingkong: "The empire will fight several important wars in the next few years. I answer magical questions I encounter.

I think Agatha will be delighted to see you often at court. "

Qingkong refused without even thinking about it: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I am currently preparing for the establishment of the St. Lun City Branch for Oulu College, and I am also in charge of several large-scale occult research projects. And I am not interested in politics, I just want to do my best. Spend more time on study.

I believe there must be many mages in the Empire who are more qualified for this position than me. "


For Augustine the Great, the process of meeting Qingkong this time was very bad.None of the purposes of coming here were achieved, and he was taught a lesson by the other party for ignoring his majesty as an emperor.

Very poor experience.

This also means that Qingkong and Meteor are both firmly on Agatha's side, which makes Augustine even more annoyed.

Augustine left with a very bad expression, and the royal knights and palace guards who escorted him evacuated.The curious students all ran down and asked around the clear sky... what kind of big man came.

While the clear sky was dealing with the students, Augustine was on his way back to the palace in a carriage.

Millscomb sat across from him, watching the street outside through the car window.Ever since Princess Dai'er was attacked in the imperial city last time, the royal knights and palace guards were in a state of panic, not to mention that the escort this time was the emperor.

About halfway through the journey, Augustine suddenly asked Milcombe, "If you face a clear sky, what are your chances of winning?"

Millscomb recalled the several secret contests he had experienced with Qingkong, and then replied: "Your Majesty, Qingkong has very strong control over her power. When I sat with you, I even thought she was a very ordinary mage. You can kill her.

Although I can do it, I absolutely cannot suppress the power for such a long time, and it is impossible to behave so naturally. "

Milcombe didn't answer Augustine's question directly, but Augustine could hear his lack of confidence.

Clear Sky made many shots in Raging Waves City.

Destroying the Tower of Rage, killing the Abyss Mage, killing the Abyss Apostle, and killing Grover, once forced Rage City to offer her a reward of one billion Imperial Marks.However, what can be confirmed is that the top-level bounty hunter group Crazy Boiling was destroyed by her group, and the mechanical creature Boiling was repaired and fell into the hands of Meteor.

What made people even more scruples was her battle with Dean Willred.

Although no one saw it at the scene, Oulu College would not lie about Dean Willred's reputation like this.

"Sneak attack and siege, okay?"

This sword hanging over his head made Augustine very uncomfortable.

Milcombe said after careful consideration: "Your Majesty, Qingkong is not just an elf. She has the Oulu Academy behind her, and she is the candidate for the next president of the academy approved by Dean Willred.

And the eldest princess and meteor...

Once it fails, there will be unbearable consequences for the empire. "

Augustine closed his eyes tiredly, and after a while he let out a long sigh: "Agatha, Agatha... I have to admire your layout, if you don't solve the Brotherhood of Blades first, I will As long as you have nothing to do."

"Your Majesty..." Milcombe asked softly, "If the relationship between Meteor and the Eldest Princess is rumored, it is understandable that he is loyal to the Eldest Princess, but why did Qingkong reject you?

It is a great honor to be the Imperial Court Spell Advisor, and it will be very helpful for her to successfully serve as the dean of the Oulu Academy in the future. Even Dean Willred has the title of Imperial Court Spell Advisor. "

Augustine suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were angry and fierce: "Because Agatha is young! Because Agatha wants to be queen!

Now everyone wants me to die soon.I can get out of this stage when I'm dead, and they clowns can do their farce!
cough cough..."

The outburst of accumulated anger caused Augustine to cough violently.

Millscomb immediately comforted Augustine's back: "Your Majesty, I made a slip of the tongue, please don't be angry. We all hope that you are in good health..."

"It's true that you want me to be healthy." Augustine calmed down a little, and adjusted his mood: "But it's not necessarily the case for other people...

My current body may not be able to survive the Celtics, and the Eternal Life Secret Art of the Extraordinary Species Cultivation Center and the Cross Society can't reassure me.Now the safe and feasible way to increase lifespan is to go through the abyss. "

Milcombe said worriedly: "But the abyss is too dangerous. The powerful Oulu Academy a hundred years ago was almost destroyed."

"It's different now than it was ten years ago, let alone a hundred years ago. And it's the last ditch that all methods can't do... At least accepting the energy of the abyss can keep the human appearance." Civil war, foreign enemies and the court gave Augustine too much After thinking deeply for a while, he asked Milcombe: "Agatha said that the Temple of the Abyss has a group of abyss mages in the empire, and an apostle of the abyss leads them. Can you find him?"

Millscombe panicked even more: "Your Majesty! The Empire is about to break out of a full-scale war with the Celtic Grand Duke. The Temple of the Abyss is standing on the side of the Tedgar Hills. Please consider carefully!"

The headache made Augustine rub his head: "Millscombe, you have been with me for so long, you should understand...friends and enemies will change upside down due to different times and different places.

As the emperor of the empire, I have to make a comprehensive consideration from the height of the empire.The current empire cannot bear the consequences of not having me, and I must fulfill the duties entrusted to me by history, no matter what the price is.Even if I die, I will hand over a country without hidden dangers to my son! "

"Your Majesty, you can actually consider..."

Seeing that Millscomb hadn't continued, Augustine asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Milcombe finally said nothing.Royal family affairs are not something that an outsider can discuss casually, although His Majesty trusts him very much.

Augustine glanced at Millscombe, and didn't ask any more questions.

The carriage fell into silence, and the team passed through a city gate, and then entered the palace through the barrier.

At No. 236, Copper Mulberry Avenue, Luke received the feedback from the clear sky, and was also surprised that Augustine's emergency medical treatment turned his attention to the Book of Calamity.

It seems that the pressure I put on him is really great!

And Augustine left angrily, knowing that he would never let it go.

Originally, I thought that transferring the conflicts in the palace would relieve Agatha's pressure, but I didn't expect Agatha's pressure to be relieved, but the subsequent joint reaction pushed the pressure to Qingkong.

Isn't the pressure of the clear sky equal to the pressure of oneself?

A headache!
Controlling the sewage reservoir in the lower city; finding the murderer who attacked Princess Dai; paying attention to the Leo war situation; paying attention to the civil war in the empire; paying attention to the changes in the palace;

Now Augustine has to get involved again.

Destroy it, hurry up, tired!

"Governor..." At this time, Karina walked into the governor's office in the study room: "The headquarters of the Imperial Secret Service has handed over all the files and relevant personnel related to the disappearance of Princess Dai. Captain Shelley transformed the basement into a In the dungeon, he is preparing to interrogate the suspect with Pisco.

My lord, look..."

The look in Karina's eyes made it very clear, if you don't worry about it, Shelley and Pisco will solve the case.

The collapsed Luke quickly jumped up from the chair: "Go, take me to the dungeon!"

(End of this chapter)

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