Age of Arcane

Chapter 269 Case in Case

Chapter 269 Case in Case

Quick Legs took the information, saluted Luke silently, and then went to check the dead and the items found from the ruins of the fire.

Sinclair picked up a blackened brick from the ground, observed the outside first, and then opened it to look inside.

Then he said to Luke: "Governor Meteorite, there are at least five ignition points in this fire, and the temperature is far higher than ordinary fire. The other party intends to burn the corpse to wipe out the traces. I am afraid it will be difficult to find useful things here. The Public Security Bureau deliberately conceals the situation here. , I don’t know if someone coerced them.”

Luke continued to search for the silky feeling slowly among the ruins.Regarding Sinclair's inference, he replied: "Since the other party is sure to burn all the clues, there is no need to ask the Public Security Bureau to help conceal it.

With so many people dead, and in the imperial capital, it is reasonable for the Public Security Department to handle it like this.After all, this is a time of war, causing panic in the imperial capital, and many people will be punished.

However, it is not ruled out that the Public Security Bureau knows other secrets.

Your Highness, if my people go to the Public Security Bureau to inquire, they may not tell me the truth.Leave it to me to search for clues here, you go to the Public Security Department now and ask them what else they know? "

Sinclair looked at such a large fire scene and knew that searching for clues here would not be something that could be accomplished in a short time.Moreover, the Public Security Department is indeed a little abnormal, and we should ask them clearly about the things they concealed.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here. I'll go to the Public Security Department, and no matter what they know, I'll ask you."

Sinclair departed with his entourage.

Luke walked to a pile of rubble, and peeled away the broken bricks above, and saw a pile of powder underneath, which looked like the residue of burnt charcoal.Luke asked his subordinates to bring an evidence bag and a shovel, scooped out some powder and poured it into the evidence bag.

I found a few more places and found similar powder.

If anyone else saw these things, they would have thought they were left over from burning wood and missed them, but Luke recognized them as a material in some kind of occult ritual.

This secret technique is related to the abyss, and naturally it is also related to the temple of the abyss.

After Kuaileg inspected the remains of the corpse, he came over with a happy face.

"My lord, my friend is not inside, he is still alive!"

"Are you sure?" Luke was also very happy to hear this news. If the fast-legged friend was still alive, he would know why these stab blades were killed here by the Abyss Temple.

Quick Legs said: "Although the corpses were destroyed before being burned, and the murderer took away their identities, none of these corpses match the characteristics of my friend.

I'm sure he's not inside, he should have escaped, but it's inconvenient to contact me.


"What else did you find?"

Quick Legs replied: "Leader Samuel should not be inside either. He suffered a head injury, and I was beside him when he was treated. According to the examination of the skull scars, there is no deceased who fits the characteristics of Leader Samuel."

Luke found Samuel's information in the mobile phone data.

His real name is: Meredith Spindle, former head of the Brotherhood of Blades' Assassin's Lodge in San Lun.Later, the Brotherhood of Blades revoked the Assassin's Cabin, and some assassins directly under the Brotherhood were renamed the Blades. Samuel was the leader of the Blades in St. Lun City.

Samuel's comprehensive strength is rated as a regular five-star level, but his partiality is very serious. He is extremely good at hiding and sneaking, and can even use subspace to move.He is a slippery guy like a loach, very difficult to deal with.

In addition, there are some exclusive information in the information that only players know.

Samuel's power comes from demons.During a mission, he accidentally released a sealed ancient demon, and signed a soul contract with the demon.

The contract stipulates that Samuel's soul after death belongs to the demon, and the demon shares part of his power with Samuel.

Samuel, who gained the power of demons, jumped from an ordinary assassin of the Brotherhood of Blades to a top assassin.But Samuel thought about rescinding that contract all the time, so that he could rest in peace after death.

But demons are the main race of purgatory civilization, and the soul transaction contract is signed through the ancient purgatory language and witnessed by the artifact red flame torch.Unless the demon voluntarily terminates the contract, Samuel has no way to terminate it through other means.

But with the artifact lost, is the Red Flame Torch's ability to supervise the contract still so unbreakable?
Luke's contemplation made Quick Legs ask in a low voice, "My lord, what are we going to do next?"

Whether the demon's soul contract can be released through external force, you need to ask Banat in Dragon Ball.If it really doesn't work... just lure that demon out, and let Qingkong, who is full of levels and full of state, stab him from behind.

Luke said to Kuaileg: "This fire should be related to the Abyss Temple, whether there is a conflict between the Abyss Temple and the Thorn Blade, or there are other secrets, you must find your friend to find out what happened here.

If possible, find Samuel and tell him... I can bring peace to his soul.

Whether to see me or not is up to him. "

Kuaileg didn't know the meaning of the words the governor told him to tell Samuel, but out of trust in Meteor, he didn't ask further.

"Yes, Governor. If my friend is really okay, he will definitely find a way to contact me. I will also find a way to find Samuel and tell him what you said."

"Go ahead. Give old Adrian another 1000 million Reichsmarks, and just say that I'm not satisfied with their efficiency. I've lost a lot of money by waiting these days."

"Yes, my lord!"

Quick Legs received an order to do things, and Luke continued to lead people to look for clues in the ruins.

His intuition told him that there must be a big event hidden behind this case, and the Abyss Temple must not be allowed to cause major troubles in the imperial capital.

Luke supervised the spies to clean up the ruins, but it didn't take long for Agatha's men to arrive.

The eldest princess asked Governor Meteor to go to Tulip Manor.

Thinking about what she had done these past few days, Agatha couldn't sit still.

Then go meet and hear what she knows?
Luke left some spies to continue to control the clean-up of the scene, let the combination of sandpaper and Kestrel beautiful girls hold the line here, and took Shelley and Pisco to drive to Tulip Manor.

With subordinates like Meteor, Shangguan must always pay attention to his blood pressure.

Agatha couldn't figure out what Meteor was doing in Raging City, and when he came to Saint Lun City, she found that she still couldn't figure out Meteor right under her nose.

The eldest prince sent Sinclair to the Sixth Office of the Secret Service to assist in the investigation of Princess Dai's attack. Not only did Meteor never refuse, but his relationship with Sinclair was also very hot.

Yesterday he brought Sinclair to pay a surprise visit to the Second Prince.I don't know what he said to the second prince. The second prince was so scared that he came to Tulip Manor overnight to talk about the relationship between siblings.

He also sent a large number of precious gifts to Miss Sunny Sky.

With the cabinet, the trade volume between the two sides has continued to rise, and contradictions and interests coexist.The capital of Gabriel can't stop more and more new aristocrats from considering the Reform Society of Raging Waves City as a new faction of their own... The money is really too sweet.

Father Emperor never gave up the idea of ​​having him in his pocket.

When Meteor was in Raging Waves City, these people regarded him as a thorn in his flesh; how long did Meteor come to Saint Lun City, and how could he please everyone so quickly?
Agatha couldn't figure it out, really couldn't figure it out.

Seeing Meteor this time, Agatha still chose regular clothes, but added female officers and attendants.

She heard some rumors about herself and Meteor in the palace, she knew that those were all false, but the rumors spread by man could not be explained clearly.

Therefore, you can only pay attention when you see meteorites, and the location is also chosen in an open garden.

Arriving Luke saluted Agatha, and the surrounding guards opened the barrier under Agatha's signal, creating a private conversation space for the two.

Luke and Agatha sat down on either side of a crystal coffee table, and a floating teapot filled their cups with black tea.

"Last night, there was a large-scale power outage in a part of the city of St. Lun, and a serious fire broke out in this area, and many people died inside.

Originally, this case should be handled by the Sheriff's Department, but I just got word that you and Sinclair drove out all the sheriffs there.

Why? "

Luke was a little unaccustomed to this kind of conversation environment. The light film that formed the barrier was shaking, and the outside was full of servants and guards, making himself and Agatha like two monkeys on display inside.

But it was arranged by Agatha, and Luke couldn't say anything.

Anyway, he was not the only one being watched.

Luke's answer to Agatha's question: "I got definite information that all the corpses in those fires were stabbing blades of the Brotherhood of Blades in the imperial capital. I was afraid that the Public Security Bureau would not know the inside story and destroy important clues, so I took over on the spot."

Agatha asked again: "But why did Sinclair say that this incident is related to the attack on Princess Del?"

Luke saw that Agatha was not surprised that all the dead were stabbed blades, so he said: "I lied to him that this case is related to the case of Princess Dai, and asked him to help me get rid of the people from the Public Security Department. It is the imperial capital, not the city of Raging Waves.

Your Highness, you seem to have known about the stabbing blade of the Brotherhood of the dead? "

"Poor Sinclair!" Agatha sighed for her nephew, and then answered Luke's question: "With the decline of the Brotherhood of Blades, the Brotherhood of Blades has become riddled with holes. More or less penetrated, and of course the Bureau of Secrets also developed some insiders.

Yesterday, the leader of the thorn blade in the city of St. Lun summoned the high-level thorn blade to arrange the tasks assigned by the brotherhood.All parties were waiting for the news inside, but the fire suddenly ignited.After putting out the fire, it was discovered that all the stabbing blades inside were dead.

And the people watching from a distance didn't notice any fighting in this area, and all the bayonets died in the warehouse... Even the 'Raven' sent by the Bureau of Secret Affairs couldn't do it so cleanly. "

"Raven" is the highest-level and most secret unit of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets. Except for Agatha and the players, no one knows how many people there are in "Raven" and what their real identities are.

It is inconceivable that so many advanced bayonets died concentrated in one warehouse.

Luke knew that he needed Agatha's support in this case, so after weighing it, he said some information that only he knew.

"The person who killed these stabbing blades may be the Temple of the Abyss!"

"Abyss Temple? What basis do you have?"

Luke said: "Your Highness, you just said that even if you use the 'Raven', you can't kill so many high-level bayonets so cleanly, so the only ones who can kill them are 'your own people'.

Set up an ambush in advance and act quickly! "

Agatha nodded: "It makes sense. If Celt thinks that the stabbing blades of Saint Lun City cannot be trusted, it is indeed possible to order the Abyss Temple to kill them all.

But this is only a reasonable inference.To deal with it, we need clearer facts. Do you have evidence? "

"I found some suspected mystical remnants at the scene. Miss Skylight knows the Abyss Temple very well, and she also presides over the Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts. If you give those things to them for analysis, they should be able to analyze what they are."

Agatha said: "Then ask Miss Skylight to assist as soon as possible. The stabbing blades in St. Lun City are dead, and the task of the Brotherhood of Blades must be transferred to the Abyss Temple to take over. We must know what they want to do in order to take precautions.

These abyss mages hide too deep. If they can be found, they can concentrate their strength to wipe out all the enemies around them. "

Luke knew where the abyss mages were hiding, but their hiding places were too scattered, and he didn't have the power to kill them all.Even with Agatha's assistance, she couldn't explain how she knew these locations.

Therefore, if we want to eliminate these abyss mages, we still need an opportunity.

Luke said to Agatha: "Let's wait for Miss Skylight's analysis first, and then find the remaining members of the Brotherhood in Saint Lun City, and see if we can get some clues related to the fire from them."

"I've already sent someone to do it." The matter came to an end for a while, and Agatha asked Luke, "What did you and Sinclair do when you went to the Second Prince's house yesterday? Why was he so nervous, and even... wanted to Unite with me to deal with the First Prince."

Luke asked amusedly: "The second prince really wants to unite with you?"

Although it is not easy to tell outsiders about this kind of thing, the cause of the incident is the meteor. Agatha wanted to know the inside story, so she told Luke about her meeting with the second prince.

"Father ordered the First Prince to take charge of the war against the Celtic Grand Duke on the southern front, and the Northern Legion is also a staunch supporter of the First Prince. Most of the most elite troops in the empire have come into his hands.

This preference has already made the second prince feel a little intimidated. If you and Sinclair are so close, he must be even more afraid.If the eldest prince has military power and the financial support of Raging Waves City, the entire court will fall to one side.

That's why the Second Prince came to me in such a hurry and asked if I could still control you. "

Luke asked, "How did His Highness answer?"

Agatha said: "I want to hear what you want to do first. There is a bottom line for my cooperation with you. I will not allow you to treat the empire as a toy that you can play with at will."

(End of this chapter)

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