Age of Arcane

Chapter 270 People Outside the Chess Game

Chapter 270 People Outside the Chess Game

"Your Highness, your evaluation of me is somewhat exaggerated!"

"No, I don't think it's an exaggeration. If what you have now is not important to you, destroying the empire is just a matter of your thought at this time. Half of the nervousness when the second prince came to see me was pretended by him , while the other half is true.

The feeling you give me... is that standing outside the chess game in this world, you can see things that we chess pieces on the board cannot see.

There is no confusion and hesitation that should be in it! "

In order to get rid of Meteor, Agatha never stopped studying him.As more and more information was transmitted from Raging Waves City, the trajectory of Meteor's rise in Raging Waves City became clearer and clearer.

And the more she knew about Meteor, the more Agatha was in awe of him.

If he wasn't a prophet, he was a strategist like no one else has ever seen.Everyone's actions are under his control, and they will walk to the set position according to the path he has set.Even if some of them wanted to break free, they still couldn't escape the fate arranged for him by Meteor.

He did not break the original rules of Raging Waves City, but used those rules to complete his dictatorship.

If there were only these, Agatha would not have given Meteor such a high evaluation.

Meteor's ability is not limited to strategy and fighting, his governance of Raging Waves City is even more amazing.

According to common sense, when a city undergoes such an earth-shaking power change, there will definitely be a period of decline.But this kind of situation did not appear in Raging Waves City. The economic situation of Raging Waves City only experienced a very brief shock, and then quickly soared into the sky.

The reason why this happened is because Meteor had made sufficient preparations before seizing power.

When he took over the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District, Raging Waves City, he vigorously organized and promoted technical colleges to train low-level skilled workers in a short and fast manner.After gaining a certain amount of power, they use their own power to solve work problems for skilled workers.He even took the initiative to help skilled workers, and negotiated salary and treatment with factory owners.

Now, Yanyang Technical School has covered the entire Raging Waves City, and has opened two advanced technical colleges to train senior technicians.Yanyang Technical School has become a bridge between the lower-level people in the city and the factory owners. The factory owners save themselves the trouble of training qualified workers, and the unemployed at the bottom have a way to make a living.

The decrease in the number of unemployed people has made the security situation in the entire Raging Waves City very good.Even the famous Haijiao District has seen a good situation where no homicides occurred for three consecutive days.Good security and superior geographical location make Raging Waves City have an excellent investment environment.

There is an industrial system, there are skilled workers, there is a big market facing the entire Golden Shield Empire, and there are preferential policies for foreign investment... Basically, as long as you bring money, you can quickly set up a factory in Rage City and make money.

In addition, Meteor has enforced the ten-hour working system and Sunday rest system in Raging Waves City, and set up a labor dispute arbitration office in the city's government affairs office to ensure the rest time and due remuneration for bottom-level workers.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is simply bleeding from the factory owner with a knife.However, Meteor insisted on relying on the power of killing when he seized power, to promote this policy in the city of Raging Waves.

Then the factory owners found that they had not lost much.After a period of time, I found that the sales of products produced by my factory increased greatly.Many people found it extremely inconceivable, and Agatha also found it inconceivable when she saw this phenomenon.

The sinking of wealth not only did not reduce the wealth of the upper class, but increased it.For the entire city, the increase in consumption power represents the increase in the city's prosperity. After upgrading the city's infrastructure, for the world's rich, Raging Waves City is simply a comfortable residence to show their status.

For talents, Raging City, which is open and has a strong development momentum, is the place where their dreams can be realized.

The empire's court is not limited to power struggles, and more and more ministers and officials have begun to discuss how to learn from the model of Raging City.When Emperor Augustine publicly talked about Meteor and Raging City, he was full of praise.

But these are not all of Meteor's abilities.

He spelled out the world's first all-metal warship for actual combat with a method more fantastic than magic. The Raging Waves City Fleet and Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet became the world's first fleet equipped with all-metal metal warships.

The sea strength of Raging Waves City left its competitors far behind, making this sea area the safest waterway in the world.

He established an excellent rapport with the World Bank, convincing the World Bank to make a full-fledged investment in Rough City.

He even has the strength to reach out to neighboring countries. The Leo Republic is losing its maritime competitiveness with the Golden Shield Empire, and it is unknown whether it will survive in the future.

And the unbreakable bond between him and the elf Qingkong.

Such a person, if his heart is for the empire, the empire will be invincible.

If he had other plans, the empire would most likely become a poor toy.

Who is he?

What does he want to do?
Agatha wanted an answer.

In the enchantment of the garden, neither of them spoke. They sipped tea slowly as if they were enjoying the sunshine, flowers and those exquisite sculptures.

After an unknown amount of time, Luke put down his teacup and said to Agatha, "You're right, I'm an outsider, so I can see things you can't see. As for my purpose...Every stage, my The goals are all different.

In Raging City, I just want to have a safe nest.

Now, I want to see what kind of situation this chess game of the empire can finally come out of.

Who can Megatron Quartet?

Who can sweep Liuhe?

Who can expand the territory?
Who can aspire to the throne?

Or... falling apart, people dying, people who were once glorious, went to the guillotine one by one! "

Luke answered, and Agatha's heart skipped a beat at every word he said.Those are the reasons for his hesitation in the face of the unknown future, but for him it is just a different ending.

At this moment, Agatha suddenly felt that what she pursued in her life was so small.The rise and fall or the passing of a huge empire is really nothing to this world...

Agatha took a long breath.

"Thank you for sharing that no matter what the future holds, we are all participants and creators.

As the princess of the empire, I have my unshirkable responsibility.Having fulfilled my responsibilities, I will no longer worry about where the empire will go in the future.

This is an era full of unknowns, an era where everyone can shine.

Thank you, Meteor! "

"You're welcome, I just want you to know where I stand. You just looked like you were going to kill me immediately."

Agatha, who was seen through, said embarrassedly: "I have always wanted to kill you, but I can't bear the consequences of killing you. Now let's talk about the second prince..."

Luke and Sinclair's visit makes Alec feel the crisis.Facing the eldest prince who wanted to win strongly, Alec chose to unite with Agatha.If Agatha can still control the meteor, Alec will be able to stabilize the evenly matched situation with this strong support.

It's just that Agatha didn't give Alec a clear answer.

After Agatha finished her meeting with the second prince, Luke asked, "Do you want to inherit the empire and sit on the throne?"

Agatha didn't show too much emotion, as if she knew she would have to face this problem after all.

"Before you came to the imperial capital, I never thought about this question. Because I am a woman, the resistance is not only my father, but also the enfeoffed nobles, army generals, and court ministers.

They are all men, would they bow their heads to a woman?

But my father's vigilance against me made me think about this question, but there was still no answer...until I heard what you just said.

Let me also enjoy this process, do what I should do, and see who can aspire to the throne, or be pushed to the guillotine. "

At this time, Agatha swept away the gloom and murderous intent hidden in the first meeting, and her whole body exuded the heroism and determination to leave her mark on this era.

As she just said: This is an era where everyone can shine.

Don't ask about success or failure, just enjoy the process.

Luke sees an Agatha years later.The empire collapsed, and Agatha was fighting with all parties in the city of St. Lun, which was like this.

That charm fascinated countless players, who devoted themselves to her plot and fought for the empire at dusk.

Luke said: "It seems that you know how to reply to the second prince."

Agatha replied: "All along, I have never intervened in their brothers' quarrel. If you do not intend to intervene, I will reply him truthfully.

Maintaining the security of the empire is what I should do. "

"I didn't intend to get involved in the fight between your two brothers, but..." Luke paused here, and after arousing Agatha's curiosity, he said, "Fania is the mastermind behind the attack on Princess Dai. "

Agatha's face changed drastically: "How could Fania do something to Dai, do you have evidence?"

"There is no evidence, but my temptation to Fania and his response made me sure it was him."

Agatha asked: "Fania sent Sinclair to you because you tempted him? How did you do it?"

Facing Agatha's questioning, Luke replied: "I stand outside the chess game in this world, and I can see things that the chess pieces on the board cannot see.

The death of the suspect Sam was my temptation to Fania, and then I did something to force him to respond, he knew I knew it was him..."

"he knows?"

"I know these are hard to convince you. I am going to push the attack on Princess Dai to the Abyss Temple, and then invite Fania to send people to help destroy the Abyss Mage in the imperial capital.

This is a good opportunity for him to get out of trouble. It can not only close the case of Princess Dai'er's attack, but also use the hands of the abyss mage to kill those assassins. "

Agatha asked: "Are you sure Fania will use those assassins? Maybe those assassins have been silenced long ago."

Luke said with a smile: "The Bureau of Secret Intelligence has not found any clues to the assassins who attacked Princess Dai for so long because they all lived in the military camp.

The eldest prince controls a city guard army through the Joshua family, and all the dead soldiers he trained in the northern border are in this guard army. That's why he knows that Princess Dai'er can quickly organize an attack after leaving the palace. reason.

Because these assassins are all soldiers, it is impossible for the eldest prince to kill people on a large scale, so the best way to kill them is to borrow a knife to kill them.

I invite him to destroy the Abyss Temple, and he will definitely send out these assassins... At that time, it is enough for Princess Dai to hide and identify people. "

Agatha nodded as Luke described the plan.

Now she basically believed Meteor's accusation against the First Prince.The city guards, palace guards, and royal knights are the three main guards of Shenglun City.Because of the death of his wife, the eldest prince has great influence in the military, and a part of the city's garrison is under his direct command.

The military didn't like the Secret Service, so the city garrison was a blank slate for investigation.If the assassins were hidden in the army, it would be difficult for spies to find them.

Now Meteor has involved the whole people in this case, leaving these assassins in their hands is like a bomb that will explode at any time.The eldest prince cannot let a large number of soldiers disappear for no reason, and using the "hand" of the Abyss Temple to silence them is a way to prevent future troubles.

At that time, you only need to find someone who has met these assassins and secretly identify them.The face can be covered, some physical features and magical features can be evidence...

Agatha only noticed a name at this time.

"You mentioned Princess Dai just now?"

Luke said: "Princess Dai has been among the retreating assassins for a long time, and she should remember some of the characteristics of the assassins. Let her identify, and you will definitely believe what I say."

"That's not the point..." Agatha stared at Luke: "Princess Dai has been missing for a long time, how can you be sure that she can appear there at that time for identification?"

Luke looked at Agatha with a smile and said, "Princess Dai is now a student at the St. Lun City Branch of Oulu College. You can call her over anytime you need her identification."

At this time, Agatha's expression was very complicated, and she wanted to pounce on Luke and strangle Luke to death.

"You mean... I was looking for Dai'er all over the city, and when I was so worried that I couldn't eat or sleep, you not only found Dai'er, but also hid her with Miss Weatherlight?"


"Don't you think it's too much for you to do this?"

Luke said casually: "Your Royal Highness, at that time you were the biggest suspect in attacking Princess Dai, and I don't know the role played by the First Prince.

With no one to trust, I can only hand Daile to Miss Weatherlight.

Don't worry... On the night Princess Dai ran away, Miss Sunny Sky locked her location and I caught her.I personally protected her and handed her over to Miss Weatherlight unharmed.

Princess Dai was unharmed and had a great time. "

"You said Dai'er ran away?" Agatha now had the urge to strangle Dai'er to death again.

"For the specific situation, you should ask her. But during this time, let her stay with Miss Weathering Sky.

After all the damned people are dead, the eldest prince will not do anything to her again. "

Agatha was thoughtful after listening to Luke's words.

In the current situation, the First Prince cannot be moved because of Princess Dai'er.But whether to avenge Dai'er or not depends on his own attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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