Age of Arcane

Chapter 271 Cornerstone

Chapter 271 Cornerstone
Agatha thought for a while, and said to herself: "It seems that my answer to the second prince...needs to be changed."

Luke heard Agatha's intentions, and expressed his attitude: "I'm still on your side and will fully cooperate with you. If there are no other important things, I will go back. There are too many troubles here.

I really want to go back to Raging Waves City!

Sunshine, sand and wine are the life I want. "

Agatha smiled and said: "It's just that many people don't want you to go back, this is the stage for you to play.

Thank you again. The disappearance of Daier has always been a burden in my heart. Her kindness is the most precious thing in the Augustine family. I will protect her no matter what. "

Luke stood up and saluted Agatha: "Beautiful things are worth protecting by everyone, especially the noble character that we all lack. I am very glad to have talked with you so much from the bottom of my heart, and I wish you all the best.

Farewell! "

"Looking forward to meeting you next time."

Agatha waved her hand, telling the surrounding guards to remove the barrier, and then watched Luke leave along the path in the garden.

The personal lady came to Agatha's side and asked in a low voice, "Your Highness, do you have any orders?"

"I want to see the second prince, please arrange it."

"Is it a secret meeting?"

"No, it's my sister who went to visit my brother."

The female officer nodded and said, "I understand, Your Highness."

"Withdraw all those monitoring the meteor."

The female officer asked puzzledly: "Your Highness, Meteor is a key figure that all parties are fighting for. If he betrays, it will put you in a very dangerous situation."

Agatha said easily: "Meteor and I do not have loyalty or betrayal, trust is the cornerstone of a stable relationship.

What information did you find about those rumors? "

The female officer replied: "According to our investigation, the source of these rumors should be the cabinet. Meteor's loyalty to you has given these rumors a very high power of transmission.

Some people say that Princess Dai'er disappeared because of..."

Knowing the whereabouts of Princess Dai, Agatha stopped worrying about these fabricated rumors, but considered the changes in the court after Princess Dai's return.

After the Abyss Temple was blamed, the court struggle caused by Princess Dai'er's attack has subsided.On the other hand, he was pushed into the vortex of the two princes' struggle by the meteorite, and became the strong support of the inferior second prince.

Meteor will also establish a preliminary relationship of trust with the eldest prince because of this incident, and become an existence that will step on all boats in the imperial capital and will not easily fall into the water.

But Agatha could feel that Meteor was doing all this to prepare to backstab the First Prince at a critical moment, and that blow would definitely make the First Prince unable to stand up.

Agatha believes that Meteor can do it, he has the ability and courage.

But why did Meteor do this?

for me?Push me into the position he preset for me!

Or for Del?Because beautiful things are worth protecting by everyone, especially the noble character that we all lack!
Or both!
What happened between him and Dai'er, it must be the first time they met, why did Dai'er get such a high evaluation from him?
When Agatha was thinking, the valet thought she was worried about the rumors.

"Your Highness, we have made several plans to deal with the rumors, which should be effective."

Agatha regained her senses and said to the female officer, "Don't bother with the rumors anymore. Spread the word if you want. If they really believe it, they should be the ones who are afraid."

The female officer didn't understand why the eldest princess dealt with such matters related to her reputation so hastily, so she could only reply: "I obey, Your Highness."


When Luke returned to Secret Service from Tulip Manor, Sinclair, who went to the Public Security Bureau to inquire about news, also happened to come back.

The Public Security Department has also developed an inside line in the bayonet. The sudden death of so many bayonets this time means that something big will happen in the imperial capital. The public security department is of course very nervous.

"Could it be that our previous speculation was wrong, it wasn't the second prince who attacked Aunt Dai' was the Blade Brotherhood?"

Luke laughed and said, "When did I speculate that it was the second prince who attacked Princess Dai'er? You were always guessing!"

"But my father also said..." Sinclair knew he was slipping and stopped immediately: "But why do you want to see the second prince?"

"I made it very clear. I went to visit, and I also visited."

"No, you must have kept something from me." Sinclair was not so easy to fool.

"Okay, let me tell you. It was Her Royal Highness who wanted to see the second prince, but she didn't want to take the initiative to meet him, so I went to scare him. Then...he went to Tulip Manor that night."

Sinclair realizes he's touching something he's been reluctant to face.

"Oh, so it turns out, it looks like my father is going to have a headache. Regardless of that, what did you find at the scene?"

"Found some suspected occult residues." Luke put a bag of powder found from the scene of the fire on the table.

"Secret technique?" Sinclair picked up the bag and found that the powder inside looked like ordinary carbon ash, so he asked, "What are these things?"

Luke replied: "Part of it was taken to the branch of Oulu Academy and Miss Skylight was tested. The result was... blood red powder made from human blood. This small bag of blood red powder must at least empty all the blood of an adult, and the blood contains The desperation, helplessness, and fear of the deceased when faced with the loss of blood."

Hearing that the powder in his hand was made in this way, Sinclair threw the bag on the table: "This is simply devoid of humanity! Although I have killed many people, I would never do such a thing."

"Currently mainstream occult researchers also reject inhumane occult experiments, but occult art is an academic field that is easy to fall into corruption, and there is a place that is very tolerant to such occultists."

Sinclair said, "It's the Temple of the Abyss. These blood-red powders come from the Temple of the Abyss?"

"Negative energy is the medium that attracts the abyss, and blood red powder is the main material for creating the abyss environment. We found many traces of fierce beasts biting on the dead. It should be that the temple of the abyss arranged the secret technique at the meeting site of the bayonet blade in advance. .

After the secret technique was activated, the interior of the warehouse was pulled into a space full of abyssal energy, and the abyssal monster transformed by the abyssal energy attacked the bayonet.

Finally, the abyss mage cleaned up the scene and set fire to the corpse.

After the blood-red powder released the mysterious energy, it changed from red to gray, and a part of it was left behind by the abyss mage in the dark night. "

After listening to Luke's analysis of the case, Sinclair asked, "But why did the Temple of the Abyss ambush the thorn blade of the Brotherhood of Blades? What does the thorn blade have to do with the attack on Aunt Dai'er?"

"Do you remember the suspect Sam I let go?"

"Remember, everyone in the entire imperial capital now knows that Sam is directly related to the attack on Aunt Dai'er. But isn't he dead?"

Luke began to play freely: "Sometimes the dead are more useful than the living. When Sam was silenced, I sent another person to track the assassin, and then found out that it was the Abyss Temple that controlled Sam.

It was a group of abyss mages and a group of bayonets who attacked Princess Dai'er. "

Sinclair didn't doubt Luke's words.

Attacking Princess Del to provoke a struggle at the imperial court would do the Grand Duke of Celtic a lot of good.In fact, if Meteor and Gabriel's first assistant hadn't secretly transferred the conflict to the Celtic Grand Duke, everyone in the imperial capital would still be in a state of insecurity.

Naturally, he has no energy to manage the affairs of the south.

Sinclair said angrily: "These abyss mages lurking in the imperial capital must be eradicated as soon as possible."

Luke said: "I already have some clues, but this time the Abyss Temple ambushed the stab blade of the Brotherhood of Blades, and it is very likely that they took over the intelligence network of the Brotherhood in the imperial capital.

The people I brought from Raging Waves City can be trusted, but the headquarters of the Bureau of Secret Affairs... The Bureau of Secret Affairs and the Brotherhood of Blades have fought for hundreds of years, and both sides have people from the other side.The case of the eldest princess, Princess Chadel, has not been resolved for such a long time, so she knew that all her subordinates could not be trusted. "

After finishing speaking, Luke sighed regretfully.

Sinclair understood the situation Meteor was facing at this time.

The Imperial Bureau of Secrets and the Brotherhood of Blades have maintained a state of fighting without breaking for a long time, and they can even cooperate in some matters. There is me in you, and you in me that have penetrated each other for a long time.

Especially in the imperial capital, there are many people working for both sides.

The Abyss Temple cleaned up the thorn blade, probably because it felt that the thorn blade could not be trusted.Then when dealing with the Temple of the Abyss, naturally one cannot trust the Bureau of Secrets.

Sinclair quickly thought of a solution: "Since we can't use agents from the Secret Service headquarters, we can use people from the military.

My father controls a city garrison, many of whom are veterans who have retired from the north.Exterminating the abyss mages lurking in the imperial capital is also the duty of the city guards. I can persuade my father to send an army to cooperate with you. "

Luke was overjoyed when he saw Sinclair saying this, "Really? That's great! With the assistance of the city guards, as long as we can find out where the abyss mages are hiding, we can catch them all.

Not only was it able to solve the attack on Princess Daier, but it also made an inestimable contribution to the empire. "

Sinclair was happy that he was able to fight and make meritorious service in the imperial capital.

"This matter will be settled! Find out these abyss mages as soon as possible, and I will go back and tell father our plan now.

There is no problem at all on my side, but you must keep it strictly confidential. "

Luke said confidently: "Don't worry, my mouth is very strict."

Sinclair, who decided to do something big in the imperial capital, happily left Secret Service Six.

Luke waited for the news of Kuaileg.

Can you meet Samuel, the leader of the bayonet blade, and decide how to start your plan.

In the evening, Karina delivered a letter.

"My lord governor, the eldest princess has reactivated her dedicated communication channel with you. This is a letter just sent from Tulip Manor..."

Luke took the letter, wondering.

The dedicated communication channel with Agatha was disabled after she came to the imperial capital. Why did she suddenly send a letter through this channel?

Luke checked the envelope and opened it after confirming that there was no problem.

"This communication channel is used because its confidentiality is higher than other channels. And this kind of communication can make us more honest, after all, some things are not easy to say in person.

After the letter is sent, I'm going to see Alec and tell him... I'm going to accept his invitation.At the same time, I will tell him that I cannot completely control you, and that you are getting close to the eldest prince, which makes me feel a sense of crisis.


Agatha wrote a lot of things she wanted to talk to Alec in the letter, and the details and confidentiality were not known to the close ministers.

Although there are no other superfluous things written in the letter, Luke always feels that the taste contained in it is a little different from before!

(End of this chapter)

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