Age of Arcane

Chapter 272 Six Legs

Chapter 272 Three Legs

It was Luke who was most touched by the content of this letter, and Agatha's calmness after her mentality changed.Without worrying about gains and losses, I will devote myself wholeheartedly to the historical responsibility I have to bear.

For the continuation of the empire, he took out the consciousness of going to the guillotine with his head held high.

She chooses to believe in this meteor who doesn't even know her real name...

Or she wants to influence this person who is overlooking the whole situation by herself!

Agatha made a choice with no turning back.

After Luke read the letter, he read it several times before he made a fire and burned the paper.

Then take out a pen and paper and write a reply.

"The second prince has always presented the image of 'benevolence and righteousness' to others, although some people think he is a fake benevolence and righteousness, but being able to fake benevolence and righteousness for a lifetime is true benevolence and righteousness.

If His Highness has no intention of competing for the throne, assisting Alec would be a safe choice.A "benevolent and righteous" emperor will help ease domestic and foreign conflicts and allow you to maximize your abilities.

I think what the Second Prince urgently needs now is not the support of the court ministers, but the lack of support from the military.And this time His Majesty gave the second prince the task of suppressing bandits on the western front, which seemed to put him at a disadvantage in the battle for crown prince, but it also gave him a chance.

The eldest prince has an advantage, but the pressure he faces is also great.The Tedgar hills have been in the hands of the barbarians for generations, so they are not so easy to deal with. Coupled with the assistance of the Abyss Temple and the Brotherhood of Blades, it is very likely that it will be a protracted war, which will be a big drain on the military personnel of the First Prince.

Relatively speaking, the western front is much easier.To appease the minority ethnic groups and attack the scattered nobles, it is easy to win the battle without causing big losses.It can not only gradually possess the military power of an army, but also have the effect of training troops.No matter how secretly Nuotao City gave him military support, it would be easy to pull together an elite army loyal to the Second Prince.

It's just that the difficulty is how to persuade him to go to the western front to supervise the battle in person, instead of staying in the imperial capital and waiting for the great changes in the palace.


Luke carefully analyzed the situation that the two princes were facing for Agatha.

Pushing Agatha to the top position is just speculation from the outside world about Meteor's actions, and Luke has no similar plans.After all, if Agatha has no intention of fighting for the position, no matter how hard she works behind her back, it will not help.

The eldest prince sent someone to attack Dai'er, which made Luke have a very bad impression of him, and also exposed his short-sightedness and gambler mentality.In order not to be backstabbed by the eldest prince, Luke decided to backstab him first.

Luke, who finished writing the letter, asked Karina to arrange for the letter to be delivered.

How to persuade the second prince Alec to go to the western front is to be handed over to Agatha, what Luke has to do now is to "help" the first prince silence the case, and "find" Princess Dai to close the case.

Luke waited in the office until late at night, and the fast legs finally came.

He got in touch with the informant friend.

His friend was one of the bayonets who followed Samuel out of the warehouse, so he managed to save his life.

Quick Legs told Luke what happened in the warehouse last night: "My friend's situation is a bit complicated, he and I can trust life and death, and at the same time be loyal to Samuel.

So I only listened to what he was willing to tell me. He didn't say what task caused the bayonets to resist. "

"A man of love and righteousness." Luke commented very pertinently. There are too many dilemmas in this world, and there is no need for Diode's mentality to be black and white.Luke then asked, "Would he be willing to tell Samuel if I asked you to convey it?"

"He will convey..." Quick Legs hesitated for a moment, and then said to Luke: "Although I don't know what the task that caused the stabbing blade to resist, I can probably guess it. The main function of the stabbing blade is to serve the brother Will gather intelligence, and assassinate some people who must die.

The stabbing blade's resistance is most likely because they have received a mission that must die.

It should be the assassination of the royal family and court dignitaries.

According to your status in the empire and the role of Raging Waves City in this war, you should also be included in this assassination mission.

If adults want to see Samuel, they need to consider the potential great danger. "

I was on some assassination lists, as early as Luke expected.Therefore, he not only prepared "unlimited vitality in absolute death" for himself, but also promoted his bloodline to lava stone demon.

Now my basic physical strength has reached the four-star level, and with a few more secret techniques to improve my skills, my overall strength can reach four and a half stars.Moreover, it is longer than physical strength, recovery ability, and magic power reserve. If you defend with all your strength, even if a five-star hero makes a move, you will be unable to help yourself for a while.

This time is an excellent opportunity to instigate Samuel.

Although I don't know what role Samuel played in the attack of killing the bayonet, these few days are definitely the low point of his life.Now that I know what Samuel wants most, I can take a certain risk to get it.

Of course, there are still necessary precautions.

"You keep in touch with your friend, and as soon as Samuel has a reply, let me know immediately. After a busy day, let's rest first."

"Yes, my lord!" Quick Legs retreated.

The office is quiet.

Luke released magic to seal the door, and then a space crack opened on his right shoulder, and the spiritual ball flew out from it.

Luke and Qingkong share the same soul, and the establishment of a spiritual connection between Qingkong and the spiritual ball is equivalent to the establishment of a spiritual connection between Luke and the spiritual ball.He first controlled the mental magic ball to fly in the air, and then ordered it to release a few spells. This low-level spiritual supernatural creature was very obedient, just like operating a computer, what you think is what you get.

A very miraculous thing.

After playing for a while, Luke sank into his consciousness space with the mental ball.

Without the fire attribute energy and thunder attribute energy of the previous riot, Luke's consciousness space is empty and vast.Taotie floated in the air, its body coiled into a ball, its head covered under its wings.

The sound of sleepy snoring was like thunder, and smoke and fire shot out from the edges of the wings.

When it sensed that Luke was coming, Taotie raised its head from under the wings, and then let out a cheerful cry, and flew over with its wings flapping.

The glutton as big as a goshawk flew close, and when it saw the spirit ball, it opened its mouth and was about to swallow it, but fortunately Luke stopped it in time.But Taotie still seized the position on Luke's shoulder and squeezed the spirit ball out.

Then, under Luke's order, he spit out the dragon ball in his stomach.


The brightness of Dragon Ball increased, and Banat's voice came out: "It seems that it is not the time for teaching now, and the inheritance of Taotie needs enough dormancy."

Luke secretly ordered the spiritual ball to detect and analyze the spell runes and energy changes on the surface of the Dragon Ball.

"Today I encountered a problem, I hope you can solve it for me?"

"Is it a problem with the ancient Shuojin language? Your learning speed of the ancient Shuojin language is much faster than I estimated, just like a real Shuojin person."

"Thank you for your compliment, studious and good at learning have always been my strengths." Luke boasted a little, and then said: "But the problem I encountered has nothing to do with the ancient Shuojin language, you should know demons very well. "

"During that war, the dragon civilization and the purgatory civilization were allies. Demons are the main race of the purgatory civilization. They have a very persistent preference for souls, and even wrote the "Soul Eater Encyclopedia".

Have you met a demon?
As long as you don't sign any contracts related to soul trading with them, they shouldn't make trouble for you at will. "

Different from the secularization of the current shimmering gold civilization and the seclusion of the shadow civilization, the purgatory civilization operates in the world in another way.

They seek out their prey in the dark, tricking those in distress into selling their souls.Then add seasoning and cook carefully, control the fate of the contractor, and make a soul food for yourself.

Those who try to exchange things from the demons, most of them will only end up with a corpse like a walking dead.

But Samuel was not like most of those people.

Luke told Banat about Samuel signing the contract with the devil.

Banat replied: "Your friend is very smart, let the demon who wants to come out of the seal reveal his real name. Then this soul contract should be very fair, the demon will not use his real name to blaspheme Chi Yan The torch thing.

I don't think there is anything wrong with exchanging souls for power. "

Luke said: "Your feelings are not important, I want a way for the devil to cancel this contract."

"Take away the delicacies from the devil's plate, and the devil will fight you desperately."

"The red flame torch is lost, even the ancient demons have lost their former power. He gave part of his power to my friend. It is not difficult for me to kill him, but the difficulty is to find him."

Banat said with a smile: "Even if the ancient demons lost the red flame torch, they are not as easy to deal with as you imagined."

"The power I have is beyond your imagination. I said that if I can kill him, I will definitely be able to kill him. But killing him is the last strategy. I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble for killing him."

Demons are very vindictive and like to play dirty tricks.If you kill a demon, if you don't do it cleanly, you will most likely summon other demons.Especially the matter of stealing the soul from the devil's mouth, the devil should not tolerate it.

The best way is to let the devil take the initiative to terminate the contract.

Banat didn't think too much: "I can tell you the method I know, after all, that ancient demon may still know me. There are not many acquaintances in the first place, and one less is really one less.

But you have to tell me what your spiritual creature is first.It's been spying on me since I came out and I hate that eye staring at me. "

The mental ball is in the shape of an eye. After receiving Luke's order, it continuously scans Banat, and records the obtained data in the mental library for simulation analysis.

Luke put away the spirit ball, and said casually: "This is a little thing I just got, I'm probably curious to see that you are also a ball.

It's just a low-level spiritual extraordinary creature, very stupid!If it offended you, I apologize on its behalf. "

It was the first time Banat saw this kind of spiritual transcendent creature, and he could also feel that it had no advanced intelligence. Compared with the shadow parasites of the shadow clan, it was like a heaven and an earth.

Without the discomfort of being detected, Banat told Luke what he thought of.


The artifact is lost, and the soul contract signed with the devil is not strong, this method may be feasible.If it's not feasible, you can talk about it. "

After finishing speaking, Banat took the initiative to fly in front of Taotie and let him swallow the dragon ball into his belly.

The next step is to prepare the props, and this work is handed over to Qingkong.

The next day, Sinclair had good news for Luke.

His father, the eldest prince Fania, agreed to transfer the City Guards to assist the Sixth Division of the Secret Intelligence Bureau to eliminate the abyss mages lurking in the imperial capital.In order to eliminate these malignant tumors in one fell swoop, Fania also decided to personally lead the team to participate in the battle, never letting go of an abyss mage.

"My father also hopes that you can go to Silver Manor to meet with him to discuss specific plans and deployments..."

The second prince Alec and the eldest princess Agatha have visited each other in the past two days, and the communication is very close, and the information that they will join forces to check and balance the eldest prince was released.

This made the eldest prince who thought he had the upper hand not only become nervous, but also sniffed out some subtle things.

Sinclair came back and said: Meteor's visit to the second prince was ordered by the eldest princess, so the union of the two should be true.

And Meteor Xing knew that it was Princess Dai'er who he sent someone to attack, not only did he not expose it to Agatha to help her get rid of the suspicion, but he wanted to let the abyss mage carry the blame.

If this case is concluded like this, Meteor will lose the bargaining chip to blackmail him.

This is obviously a show of favor, and they want to get closer!
The First Prince wanted to know the answer from Meteor.

If he really has a gap with Agatha, then Rage City will be mine!

Therefore, the eldest prince asked Sinclair to invite Luke to Silver Manor, and he had to ask in person.

Luke knew that if he didn't go, the eldest prince would not let his guard down, and he would not send the assassin who attacked Dai'er to silence him.

So he immediately followed Sinclair to Silver Manor.

But go in secret.

Sinclair understood Luke's concerns and asked him to change his clothes and pretend to be his entourage.After getting in the car, all the curtains were pulled down, and the carriage drove towards Baiyin Avenue without stopping.

On the side of Silver Manor, there had long been attendants who had returned first, sending news that Meteor Xing would visit secretly.

The eldest prince Fania immediately gave the order: Sinclair's carriage drove directly into the hall of the manor.

In Baiyin Manor, all idlers returned to their rooms, and they were not allowed to come out without orders.Let the butler select the most loyal servants and bodyguards to serve as guards and services for the reception of the meteor.

At the same time, he ordered his followers to continuously report the position of Sinclair's carriage.

"This meeting is of great importance. Although it is secret and low-key, the reception must be carried out according to the highest standard."

Fania changed into a gown under the service of the maid, and at the same time kept telling the butler the precautions for the reception.

He wants Meteor to realize the importance he attaches to him and his desire for a talent like him.

If he could get the loyalty of Meteor, with the army in his hands and the financial resources of Raging Waves City, the throne would be secure.

(End of this chapter)

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