Age of Arcane

Chapter 275 The Castle

Chapter 275 The Castle
Under the night sky, Qingkong stood on the roof of a building, with green eyes overlooking the Sixth Division of Secret Service.Standing next to her was Kestrel, wearing sandpaper-crafted gear, with red hair bouncing in the air.

When a car slowly drove out from the back door of Secret Service Six, Kestrel said: "Miss Weatherlight, the sandpaper is in that car, and the governor should be there too."

Clear Sky watched the car drive into the road and accelerate away, and said to Kestrel: "Let's follow."

"Yes, Miss Skylight."

Qingkong jumped from the upstairs, using spells in the air to summon a reverse airflow to relieve force, and landed lightly on the ground.She walked to the edge of the road, and the red steam motorcycle appeared in front of her.

When I stepped on the motorcycle in the clear sky, the kestrel that floated down landed on the back seat.

The clear sky started the steam motorcycle, and the noise-reducing engine made a low hum.White steam spouted from the exhaust pipe at the rear, the rear wheels rotated at high speed and rubbed against the ground, and then pushed the car body and ejected.

The dual positioning of Luke and Sandpaper allows Clear Sky to track it outside of Bengmu's line of sight.

At the same time, Luke also gradually analyzed the space safe house that Bengmu would take him to based on the driving route of the car.Synchronously obtained the information, Clear Sky drove the steam motorcycle to another road, and then drove at full speed with afterburner, overtaking Luke's car on the next street.

Arriving at an intersection, Qingkong stopped at a hidden location at the corner, turned off the engine and waited quietly.

After a while, the sound of a car came from the other side of the corner, getting closer.The headlights illuminate the side of the road, the car suddenly increases its power when entering the intersection, and the moment it passes the center line of the intersection, the body is squashed in the space distortion and then disappears in place.

Qingkong instantly started the steam motorcycle and rushed forward, then drifted and turned sideways into the route the car had just entered.The speed of the steam motorcycle exploded again, and it charged at full speed towards the space fluctuations that had not yet dissipated.

Rushing to the center line, the steam motorcycle, the carrying clear sky, and the kestrel were crushed by the space distortion, and then disappeared...

Knowing that Qingkong had successfully entered the space channel, Luke turned his attention back to himself.

The streets and buildings outside the car are in a strange and separated state. When the car is moving forward and backward, the style of the building also shows a change in time.

When the car stopped, there were fragmented stone houses from the early days of the empire floating in the mirrored space on both sides. There was only one small road leading to an intact old castle.The decaying fences and the desolate stone castles remind people of the scenes in some horror dramas.

This is the few remaining space safe houses of the Blade Brotherhood in Saint Lun City.

The location and entry methods of these safe houses are only known to the leaders in charge of each generation of Assassin Houses in the Imperial Capital, and they can only be used in emergencies.

Advanced stabbing blades like Kuaileg and Bengmu should have never even been heard of.

At this time, Shenglun City is in the dark night, and the sky here is also a piece of starry sky like a broken mirror.The iron gates of the old castle were open, and one of the gates was broken and fell to the ground.The safe house, which has not been repaired for a long time, smells of decay everywhere.

But this majestic castle built in the open space also showed how powerful the Blade Brotherhood was at that time.

Beng Mu led Luke and his party through the iron gate to the main gate of the ancient castle. As the iron gate was pushed open with a "squeak", rows of torches ignited on the wall of the main hall.

There was a long table in the middle of the empty main hall, and Samuel sat alone at the other end of the table.Standing behind Samuel was a knight wearing ancient full-body armor, but the armor had lost its original luster, and it was full of vicissitudes.

That is the puppet knight guarding the safe house.

There are still many such puppet knights along the walls on both sides of the main hall, but in the absence of maintenance, it is doubtful how many will be able to function.

Luke, who entered the hall, strode forward, walked to the long table with fast legs, and opened the chair for Luke after a check.

Luke sat down, the sandpaper floating behind him, her hair stretched out to its maximum sentience.

Quick Legs introduced: "Master Samuel, this is the Acting Governor of Raging Waves City, a member of the Upper Council of Raging Waves City, the Chief Inspector of the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging Waves City, the Director of the Sixth Secret Service Division of the Imperial Secrets Bureau, Lord of the Empire, Royal Glory Knight Lord Meteor."

Beng Mu, who came behind Samuel, was just about to make an introduction, but Samuel stopped him and said, "In front of the many title items of Governor Meteor, my so-called titles are as ridiculous as a clown.

I am Samuel, hello Governor! "

Samuel sat there without moving, although he used honorifics but did not show any respect.

Luke was not as knowledgeable as he was, and said: "I express my condolences to those bayonets who died at the hands of the Abyss Temple. Although we are now in a hostile position, their glory should be to die in battle with the Secret Service During the confrontation, being ambushed and killed by people from the same's too shameful!"

Luke's words were simply exposing Samuel's scars.

Although he also participated in that operation, the ones who died were all his subordinates after all, and the combat power that the stabbing blade could rely on in Shenglun City was lost in an instant.But that was the decision of the Celtic Archduke and the Blade Brotherhood's current rulers, and the Abyss Temple will completely replace the Thorn Blade in the imperial capital.

In the past two days, the Abyss Temple is forcing him to hand over the location of the safe house and the method of entry.

Facing Meteor, Samuel said stiffly: "If you want to blame, blame them for being corrupted and completely lose the spirit of stabbing. Even Bengmu, isn't he still in touch with your people?
They were infiltrated like a sieve, and they refused to carry out orders. What honor is there?

Governor Meteorite, you probably didn't come to me to mock me, tell me as soon as possible if you have anything to say! "

"Okay! Let's get straight to the point." Luke no longer provoked Samuel, explaining the purpose of his appointment: "I know you and the devil Congreve Auston Tyrant Melville Aldrich , signed a soul selling contract.

He will lend you a part of his power, and the reward is your soul.After you die, your soul will belong to the demon tyrant, how to deal with it all depends on his mood.I think the demon tyrant will definitely use his heart and time to slowly cook your soul into a delicious meal..."

Luke's words made Samuel's head bulge with blue veins, and he stared, his pupils turning evil devil red.

"How do you know the full name of the tyrant, and how do you know the soul contract I signed with him?"

The loss of emotional control made Samuel unable to control his own strength, and an impactful ripple spread from his body, pushing towards Luke along the table.

The sandpaper stretched out his right hand, waved, and pushed back along the tabletop.

The two energy waves collided in the middle, and after a loud bang, a flying air current was set off.Fortunately, the two energy waves were not strong, and did not cause uncontrollable misjudgments.

People on both sides only put on a fighting posture.

Samuel controlled his strength in time and apologized: "I'm sorry, the words you said were too impactful to me."

"Understandable!" Luke sat firmly, and waited for the tense atmosphere to subside, and then said: "As for your question... I can only say that I have a friend who knows the demon tyrant, and I happen to know that you signed a soul contract with him thing."

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

Luke smiled and said, "It's up to me how to explain it, it's up to you to believe it or not."

Samuel looked at Luke. He knew that the governor must have hidden something from him, but he couldn't get to the bottom of it.

"Well, I believe you. Then what, you say you can bring peace to my soul.

What does it mean? "

"The meaning is very simple. Find the demon tyrant and let him cancel the soul contract with you. Then when you die, if no necromancer finds you, your soul can rest in peace."

"Are you entertaining me?" Samuel narrowed his eyes, showing a fierce look.

What Luke meant was that calling the demon tyrant and treating him to a meal would cancel the soul contract.

But Samuel knew it was impossible.

In the eyes of the demon tyrant, the signing of this contract was a big loss for him.Now I have used the power he gave me for nothing, and I still want to not pay for it. If he can agree, he is not a devil, but a kind angel.

For Samuel, what Meteor said was a fantasy, or it was a deception.

Luke said: "You think I took such a big risk to meet you just to amuse you?
Samuel, you mean a lot to me.In order to gain your allegiance, I can help you invite the demon tyrant over for a talk, maybe he will give me this face. "

The self-confidence shown by Meteor made Samuel doubt his own judgment just now.

"You really have a way to make the demon tyrant cancel the soul contract? This... this is simply impossible."

"Then make a bet!" Luke said: "If I let the demon tyrant break the soul contract with you, you will be loyal to me. If I can't, I will return the same way and promise not to reveal this place to anyone. Safe house."

Meteor's words made Samuel even more unconfident.

If the soul contract can really be lifted, then the horrible nightmare that has plagued him for so many years can be dispelled in one day.But the traitorous Brotherhood of Blades will pledge allegiance to Meteor, so what is the difference between himself and those traitors?
Samuel said: "Can the conditions be relaxed? I can provide you with some information."

Luke said firmly: "No, there is no room for negotiation on the conditions I proposed.

Samuel, I can tell you responsibly that all the nightmares you had were given to you by the demon tyrant.He just wants to torture you, not only to torture you when you were alive, but he will still torture you after you die.

Only I can free you and bring peace to your soul. "

Samuel didn't expect Meteor to even know that he was having nightmares. Could it be true that he just said that a friend knew the demon tyrant?

Maybe he really knows the way to undo the soul contract.

"I was raised by the Brotherhood of the Blades, and I would have died without the Brotherhood of the Blades."

"As far as I know, the people who raised you are gone, right?" In order to get Samuel, Luke had a deep understanding of his information: "And is the current fraternity still the fraternity you know? ?
Samuel, wake up!
Look at this safehouse, how similar is the current Brotherhood of Blades to it?You are here to meet me because the other rooms are damaged and unusable, and this castle will also collapse in a short time.

Regardless of whether the outcome of this war is an Imperial victory or a Celtic Grand Duke victory, they will not allow the Brotherhood to continue to exist.

You are the last Blades of the Brotherhood of Blades, and there will be no more.But Raging Waves City has the heritage of Brotherhood of Blades and Jabs, and you can continue to carry out your historical mission under the Reform Society. "

Luke's words opened up another channel for Samuel who was stuck in a dead end.

There is a branch of the Brotherhood of Blades in Rage City, and it is now being gradually integrated into the newly emerging noble group - the Reform Society under the arrangement of Viscount Iskran.Those fraternity thorns that served in the past naturally became the thorns of the Reform Society.

Now the Brotherhood he is loyal to is sandwiched between the Empire and the Celtic Grand Duke.Both internal problems and external pressure have decided that its collapse is not far away.But the Blade Brotherhood has such a large size and inheritance after all, it will not disappear, it will only split and become a tool of different forces.

Sooner or later, I have to face a choice of who to work for...

Samuel suddenly understood those dead stabbing blades, their faith had collapsed in their hearts, they just made a choice earlier than themselves.

"Okay!" Samuel finally made a decision: "You know more about me than I do, and I can't refute your persuasion.

Since you also have an inheritance from the Brotherhood of Blades in your hands, I will save you a layer of psychological burden if I serve you.

As long as you break the soul contract with the demonic tyrant for me, so that my soul can be at peace, I will offer my loyalty to you.Even if you can't, it's safe to leave.

What do you need me to do? "

"You don't need to do anything, just sit there quietly." Luke turned to Beng Mu and said, "Go and open the door, the guest I invited has been waiting outside for a long time."

Both Samuel and Bengmu were shocked.

This is a space-type safe house. Without special means of transportation and access methods, outsiders cannot reach here at all.

How could someone be outside the door?
Beng Mu immediately explained: "My lord, I didn't bring anyone else in!"

Samuel didn't speak, he kept looking at Luke, and then waved his hand to signal Bengmu to open the door.

Beng Mu walked behind the iron gate of the main hall of the ancient castle, he couldn't figure out how could someone follow in such a secret place.

Is Meteor lying?
Then there was a knock on the closed door.

Dangdangdang... a very polite rhythm, echoing in the empty hall.

Beng Mu behind the door was startled by the sudden knock on the door, he quickly stabilized his mind, and then opened the closed iron door.

Then saw two ladies standing outside.

One of them is an elf. The light in the main hall shines on her body, and her oppressive beauty makes people feel suffocated.

"Sunny, Miss Sunny Sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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