Age of Arcane

Chapter 276 Demon Tyrant

Chapter 276 Demon Tyrant
Qingkong took a look at Bengmu, and Bengmu couldn't help stepping aside due to his strong aura.

Qingkong entered the main hall and walked forward. The moment he took a step, the leather boot turned into a golden boot.Plates of golden armor attached up her calf, forming a knee-high golden greaves in an instant.

The golden boots made a crisp sound as they stepped on the stone floor.Taking another step, the resulting golden boots and golden greaves wrapped her other leg.Then as she walked forward step by step, the golden armor was nested on Qingkong's body one by one from bottom to top.

Qingkong walked and said at the same time: "Samuel, please forgive me for visiting without an invitation.

From now on, no matter what you see, don't move, otherwise I can't guarantee your life safety.

do you understand? "

Qingkong walked in front of Samuel, at this time her whole body was wrapped in a set of gorgeous golden armor.After she finished her last words, a golden helmet covering the upper half of her cheeks was placed on her head.

"The golden are the golden man!" Qing Kong's appearance scared Samuel.

Except for Luke, everyone else looked at the clear sky in shock.

The corner of Qingkong's mouth curled up into a smile, and the crystal plate on the helmet where the eyes were located gave off a cold white light.

"Answer me, do you understand!"

The Shining Gold civilization is equivalent to the Purgatory Civilization. Although Samuel didn't know why the elf Qingkong was a Shining Gold man, he immediately gained confidence.

He looked at Meteor sitting across from him... Your friend is really awesome!

"I understand! I won't move under any circumstances, please rest assured...Miss Sunny Sky."

The clear sky stretched out its right hand, and a piece of golden light gathered.She pulled out a golden sword from the air, waved her hand and stabbed at Samuel's heart: "Remember what you said!"

Samuer instinctively wanted to dodge the sword stabbing at his heart, but Qingkong's words made him stop his body immediately.He looked at Qingkong and the golden sword, the tip of the sword pierced his chest, and then pierced out from the back.

Samuel could feel that the sword pinned him to the seat, and the pain in his chest made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

He heard a spell recited from Qing Kong's mouth, and then felt a force coming out of the sword in his body, enveloping his heart.

Fatigue and drowsiness rushed to his brain, Samuel's head tilted, and his hands hung down weakly.

The puppet knight didn't move without orders, and stood quietly behind Samuel.Beng Mu standing at the door didn't respond at all, everything happened too fast.He wanted to rush over to do something, but Kestrel's rapier was on his back.

"Listen to Miss Skylight and don't move."

The hall of the ancient castle was silent, only the crackling sound of the burning torches on both sides.

The flames flickered, and the shadows on the wall swayed.

Suddenly all the torches burned violently, but the shadows did not fade because of the increased light, but became clearer.The black shadows twisted on the wall, attracting and merging with each other, and soon formed an exaggerated demonic shadow.

"Golden man!" The demon tyrant was attracted by the soul contract. He wanted to take away his own soul, but he also recognized the unique golden armor of the golden man.When seeing a shimmering man, it means that there is another shinning man nearby. He didn't show up rashly, but hid himself in a relatively safe subspace.

Qingkong ignored the coming demon tyrant, she let go of the hand holding the sword and walked from the left side of Samuel's body to the right side, and the hand with the golden armor brushed over Samuel's head.Spread it out again, and there is a gray-white soul fire floating in the palm of your hand.

Seeing that his soul was snatched away by a shimmering man, the demon tyrant roared: "Give it to me, shimmering man. You must know the consequences of provoking a demon with your soul. Before I get really angry, you still have opportunity to make up for mistakes.”

"Congreve Auston Tyrant Melville Aldrich." Qingkong looked at the soul fire in his hand, and chuckled as he read the tyrant's real name: "During the Fifth Foehn and Tranquil Sea War, The seal was defeated by the angel of the Sanctuary, Ulysses Oath Sword, but lost you in the war.

In purgatory civilization, tyrant is a very common name.But in the angel civilization, there is only one sword of oath.Now A Ulysses is the chief holy angel of the Holy Tribunal. "

The demon tyrant didn't expect that this shimmering gold man not only knew his real name, but also knew what happened in the fifth Foehn and Tranquil Sea War.Not only did the tyrant suspect that this Shuojin man had survived that war.

"Sword of the Oath, Ulysses... that immature holy angel just defeated me by luck, and he himself was seriously injured. I haven't paid attention to the news of Sky City since I came out. I didn't expect that little guy To become the chief holy angel, the angel civilization has really wiped out all the property for you Shuojin civilization."

The demon tyrant taunted.

Qingkong laughed and said: "Tyrant, you have not returned to hell but wandered in the secular world. Do you know that there is no place for you in hell now! There are no lower demons to worship you, and you are reduced to the point where you have to hunt souls yourself. It's really pitiful!"

"Golden man!" The devil tyrant roared again, his shadow showing a hideous look on the wall: "Since you know me, you should know how powerful I am. The reason why I still endure you is because I don't want to Trigger a new civilization war!"

"What do you have left now except for bluffing?" Qingkong walked towards the tyrant step by step, and the tyrant's gaze was fixed on the soul fire in her hand.Qingkong said: "The artifact is lost, and the five ancient civilizations have only a few remnants of brilliance. You...with the red flame torch, your power is like a god; without the red flame torch, your power is not as good as some younger demons.

You have been sealed for too long, too weak, and too ignorant of the new powers that this age has produced! "

Just after Qingkong finished speaking, a spiritual ball appeared on her shoulder.

At the same time, Qingkong's right arm erupted with intense white light, which was continuously shot out by the Holy Spirit's energy hidden under the golden armor.The soul fire in her hand turned into a platinum holy flame, and the spiritual ball spewed out a cloud of deep purple smoke at the shadow of the tyrant on the wall.

The strong light with powerful holy energy shone on the wall, and the shadow of the demon was almost invisible.When the tyrant saw Sheng Yan, he subconsciously wanted to escape, but the subspace he was hiding in had been infiltrated by the holy energy, followed by a surge of negative energy.

Then Qingkong slapped Shengyan on the wall.

The demon tyrant let out a scream, and the double blow made him unable to maintain the subspace.He peeled away from the wall, revealing a tall demonic form.

But the Tyrant didn't attack Clear Sky.

Shining gold energy, sacred energy, negative energy, how could this be controlled by a living body!

The tyrant is afraid.

In fact, since he broke away from the seal, he has been living a life of fear.

The connection with the artifact was extremely weak, causing him to lose most of his power.He returned to Hell, and found that not only had it lost its former glory, but it also had no place for him.

For so many years, he has been wandering in the secular world, marveling at this newly rising civilization.

He was active in the most prosperous period of the five major civilizations, and he could feel that this brand new civilization was already on its way to its peak.

The energy mastered by the shimmering gold man in front of him is beyond his own cognition, and his combat experience and intuition make him feel that he must escape now.

Behind him was a wall burning with holy flames, and the escape route was blocked.

At this time, flames burned from the feet of the demon tyrant, and he wanted to escape into the ground, but the raised ice suppressed the newly ignited fire.

Ice energy!

What a monster!

The demon tyrant jumped up in fright, trying to escape from the ceiling, but a force pulled him back abruptly.

Time... She can also control time!

The demon tyrant no longer knew how to describe the golden person in front of him, if she was really a golden person.

"Tyrant, if you still want to escape, I will kill you!" Qing Kong shouted to stop the demon, and reached out to take out a dragon head from the space backpack.

She grabbed the dragon's horn and put the huge dragon's head on the ground heavily.From the outside, it can be vaguely recognized that this is a red dragon, but the head has been severed and one of the eyes has been gouged out.This dragon's head doesn't have the mighty look of a giant dragon, and it's even so miserable that it makes people feel a little pitiful.

Qingkong threw a faucet, causing everyone in the main hall to exclaim.

Kuaileg also called out its name: "Red Dragon Neil Colon!"

The demon tyrant withdrew his hooves, and the flames from all over his body were greatly reduced.

He lowered his head and looked at the clear sky, which was much shorter than himself, and asked in a calm tone: "Shuojin man, what's your name?"

"Clear sky, clear sky."

The tyrant looked at the people in the main hall again, and asked, "All Shuojin people are twins, where is your other half?"

" don't need to know." Seeing that the tyrant was frightened, Qingkong said the purpose of forcing him out this time: "You should see that I didn't completely kill your contractor, and the soul fire is also fake The purpose is to attract you and let you cancel this soul contract.

If you don't want to die, just do as I say. "

Unexpectedly, the demon tyrant said: "Death? The sword of the oath can't kill me. Now that you don't have the artifact, you can't even seal me. I admit that the power you have is very strange, but I was not born with the artifact lost. The last red dragon, I am a demon who can be resurrected in the flames of hell.

I will not cancel the contract, this soul is mine, and no one can take it away. "

The demon tyrant showed a fierce look again, and the flames on his body gradually brightened.

Looking around in the clear sky, there are many swimming shadows on the walls of the entire hall.

"Let your servants not act rashly." Qingkong warned the tyrant: "I can really kill you, but if I prove that what I said is true, then you will really die. I will threaten you in another way." You, do you want to hear it?"

The demonic tyrant stopped the servants from approaching.

This shimmering man named Qingkong is very strong, plus another twin who is hidden, it is not something he can deal with now.

"Then listen."

Clear Sky sat back, and a golden chair appeared to support her.The demon tyrant also sat back, and the magma broke through the ice on the ground, forming a rock chair.

"You should know the origin of the title of Ulysses Sword of Oath."

The demon tyrant replied: "Yes! After the Shuojin civilization conquered the angelic civilization, it trained the angels to become warriors, and also expressed the demons as the mortal enemies of the angels on the grounds of energy restraint.

The fallen angels joined hell, which further deepened the contradiction between Sky City and hell.

Radical battle angels set up the Sanctuary, which specializes in attacking high-level demons and fallen angels in war.

Every Holy Inquisitor chooses one thing to enshrine the belief in what they think is divine and great.

Ulysses Sword of Oath The weapon of faith is the sword of oath, and the oath he made to the sword of oath will be kept and fulfilled. "

Qing Kong said with a smile: "It seems that you know your opponent very well, and it saves me the time to explain. The sword of the oath defeated and sealed you, but the young holy angel was also seriously injured. In the following Lost you on the field in battle.

You definitely don't know what happened next.

Oath Sword, who returned to Sky City to recuperate, was very annoyed. He thought that you would be rescued and returned to hell, which would cause great damage to the angel army in the future.So he swore an oath to his sword...he will defeat you again and will not make the same mistake again, for he will seal you in his sword to keep you forever.

The heir to the sworn sword will watch over you forever and ever. "

"You lied to me!" The devil didn't believe it.

Demons and angels restrain each other, and angels will also suffer from the erosion of evil energy while guarding demons.Therefore, if the angel catches the demon, he will not keep it in his hands for a long time, but find a place to lock it up, and then check the strength of the seal regularly.

This gives the demon a chance to escape.

The sword of the oath wants to seal the devil in his own sword and guard it personally, which is tantamount to torture himself, and it is a lifelong torture every moment.

Qingkong said: "At that time, Sword of Oath had just been recruited into the Holy Tribunal, and it was the most fanatical time. Defeating you and losing you caused him a very big psychological gap, so that he made an ascetic-like Take an oath to show your determination.

Now the sword of the oath is the chief holy angel of the Sky City Sanctuary, and you are the only oath he has not yet fulfilled.The oath is the source of faith and power of the sword of the oath, what do you think he will do if I tell him the news of your appearance? "

Beads of fire dripped from the face of the demonic tyrant.

Death is not terrible, the most terrible thing is being sealed and guarded by a holy angel for life and death.

The current self does not have the previous status in the purgatory civilization, and the young Oath Sword at that time is now the chief of the Holy Tribunal. Hell will never fight another war with Sky City for an ancient demon.

After the war, the angelic civilization and the purgatory civilization escaped the world because they didn't want to meet again and had to fight. Even the few remaining fallen angels had no ambition to regain Sky City.

The decadence of the five inheritors of ancient civilization is the biggest feeling the demon tyrant has felt since he broke away from the seal, and he can't even stiffen his waist.

Relatively speaking, the mainstream civilization at this time is bursting with vitality.

The pressure made the demon tyrant calm down instead. He stared at the clear sky and asked, "How do you make me believe in you. Although you look like a shimmering man, you can use pure holy energy. What are you?"

"It's also hard for me to answer this answer." Qing Kong lifted the golden armor on his body, revealing his original clothes, and then took off the long black glove on his right arm.Her right arm is an entity condensed by light, and the divine light emitted is very soft, but it is very dazzling in the eyes of the demon tyrant.Qing Kong said: "I am a collection of various new technologies in this new era. You better believe... I can hand you over to the sword of the oath, and I can really kill you!"

Qingkong looked at the demon tyrant, his words were full of confidence.

Studying at the Oulu Academy has made her familiar with the power she possesses. Meditation and exercise have also made her power grow rapidly, especially after she can use the Glittering Language.In other words, at the same level, her strength is much higher than when she just came to this world.

After getting the spiritual ball, Qing Kong has a more intuitive understanding of her own strength.

For example, to deal with the red dragon Neil Colon, she doesn't need to push the level up to 120, and she can kill it with a little buff at level 100.

Therefore, Clear Sky is very confident in the face of the weakened version of the demon tyrant. This bluff guy is not much better than the dragon that lost his head.

Qingkong's momentum and dominance over the scene made the demon tyrant take every word she said seriously.

The tyrant squinted at Qingkong's right arm. How did she acquire the strength of the angel?It's incredible, and it's hard for the devil to understand.

So could she really kill herself?

The demon tyrant was a little shaken.

The oath of the sword of oath made him feel like sitting on pins and needles.

But letting him give up the soul to his mouth is simply breaking through the bottom line of a demon.

Tangled ah!
"If it was my era, I would never agree to cancel the soul contract." After a period of weighing, the demon tyrant finally let go: "But what I have seen and heard over the years and what I see today have a great impact on me , now I really want to witness the opening and heyday of a new era, and see what it will eventually turn the world into.

Death and being sealed, even fleeing, will make me miss wonderful moments.

you win! "

The demon tyrant summoned the soul contract and tore it apart in front of the clear sky.

"Thank you!" Qing Kong thanked the demon tyrant: "Don't worry too, I set up a sound-suppressing enchantment, and no one heard what we said. As for your real name... only the people here know, and keeping it secret is their specialty.

Now you can go, you are so powerful that the space here has become a little unstable. "

Clear Sky's compliment made the demon tyrant laugh.

He stood up, without any sense of obscenity at the beginning: "Shining gold people, elves, angels... I am very interested in the mysterious you. Since you know my real name, I will give you the right to call me.

Looking forward to meeting you next time. "

The demon tyrant took a step back and merged into the wall, and the demon's shadows scattered back to their original positions, returning to their original form.

Qingkong stood up from the chair, grabbed the faucet and put it back into the space backpack. The golden seat turned into gold powder and collapsed before disappearing.

Then Qingkong walked back to Samuel, reached out and pulled out the golden sword piercing through his chest.

Samuel stood up sharply, opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

Clear Sky threw up the golden sword and let it dissipate by itself: "I have made a deal with the demon tyrant, your soul is yours from now on, unless you sell it again or encounter a necromancer.

As for the power you got from him...he doesn't seem to take it back.

Cherish it well!

My job is done, bye! "

 Update this morning, wait for the big one tonight.

  Long live the Chinese People's Liberation Army!
(End of this chapter)

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