Age of Arcane

Chapter 277 Prepare to encircle and suppress

Chapter 277 Prepare to encircle and suppress
Qingkong turned around and walked out the door.

Samuel looked at his chest, the wound had healed, and the power he got from the demon tyrant did not disappear with the dissolution of the contract.Although he didn't know what Qingkong and the tyrant talked about in the state of suspended animation, it was obviously not as simple as going smoothly, but Qingkong had an overwhelming advantage over the tyrant in the negotiation.

That is an ancient high-level demon!

Samuel shouted to Qingkong's back: "Thank you, Miss Qingkong."

Qingkong didn't stop, she walked out of the main hall without looking back, and Kestrel took back the rapier that was holding up the collapsed wood and followed Qingkong to leave.

Beng Mu bowed to the departing clear sky, and then closed the gate of the castle.

Luke, who was waiting for the incident to end, said, "Then it's our time."

Samuel immediately stood up from his seat, walked in front of Luke, and knelt on the ground on one knee.

"Governor Meteorite, you have fulfilled your promise to calm my soul, and I will also fulfill my promise to offer you my loyalty. From now on, your will will be my direction, and I will use my weapons to defend all of you Honor and majesty."

Luke said to Samuel: "I accept your allegiance, get up! Let's talk about the Temple of the Abyss, they should have plans to assassinate me."

"Thank you, my lord!" Samuel stood up and sat down on the chair on Luke's left. Having prepared himself, he took out a map from his pocket and spread it on the table: "The person in charge of the Abyss Temple in the Imperial Capital The person is Radley Morris, the fourth abyss apostle. The Celtic Grand Duke issued an assassination order to the imperial family members and many high-ranking ministers, including you. Originally, these assassination missions were carried out by the Brotherhood of Blades in the imperial capital. carried out, but this type of suicide assassination was rejected by most of the bayonets.

So the Abyss Temple killed them all..."

Speaking of this, Samuel couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After all, he participated in the attack under pressure, and he couldn't help feeling sorry for the bleak situation of the Brotherhood of Blades.

Luke said: "In this war, the dead are dead, and the living must find a way to live. There is no right or wrong, only cruel reality.

Go on..."

"Yes, my lord!"

Samuel, who came to serve, told the truth about everything he knew about the Abyss Temple.Including the number of abyss mages lurking in the imperial capital, hiding places and disguised identities.

While telling the story, Samuel also marked the stronghold of the Abyss Temple in the imperial capital on the map.

"The Temple of the Abyss uses the identity of a grain merchant as a cover. It owns many grain stores in the imperial capital. Food sales and food delivery channels form a network of connections between them. Dessert shops, bakeries, and restaurant kitchens all over the city form the core of their intelligence system. tentacle.

In addition to these, there are still many people with status who are controlled by the abyss mages using secret techniques to serve them secretly. "

The Celtic Grand Duke has long had a sense of war crisis, so he established an intelligence system in the imperial capital very early.The Blade Brotherhood is one, and the Abyss Temple is another, and it is hidden even deeper.

While listening to Samuel's narration, Luke compared the records in his mobile phone.Most of them are correct, and the other part should not be that Samuel didn't say anything on purpose, but that he really didn't know.

It is already very powerful that he can find out so many information about the Abyssal Temple.

Luke put away the map on the table, and said to Samuel: "Your information is very valuable, and when I eliminate these abyss mages, it will be like pulling out the nail nailed to the heart of the empire.

Your task is to continue to lurk and gather the stabbing blades remaining in the imperial capital.Don't disclose the relationship between you and me for the time being, and see if the Celtic Grand Duke will reactivate your information network that he has left in the imperial capital. "

Luke stood in the position of the Celtic Grand Duke and thought. Although the stabbing blades in the imperial capital could not undertake important intelligence and assassination tasks, after the abyss mage in the imperial capital was eliminated, he could only rely on The remaining bayonet intelligence system here obtains information about the imperial capital.

Samuel continued to serve the Celtic Grand Duke, assisting the Barbarian Legion to attack the Empire's southern army with correct intelligence, in order to gain the trust and reliance of the Celtic Grand Duke.

Carrying out intelligence fraud at a critical time can definitely reap miraculous effects.

Of course Samuel could understand Luke's intentions, and he said: "Yes, my lord, I know what to do. We won't be able to meet often in the future, if you have any orders, you can give me orders through the broken wood.

If Beng Mu hadn't told me himself, I wouldn't have known that he was connected with Kuaileg, both of them are very good stab blades. "

Luke looked at Bengmu, standing with Kuaileg at this moment, his expression was much more relaxed than before.After all, you have become your own person, so you don't have to be in a dilemma because of loyalty and friendship.

"Do it well. I will ask Raging City to allocate funds for your activities on time, and you will never have any financial difficulties in the development of your intelligence." Luke then said to Kuaileg: "You tell Is the situation here. Viscount Kelan, what does Samuel need to solve as soon as possible. In addition, the training system of the stabbing blade must be re-established, and they will be needed on a wider battlefield in the future."

Samuel, Kuaileg, and Bengmu replied together: "Of order, Governor!"

Luke finished his meeting with Samuel and asked Bengmu to send them out of this space safe house.

Luke did not rest when he returned to Secret Service No. [-]. Instead, he rearranged all the personnel and strongholds of the Abyss Temple in the imperial capital overnight according to Samuel's information and his own supplements.

Especially the hidden position of the fourth apostle Morris, as well as his range of activities.

Early the next morning, Luke handed over the information he had compiled to the professional spies he had brought, and asked them to verify and check the above information.

When Sinclair came to work in style, Luke called him to his office, and the two formulated a plan to encircle and suppress the forces of the Abyss Temple in the imperial capital based on intelligence.

At this time, the eldest prince Fania had handed over the available troops to Sinclair.Sinclair, who served in the northern border and has rich experience in war, is flexing his muscles at this moment to formulate an airtight encirclement and suppression plan.

In the afternoon, the spies sent out to verify the information returned.

The Wind Mill Flour Mill is the core of the intelligence system established by the Temple of the Abyss in the imperial capital.It is located in the western suburbs of St. Lun City. It is a steam-powered flour mill with a very large output.

Food is a rigid need of a city. The flour mill connects grain merchants and flour end customers, and can analyze a lot of valuable information through food supply.The Wind Mill Flour Mill is not only one of the food suppliers of the City Guards, it is even involved in the supply of food to the Imperial Army on the Southern Front, let alone destroying it.

The name of the owner of the Windmill Flour Mill is Peter Auston, and his identity is the nephew of the head of a powerful office under the Reich Grain Administration.Auston was obsessed with secret arts and was deeply involved in them. While studying forbidden secret arts, he met an abyss mage, and then joined the temple of the abyss.

With his uncle's relationship and the secret support of the Abyss Temple, Auston became a very important food supplier in the city of St. Lun in a short period of time, and he also bought a very large house in the upper city.

The fourth apostle Morris hid in this house.

After completing the battle plan to encircle and suppress the Abyss Mage, Sinclair said to Luke: "As long as there are enough troops, there is no problem in attacking the house that Morris hides. But according to your information, the Abyss Mage is underground. A large altar of secret art and complex tunnels like a labyrinth were dug out.

If the abyss mage retreats inside and sticks to it, it will take a lot of casualties to wipe them out.And if the delay is too long, it is very likely that the important figures of the enemy will escape.

Morris is an apostle of the abyss who has lived for more than 100 years. To deal with him... you need the assistance of the Royal Knights. "

Luke said: "My informant told me that Morris and His Majesty's close followers have met many times. If our plan is known to the royal knights, the plan to encircle and suppress the abyss mage may be hindered."

Hearing the news from Meteor, Sinclair was greatly surprised: "Your informant is not reliable! How could His Majesty have secretly contacted the Abyss Temple?"

These were all Samuel told Luke, considering the current situation of Emperor Augustine, he believed this information.

Luke said to Sinclair: "The current Augustine the Great is no longer the fearless emperor of the empire. The fear of death made him secretly start many experiments related to life extension.

The power of the abyss has allowed the abyss apostle, who is also a human race, to live for more than 100 years, which has a great temptation for His Majesty, making him ignore the dangers that the abyss will bring.

Think about what the Abyssal Apostle did to Oulu Academy a hundred years ago. Regardless of whether it is for the empire or for the reputation of His Majesty, we must resolve this matter as quickly as possible. "

This fact hit Sinclair very hard.

He regarded his grandfather as his idol since he was a child, and a large part of the reason why he joined the army was influenced by Emperor Augustine.When Augustine the Great was young, he led the imperial army to many influential victories.

In Sinclair's impression, Augustine the Great was an emperor who never knew what to be afraid of, and dared to charge in the face of any enemy.

And the current Emperor Augustine wants to transform into an abyssal apostle in order to prolong his life?
In the Golden Shield Empire, people hated the Abyss Temple as much as they respected the Oulu Academy.Coupled with the deeds of the abyss mages, they are hostile like necromancers.

Is His Majesty crazy?
Sinclair said: "Then don't tell the Royal Knights, I will personally lead the team to kill Morris."

Unexpectedly, Luke said: "Morris has Miss Skylight to deal with, and you can take care of the other abyss mages."

Sinclair asked in surprise, "Miss Clear Sky also participated in this siege?"

Luke said: "How can we eliminate the Abyss Temple without the Oulu Academy? Miss Skylight will bring a few Oulu mages to participate in this battle. Abyss Apostle Morris can just hand it over to them. She has experience in killing Abyss Apostles."

With the support of Clear Sky and Mage Oulu, Sinclair let go of his worries. He was really not confident that he could defeat an Abyssal Apostle.

The battle plan has been formulated, and the confirmed addresses and people have also been confirmed.

Sinclair joined the clear sky to attack the residence of Auston, the grain merchant, and annihilated the backbone of the abyss mages in the imperial capital, including the fourth apostle.Luke took the secret agents of Secret Service Six and a part of the city garrison to attack the Wind Mill Flour Mill on the outskirts of the city.

Other miscellaneous fish and strongholds are also in charge.


There are 158 target abyss mages, unknown armed personnel attached to the abyss temple, and 34 officials who need to be arrested.

Attack time: [-]:[-] midnight.

Sinclair took out his pocket watch and checked the time with Luke before leaving Secret Service Six.He still has to go to the military camp to dispatch personnel to assign tasks, and time is a bit tight.

Luke was not in a hurry to release the evening mission, but vaguely ordered everyone not to leave work at night and wait for the combat mission.

Then call Kaleena, Shelley, and Sandpaper.

After telling them about the mission tonight, Luke took out another map and spread it on the table.

The sandpaper immediately recognized the area with the most symbols on the map: "This is the crusader's armor factory!"

"Yes, it is the armor manufacturing factory of the Crusaders." Luke, who had not rested all day and night, took out a bottle of potion from the drawer and drank it to relieve his fatigue and continued: "After my careful consideration, if the action tonight Expansion is a good opportunity to deal with the crusader engineering."

Then Luke told the three of his temporary thoughts.

To be able to rescue his sister so quickly, Sandpaper of course raised his hands and double ponytails for support.

But the sandpaper vote doesn't work.

Luke asked Shelley: "This kind of military issue is your strong point, tell me your opinion."

Shelley carefully looked at the two tactical maps, and quickly carried out tactical deduction in his mind based on the strength of his own troops and the strength of the target side, taking the governor's goal as the result.

"My lord, there are not many abyss mages in the Wind Mill Flour Factory. The factory guards and workers are not opponents of the regular imperial army. The city guards of the imperial capital belong to the elite army of the empire. A thousand guards and our spies are enough to fight in a short period of time. End the battle within.

The armor factory where the Crusader Project is located is a military factory, not only has a strong guard force, but also a barracks of the city guard nearby.If it is for the purpose of occupation, it is difficult to meet your expectations. "

Luke said: "The support of the nearby city garrison is not considered, nor is it aimed at occupying the factory. Is it feasible for a large force to attract the main force of the target and cover the elite squad to rush and arrest people?"

Shelley conducted another tactical deduction.


With Shelley's affirmation, Luke made up his mind.

"Sandpaper went to find Kestrel. In order to operate smoothly tonight, you have to check our equipment carefully."

Sandpaper jumped up happily and saluted Luke: "Of course, Governor. I promise that all combat equipment tonight will be in top condition!"

Watching the sandpaper run out, Luke said to Karina: "You and Shelley have prepared all the supplies we need tonight. Be careful to keep it secret... Don't let a word leak out before the action."

"Obey, my lord governor!"

(End of this chapter)

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