Age of Arcane

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

Agatha couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice when she saw Jenny leading the ghost forward to explore the way.Necromancers blaspheme the dead. They are an existence that all living beings hate. They are evil things that will be executed when they see them.

Princess Dai did not expect that the knowledgeable and friendly assistant teacher Jenny would be proficient in undead magic.

And Jennifer doesn't have the unique look of a necromancer at all.

Qing Kong pulled out the double knives on his back and said to the surprised people: "I don't know how many people have been killed in the construction of this altar in the Abyss Temple. The resentment of the dead has created those monsters that cannot be killed. Use the soul bound here to deal with those monsters." , can save us a lot of stamina and mana."

While Clear Sky was explaining, Jenferne was attacked without going too far.

Numerous blood vessels protruded from both sides of the passage, and the disgusting sarcoma grew rapidly. After the explosion, a monster with claws and claws jumped out of it, and rushed towards Jenny and the ghosts.

Jennifer screamed again, her eyeballs turned completely black, and her skin changed from rosy to pale.Tangible sound waves pass through the ghost's body, and the ghost screams at the same frequency, and transforms from a ghost into a hideous evil spirit.

The evil spirits charged back at the monsters, and the two groups of evil species born of human souls and resentments fought.

Screams and hisses filled the entire passage.

When the monster dies, it will turn into blood and be absorbed by the wall, and the newly grown sarcoma will continuously replenish new monsters to launch an impact.

Jennifer, who has been trained to temporarily transform into an undead state, transformed into the boss of the underground labyrinth, and used the countless dead here to launch the undead summoning technique.

The ghosts continued to seep out of the wall, and then transformed into evil spirits to pounce on the monsters.

Not just ghosts, arms like vines sprouting from the walls to tear at the ever-bubbling blood vessels, or shred the unformed sarcomas.

There is no cruelty in this battle that consumes both sides quickly, it is all disgusting scenes.

Del couldn't help vomiting, and Bruce Ban was also pale.

Seeing this, Qingkong said: "Professor Ban, you protect Princess Dai'er and stay in the room, don't run around! If you don't enter the passage, there will be no monsters."

Bruce Ban felt relieved: "Yes, Miss Skylight, I will protect Princess Del."

Agatha also felt that the scene at this time was not suitable for Dai to fulfill her duties as an imperial princess.I don't know how far such a passage will go, but it would be a burden to take Dai'er there.

Agatha left her maidservant behind, and followed Qingkong who walked out of the room into the passage.

Bruce Ban quickly took out the props he carried with him, and set up secret traps and spell traps.

Jenny left a group of corpse vines here for protection, and then led the undead to press the monster forward.

Agatha caught up with the clear sky, and the walls were covered with dead hand vines that crawled in and out, destroying every protruding blood vessel.She knew that to create so many undead, not only a powerful necromancer was needed, but also an extremely large number of corpses.

"The Abyss Temple actually killed so many people, and the Public Security Bureau and Secret Intelligence Bureau didn't notice anything. It's a serious dereliction of duty!"

Qingkong followed Jenny and said to the self-blame Agatha: "The prosperity of industry and commerce led by the new aristocrats and the lack of corresponding laws and regulations have brought about disorderly expansion. Facing those factories that are getting bigger and bigger Lord, individuals have no power against them.

A large number of bankrupts who lost their land and workshops gathered in large cities, and among them lucky enough to enter factories, most of them gathered in slums like the lower city, and quite a few of them died for various reasons.

The dead here are only a very small part... It's normal that the Public Security Bureau and Secret Intelligence Bureau didn't find out! "

The sentence "It's normal!" was extremely ironic to Agatha's ears.

She also told Dai'er just now that it is the duty of a member of the royal family to protect the subjects of the empire, but she did not expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

Agatha asked Clear Sky, "Do you have any solution?"

Qingkong laughed: "I'm just a scholar. Moreover, this kind of systemic social problem cannot be explained in a few words here.

But I think whether this kind of thing can be solved depends on whether the rulers want to solve it, and whether they dare to cut themselves first. "

Agatha looked at the clear sky, her smile was thought-provoking.

Agatha didn't ask more questions about this matter, and instead said: "Miss Skylight, this occasion is very suitable for talking about some topics that we usually can't talk about. After this incident is over, Dai'er can return to the palace safely. Our father will definitely marriage will be granted immediately.

Do you think Meteor will take it? "

Qingkong knew that Agatha was testing herself, so she replied: "Your Highness, as I said, the relationship between me and Meteor is very, very pure. Whether Meteor accepts it is his problem, and it will not have any influence on me.

It's just that I think...why don't you ask Del.I like her very much, and I don't want her to be hurt in our game. You just said that you will protect her. "

Agatha felt another slap across the face.

Didn't Dai'er run away this time just to take her own destiny into her own hands?

"Thank you, Clear Sky."

"There is no need to thank her so early. If you want to protect her, you must first ensure that you are alive. Morris has been operating here for so many years, and I may not be able to kill him smoothly.

Stop being distracted by other things and hold your sword. "

After being reminded by the clear sky, Agatha noticed that they had gone deep into the passage, and the room they entered had long since disappeared.Jenny was still leading the undead to push forward, and there were monsters rushing behind him, and the undead also appeared to block them.

There were fights before and after, creating a safe and small space for the three of them.

Agatha began to be a little thankful that there was a Necromancer in the team. If the army was used, she really didn't know how much life would be filled in it.

Temple of the Abyss.

Absolutely can't let father get close to the abyss!
Agatha clenched the sword in her hand, her killing intent became stronger and stronger.

Qingkong directed Jenny's forward path, and kept heading towards the underground altar without detours.

This dungeon is very difficult for players who are not skilled enough. A large number of monsters are crowded in the narrow passage endlessly, and they can only kill them all the way.It consumes the player's energy and the reserves in the backpack so much that he is not in a good state to face the last abyssal apostle.

Later, some players discovered that this dungeon had a hidden undead spell boost buff, so there was a way of undead horizontal push.The sea of ​​undead versus the sea of ​​monsters is simple and crude, yet spectacular and enjoyable.

As the boss of a dungeon of undead, under the influence of the buff of the undead spell increase, Jennifer directly turned the away game into her home.I don't know how many people have been killed here in the Abyss Temple, and they are all deaths with deep resentment. This makes the undead summoned by Jenny become endless, and they are more powerful than ordinary undead.

Even a large number of killings and the absorption of soul energy made some undead upgrade.

Some evil spirits were covered with a layer of black armor, and their attack method was not biting. The soul energy was ready-made swords in their hands, and killing monsters became cutting melons and vegetables.

The tireless undead warriors wielded their war knives and turned into blades in the meat grinder in the narrow passage, leaving only a piece of broken limbs.

Some corpse hand vines have turned into thick corpse flower vines. The huge flower buds on the head are open, and there are layers of sharp, serrated teeth inside, which can bite a monster into two pieces with one bite.

The undead evolved, and the team moved faster.

When they reached the underground altar at the end, an undead army composed of evolved undead had gathered around Jenny Funi.

In the face of the huge and towering underground altar, the undead army only occupied a very small place.

The altar is located in an underground cave that has been opened up, with a height of tens of meters.The upper space of the entire cave is covered with dense blood vessels, the thick ones are three to four meters in diameter, and the thin ones are more than ten centimeters.

These blood vessels criss-crossed and converged into a giant sarcoid the size of a house.

The sarcoma was constantly wriggling slowly, emitting a dark red light from the inside out.

"The speed of your arrival is beyond my imagination. According to my perception, you didn't take an extra step in the maze, which made all the traps I set inside become decorations."

Morris's voice came from the sarcoma, and it was also psychic.

Jennifer, who turned into an undead, was not affected, and Qingkong and Agatha released a barrier for themselves to resist mental attacks in time.

Qingkong said to Morris who was high above: "I have gone through too many mazes before, and your simple maze is not difficult for me.

Morris, is your transformation over yet?Do you need me to help you! "

After Qingkong finished speaking, the giant sarcoma on the top quickly withered, as if withered.Then a hole was opened from under the giant sarcoma, and a person curled up into a cocoon fell out of it.

Before he landed, the man spread out a pair of fleshy wings on his back, an evil aura erupted, and the whole space hissed loudly.

At this time, Morris's face no longer had any normal facial features. Four red eyes were distributed in a trapezoidal shape on his bald and wrinkled head. In the middle of the eyes surrounded by a thing that seemed to be a long vertical mouth. The lips on both sides were full of red eyes. It's the wriggling tentacles.

"Clear sky, did you bring the book of calamity? You are dead, it is ours..."

One voice becomes two.

From the shriveled sarcomas above, another Morris lay like an egg.Then one by one, five Morriss were suspended in the air in a short while.

One Morris is very powerful, and this time he had to deal with five at once. Agatha worriedly asked Qing Kong: "We only have three people, how do we fight?"

Unexpectedly, Qing Kong breathed a sigh of relief: "It would be difficult if there was only one Morris, but obviously he miscalculated the situation when he saw the number of us.

None of these Morriss are real, and he wants to use these infinitely expendable avatars to wear down our power.

If you deal with these clones, I will kill him with one blow! "

Feeling Qingkong's confidence, Agatha and Jenny followed the instructions and prepared to fight.

Jenny relied on the wall to form a defensive zone with the undead brought in. He and Agatha guarded the inner circle to protect the clear sky.

Clear Sky opens the Eye of Ice Crystal, and finds the true location of Morris among the dense blood vessels on the top of the cave.He did not forget to take the book of calamity in his hand and challenge Morris: "The book of calamity is here, if you are not afraid of death... just come and get it!"

Seeing the Book of Calamity, the five clones of Morris swooped down as five black shadows.The entire space was filled with noisy hissing sounds, and these sounds mixed together to form a wave of mental attacks, slapping at the people in defense.

The undead are not affected by spiritual spells, and the evil spirit warriors on the periphery hold knives in both hands and slash at the approaching Morris clone.The corpse flower vine climbed along the wall, and when Morris' clone approached, it stretched out the flower bud and opened its mouth to bite.

Jenny and Agatha, who were being protected from top to bottom, continuously released magic at the flying Morris to prevent them from approaching.

But Morris' clones are different from those monsters. Their flying trajectories are flexible and changeable, and they can release a black blade glow with a wave of their hands.The attack of the undead can only have the effect of delaying, and he was beheaded by five Morris clones one by one.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Agatha rushed to the front line with her sword, and used her sword net to fill up the gap that was opened at the expense of physical strength and magic power.

According to the loss of the undead, Jenny gradually closed the defense circle, and at the same time continuously summoned low-level undead to serve as cannon fodder.

The stalemate made Morris want to vomit blood.

He really didn't expect that the secret art altar he had spent countless efforts to create was actually the home of the necromancer, and he didn't expect that Qingkong really brought a powerful necromancer.

At the same time, it also means that Qingkong knows this altar better than herself.

what is this?
How could anyone know more about this secret technique than me, the creator of the secret technique!
Morris' body was wandering in his blood vessels in the form of dirty blood. The death of the two abyssal apostles made him afraid to face the clear sky that came in immediately.He wanted to observe first, use the avatar he created to confuse the intruders, and test Qingkong's true strength.

But Morris couldn't figure it out. Qingkong's understanding of his own secret technique was far more than just understanding, which was a level that other abyssal apostles could not do.

What is she?
While Morris was asking this question, another thought made him shudder.

If Qingkong really understands this secret technique better than I do, does it mean that she already knew that none of the five Morriss is the real body.

She knows where I am!
Hidden in her veins, Morris looked at the clear sky. Since the beginning of the battle, she had been standing in the protective circle and looking up, her eyes seemed to be searching for something.


Morris realized that his guess was true.

At this time, Qingkong's gaze moved over and met Morris's gaze.


Morris saw the smile on the corner of Qingkong's mouth, and also saw her lips clearly.

"Got you!"

 I didn't want to stop here, but the power went out!

(End of this chapter)

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