Age of Arcane

Chapter 280

Chapter 280
The sense of crisis and the killing intent locked in by the clear sky made Morris move towards the sarcoma immediately, and at the same time ordered the five clones who were fighting with the undead to fly towards the sarcoma.He must recover all the scattered power, and face this terrifyingly powerful opponent in the strongest form.

But Morris in the blood vessel just moved, a rotating ice wheel was shot up and nailed to the thick blood vessel leading to the sarcoma.With a burst of freezing sound, the dirty blood in the blood vessel was immediately frozen, and the freezing quickly spread in the blood vessel with the infusion of ice energy.

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, Morris retreated to take another route, but another ice wheel was nailed to the blood vessel behind.The ice spread from front to back, blocking Morris in the middle pipe.

And four of the five clones were entangled by the invaders and undead, and only one flew up.However, before that avatar approached the sarcoma, the clear sky continuously flickered in the air for spatial displacement, and an ice step would appear under her feet every flicker.The steps of ice cubes shattered into icicles and exploded after being trampled on by Clear Sky, allowing Clear Sky to maintain a rising speed during the short interval of space movement.

After the clear sky, he went first to stop a clone of Morris, and still had the strength to glance at the battle below.

In the Epoch game, Jennifer as a maze boss and Agatha as a high-level NPC have quite strong force.In this battle, they also showed superb combat effectiveness.

Seeing the clear sky attack, the two immediately switched from defense to offense.

Agatha bends her knees and jumps more than ten meters. The floating spell can make her stay in the air for a short time.A sword shot out in her hand, and a clone of Morris who killed it kept lowering its height to dodge.

Jenny stepped on a corpse flower vine and rushed into the air. At the same time, more corpse flower vines and corpse hand vines broke through the wall and stretched as far as possible, interweaving a jungle of vines in the air.The evil spirit flew up, and the evil spirit warrior climbed up the thick vines.

Every time Agatha stops a Morris clone, Jenny traps it in the vine jungle of the undead.

The environment here is too great for the growth of the Necromancer.

Clear Sky confirmed that the other four Morris clones were finished, so he concentrated on dealing with the clone in front of him.She landed on an ice step, and in the pull of time, the ice step seemed to grow in the air.

Also like a stage, Qingkong is the dancer standing in the middle of the stage.

The machete Canggu Panyan was holding in his hand, his right arm was shining brightly, and the blade was covered with a layer of white holy flame.Swinging his hands and slashing, a crescent-shaped blade a few meters long was thrown out.

The clone of Morris, which was intercepted by the clear sky, dodged urgently, and the Holy Crescent Flame ran across its wings, and then slammed heavily on the huge sarcoma.

A dull roar echoed in the underground space, and the sarcoma and dense blood vessels trembled.

The avatar looked back at the sarcoma.The holy flame made a very large opening on it, and the white holy flame continued to burn, causing the flesh-like tissue on the tumor to twist, as if it was enduring great pain.

Knowing that he couldn't protect the heart of the altar, Morris's avatar flapped its wings and rushed towards the trapped main body. There was still a possibility of a battle if the main body was integrated into the avatar.

Qingkong didn't stop Morris' clone, she turned around on the spot and charged up to chop a bigger Crescent Sacred Flame at the sarcoma.The holy flame hit the position of the first holy flame, and cut across it obliquely, and chopped all the blood vessels blocking the way forward, and slashed heavily on the opposite wall.Wherever it passed, everything contaminated with holy flames burned.

The sarcoid was cut in half, and countless wailings sounded, and the dead who were imprisoned by the secret technique were freed from the shackles.The dense blood vessels in the sky exploded section by section, and the black blood inside sprayed out, gathering and scattering into the appearance of different monsters.

Then hit the ground, smashing and splashing.

The sealed Morris fell in a state of tainted blood, and then poured it all on Distracted, who arrived in time.

The dirty blood seeped in, and Morris finally got the body.

He looked at the clear sky not far away. The elf was standing on the ice in the air, surrounded by falling blood and monsters.

Morris didn't know why Qingkong let him return to his body, but he knew that the secret technique was broken, and his current situation was definitely not Qingkong's opponent.

It was Morris' only thought at this moment.

But Qingkong's voice suddenly vibrated in this enclosed space.

"Secret Words: Self-salvation from Fear and Despair"

A seemingly ordinary iron sword was held by Qing Kong, and after she finished chanting the words of the secret technique, she threw the iron sword into the air.

In an instant, the wailing that filled the entire space stopped abruptly.

The falling blood and monsters freeze in the air.

A magic circle lit up on the ground of the altar, and after a ripple spread out from the middle of the magic circle, all the blood on the ground swept by the ripple changed color.

The black blood turned into bright red blood, and then evaporated into a red mist rising upwards.

The ripples spread along the ground to cover the entire space, and then spread upwards.

The dirty blood and monsters in the air first turned into blood, and then evaporated into mist.Even those summoned undead were transformed and transpired upwards.

The majestic anger suppressed Jennifer's undead energy, her skin regained its color, and she stood with Agatha to watch the spectacle that was happening in the space.

The red mist increased, and its momentum became stronger and stronger.The transformed potential energy is brought to the airflow and gathers all the red mist towards the center, forming a whirlwind.

Morris, who saw this vision, was even more surprised.

Qing Kong actually used her own secret technique to release a brand new secret technique that she didn't even know about.

The strong sense of crisis made Morris even more afraid to stay here. He flapped his wings and wanted to escape from the hole on the top floor.But when he turned around, he saw a knife burning with holy flames chopping down from above.

It's clear sky, when did she run there.

Morris quickly lowered his altitude, dodging the shining knife.When he stabilized his figure, he saw Qingkong walking slowly in the space above, and every time she took a step, an ice cube appeared under her feet.

Her eyes looked down contemptuously, and she said jokingly: "Morris, don't rush away, you don't want to see... What does another form of your secret technique look like?

Watch out, he's coming! "

Morris looked down immediately after hearing Qingkong's words.

The red whirlwind finally gathered into a human form, he reached out to pick up the iron sword, and a pair of red flesh wings spread out behind him.

Another Morris!
Morris looked at the other Morris, and could feel that he had been firmly locked in by the opponent's killing intent.The understanding of the secret technique let Morris know that this is the embodiment of the resentment and despair of all the lives that died in this altar.

Killing himself is the only support for the existence of this Morris.

No matter where he fled to, he would hunt and kill him there.And there is a clear sky blocking the way of retreat, and he can't escape.

"Qing Kong, what the hell are you?"

Morris yelled, he wanted to know the answer, why Qingkong knew this secret technique better than himself.

But Morris didn't wait for Qingkong's answer, another Morris rushed up, striking with a sword with the determination of revenge for all the dead.

Qingkong stood in the sky guarding the retreat of Morris, watching the battle between the two Morris in the airspace below with cold eyes.

"I'm just a player who likes to study strategies..."

The encirclement and suppression of the lurking personnel in the Abyss Temple in the city of Saint Lun, except for the large-scale battle in the Alston residence, the clearance and arrest of other places went very smoothly.

The close cooperation between the First Prince and Governor Meteor has also triggered deep thinking from all parties in the imperial capital.

Did Meteor abandon Agatha and join the side of the First Prince who had the upper hand in the fight for the reserve?
Except for the Sixth Secret Service, which is in charge of the Meteor Governor, the Secret Intelligence Bureau still did not take any action after knowing the situation, which intensified the speculation of all parties.

At this time, Luke was leading the army to attack the Wind Mill Flour Mill outside the city.

The open terrain outside the city makes more use of the army than the urban area. Even though the windmill flour mill built a tall wall, it was attacked by the city guards in one charge.

The main force of the abyss mages is not here, and the flour mill dare not hire too strong guards for the sake of camouflage.Therefore, the battle is basically a one-sided push, except that the dust explosion caused slight damage to the guards, and the battle ended in a short time.

The soldiers of the Garrison Army went all over the factory to arrest people and search for evidence, and the airship made rain to extinguish the burning fire.

Luke walked on the square of the factory, where towering grain sacks were piled up everywhere, and the air was full of the smell of blood mixed with flour.

The corpse was pushed in the middle of the square, and the workers who did not know what had happened were gathered on the other side for custody.They curled up and squatted on the ground, looking at the ferocious soldiers, worried for their lives.

A garrison officer followed Luke with a very happy expression.

Although the treatment of the garrison of Shenglun City is good, it is really too difficult to make military achievements.For destroying the Abyss Temple lurking in the imperial capital this time, His Majesty will definitely be rewarded heavily.

The officer said to Luke: "Your Excellency...Although we haven't found physical evidence yet, we obviously encountered many mages and evil secret attacks during our attack. This is definitely an important stronghold of the Abyss Temple in the imperial capital. Others Evidence will soon be searched."

Luke took out a candy from his pocket and put it in his mouth, looked at the miserable images around him and said, "Lieutenant Colonel Isaac, according to my information, these hidden abyss mages intend to assassinate many royal family members and court ministers." , including me...

Pulling out the Celtic dagger in the heart of the empire, you can at least be promoted to colonel for your credit, right? "

When it comes to promotion, Lieutenant Colonel Isaac couldn't hide his joy: "This is thanks to the First Prince's trust and the Governor's help. I thought I would wear the rank of lieutenant colonel until I retired, but I didn't expect to be promoted to colonel. "

Then a spy came and whispered something in Luke's ear.

Luke asked solemnly, "Is the information true?"

"Governor, I saw with my own eyes the man you asked me to watch go in."

Seeing Governor Meteor frowned, Lieutenant Colonel Isaac immediately asked, "Governor, what happened?"

Luke said: "My agent has followed a hidden abyss mage, and wants to see if he will bring us a few more strongholds that have not been discovered when we launch a siege.

Just now my agent said...that abyss mage entered the caltrop armor factory. "

Lieutenant Colonel Isaac said in surprise when he heard about the caltrop armor factory, "That's an arsenal."

Luke said angrily: "I didn't expect that the Temple of the Abyss not only infiltrated the supply system of the Imperial Army's rations, but even the arsenal.

The Empire is fighting against the barbarians in the Tedgar Hills. The physical fitness of the soldiers is our disadvantage. Now that there are problems with food and armor, how can we win the game.

check!It must be thoroughly investigated!Get out all the moths who are colluding with the enemy. "

Lieutenant Colonel Isaac was also very angry.

The garrison army of Saint Lun City under his command is the direct descendant of the great prince Fania.Now the eldest prince is in charge of fighting against the Celtic Grand Duke on the southern front. As a result, there may be problems with food, and there may be problems with armor!
How can I bear this tone.

"My lord, what do you want to do?"

Facing Lieutenant Colonel Isaac's desire to fight, Luke was also full of fighting spirit: "Does Lieutenant Colonel Isaac want to be a general?"

Lieutenant Colonel Isaac immediately replied: "His Royal Highness Sinclair gave me the order before leaving: Tonight, my regiment and I will obey the orders of the Governor.

The governor wants me to be a general, so I will be a general! "

Lieutenant Colonel Isaac was willing to fight, and Luke said loudly: "Assemble the army immediately and march towards the Caltrop Arsenal. We will not let a single rebel go today!"

"Follow the order!"

Lieutenant Colonel Isaac saluted Luke, turned around and mobilized the troops.

Signal bombs representing different instructions were fired into the sky, and several airships turned around and drove out of the range of the flour mill.The ground army left a group of soldiers to guard the flour mill, and other soldiers quickly got into the car. It took less than 10 minutes for the army to drive to the barbed wire armor factory.

In the bumpy compartment of the command vehicle, Luke took his agents and some officers of the garrison to discuss how to attack the armor factory.

Maps are spread on the floor.

Luke first said: "Because we don't know how far the armor factory has been infiltrated, we can't launch an annihilation attack like we did with the flour mill.

After arriving, first encircle and then negotiate, strive to take over the control of the armor factory without fighting, and then search for people. "

Lieutenant Colonel Isaac said: "The governor is very considerate. The armor factory has much stronger guards than the flour mill. A storm will cause us great losses.

But if the armor factory doesn't let us take over, it means things are more serious than we thought, and we will attack immediately.There is a garrison barracks nearby, we can call on them for help. "

Luke said with a smile: "The City Guards of Saint Lun City is indeed an elite army of the Empire, and your strong fighting spirit has infected me too!

However, the situation of the arsenal is too special, and the uncontrollable situation of the war will cause unnecessary losses to the empire. "

The officers of the garrison nodded.

There must be a lot of important equipment in the arsenal, and not all personnel are gaps.Unlike attacking a flour mill, it doesn't matter if you kill some people by mistake.If you kill an important person by mistake, you have done nothing.

Lieutenant Colonel Isaac asked, "Does the Governor have any proposals?"

Luke introduced Shelley next to him and said: "My subordinate, Shelley, is the captain of the ranger of the Secret Intelligence Bureau in Raging City. She used to serve in the northern border. She has experience in army command and knows how the Secret Intelligence Bureau handles things.

This military operation was directed by her, and the credit was shared by everyone. If something went wrong, my Secret Affairs Bureau would take care of it.

how about it? "

The officers of the garrison were overjoyed: "We obey the orders of the governor, and are willing to accept the command of Captain Shelley!"

(End of this chapter)

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