Age of Arcane

Chapter 284 Return to the Palace

Chapter 284 Return to the Palace
The abyss mage lurking into the imperial capital was wiped out, which was a major victory for the war the empire was facing.

With the deepening of the investigation, the crimes committed by the abyss mage and the planned assassination plan were found out, which made the shock caused by this incident intensify.

There is also the information revealed by the joint operation of the Sixth Division of the Imperial Secret Service and the Fourth Division of the City Guard; the Crusader Engineering Research Institute was sealed off, and evidence of the infiltration of the Abyss Mage was found inside.

The things behind all the signs are enough for all the staff and think tanks in the imperial capital to think about it for days and nights.

Soon after another visit from the eldest princess, the second prince Alec announced that he would go to the west to preside over the bandit suppression operation.

Agatha told Alec that he could not fully control the meteorite, and that the meteorite was so close to Fania this time, which made Alec realize that he was at an absolute disadvantage in the struggle for the crown prince.

Even if he is now in the imperial capital, once there is a huge change in the palace, he will have no strength to fight against Fania who has both military power and the city of Raging Waves.Only by going to the west now and training an army loyal to him, will it be possible to continue fighting for reserves with Agatha's assistance.

However, the cabinet representing the Crusaders was surprisingly calm. They did not express their stance because of the destruction of the Crusader Institute, and allowed the city guards to continue to occupy the Caltrop armor factory.

The eldest prince Fania did not put pressure on the cabinet on the issue of the abyss mage.

Both sides understood tacitly that this was a stumbling block set by Meteor for Fania in this great contribution, preventing him from getting full achievement.

The cabinet needs the continued trust of the future emperor of the new empire, and Fania also needs the stability of the imperial court in his hands.

Therefore, apart from the Celtic Grand Duke, only Emperor Augustine was injured.

He wanted to get immortality from Morris... Morris was dead.

He wanted to gain longevity through the secret technique of eternal life... The Crusader Institute was closed down, and Dr. Elvis, who was in charge of the experiment, became an abyss mage and died.

Even the related experiments of the Extraordinary Creation Center were sabotaged by unknown personnel.

Emperor Augustine became haggard, and no one in the huge empire wanted to see his life span extended.In the past, he was just laughing at himself when he thought so, but the reality told was all true.

He is the emperor of the empire, one of the most powerful people in the world, but what he faces is an extremely cruel and cold court.

Augustine sat on a chair, no matter how hot the stove burning in front of him was, it couldn't warm his body.


A soft cry caused a warm current to rise in Emperor Augustine's heart. He looked at his daughter who walked into the room, and there was a soft look in his eyes.

"Daier!" Augustine stood up. He took Princess Dai's hand and let her sit beside him.He stared at the daughter who had been missing for many days, and said softly: "I thought I would never see you again... just come back, forget about those terrible things, I will never allow you to be bullied again.

You must have suffered a lot these days. "

Dai'er felt that today's father seemed to be a different person, no longer the father who made her dare not breathe.

"I didn't suffer too much. After I was attacked and taken away, Miss Weathering Sky and Governor Meteor quickly rescued me. Because I didn't know who attacked me, Miss Weathering Sky asked me to dress up as a member of Oulu Academy student, living in her museum..."

Dai'er was talking about what she had agreed with Qingkong.

If she said she ran away by herself, she would definitely be in the strictly "protected" palace.

After listening to Dai'er's narration, Emperor Augustine nodded slightly: "No wonder Meteor was able to find the Abyss Temple so quickly. It turned out that he had already saved you. Fortunately, you were saved by him. If you fell into the hands of the Abyss Temple, I really don't know what they will do to you."

Augustine thought of the materials he had seen, but couldn't imagine what Dill would be like when he was sent there.

The emotion towards Meteor in my heart will inevitably be diluted a lot.

Dai'er didn't know what kind of turmoil the meteorite's actions had caused in the palace. She was in a good mood when she saw her father, and said, "Father, during the time I was in the museum, I learned a lot of interesting things from Miss Qingkong." thing.

Moreover, it is much more interesting to attend classes and do experiments with classmates than to study in the palace.

I... can I stay in the museum of Miss Weatherlight, the most learned scholar I have ever met. "

Dai'er looked at Emperor Augustine expectantly.

Augustine the Great also looked at his youngest daughter, who looked so much like her dead mother.

"It seems that you like Miss Weatherlight very much. What kind of person she is... no, what kind of fairy."

Speaking of the clear sky, Dai'er's eyes couldn't help showing a look of worship.

"Miss Qingkong's secret art class is wonderful and can only be described as fantasy. I don't know how she knows so many secret arts, and some of them are purely show-type secret arts.

She can create a starry sky in the classroom, and can easily present the sea and mountains in front of us.I have also seen her use dragon scales to make mysterious props, Professor Ban said that Miss Qingkong killed a dragon..."

Dai Er talked happily, telling Augustine about the other side of the clear sky.

Augustine listened quietly, examining this mysterious and powerful elf from Del's perspective.

In the end, Dai'er actually begged Augustine in a coquettish tone: "Father, please let me go to Miss Weatherly's museum to study, Miss Weatherly will definitely protect me."

Del took Augustine's hand and shook it. When she realized that her actions were presumptuous, she immediately let go of her hand.

Augustine's expression also flickered, and the moment Daier let go, his heart also felt empty.

But he still thought seriously about Dai'er's proposal.

It would be a good thing for the empire if Dai'er really got close to Clear Sky.At the national level, the force of the clear sky is a strategic level of deterrence.As a princess, Dai'er has a good relationship with her, which is equivalent to binding a super force for the royal family.

"Alright... Since Qingkong has been appointed as the successor by Dean Willred, she must have a lot of knowledge. Being able to receive her personal teaching will greatly improve you."

After getting the consent, Dai'er was so happy that she almost forgot the princess's manner and jumped up from the chair.

"Really? Thank you, Father!"

Dai'er's innocence infected Augustine, and he was somewhat reluctant to marry her to Meteor.

But he quickly put aside the short-lived warmth and resigned himself to the identity of the emperor of the empire.

"Meteor Xing owes a lot to your safe return this time. I have always wanted you to marry him, so you have to be mentally prepared..."

Dai'er knew that her father wanted to marry Meteor for a long time, this time he formally mentioned it to her, which made Dai'er feel dazed.

Scenes of what happened during the time she spent with Meteor emerged before her eyes.

Looking at Dai'er who was stunned, Augustine thought she was unwilling, so he half persuaded and half commanded: "You are the royal princess and you have to take on the responsibility of the royal princess. Meteor is a very talented person. After leaving the city of Raging Waves, he can still enjoy both ways in the court, and he will definitely be able to enter the cabinet in the future and become the first and assistant minister of the imperial court.

If this person is used well, the empire can continue to prosper.

If he makes trouble... none of your elder brothers is his opponent.

If you marry him, I will give him the highest honor, and then I will put the reins on him and let him be loyal to the empire wholeheartedly.

Do you understand? "

"I..." Dai'er didn't know how to answer.She doesn't dislike Meteor, but it's far from the level of admiration.She didn't want to be a tool of imperial politics like her married sisters.She wants to escape, free to pursue what she thinks is beautiful.

But what my father said was right, what sister Agatha said was right... the princess of the empire must make sacrifices for the empire.

Looking at the helpless Dai'er, Emperor Augustine couldn't help but soften in his heart.

"Think about it carefully... I also need to observe the meteor again."

"Yes, father... If there is nothing else, I will retire."

"Go back and have a good rest." When Dai'er stood up and saluted and was about to leave, Emperor Augustine couldn't help but added: "Come and chat with me when you have time... Your brothers and sisters are too busy with affairs to rarely Take the initiative to come to see me."

"Yes, Royal Father, I will visit you often."

After watching Dai'er leave the room, Emperor Augustine looked at the stove again. He tightened the blanket wrapped around his body, and then fell asleep with his eyes closed.

However, when the Imperial Capital court was showing signs of turmoil, Meteor stayed away from disputes and stayed in the Secret Service No. [-], and did not see anyone visiting.

Luke turned into a businessman from Raging City and returned to the lower city.After picking up Alice, let Kuaileg drive to Malcolm's Institute of Extraordinary Species.

Along the way, traces of the battle can be seen everywhere.Some of the corpses were not collected, and the faces eaten by wild dogs were completely changed.

There also seemed to be a lot fewer people.

Alice sat beside Luke very cautiously. Even if she didn't see Mrs. Jasmine, she didn't dare to make intimate gestures to Luke.

She thought she had seen the madness of downtown, but it was only during Mr. Luke's absence that she knew what real madness was.

All the people in the lower city really went crazy, and killings filled the whole day and night.As an information broker, the most news Alice receives every day is who is dead, who is dead.

Those famous bigwigs who hang out in the lower city have turned into corpses in a blink of an eye.

The battle in the sewage reservoir made both sides jealous, and affected the entire lower city.And the person who caused all this is the young man with a kind temperament beside him.

Alice reported to Luke the recent situation in the lower city.

With the money in his hands and the first-generation mysterious substance mixture, old Adrian withstood the siege of the other four alchemy factories in the early stages of the battle.

Then old Adrian gradually changed from defense to offense with the addition of elite thugs and money bribes.

During this period, with Luke's funding and the secret support of the Malcolm Institute of Extraordinary Species, old Adrian became stronger and stronger.

Now there are only three of the original four alchemy factories left, and after being beaten up not long ago, they can only linger on.

It was Luke who stopped the final occupation war initiated by old Adrian in time and let Malcolm intervene.This time he went to Malconn's research institute, just to participate in the sewage reservoir peace talks meeting.

The old Adrian family cannot be allowed to dominate.

Luke did not forget to praise Alice after hearing this: "You did a good job this time. When the incident is over and the downtown area is re-stabilized, you will be my spokesperson here and be responsible for mediating conflicts between all parties."

Alice knew that with Luke's status, it was impossible to stay in the downtown area and do everything by herself. Being able to become his spokesperson was equivalent to winning a golden job and becoming a figure who could call the shots in the downtown area.

"Thank you, Mr. Luke, for your trust in me. I will definitely help you mediate with all parties in the lower city, and let them make good money for you."

"Hahaha..." Luke couldn't help laughing, if it wasn't for Alice's reminder, he would have forgotten about making money: "Yes, let them make money for me!"

Drive to the Institute of Extraordinary Species in Malcolm.

A lot of reinforcements have been done here compared to the last time. The high-walled courtyard has also increased a lot of guards.

The chaos in the downtown area during this period also gave Malkan a strong sense of crisis.

The one who greeted Luke and his party was Black Panther Monis, who saluted Luke respectfully and said, "Mr. Luke, my master is conducting an experiment, so I can't greet you personally, please forgive me.

Please wait in the reception room, the master's experiment will be over soon. "

Luke followed the Panther Monis into the institute, and asked, "Last time Malkan said he lost a very important thing, have you found it now?"

The panther led the way and replied: "No... This is the downtown area, and you can easily find lost things. Fortunately, the investment brought by Mr. Luke allows the owner to carry out many research topics, so that he won't be angry all the time about that thing. .

Did Madam Jasmine not come this time? "

Luke replied: "During this period, a lot of things happened in the city of St. Lun, and abyss mages and spies were caught everywhere. The imperial city is still safe, so I let my wife continue to live in the hotel.

Anyway, things don't take long here, and my business here will be up and running in no time. "

Panther Monis can feel the transformation taking place in downtown.After the negotiation is over, this Mr. Luke is the underground emperor of the lower city.

"My master attaches great importance to your cooperation with Mr. Luke, please..."

Luke was waiting in the living room drinking tea, and it didn't take long for Malken to walk in excitedly.

He was still wearing a lab coat, and when he entered the door, he asked his assistant to spray disinfectant on his body, and took off the lab coat.

Then he picked up a small leather nest from the arms of another assistant, and there was a little white guy wriggling in the nest.

Malcolm came over and showed Luke what he had in his arms.

It was a little milk dog with pure white fluff and a pair of small and fluffy wings growing from its back.

"Mr. Luke, your arrival has brought me good luck. Today's experiment went surprisingly smoothly, and I completed the genetic sequencing of the first extraordinary pet. Soon, a healthy and tame flying dog will be able to enter the city of Raging Waves." market!"

(End of this chapter)

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