Age of Arcane

Chapter 285 Peace Talk Meeting

Chapter 285 Peace Talk Meeting
The flying dog in the nest is charmingly naive, staring with black eyes and making a "woo woo" sound from its mouth.

Luke stretched out his hand to tease Flying Dog, and said to Malken: "Such a cute thing will definitely please Jasmine, and it will definitely sell well.

Can I take it away? "

"Of course!" Malcolm handed the nest to Alice, his face full of joy at the success of the experiment, and he introduced to Luke: "The extraordinary breeding technology for attaching wings to dogs has long been mature, you don't have to I am worried about its health and flying problems. The genome added this time is to make the flying dog more docile and not aggressive towards people. Of course, there is also the appearance... I guarantee that it will definitely be a tame and beautiful guy when it grows up .”

Luke is still at ease with Malcolm's extraordinary cultivation technology. For him, this level of transformation can be rubbed out with his feet.

Then, Luke was discussing some Flying Dog mass production and sales strategies with Malcolm, and Alice hugged the little guy as if she wanted to keep it for herself.

Soon the topic came to this negotiation.

Malcolm said his mediation has been accepted by all parties and that large-scale fighting in the downtown area has stopped.Although small-scale conflicts occurred from time to time, they were not within the scope of the sewage reservoir and were outside the control of the five alchemy factories.

"Mr. Luke...Old Adrian can have such power, all rely on the funds you gave him, as well as the first generation of mysterious substance mixture.

Now many people want to know, is there a second-generation or third-generation mysterious substance mixture?If so, who can qualify for production from you? "

Malcolm looked at Luke, expecting an answer in his heart.

The power of the first generation of mysterious substance mixture potion has been demonstrated, and its name means that there should be more advanced potions in Luke's hands.

Faced with a situation where he could win all the battles, Old Adrian resolutely chose to obey and cease the war. The biggest reason was...

In the lower city, Luke, holding the Imperial Mark in one hand and an upgraded version of the mysterious substance mixed potion formula in the other, will kill whoever dies, and live whoever lives!

Everyone expects to be the next lucky one.

Luke knew Malken's little thoughts, he said with a smile: "With my investment, the value that your extraordinary species research can produce will not be lower than the mysterious substance mixture in my hand.

And I don't plan to share the more advanced mysterious substance mixture with others for the time being.Their value and effect are not comparable to the first generation of mysterious substance mixtures.

When is the peace talks scheduled? "

Malcolm couldn't help laughing: "I'm too greedy! All the gang bosses in the lower city are waiting for your arrival. You book the time and place, and they will be there whenever they are called!"

Luke nodded.This killing killed all the thorns, and the rest of the people saw their positions clearly.

"Notify old Adrian that the meeting will be held in his alchemy factory, and let him arrange the venue as soon as possible.

Inform all the gang bosses in the downtown area to hold a meeting on time at [-]:[-] tonight, no waits! "

"Yes, Mr. Luke."

At this time, the news of Luke's return had already spread throughout the lower city, and everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for Mr. Luke to bring new order to the lower city.

With such constant beatings and killings, even the residents of the lower city, who are used to seeing death scenes, feel terrified and look forward to settling down soon.

The place and time of the peace talks were reported from Mr. Malcolm's Institute of Extraordinary Species, which actually brought a wave of cheers in the lower city.

After nightfall, the lower city of Saint Lun City was peaceful, and there were people lighting fires in the dark and chaotic streets to celebrate.

There are also a large number of people with strange bodies who are not kind at first glance, walking in groups in the same direction.Although they all carried weapons, they all behaved very politely.Even if they encounter hostile forces, they all tacitly walk away from each other.

Mr. Luke said: Tonight's meeting, don't wait for it to be outdated!
Only a fool fights at this time.

In the Adrian Alchemy Factory, the generators were fully turned on regardless of energy consumption, illuminating the entire factory area as bright as day.On the high shelf, the thugs subordinate to Adrian patrolled swaggeringly with their weapons on their shoulders, all of them arrogant and victorious.

A large square was cleared out in the middle of the factory area, and old Adrian held a big banquet here with no shortage of money, and all the minions who came with their bosses could eat and drink openly here.

The bosses with status and status are gathered in a large and spacious warehouse.

In the middle of the warehouse is a large oval conference table spliced ​​in a circle, and the table is full of food and drinks.The bosses crowded people to sit down, ate meat, drank heavily, and bragged loudly.

Lively and bold, it seems to be a Western-style gathering of Liangshan heroes.

"Mr. Luke is here!"

The originally noisy venue was suddenly silent and quiet.

Seeing Luke walking in from the front door, everyone stood up in unison after the sound of chairs moving.

"Hi Mr. Luke!"

Without prior training, the shouting is not neat, but it also shows the hidden awe in the voice.

Everyone knew that so many people died during this period, none of them were killed by Mr. Luke, but all of them died because of his will.The grand event here today would never have happened in the lower city in the past, but Mr. Luke did it.

He only said one sentence.

Then benefactors, enemies, friends, mortal enemies... sat on the same table.

How to be unconvinced!How to be disrespectful?
Luke, who just came to the factory area, was also very surprised by today's grand occasion. He really didn't expect so many people to come, and the huge warehouse was densely packed with people.

It seems that there are not only the bosses of well-known gangs, but also the leaders of many small groups.

It should be that old Adrian misunderstood what he meant.

But now that everyone has come, it is impossible to drive everyone out.It's better if it's more lively, it's not bad for the drink price.

Luke took a seat in the spacious main seat, and the people at the table sat down with a clatter, and everyone looked over intently.

Luke said to the old Adrian on the right hand side: "I don't know most of the bosses sitting here, so let me introduce them first."

"It's my honor..." Old Adrian stood up and introduced Luke to the bosses who came to the meeting this time.

Everyone who was introduced stood up and saluted Luke respectfully, and Luke nodded in return.

Old Adrian did not introduce all the people on the conference table, but only introduced more than a dozen people near the main seat, and then sat down again.None of the remaining people expressed dissatisfaction, and the bosses of those small gangs felt very satisfied to sit at a table with Mr. Luke.

"It's a great honor to invite so many well-known people from the Lower City of St. Lun to this meeting. I'm sure you all know me. My name is Luke, and I'm a businessman from Raging City.

This time I came to the lower part of Saint Lun City, just to invest and make money.And money... doesn't like being in a place where there's chaos and no security.

So, in order to create a safe investment environment for my money, so that it has a stable and sustainable return cycle, I did some things that you already know.

The process wasn't pretty, but the result met my expectations. "

Luke didn't talk about the peace talks. He knew that none of the people who came here came for the peace talks.

Those who fight and kill are of no benefit to anyone, those who are brave and ruthless will die early, and those who can sit here know what they want.

And if Mr. Luke doesn't talk about fighting, who can cause too much trouble in the lower city?

Everyone continued to look at Luke, expecting what he would say next.

Luke was very satisfied with the reaction of the venue, so many rebellious bosses sat together and listened more seriously than the students in the clear sky class.

"As I said before, nearly half of the [-] million Reichsmark investment I brought to the lower city of St. Lun City has already been signed out.

The rest is for you... definitely not enough. "

Luke's words finally caused restlessness in the venue.Some people whispered to each other, discussing how much fly legs and mosquito meat they can share.Although the real bosses can still keep quiet, their expressions are a bit ugly.Most of them were the losers in this downtown battle, and they all wanted to get their blood back from Luke, but there was only so much money, and so many people were waiting for a piece of the pie.

Luke said with a smile at this time: "Then... let's forget about the [-] million investment. This time I return to the downtown area, and the money I bring... has no limit!
I guarantee that everyone who comes today will have something to go back with. "

Just after Luke finished speaking, the entire venue was silent, and then everyone cheered.Gradually, the cheers became rhythmic, and the bosses knocked on the table in a neat rhythm with oak wine glasses.

Shouting neatly: "Mr. Luke! Mr. Luke! Mr. Luke!"

The many minions who were eating outside didn't know what happened in the venue, but they knew it must be a good thing, and they all shouted in unison.

The mixed sound forms a sound wave, which makes people feel like they are in the hottest football field.

When everyone's excitement was almost vented, Luke stretched out his hand to suppress it, and the crowded venue gradually returned to silence.

"My money will not be spent casually, nor will I give charity. If you want to make money, improve your life, and get rid of your fate, the first thing you need to be obedient.

I propose that old Adrian, Mr. Malcolm and the bosses of the other three alchemy factories be the spokespersons for all parties in the lower city.No matter what conflicts you have in the future, it is best not to cause casualties, and try to leave it to the people involved to discuss and resolve it.

Anyone object? "

There was no speech at the meeting.

Most people are not qualified to object, and the rest, except for the five who are happy in their hearts, do not have the guts to object.

"Okay, if there is no objection, I will assume that you all agree! From now on, there will be rules in the lower part of Shenglun City, so you must abide by the rules and don't do anything to embarrass me."

When talking about money just now, Luke made everyone feel refreshed, as if they had been knocked unconscious by bundles of Imperial Marks.

Now everyone feels like they are in the harsh winter, and the cold makes them unable to move their hands and feet.

And the smile that Luke then showed on his face made everyone feel alive again.Luke is now playing with either the prince or the princess, and at last the grandson of the emperor. The coercion of the upper class raised is not something these low-level people can bear.

"Don't be so nervous, you set your own rules. If you have anything to discuss with your advisers, I'm only responsible for investing and making money.

Next, let's talk about how to make money. "

The first thing Luke threw out was the Polaris Mercenary Group plan.

Select people, sign the contract, inject the first-generation mysterious substance mixture, train, and send them to the battlefield.

Without technical content, it is the most suitable way to make money for people without technology.

Once the Polaris Mercenary Group plan was proposed, it immediately attracted everyone's interest.

The effectiveness of the first generation of mysterious substance mixture is a hard advertisement made in actual combat.One injection will give immediate results, and the side effects are minimal, it is simply a magic potion!
Now that I can gain strength and make money in advance, is there such a good thing in the world?All of a sudden, everyone raised their hands, expressing that they would join the Polaris Mercenary Corps plan and send their best thugs to the Mercenary Corps.

Luke said that all the receivables were collected and everyone was happy.

The formation of the Polaris Mercenary Group is on the agenda, and Luke will soon have a military force that can directly intervene in the civil war of the Rio Republic.

Then there is the equipment upgrade of the refining workshop and alchemy factory around the sewage reservoir.This is a pillar industry in the lower urban area. There is no substitute for a short period of time. Increasing output and quality can effectively increase income.

Although the rate of return on investment is very low, a large sum of money still needs to be injected for the basic stability of the entire urban area.

Then Luke launched the family-based intensive small commodity production industrial park plan.

With the explosive development of Raging Waves City and the promotion of workers' welfare, those labor-intensive and low-profit industries are bound to be eliminated.These industries have market demand, but cannot be mass-produced by machines, and require a large number of workers to complete the necessary processes manually.

These sweatshops, if they can't stay in Raging City, the model city promoted by Luke, can be transferred to the lower city of Saint Lun City, which has a large low-level labor population.

There is no need to promote high salaries, high benefits and ten-hour working hours here. Rough Waves City Market provides machines, raw materials and orders for family workshops in the lower city.This kind of work does not require special training. If you want to make more money, you should work harder, and if you want to be comfortable, you should do less.

Production is based on families and management is done on the basis of gangs, shaping the lower part of Shenglun City into the earliest and largest small commodity production base in the world.

Luke gave his "creative" a big thumbs up.

The bosses of many gangs were also shocked by the grand blueprint drawn by Mr. Luke for them.

Mr. Luke is not only making money with us this time, he is going to make money with everyone in the entire lower city!
Raging Waves City provides equipment and raw materials, and they can produce it with their own hands, and all the things produced are recycled.Without any investment, without taking any risks... Isn't this just picking up money for nothing?
Is it better than picking up trash?Isn't it more dignified than picking up trash?
Everyone at the conference table restrained their fierceness, and some people couldn't help but secretly wiped their tears, forcing themselves not to cry here.

And those who harbor other thoughts in their hearts wipe out the bad thoughts.

The lower part of St. Lun's City will belong to Mr. Luke from now on!
No one can take it away!

(End of this chapter)

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