Age of Arcane

Chapter 286 Small Commodity City

Chapter 286 Small Commodity City

Luke, who had been in the Cape District, knew where the ferocity of these villains originated... It was a struggle against the existing life.

There are only so many survival resources in the huge downtown area, and the constant influx of bankrupt people is to dilute and dilute such a little resource.If you don't fight, the whole family will be hungry; if you are evil, you can protect yourself.

It can be said that the needs of most people here are very, very simple... There is food to eat tomorrow, food to eat the day after tomorrow, and food to eat in the foreseeable future.

Luke wants to set up a small commodity production base in the lower city this time, just to give them a stable meal ticket.Although the food is not good, it can control the fullness.

At this time, the emotions permeating the venue were completely different from those just now. No one spoke, but there were countless things in their hearts that they wanted to say.

Big sound and hope, the elephant is invisible!
If Luke could frighten the heroes when he came in, he used the prestige that made blood flow here, but now he uses the grace that nourishes all things.

All hope, forge the throne.

Luke said intentionally to everyone: "Why... do you all think that the investment project I proposed is not good?"

All the bosses in the venue stood up and saluted Luke: "Thank you Mr. Luke for your gift, we are willing to pledge our allegiance to you and never betray you!"

Luke laughed.

He never believed in verbal allegiance, he only believed in the power of capital in his hands.These people may not be loyal to themselves for a long time, but their loyalty to the orders in their hands is definitely long-lasting.

But the power that can resist capital has not yet appeared in this world.

"Since you all trust me so much, today I will take the lead in establishing the Polaris Commodity Production Company. All of you here are the initial shareholders of Polaris. You can not only get paid for working for the company, but also get a share of the company's profits.

Alice will record the names of all the shareholders on my behalf.For the distribution of equity, I need to discuss with the five speakers and shareholder representatives, and try my best to formulate a fair equity distribution plan for you.

After you go back, divide your production responsibility area according to the current site.The disputed area will be allocated at the general meeting of shareholders in the future, and then the disputed area will be transferred to the company as public property.

In addition, the household registration and population composition of the respective responsible areas are counted.Don't cheat, because the order cannot be completed because of the false report of the population, the punishment is definitely greater than the profit and loss of your false report..."

Luke worked out the structural framework of Polaris Company based on his own memory, and the remaining details that needed to be added could not be settled in this meeting.Anyway, do it first, and patch it in time if you encounter problems.

A meeting is a feast for the host and guest, and the content of the discussion exceeds the expectations of all the participants.Although Mr. Luke did not hand out money on the spot, he created a golden rice bowl for everyone here.

After the meeting ended, the news spread quickly, and soon the entire downtown area fell into a carnival.

The meeting was over, and then Luke pulled the five speakers and a few influential bosses into a closed room for a small meeting.

Whether it is upgrading the alchemy factory or establishing the Polaris small commodity production base, it is a long-term investment, and there will be no profit in a short time.

And the Polaris Mercenary Group can immediately see the money when it is formed.

Watchers now have money and nowhere to spend it, but urgently need a new force to supplement it.They have secretly contacted Viscount Iscoran many times, hoping to obtain some foreign sources of soldiers. Obviously, the war in Leo is not good for them.

Luke suggested that several bosses first collect 500 elite thugs and send them to Rage City for training. Old Adrian will produce the first-generation mysterious substance mixture needed by these mercenaries as soon as possible.After all the mercenaries were injected with medicine, they were immediately shipped to Leo.

"The watchmen paid double the price for these mercenaries. They will get the equipment I specially prepared when they arrive in Raging Waves City. A trainer group composed of retired imperial officers is already on standby in Raging Waves City.

Only by helping the Watchers stabilize their battle lines can our Polaris Mercenary Corps continue to make money.If the Leo government army wiped out the Restoration Army of the Watchers, the Watchers would not need mercenaries.Without war, our mercenary group would have no money to make..."

It must be very dangerous to go to Leo to support the Watchers at this time, but you can get double rewards.Mr. Luke closed the door and distributed such a good business to everyone, which is simply giving us a little trouble.

Support, must support!
"Mr. Luke is right! If we don't want to fight, what are we going to do with the Polaris Mercenary Group?" Old Adrian said loudly.

In the fights and battles these days, he often gave his subordinates injections, and he also used money to recruit many thugs. Usually, raising this group of people is quite expensive.

In the current situation in the lower city, with Mr. Luke intimidating the crowd, and five speakers maintaining order, chaos will return to order.It is simply a very big burden to raise so many thugs.

Nor can it dispel the chilled hearts of the brethren.

Now that Mr. Luke wants someone, it means that he has made money and solved this problem.

Old Adrian immediately reported a number.


Seeing that the most powerful old Adrian had handed over so many of his elite thugs, the other bosses also expressed their willingness to make this money.

Luke offers a toast to seal the matter.

In fact, the lookout's urgency for the mercenaries is far from the point where it will be over without reinforcements.Luke more wanted to reduce the strength of some old Adrian. After all, he still has the advantage of fighting three with one family, which makes the talker system tilted too much.

In order to reduce his own expenses, old Adrian took the initiative to send out his elite thugs, which was equivalent to avoiding a catastrophe for himself.

Next, is the real benefit that Luke prepared for these bosses.

Luke generously gave each of them a set of residences in the center of Raging City, their families can move to Raging City, and their children can get the best education in Raging City.

In addition, everyone was given a red envelope, which contained all gold coupons.

"You are all influential figures in the Lower City of St. Lun, and I am telling you clearly that I have no interest in managing the Lower City.

Downtown belongs to the residents of Downtown, it belongs to you.

My request is very, very make money.No matter what method you use to manage the downtown area, I don't want to see my investment in an uncontrollable risk.

If you can't control this place, I will consider helping you control it! "

Now even the lowest level people know what kind of place Rage City is.With the continuous improvement of Raging Waves City's economic strength and international status, the housing prices of Raging Waves City are also rising all the way.

And the houses in the downtown area of ​​Raging Waves City have become even more speculative.

Mr. Luke sent a set of houses in the central city of Rage City by himself, knocking everyone dizzy.This means that they have completely got rid of their identities at the bottom of the society, and they can have time to go to Rage City to enjoy the upper class life.In addition, his children can receive the best education in the world in the center of Raging Waves City.

Old Adrian couldn't hide his excitement. Isn't he working hard at this age so that his grandson can go out?
As for Mr. Luke's last sentence.

Everyone understands.

After receiving so many benefits from Mr. Luke, he ended up messing up the errand.Just jump into the sewage reservoir by yourself, don't get Mr. hands dirty!

"Mr. Luke, don't worry! Even if there is chaos in the palace...the new downtown area will not be in chaos!"

The others immediately followed Old Adrian and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Luke! Even if there is chaos in the palace... the new downtown area will not be in chaos!"

Luke stayed in the lower part of St. Lun City for three days. After dealing with many things, he quietly returned to Rage City.

As for the investment and support in the lower part of Shenglun City, it is not clear through correspondence.This is also related to Luke's layout of the future situation, and he should be more cautious and not make any mistakes.

Luke went to Rage City, and Princess Dai came to the Museum of Clear Sky under the strict escort of the Royal Knights.

Now her identity has been known to the students here, none of them thought that Jasmine Xiang, who attends class and plays with her every actually the imperial princess!

And Princess Dai will also attend classes here with them in the future.

The students looked at Dai'er who walked into the classroom with Professor Qingkong, their eyes widened like copper bells, and they didn't expect this honor to fall on their heads like this.

Qingkong formally introduced Dai'er to the students: "For safety reasons, Princess Dai'er is hiding here as Jasmine from possible assassination. Now that all the criminals have been wiped out, Princess Dai'er will use her true identity in the future. Study here with you.

I hope you don't treat her special because of her status.In my academy, every student is equal.I think Princess Del and agree with me. "

Daier saluted her classmates generously: "Of course, the name Jasmine has brought me many good memories, and the days I spent with you are my happiest days.

Please continue to regard me as Jasmine, and don't care about my princess status. "

Class monitor Heidi Siko raised his hand and stood up and said, "Jaslixiang... no, no, it's Her Royal Highness Princess Dai.

I have a question for you. "

"Excuse me……"

"With regard to our reasoning about the attack, which one is closest to the truth?" Heidicco asked.

Dai'er looked at the clear sky, then smiled and said to Haidishiko: "Of course it's your reasoning. An assassin used space skills to break through the defense and entered the carriage. He knocked out my maid and hijacked me.

Fortunately, Miss Qingkong found my location through secret techniques, and then notified Governor Meteor to save me.

You are very powerful, even though I kept creating mysteries for you with wrong reasoning, you still insisted on the truth you deduced. "

Hearing the "truth" from Dai'er herself, Heidi Siko excitedly celebrated for himself: "I knew I was right! I'm a genius detective!"

Qingkong was surprised by Haidishiko's performance. The brain circuit of the teenager is indeed difficult to explain.

Well, we believe this truth.

Clear Sky asked Daier to return to her seat and began to teach.

This time Luke returned to Rage City, which was the farthest from the clear sky.As a distance test to connect with the clear sky, Luke didn't feel any barriers to control.Moreover, after recovering the clear sky, it will still appear in the original position after logging in again.

It's just that the available virtual teleportation points will change due to the location of Luke's body.Luke is in Raging City, so Clear Sky cannot use the virtual teleportation point in Saint Lun City.

This lack of functionality is nothing to Clear Sky.

Some tests require further observation.

During the time when Meteor was not at home, there were meetings of the imperial cabinet in the palace almost every day.Moreover, because the eldest prince Fania was the commander in chief of the Southern Front War, he was called into the cabinet by Emperor Augustine and participated in these cabinet meetings.

War reports came from the south.

General Joshul took the initiative to attack, concentrated the main force of the Northern Army, and launched a large-scale attack on the Tedgar Hills with the assistance of the Southern Defense Army.

Although the Imperial Army is well-equipped, well-trained, and has high morale, the Barbarian Legion is worthy of being the army that the Empire relied on most before.In addition to causing a lot of damage to the barbarian army in the offensive, the imperial army itself also suffered heavy losses.

Now General Joshul is still commanding the army to maintain an offensive posture, hoping to lay down an occupied area in the Tedgar Hills and serve as a forward base for the imperial army's subsequent offensive.

It's just that the fourteen occupation goals originally formulated are very likely to be impossible to achieve.

No matter how much the imperial court fights, facing the Celtic Grand Duke, everyone's interests are the same.

On the battle map of the Tedgar Hills on the table, the eldest prince Fania narrated the specific situation of General Joshuaer's offensive for Emperor Augustine and the cabinet ministers.

"The natural physique and unyielding spirit of the barbarians make up for their lack of equipment. So far, our side has not captured a healthy barbarian prisoner. Death in battle is their belief. This is very important to the will of the imperial soldiers. test.

Moreover, there are a large number of abyss mages in the Tedgar Hills to provide magic and secret support for the barbarians. General Joshuar is fighting very hard.

Since the start of the war, the Army of the North has only captured three occupation targets.Five occupation targets may be the upper limit of this offensive operation..."

Looking at the positions of the two armies on the map, Emperor Augustine couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

According to Fania's personality, he probably wouldn't let Joshuar fight like this.It can be seen from the battle line on the map that the main force of the Northern Legion is really fighting against the Barbarian Legion, and there is a great battle for who is the first legion of the empire.

In order to control the Northern Legion, Fania didn't even marry a wife. How could he be willing to fight so hard?
Moreover, Alec suddenly understood his intentions and ran to the western front to preside over the bandit suppression operation.

These two brothers are very abnormal!
And Agatha.

Emperor Augustine looked at his daughter, she was very close to Alec recently, and it was abnormal!
The father knew his children best, and the emperor's intuition told him that the abnormal behavior of the children was driven by a force behind them.

As for what this power goes without saying.

Meteor, do I have to kill you?

What a pity!

(End of this chapter)

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