Age of Arcane

Chapter 293 Coming of Age

Chapter 293 Coming of Age

Luke was also puzzled by Yomington's obviously tendentious speech, but it was more appropriate to say these words from his mouth than from himself.It would be best if the Cross Society is willing to spit out some monopoly industries. Although the chances are not high, it is still a point of contention.

The ball was kicked to Gabriel's feet, so he naturally wanted to continue to fight for the interests of the Cross Society.

Then the arduous and lengthy negotiations began, and the two sides couldn't help but slapped the table for constructive communication when they were excited.

However, regardless of the quarrel between the two sides, the general direction of the expansion of Raging Waves City has not changed, and the contention is only how much the Cross Society and the Innovation Society can share in this big cake.

After a round of negotiations, the expansion of Raging Waves City entered the cabinet's official agenda.Recently, Gabriel's chief assistant meeting formally submitted the plan for the Raging City economic circle at the imperial cabinet meeting.

The cake-sharing negotiations will continue.

Luke, holding a table knife, not only needs to negotiate with the cross, but also with all the forces in the empire. He is destined to be busier than before.

It also made everyone in the imperial capital pay attention to the expansion plan of Raging Waves City, from the royal family and dignitaries to the traffickers and pawns.Some people with spare money are thinking about how to find their way, taking advantage of this opening that is about to open up and soar into the sky.

With the support of continuous reports from the major newspapers in the imperial capital, the wealth of Raging Wave City has confused people's eyes, so that one piece of news has not received widespread attention.

The Crusader Project moved from secret development to commercialization.

Miss Cloudy Sky is hired by the Crusader Project and owns a secret arts laboratory led by her.

Luke is very clear that the future research and development direction of the power system is the integration of technology, and the fusion of magic, alchemy, occult, machinery, and extraordinary is not a simple stack of technologies.Putting the same thing in different frames, someone may build a row of bungalows, while someone may build a skyscraper.

Mystery, a power system that has flourished in the hands of players, and its inclusiveness can perfectly nest other power systems in a framework dominated by occult arts.

This is also the reason why the secret art became beyond other powers in the later stage.

And Luke's data recorded in the phone allows him to have a secret technology tree that has been tempered by countless players.It is precisely the backward development of other power systems at this stage that restricts him from unleashing the potential energy of the secret technique technology tree.

With the resources of secret arts gradually sufficient, how to adapt other power systems to secret arts has become a problem that Luke has to solve now.

Although Luke has won the Urban Alchemy Association in Raging City, some traditional power systems are authoritative in Saint Lun City.

In the Epoch game, the character of Qingkong is at a high level among players, and all high-difficulty dungeons can be easily cleared with stars by virtue of technology.And those top players and super kryptonites who pursue the ultimate regard the advanced dungeon as a racing game, which is how many seconds faster than the clearance time.

Therefore, Clear Sky actually has a lot of room for improvement.

After the body has laid a solid foundation, it also needs to integrate other power systems to achieve a multiplicative strength improvement.

Participating in the Crusader Project is an opportunity to enter the research system of St. Lun City.

Negotiations with Gabriel were difficult, but fortunately, some results were achieved every time.With the fuel of public opinion and the help of all parties, the expansion plan of Raging Waves City was also advanced very quickly at the cabinet meeting before the imperial court.

The merger of the six towns into the city of Raging Waves is a certainty, and it is only a matter of Augustine the Great signing the final order.It's just that Emperor Augustine deliberately delayed, saying that he would sign this order after Princess Dai's coming-of-age ceremony was over.

Princess Dai'er's birthday is getting closer, and the atmosphere of celebration in the imperial capital is getting stronger and stronger.

Luke gradually handed over unimportant negotiations to Yomington, and he took the time to accept Agatha's court etiquette teaching.

Especially the court dance, it is really not something that can be mastered after a few courses.

Although Luke doesn't care about these etiquettes, always stepping on the feet of his female partner when dancing is definitely not just a faux pas.

Turn around, move around, stagger, switch positions...

Ladies should be light, while men should walk steadily. There are summoned goblins in the middle pulling magic rainbow strips and sprinkle fluorescent powder, and noble ladies are accompanied by goblins holding scarves or skirts.

If you want not to make a fool of yourself at the ball, you must first learn court fencing.

Court dance evolved from court fencing. From the beginning, court swordsmen performed fencing performances at banquets, and gradually turned into court dance after removing the sword.

Agatha is wearing a fencing uniform, holding a long sword in her right hand and a short sword in her left.Opposite her, Luke is equally dressed.

Agatha took a step forward, swords two by two.

"Attention, sword-tan contact means holding hands, and the weaker side is the lady. Take half a step back, slide, turn around, advance sideways, slide, turn around, advance, step backward sideways, slide.

This is the most basic step, enough for you to deal with common situations.The steps required for fighting dance are much more complicated, and you don't need to know it for the time being.

Now let's practice and follow my rhythm. "

After practicing for a period of time, Luke is already familiar with the dance steps, but he has not mastered the rhythm well.Fortunately, Agatha is a professional court dance master. Under her guidance, Luke successfully completed a dance practice.

Then add movement in the arms and upper body.

Since it is a dance evolved from fencing, of course there are attacks and dodges.Only after the dance is improved, these movements are endowed with a sense of beauty, and after being performed by male and female dancers, they present a sense of both rigidity and softness.

At the same time, the airflow and blasting effects produced by the collision of sword skills and energy are replaced by flying fairies, making the whole dance more beautiful and gorgeous.

Agatha leads Luke through an in-depth practice of dancing with swords in both hands, while talking to distract him, allowing the dance steps to become his muscular responses.

"Your first dance partner must be Daier. She is very kind, and you have saved her again. She will not make things difficult for you when dancing. If someone else invites you to dance, you need to pay attention.

The impromptu court dance is a real swordsmanship duel. According to your current proficiency in court fencing, any noble girl can embarrass you. "

The swords were separated, the blades of the swords were pressed against each other, and the two swapped positions.

Luke said: "After a dance, I will find a place to sit and drink. His Majesty will definitely send someone to contact me first, and the dance has nothing to do with me."

The two took a step forward again, their swords touched each other, Luke stepped forward, Agatha took a step back, and their eyes met.

"There's news from the palace that some guest rooms have been cleaned out, the emperor may arrange for some young people he admires to stay overnight, and give Dai'er a chance to get to know them more.

You have to be mentally prepared, the emperor's evaluation of you this time will take some time. "

This was unexpected news for Luke.

"Your Majesty is very serious about Princess Dai'er's coming-of-age ceremony, as if he really put his heart into choosing a suitable husband for her."

Agatha sighed, "It's hard to guess what he's thinking. The coming-of-age ceremonies of the princes and princesses of the royal family have never been so grand before, and their marriages were all appointed by the emperor.

The father's desire to control is very strong.

But since Dai'er returned to the palace, some of his behaviors have changed a lot. The love and care for Dai'er has never been given to us. "

Feeling Agatha's loss, Luke said, "Are you jealous of Del?"

Agatha's expression quickly recovered: "You stepped on my foot."

"Sorry!" Luke backed away quickly.

But Agatha used her sword to hang on to Luke's, and pulled him in front of her: "At the ball, step on it, don't mess up your steps.

continue! "

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

After a period of time, Luke's court etiquette and court dance have made great progress after being taught by the eldest princess.

The time has also come to the day of Princess Dai'er's coming-of-age ceremony.

Countless carriages converged from all directions towards the main entrance of the palace, and the noble children in gorgeous dresses entered the palace through the corridor guarded by the palace guards.

Luke entered the palace directly in the imperial carriage.

The space wall passed through unknowingly, just like a map palace suddenly came alive.

A majestic palace was surrounded by the towering city walls, and the national flag of the Golden Shield Empire was flying at the tip of the cloud-like towers.

Soldiers in full armor stood on the sentry post, and from time to time, magic bullets flew into the air and then scattered into rain and dew with magical energy, forming a colorful rainbow.

The burly trumpeters puffed their cheeks and blew the several-meter-long trombone. The long and ancient sound of the trumpet seemed to feel the profound heritage passed down from the empire.

People who came to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony of Princess Dai gathered in the palace hall, and as a seed player, Luke was invited to stand at the forefront.

Standing next to him were the sons of high-ranking officials and prominent families, each with their eyes raised above their heads and looking rebellious.And they all looked at Luke intentionally or unintentionally, all eyes full of hostility.

As a person of the same age, Meteor is sitting in the city of Raging Waves, and he is much better than these dudes like them. He is a strong competitor that everyone must face.

Of course, the aristocratic girls who came to the celebration looked at Luke in a different way.

For them.

If Princess Dai'er hadn't chosen Meteor, she would have a chance to have a romantic encounter with him here.Use your tenderness and beauty to soothe his wounded heart, and then you will become the governor's wife, the richest woman in the world.

Two completely different eyes focused on Luke, making him the most eye-catching focus in the hall before Princess Dai appeared on the stage.

Luke, on the other hand, doesn't care what those around him think of him.

Dai'er was not his goal at all, he have a potential confrontation with Emperor Augustine.

I am coming.

Do you dare to touch me?
After a while, as the music sounded, the hall was silent.Then a stunning woman in unusually gorgeous clothes walked up to the stage surrounded by female officials.

The people in the hall saluted the woman together and said in unison: "His Royal Highness, good day!"

This time, Princess Dai'er's coming-of-age ceremony was presided over by Empress Christina of the Golden Shield Empire. Presumably, it was because Emperor Augustine's body did not allow him to attend such a ceremony.

Christina was very young, about the same age as Agatha.She is the princess of the Kingdom of Lucen, a vassal state of the Golden Shield Empire. She married Emperor Augustine three years ago and became the Empress of the Empire.

In fact, Christina was originally planning to marry the second prince, Acrylic, but when they were discussing the marriage, the original queen of Augustine the Great died.

Marrying Alec is not sure whether you can become the Empress of the Empire, but marrying Augustine the Great must be the Empress of the Empire.So under the extreme manipulation of King Lucien, Emperor Augustine married Christina who was supposed to be his daughter-in-law.

Queen Christina has been very low-key since she married Emperor Augustine the Great. She reads books every day and hardly leaves the palace for half a step, so she doesn't have much sense of presence.

This time Christina came to preside over Princess Dai's coming-of-age ceremony, and people were first amazed by her dignity and beauty as a queen.

The life in the deep palace made Christina feel a little indifferent, combined with her youthful appearance, she showed a frosty temperament.

Christina, who came to the stage, did not say too many words. After expressing her welcome to the guests, she immediately announced the start of the ceremony.

The music became loud and holy, and the crowd in the hall automatically separated, leaving a corridor leading to the main entrance of the hall.

The red carpet is laid on the ground under the effect of magic.

The closed front door opened, and Princess Dai in a splendid attire walked in.

The goblin was flying in the air with a basket on her shoulders, taking out petals from the basket and splashing them into the air; the maid behind her was holding a long dress for Princess Dai; He also recited a short poem to increase Princess Dai's impression of herself.

Dai Er showed the dignity of a royal princess, and she walked to the stage amidst music and blessings without squinting.

Until she saw Luke standing in the front.

A smile unconsciously came to the corner of Princess Dai's mouth, and she recalled the wonderful experience with Luke in the downtown area.

The smile of Princess Dai hits every man's heart. Her beauty is flawless and pure, and people can't help but want to use all their strength to care for her.

But people soon discovered that Princess Dai'er didn't look at the queen on the stage, she looked at... the meteor.

Her smile is also given to Meteor.

Immediately, countless jealous forums were overturned, and the eyes of hatred shot at Luke like arrows.

What was even more shocking was that Princess Dai actually stopped in front of Luke, which definitely did not conform to the procedure of the ceremony.

Princess Dai looked at Luke and said, "Does it still count what you promised me?"

Luke didn't expect Dai'er to ask such a question at this time, so he had no choice but to answer: "I promise you, I can do it!"

"I'm waiting for you!"

Luke could see in Del's eyes that she definitely did it on purpose.Such a short and ambiguous dialogue, something that can be interpreted can definitely write tens of thousands of words with color.

Del, you've turned bad!
"Hmm!" Facing the pressure around him, Luke could only hold back a sound from his throat.

Dai'er knew what the occasion was, she didn't continue to tease Luke, she regained her demeanor and walked up to the ceremony stage.

She bowed to Christina and shouted respectfully: "Mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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